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Endgame: The New Beginning
Endgame: The New Beginning
Endgame: The New Beginning
Ebook372 pages5 hours

Endgame: The New Beginning

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What transpires when issues and despair surround you? Is there a means of escape? This is the story of three distinct individuals connected by the firm Shipotics, whose MD, Raj, is undergoing an acquisition that negatively impacts his personal and professional life.
Seema, one of his directors and a co-founder of UniMach, is battling her own inner demons, such as the need to dominate others and her circumstances. She is battling loneliness as well. She presents herself to the outside world as a middle-aged, beautiful, unmarried, and intelligent woman. Although she is drawn to Raj, she is aware that he is not showing any indications of being infatuated with her.
Raman, a part-time conductor who also works for Raj, gets married to Shyama, a mysterious lady. Shyama has a great belief in the universe and knows the power of surrendering to it, while Raman is haunted by his innermost fears and her opinions.
Raj suffered a heart attack one day in the middle of all this pandemonium, and he started to waver between life and death. Raj somehow makes it through the heart attack. But the next day, terrorists kidnap Raj, Seema, and Raman and take them to a hilly area of India. Shyama is aware that a storm that would upend their lives is being sent by the universe itself. Whatever occurs, Shyama continues to accept it with serenity and composure. Is it possible for all three of them—Raj, Raman, and Seema—to survive the storm? Will the universe provide them with assistance as they travel? Will it teach them anything?

PublisherJames Kult
Release dateJun 11, 2024
Endgame: The New Beginning

James Kult

James Kult aka Rajeev Vashista is an engineering graduate. He has over 24 years of experience working in the world's best companies like General Electric, Ernest and Young, and Daewoo Motors. He worked as a software programmer, business intelligence consultant, and e-governance consultant. He is a ferocious reader and his favorite books include, memoirs, fiction, and nonfiction philosophical books. His favorite authors include Paulo Coelho, Stephan King, Stieg Larson, Swami Vivekananda, Rumi, Hafiz, and so forth. He is married to Deepti and has two daughters Vartika and Advaita.

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    Endgame - James Kult


    This book is dedicated to everyone searching inside themselves for a place where they might find bliss and meaning in life. Life is not simple, and as someone once stated, we don't even come with a functional manual of life to which we can refer when we're feeling lost, confused, or going through a rough patch in life to consult. But as I discovered by reading a ton of fiction and non-fiction works, meeting a lot of people, hearing about their struggles, and looking at my own life, life is both extremely easy and incredibly difficult. Given that life begins at birth and ends with death, it is a straightforward concept. In between, we have several roles to perform, and in each of those roles—that of a son or daughter, spouse or wife, worker or boss, and so forth—we want to develop our intelligence and influence over other people and even our environment. We have no idea that we have no power over our surroundings, other people, or even ourselves. Our inability to comprehend how the universe works makes us complicated as we try to manage other people and our own situations. In an attempt to get acceptance from others, we strive to deceive, maintain the beauty of our aging bodies, manipulate relationships, and compromise on everything we know is wrong.

    We weren't concerned about anything, however, when we were only wombs within our mothers' bodies. As soon as we are born, we begin to accumulate whatever we believe will make us content and occupied. Happiness and busyness, nevertheless, are not the only goals in life. Death teaches us about the simplicity of existence. When we experience severe disappointments in life, we search for explanations and get irate when we discover that life's laws are seldom that hard to understand. We overlooked the clear explanations provided by Rumi, Hafiz, Wayne Dyer, Jesus, Prophet, Krishan, Sri Ram, Tao, Confucius, and others since nothing was difficult to grasp. All of life's challenges may be surmounted by maintaining faith; all we have to do is remain calm and believe that everything will work out in the end. We want more intricate theories. In any case, I dedicate this book to each and every one of us because, despite having the necessary knowledge at all times, we still look outside of ourselves as fighters and warriors. Seek inside, sense your strength, and prevail in all of life's conflicts.

