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Ally and Sally Cousins of Atrocity: They Started The Fire That Will Never Burnout
Ally and Sally Cousins of Atrocity: They Started The Fire That Will Never Burnout
Ally and Sally Cousins of Atrocity: They Started The Fire That Will Never Burnout
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Ally and Sally Cousins of Atrocity: They Started The Fire That Will Never Burnout

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No matter how she swayed her hips or batted her made-up eyelashes, she was nothing but pure evil. Ally put her husband and her kids through hell, and they followed gladly. Ally had the help of her cousin Sally. What they did not realize was karma works two ways.

They released all the family skeletons that were hidden for decades, which include incest, child abuse, Ally's time as the town whore, her raping of a small community, elders having her as their lunchtime pleasure, and more. Don't forget the stranger buried under the cement floor in the basement.

After you read this, you be the judge. Is Brian guilty, or was it just a big mockery of the court system?

Allowing a death threat in the courtroom--who does that? Or what about this: before trial, the prosecutor announced to us, "With or without DNA, Brian is going to prison"? That prosecutor must have forgotten "innocent until proven guilty."

How did Ally and Sally know that Muck County would be as corrupt as them? After all, Sally's husband used the brotherhood of police officers, making them look like the Keystone Cops.

With no evidence, they all believed the victim and his poor family, but there was evidence being hidden from the judge that would exonerate Brian and likely point at a family member of Sally's. DNA doesn't lie, but the alleged victims did.

Another unbelievable disaster for Brian: his attorney gave up, resting the case to the court without a single defense argument or witness. Did he give up, or was his life threatened before the trial? Sally's family did come gunning for Brian. The word was to kill him.

They sent Brian to six years in prison, and he is now judged as a pedophile, a child molester--a title for life.

Release dateMay 31, 2024
Ally and Sally Cousins of Atrocity: They Started The Fire That Will Never Burnout

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    Book preview

    Ally and Sally Cousins of Atrocity - Karen Sue Kiey

    Table of Contents




    Ally's Transformation

    Detective Bass's First Call

    Mateo's First Days

    On Bond

    The Investigation Begins

    Uncle Stewart

    Dustin's Tent

    Again, Dustin's Tent

    Ally's Action

    Super Family

    Don and Brian's Defense

    Mateo's Stepwise Interview vs. Mateo's Court Testimony

    Subpoena for the Defense

    The Court Date Nears


    The OLR's Decision

    Relying on Public Defenders Now

    Muck County Jail


    Sally's Idiotic Rant, That of a Liar


    Ally's Perfect Job

    Ally's Accomplishments

    The Purpose


    Ally and Sally Cousins of Atrocity

    They Started The Fire That Will Never Burnout

    Karen Sue Kiey

    Copyright © 2024 Karen Sue Kiey

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    320 Broad Street

    Red Bank, NJ 07701

    First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2024

    ISBN 979-8-89061-737-8 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89061-738-5 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    To my dad. Hopefully, I finally made him proud. The family name, which he carried not with inherent pride but imbued with honor through his hard work and dedication, is as good as he knew how to make it. Love you, Dad!

    To me, especially my sanity. I knew the truth.


    This is the first book I've ever written and, with all it took, hopefully my last. I originally started with our nightmare beginning, but I had to go back to before that fateful morning when we got the call that my brother had been arrested. My brother Brian was accused and convicted of child molesting. Brian was forty-nine years old at this time and married to his third wife, Ally, who was sixteen years younger than him. They had two children, Cody and Tammy. They lived in their four-bedroom house that Brian had built practically from scratch. Brian and his family did a lot of camping in their fifth-wheel camper and boating. In Brian's garage, he started a hobby he wanted his children to one day participate in: restoring older jeeps and tractors. Brian also fixed up snowmobiles for his family and go-karts for the children. At this time, Brian started and ran his own septic service business. He filled this in with out-of-town jobs, some of them being storm cleanup in the South, so he was a good provider for his family. But what he would have never imagined in August 2013 was that it would all be gone in a second, and he would have nothing. This included his humanity and dignity. And he would be left in shackles and handcuffs.

