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Looking Good Acting Bad
Looking Good Acting Bad
Looking Good Acting Bad
Ebook87 pages52 minutes

Looking Good Acting Bad

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About this ebook

The Queen of Sass


In the bustling city of Glamorville, where fashion trends changed faster than the speed of light, there was one undeniable star shining bright—Vanessa Vogue. With her radiant beauty, Vanessa turned heads wherever she went, and the streets became her runway. Her cascading golden locks and piercing blue eyes made her the epitome of glamour.


However, beneath the glossy exterior, there lurked a force to be reckoned with—a personality that could make even the most confident souls question their own worth. Vanessa Vogue, the Queen of Sass, ruled with an iron will and a withering glare.


As Vanessa strolled down the busy streets, her high heels clicking in a rhythm only she could appreciate, she spared no one from her critical gaze. The mere mortals around her became unwitting participants in her daily fashion show, where she assessed their outfits with an invisible scorecard.


She entered the trendiest café in town, "Chic Bites," where fashionistas gathered to sip artisanal lattes and discuss the latest couture. Vanessa slid into a corner booth, her presence immediately sending ripples of excitement through the cafe. Whispers of admiration and envy floated in the air like fragrant coffee steam.

PublisherJoe Tony
Release dateJun 11, 2024
Looking Good Acting Bad

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    Book preview

    Looking Good Acting Bad - Joe Tony

    Looking Good but Acting Bad

    Chapter 1

    The Queen of Sass

    In the bustling city of Glamorville, where fashion trends changed faster than the speed of light, there was one undeniable star shining bright—Vanessa Vogue. With her radiant beauty, Vanessa turned heads wherever she went, and the streets became her runway. Her cascading golden locks and piercing blue eyes made her the epitome of glamour.

    However, beneath the glossy exterior, there lurked a force to be reckoned with—a personality that could make even the most confident souls question their own worth. Vanessa Vogue, the Queen of Sass, ruled with an iron will and a withering glare.

    As Vanessa strolled down the busy streets, her high heels clicking in a rhythm only she could appreciate, she spared no one from her critical gaze. The mere mortals around her became unwitting participants in her daily fashion show, where she assessed their outfits with an invisible scorecard.

    She entered the trendiest café in town, Chic Bites, where fashionistas gathered to sip artisanal lattes and discuss the latest couture. Vanessa slid into a corner booth, her presence immediately sending ripples of excitement through the cafe. Whispers of admiration and envy floated in the air like fragrant coffee steam.

    The barista, a tattooed artiste of coffee, approached her with a practiced smile. The usual, Ms. Vogue?

    Obviously, Vanessa replied with a flick of her perfectly manicured nails. She leaned back, surveying the cafe with an air of superiority. To her, every coffee order was a test of the barista's aesthetic sensibilities, and she relished the power she held over each and every latte presentation.

    As Vanessa awaited her divine concoction, she observed the patrons with a critical eye. The fashion-forward clientele seemed to quiver under her gaze, adjusting their scarves and straightening their jackets in an attempt to impress the Queen of Sass.

    Her coffee arrived, a masterpiece of latte art, and she dismissed the barista with a nonchalant nod. Taking a sip, she rolled her eyes dramatically, signaling her dissatisfaction. This is so last season.

    The barista, undeterred, rushed to correct the perceived offense, muttering apologies under their breath. Vanessa reveled in the mini-drama, confident that her standards were reshaping the very fabric of the café's coffee culture.

    Vanessa's reputation extended far beyond the café walls. Her social media accounts were a curated gallery of her life, each post meticulously chosen to maintain the illusion of an effortlessly glamorous existence. Her followers, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, hung on to every sassy caption and eye-rolling selfie.

    But the true highlight of Vanessa's online presence was her fashion blog, Vogue Vibes. Here, she dissected the latest trends, critiqued celebrity styles, and offered her own insights into the ever-evolving world of glamour. Her blog posts were a rollercoaster of snarky comments and cutting-edge fashion analyses.

    One particular entry, titled Fashion Faux Pas: A Public Service Announcement, became the talk of Glamorville. Vanessa, perched on her velvet throne of judgment, dissected the wardrobes of unsuspecting celebrities with surgical precision. The post went viral, and Glamorville was left in a state of fashion-induced hysteria.

    Yet, for all her outer brilliance, Vanessa's personal relationships were as elusive as the perfect red lipstick shade. Friends were a rarity, and those who dared to enter her inner circle soon found themselves questioning their life choices.

    As Vanessa sipped her latte, she noticed a group of aspiring fashionistas whispering excitedly at a nearby table. Their hushed tones and glances in her direction signaled the presence of admirers—potential subjects for her next fashion critique.

    With a graceful swish of her hair, Vanessa approached the group. Darlings, I couldn't help but notice your desperate attempt to channel my signature style. It's cute, really, but let's be clear: imitation will only get you so far. True style is an art, and not everyone can be a Vogue.

    The aspiring fashionistas, caught off guard, stammered a mix of apologies and compliments. Vanessa, basking in the attention, decided to impart a nugget of wisdom. Remember, fashion is about breaking rules, not following them. But breaking them with grace, darling, not with the gracelessness of a newborn giraffe.

    As she walked away, leaving a trail of bewildered admirers, Vanessa couldn't help but revel in her own audacity. To her, Glamorville was her playground, and she was the reigning queen, ready to critique, conquer, and eye-roll

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