    In addition to being my closest friends and mentors, my wife, daughters, mother, and father all deserve my gratitude. Throughout this journey we call life, they supported me like pillars.


    At war: 4th October

    He looked at his watch. Still, he had five minutes.

    He called his wife at home Radha, where is Disha? Has she called back?

    Why are you worrying so much? Radha answered dryly, She is an adult.

    He became agitated. Why is Radha so reckless and like this? She isn't the least bit concerned about her daughter.

    Raj, you don't need to call our lawyer, Satish yelled at him from behind. Don't you have to?

    Raj muttered, Hmm, still in a bad mood.

    Raj's thoughts began to race, Why has the government created such strict tax laws? He started the acquisition of Picker last month by paying millions of rupees. Additionally, he made payments for the purchase of shares at each stock exchange where the Picker firm was listed. And now taxes.

    Raj was anxious after the initial joy and excitement he experienced when acquiring Picker. His personal life was also in disarray, albeit not all of it was because of the acquisition.  Disha, his daughter, was about to wed a theatre actor from a different religion. It appeared as though he was losing his mind.

    His phone abruptly rang. Sanjay, what the heck happened? Sanjay worked as an attorney for his firm.

    Where are you, Raj? Everyone is waiting for you in the conference room, Sanjay said with apparent urgency.

    Please give me a moment. Raj ran for the elevator, saying, I'm coming.

    Raj spotted Mriga as soon as he hit the halt button. Temptation flashed before his eyes for a brief moment.

    This time, Raj's mental chatter embarrassed him—she is a client, for goodness’s sake. When he brought his attention back to what was going on, he noticed that the lift had come to a stop and that the door had opened.

    He stepped into the elevator and pressed the meeting room's floor. 

    Sometimes, his thoughts raced nonstop. He had been inundated with unfavourable ideas since the morning. Because of his state of mind, he was terrified of the penalties, even though they had been predicted in great detail before the acquisition. 

    Raj always believed he would find a method to avoid paying taxes. He was also aware of the widespread corruption in the tax division. Bur bothered him was the fact that his own acquisition team had been urging him to pay taxes because the deal had been under review by government auditors for some time. He knew that the media was overly attentively following the acquisition of Picker. Although he had never before been afraid of the spotlight, in recent years he seemed to have become terrified of everything.

    At last, Sanjay exclaimed as he watched Raj step out of the elevator. You were supposed to be here at 5:00 PM, it's already 5:30 PM. Raj, I also have other meetings. It appeared that Sanjay was babbling to himself, but a bit loudly enough for Raj to hear.

    Raj ignored his jabbering as always.

    Raj questioned while turning to face his team and Sanjay, So, what is the final tax amount?

    Sanjay said directly, Fifty million rupees right now and four billion in six years. Raj regarded Sanjay with disbelief.

    "What do you mean? Were we not informed by the Stock Exchange that Picker's balance sheet debts exempted us from paying full tax? Raj screamed aloud.

    It was before the government implemented a new tax policy, Raj,  said Sanjay with a sneer, then he looked at his watch.

    How about our auditors, though? Didn't they say that following the acquisition, we would have a capital shortage? Raj was making a lot of effort to reason with Sanjay. Additionally, Sanjay was aware that Raj already knew the answers, thus it was pointless to dispute with him.

    Look, Raj, despite the board members' warnings, you pushed forward with the purchase. In the previous AGM, you made it quite clear that you would provide for all the funding. The acquisition will go according to plan. I don't understand why you're bringing up the repercussions right now. Sanjay was obviously upset.

    The meeting was already underway for Sanjay because he used to bill by the hour as a lawyer. His expression was irate. According to him, Raj was disputing something that had already been explained to him, long before the purchase.

    Sanjay was asked, So, what do you suggest, by Raj a zillion times, as though Raj wanted Sanjay to alter his mind.

    Sanjay looked at his watch one more time and said, My suggestion is whatever you have in mind, tell clearly to the board, and let's start from there.

    Raj silently entered the boardroom after turning to face Sanjay. He looked for recognizable faces. The majority of the faces exhibited worry and surprise.