    In rereading the facts of the trial and the investigation that my husband, Don, did—and I assisted him with and was there for—I had to start over. When I say facts, I mean we have all the transcripts, and everything is in black and white. So I had to go back to the beginning, before the arrest. What we didn't know then was that it was planned out by Brian's then-wife Ally and her family. Her main sidekick would be Sally, her cousin. Two statements Ally had made should have been a big neon sign, but we didn't see it. Or, more accurately, we never imagined anyone could be that evil. They were the following: (1) If you want a divorce and to keep everything, accuse your husband of child molesting and (2) My family will always take care of me. What she didn't know was that her plan would also have skeletons running out of her own family's closet. We stayed silent, mostly about the facts, as we were being careful not to step on the toes of Sally (the mother of the victim) or her son Mateo, the victim, as that was not allowed; they were the victims. Also, by law, we kept our distance. Little did I know that Don and I were the only ones following the law; it certainly wasn't Muck County, where Brian was arrested, or step daddy (John) to the victim Mateo, who today, while I write this book, is still a police officer. John married Sally before all this started, and they had a little girl. I wonder if he knew about Sally's instability or the abuse she reigned on her first daughter, and why did he allow a monster the privilege to raise another child? He allowed himself and his family to perjure themselves under oath repeatedly to put Brian in prison. So does this make him truthful to the law as an officer? Did John commit two crimes? He was not only the stepdad but also an officer of the law. Who else has he lied about over the years that he arrested? Would this deem him an unreliable witness in any case? Or an unreliable police officer? After all, the jury heard again and again that he was an officer of the law and therefore must be telling the truth. He raised his right hand to Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, in this court. What has he done in others throughout the years?

    You might ask, How did he get away with perjury? As you will read, Brian's attorney gave up and never defended him. Don repeatedly nudged Attorney Raymond to do something, but Attorney Raymond just sat there and did nothing. Brian and Ally hired Attorney Raymond before Don was on board as the investigator. Don had worked with Attorney Raymond in the past, but that was a long time ago. Don always said this would not have been the attorney he would have suggested for Brian, but nobody asked him. Don conducted a thorough investigation that would have proved Brian's innocence, but it was never heard.

    Yes, I did try to voice that my brother Brian was innocent as there was no evidence. Also, the victim and his family lied over and over again, and the corrupt court system we were dealt allowed it. I wonder most why the ADA, Prosecutor X, allowed all her witnesses to perjure themselves. It's probably because the prosecutor herself perjured herself as she told the judge a story in a Machner hearing for Brian, so it would fit the criteria of hearsay. Perjury is a crime, and it wasn't just once this family lied; they knowingly misled the court and got away with it. Yes, mostly because Attorney Raymond didn't do his job, but the prosecutor, the judge, and the jury all heard Mateo's stepwise interview and court testimony. You would think one of them would have been listening and heard the lies that altered a man's life and punished him. My thinking was, They are officers of the law and court. Also, why didn't they abide by nothing but the truth? At one point, the judge made it clear that no matter what the prosecutor said, that was what he was going to hear. He said that while watching Brian's interrogation DVD and a Wisconsin Badgers basketball game at the same time—that was how much priority Brian's life had. Maybe if Brian had been allowed to wear a tight skirt, he might have been heard. I wonder how many actual pedophiles got away with hurting someone while this justice system concentrated on Brian for years.

    For Sally, she had a second motive besides helping Ally and used her then fifteen-year-old son. Sally was jealous of Brian's material belongings, and this stirred a hate in her to put my brother Brian in prison. And they succeeded. Brian would be the second man Sally put in prison. The first was her boyfriend, who was Mateo's and the younger sister's father, over abusing the younger sister. That Sally got to walk away from when she was clearly at that crime scene and participated. We will never know the whole truth either as both she and her boyfriend lied there too. It was an I was there. I wasn't there. I might have been there situation. These two women seem to be pathological liars, which allowed them to cast themselves as either victims or heroes. Regardless of which one, they got attention. But Sally and Ally underestimated the fallout; it hasn't come to them until now.

