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Its Ok To Sinn: MidNight Passion
Its Ok To Sinn: MidNight Passion
Its Ok To Sinn: MidNight Passion
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Its Ok To Sinn: MidNight Passion

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"I'd be willing to offer you both a solution to your financial problems," he said, a predatory edge to his voice.

Kylie felt a flood of doubts and fears wash through her, but she couldn't shake the lingering thrill of excitement that pushed them aside.

"Something... involving me?" Ben asked, a flicker of unease flitting across his features.

Brad's gaze never left Kylie.

"That's right, something involving you two. And I'm not talking about just the usual thing." His eyes flicked towards Ben, a wicked glint in them now. "No, I want to offer you two a chance at an entire new experience."

Kylie's eyes widened, her heart thundering in her chest.

"An experience?"

Ben's brow furrowed, his mind piecing together what Brad could possibly mean.

Beads of sweat formed on Brad's brow as he leaned in closer to his potential partners.

He locked eyes with Ben, a devious smile spreading across his face.

"I want Kylie to become my personal Plaything." He said it so casually that for a moment, the words didn't register in Ben's brain.



Will Ben Agree to offer me to him?

Release dateJun 22, 2024
Its Ok To Sinn: MidNight Passion

MidNight Passion

MidNight Passion is a renowned author in the realm of erotic literature, captivating readers with their evocative storytelling and masterful command of sensuality. With a talent for weaving tantalizing tales that explore the depths of desire, MidNight Passion creates immersive worlds where fantasies come to life. Their works, known for their exquisite prose and intricate character development, offer a perfect blend of romance and raw passion, leaving readers breathless and yearning for more. An enigmatic and private figure, MidNight Passion lets their writing speak volumes, inviting readers to embark on a journey of pleasure and exploration with each turn of the page.

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    Its Ok To Sinn - MidNight Passion

    Its Ok To Sin

    MidNight Passion

    MidNight Passion

    Copyright © 2024 MidNight Passion

    All rights reserved

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    Cover design by: MidNight Passion


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    Chapter 4

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    As our Uber coasted to a stop, I shielded the sun from my eyes and beheld a tower of glass and steel looming before me. The building bore no flaws, fitting for the prestigious address of its mysterious resident. Ben gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and smiled. Come on. He's expecting us.

    I gazed into his handsome face, searching for a hint of doubt—of regret—but there was none. Only excitement bubbled in his baby blues.

    Our relationship had been careless, reckless, one where we gorged on the thrills of freedom. And now we found ourselves in considerable debt. Ben had told me about his wealthy friend, Brad, who might be able to help us out under the right circumstances. He wouldn't elaborate any further, just said I should come meet him. Yet, something about this didn't feel right to me.

    The doorman escorted us into the spacious penthouse suite high above the city. A sensuous breeze caressed my cheek as it flowed in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, revealing the panoramic views as if we were one with the sky.

    The opulence of the penthouse took my breath away, and the tension in my shoulders loosened a fraction.

    Ben elbowed me gently. Told you, Kylie. This is a whole new world.

    I replied with a nervous nod and glanced up at the magnificent chandelier casting warm light over the spacious area. I could make out several clusters of partygoers scattered throughout, engaging in conversations or laughing uproariously. It became evident that every guest glimmered with affluence and refinement, their lives detached from mine.

    I couldn't help but feel a peculiar blend of admiration and discomfort, making my shyness even more pronounced.

    Ben and I glided across the plush carpeted floor, snaking between groups of lively partygoers. Nervous butterflies fluttered rampantly in my stomach.

    Did you know that Brad used to be an NBA player? Ben asked casually, tipping back a glass of champagne he had grabbed from one of the servers passing by. His confidence served as a piercing contrast to my cautious anxiety.

    I managed a feeble reply, Really? He had never mentioned that.

    Yeah, impressive, isn't it? Ben muttered, lips curling into a smirk. I detected something in his tone, but we had long known how to navigate the delicate dance of our relationship. Unspoken words usually filled the silent spaces between us, their presence more solid than any tangible object.

    A flash of gold caught my attention, and I noticed a tall, athletic figure excusing himself from a group. The crowd around him seemed to ripple like waves, leaving no doubt about his influence.

    The man, Brad, separated from the clutch of people and began weaving toward us. My nerves jumped to attention as I forced myself to maintain a placid stance while internally fidgeting.

    Brad's intense eyes locked on mine, and a magnetic pull tethered us. He extended a well-manicured hand in my direction, which I took. A shiver slithered up my spine as his warm words soothed me. Ah, you must be Kylie. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Ben has told me so much about you, Brad said, his words pouring over me like hot caramel. I flushed, feeling my mouth go dry.

    A faint smile played on Ben's lips as if he were savoring a secret. I glanced sharply at him, but his attention was centered on refilling his drink from a passing server.

    Likewise, I murmured, wrestling my trepidation into a box and tucking it away to deal with later.

    Brad leaned in, and I caught a whiff of some enticing, expensive cologne. Would you like to step into another room for better conversation? he offered, hand beckoning toward a closed door. It seemed an innocuous invitation, but my heart thrummed furiously against my ribs, as if predicting my indecision.

    I glanced at Ben, nervously seeking his input. My intuition screamed its discomfort, even as the allure of the lavish lifestyle beckoned me into the unknown.

    Ben didn't even attempt to hide his excitement. Sure, go ahead! I'll catch up with you in a little bit. I just need to use the restroom. He grinned at me, eyes twinkling with mischief, before turning to disappear among the crowd. I was relieved that he appeared so confident and unaffected by this proposition, yet I also felt a flutter of worry. Was I about to take a step I'd regret?

    I wavered, but the siren call of that tantalizing lifestyle won out. Alright, I assented, my voice barely a whisper.

    Brad's eyes gleamed with victory, a predatory triumph, as he led me to a secluded room. At the threshold, I paused, steadying myself for whatever awaited me on the other side. I glanced over my shoulder, my gaze sweeping through the partygoers in the expansive living room. Ben was nowhere in sight, leaving me with a strange feeling that he'd intentionally offered me to this stranger's mercy.

    I hesitated, but Brad's subtle pressure on my lower back stirred me from my hesitation.

    As we stepped into the dimly lit room, an exquisite chaise longue enticingly beckoned us. It was the epitome

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