    Sally had no idea she was opening Pandora's box. Sally exposed herself as a child abuser, her father as a pedophile, and incest and deception within their family. Ally exposed her infidelity herself as the town whore and her being a neglectful mother. The atrocious acts she committed at her job were all exposed. The prosecutor in this case cared only about convictions, to the point that she lied and didn't follow court procedures. The lie was during a Machner hearing (wrongful-conviction hearing), and the court proceeding was just before the verdict. A death threat was covered up; she knew this should have resulted in a mistrial, and my brother would have had a real attorney and been found innocent. Sally damned Brian, his family, and some of her family. And she made herself out to be an angelic supermom when, in reality, she revealed her secret history of abuse and allowing abuse and her mental instability. She put her son in many harmful situations, not to himself but around young children, including Brian's own children. I believe Mateo sexually abused them.

    I believe Mateo would use family gatherings to sexually abuse Brian's kids. At a family funeral, Lynn, Ally's mother, wrote to Brian when he was in prison, Mateo was in a closet with your son. Lynn had to have known something was wrong as she wrote that. She ran in there also. Later Lynn would tell my mother, That's why I go to these gatherings, so something like that doesn't happen. What did she mean by that? We would soon come to realize she was referring to incest and molesting. So I hope you're saying to yourself, What in the hell were they doing in a closet alone, and why were they even there? Mateo was then nineteen, and Cody (Brian's son) eleven. Later you will read that this was the first place, a closet, that we know of that Mateo was first molested, which was when he was five or six years old. Yes, we made a police report, and they questioned Lynn. She covered it up and said all was fine—a pattern of covering up she has done all her life for this family. Nobody ever questioned Cody, and it was dropped.

    Then there's Brian's now ex-wife, Ally. I know she had a hand in putting Brian in prison too. Ally had means, motive, and opportunity. Her means was to put him in prison and keep all marital property. The motive was to give all possessions to her parasite boyfriend and his kids. The opportunity was at this family party out of town where I believe she drugged Brian. Her motive was her secret life she had right under Brian's nose; he didn't fit in with her partying, drugs, and alcohol or her men and women. Ally had help financing her secret life; her bosses paid her well with federal money and she was storing up money from Brian as he worked out of town.

    Ally had made a name for herself where she worked, and in the village where her work was located, she was the town whore. We were told by several people the names she was given: Mattress Ally and Lunchtime Ally. Don was told she specialized in blow jobs by several elders of this community. Sally, I didn't know, but Ally, I did. And I came to the realization that every time she opened her mouth, if there wasn't a penis in it, then a lie was coming out. I remember talking to a friend and kind of made a joke about Ally as I remembered her constantly using lip balm. I said to my friend, I wonder if Ally considers lip balm as maintenance for her side job."

    Ally and her family decided to make Brian a pedophile. She got her divorce and did keep everything Brian accumulated. Ally knew this crime would strip him of his humanity and children, which would serve as a constant reminder. If he ever forgot how the life he had used to be, all he'd have to do was to look down at the ankle bracelet. Moreover, she took away the second thing he loved more than the whore—his kids.

    Our nightmare began in the early morning of August 28, 2013, our referring me (Karen) and my husband, Don. We were awoken by a phone call from my mother. Don took the call. When he came back to bed (and later it would strike me funny), Don was calm and ready to go back to sleep.

    I asked him, Who was that? That moment marked the last second before a story that would haunt me forever, and what we didn't know was the evil that was surrounding my brother Brian and his family at the hands of the wife and mother the three of them loved so much that they would follow her into hell.

    Don said, That was your mom. Brian was arrested.

    My immediate thought was For drunk driving, then came the bomb.

    For child molesting.

    I thought, Oh my gosh, he wouldn't touch a little girl. Brian was forty-nine years old and had never been arrested, even for a parking ticket. I'm not that naive; I know that doesn't mean anything. But to me, it did as I knew Brian.

    Then came bomb 2: His wife's fifteen–year-old male cousin. [We will call Mateo.]

    That was nearly seven years ago, back in 2013. Don and I fought for Brian and had an excellent defense that proved he was innocent, yet he spent six years in prison. To pique your interest, the only incriminating DNA was of male saliva in the front fold of the victim's underwear. I want you to say, Well, that's enough, and I agree. Brian was cleared of all DNA from the victim's clothes and body, and the detective's never collected Brian's clothes. They didn't want them, and they were never tested. The unknown was unidentified, and it was never an issue or brought up in trial. Additionally, Mateo's mother never questioned this or wanted to know whose it was. So to this day, it's unidentified DNA, and it's a crime nobody cares about. All males at that party—except for Mateo—were adults. The party is where the crime happened.

    I decided to write this book mostly for my dad. He didn't deserve his name being smeared. My father was a hardworking man that very rarely said a bad word about anyone. We were far from rich, but he took care of us the best he could. He had had a very tough life growing up. His father was an alcoholic, but his mother tried to make up for it, which led her on the very hard path of being both Mom and Dad. Dad went to work every day of his life as a carpenter in extreme heat or cold. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve his name being associated with child molesting. Dad passed away ten months after Brian went to prison. When dad could still speak, he asked Don to bring Brian home—a promise I couldn't keep, and it haunts me as I picture Dad's face when he was at the end of his life, lying in a hospital bed.

    Brian's now-ex-wife Ally and her cousin Sally, Mateo's mother, decided Brian had to be punished. I still don't know for what, though Brian did mention once that he didn't praise her beauty daily and wouldn't join in with her many sexual partners. That made her mad, so they set out on the path to ruin him. But what his ex-wife didn't realize was that it ruined their kids also. They used and abused the charge of child molesting, a real crime where real children are fatally ruined for life. What I now realize is that after you see child abuser on the news and comment on how they look, it's forgotten, and you go on with life. What I never thought about is the child. You never see who will live with the ugliness and embarrassment for the rest of their lives, and the childhood monster that couldn't control themselves will affect the child in any relationships and never leave their thoughts. I should not forget to mention, I guess, the money the prosecutor used to convict an innocent man—all the hearings, trials, transporting and housing Brian, the police time, and more—all at the taxpayers' expenses.

    I sometimes affectionately describe my brother Brian as having a Fred Flintstone personality—loud but loving toward his family and always willing to help others. We didn't know what was going on a couple of years before the incident in Brian's life; he kept it well hidden from all of us. Brian started working out of town to keep money flowing for the winters. What he didn't tell us was that he would only keep enough to live off of and send the rest home for Ally to build up in the bank. When he would return home, more than once, his house would be in foreclosure, and Ally didn't have a penny—at least that was what she told Brian. Each time, Brian negotiated with the bank and got his house back on track. Brian didn't know this, but his keeping the family going would bite him in the ass. Ally would use this to say Brian was having out-of-town affairs, and we would learn later on who was having the out-of- and in-town affairs—Ally. Ally had opened a bank account for herself and with her boss, Tyrone. She would also open several in her children's names. When Brian finally shared this with us, we came up with about $80,000—money meant for the family that was gone. When I told Brian, I was horrified by his response: Leave it alone, Karen. It's not that much. I don't want a divorce or my kids to go through a divorce. Well, events that followed would be worse—a six-year prison sentence and his kids living with a parasite named Paul, who would raise them. Paul couldn't raise his own five kids or provide a home for them until they all moved into Brian's house.

    In all fairness, I will share my opinion of the rest of Brian's household, which includes our mother. Mom was silently observing Ally as she was transforming into a self-centered, money-grabbing whore. Ally would give no thought to her children's feelings or future as she was plotting to get rid of their dad. She was losing weight, which was the only healthy change. Mom watched as men would pick her up. I will use the one example Mom told me about. She said Ally was being picked up for work by a man she didn't recognize—him or the car—and described what she was wearing only because she was shocked by her outfit: it was a pair of three-inch heels and a skintight red dress that barely covered her ass to go to a healthcare facility to work. Well, Mom knew that was not where she was going. She told Brian; but again, for Brian, it was easier to bury his head in the sand. He didn't even look up from his computer when Mom questioned him. As I think back to this incident of a strange man picking Ally up, was that maybe another job as a call girl?

    So my observation of Mom started when I stopped by; and Mom was making a big point of buying a pair of blue jeans that had rhinestones on the back pockets, which, again, is no big deal. But as I watched her, she

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