    Satish was following him while carrying a stack of papers and files. Satish entered the room, and the commotion in it subsided. Raj turned to face Satish, who had just given him the documents and files.

    One of the board members wished him a good evening, Raj while expressing obvious disgust. Raj motioned with his hands before advancing to the corner chair.

    Suddenly, he heard the ringtone on his phone and saw that Radha was calling him. He was certain that it had to do with Disha. He silenced the phone and set papers and files on the table in front of him.

    'Ladies and gentlemen,' Raj could hear hesitation in his own voice as he said, I apologize for being late. At a time in his life when he practically had everything he ever wanted, he never imagined feeling so lost and bewildered.

    All of the board members were staring at him.

    In light of our most recent acquisition, where we must pay the government a transitional tax of 50 million rupees, I kindly ask the board of members to lend me a hand at this difficult moment. I reassure the board that the present acquisition will start to turn a profit fairly shortly. Raj said the same things again that he had said yesterday. He hoped his empty rhetoric would convince his board to back him without hesitation.

    Mr Raj Kinshuk, one of the more senior members, interrupted. The board has long opposed such hurried acquisitions, and we have always opposed the transaction. Raj looked at Kinshuk, who was prepared with a question, and asked, However, we don't understand why you in the first place want to acquire some company that was even abandoned by big Giants who have mammoth cash on hand.

    He saw Satish while he delivered the Picker datasheet. When Satish leaned in close and said, Data is messy and I don't recommend putting it across the board, 

    Raj glared at Satish angrily, wondering why he couldn't enter the figure Raj had given him. Raj said in a furious whisper, Hand over the datasheet, regardless of what it says.  Satish handed him a few pages and set the projector for the board presentation.

    The noise level in the room increased as soon as numbers started to appear on the screen. In disbelief, everyone was staring at the figures.

    Raj allowed the conflict to die down. He smiled even though he knew everyone could tell it was artificial when everyone was silent and focused on him.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I believe everyone can agree that Picker's numbers are poor, which is why we paid a ridiculously low sum to acquire this business. I must emphasize that Picker has immense potential, though, and I am confident that we can quickly turn these bottom figures from negative to positive thanks to its digital presence and the techniques it uses for aggregation. Additionally, Picker will undoubtedly improve our present shipping and robotics businesses. You'll be able to tell how forward-thinking my choice is once we begin using Picker to its full capacity. The final line was unnecessary and overly boastful.  However, he had complete faith in his gut instinct and had never once been disappointed by it.

    Seema's startling greeting of Mr Raj jolted him out of his thoughts.

    She was approximately the same age as Raj, but because she had never been married, she appeared younger and more attractive. Anyone might simply discern the cause of her unsuccessful relationships. She had a difficult time letting go of the need for complete control and was unwilling to make concessions.

    Raj gave her a head nod while glancing at her.

    Yes, Miss Seema, Raj replied.

    Mr. Raj, will you kindly tell us who our competitors are? What is our position in comparison to them on the use of robotics in shipping?

    Raj always valued her direct inquiries. He could still recall. She was vehemently opposed to the purchase. Raj tried to convince her by using logic, but she was sure that she would not move forward. But then Seema abruptly concurred. Surprisingly.

    Raj acknowledged the query with a smile.

    As you can see, Shipotics and Sukazi, a South Korean company, are the only two businesses in the world that use robotics in the shipping sector. Despite Sukazi being in the shipping industry for 80 years, we came very close to matching their statistics the previous year. The straightforward explanation is that we released an AI-based robotics system before they did. The main area we are currently lacking is business from disorganized small industries that want to use our services but lack access to us. In the Big Players industry, Sukazi and we are directly in competition. However, if we find a way to reach the lowest rung of the industry, we will advance past Sukazi. Raj stated with assurance. He was a little more animated and chaotic than usual at this point. He was taken aback by how his mind could manipulate him and made suggestions that were well outside of his own comprehension.

    Seema gave him a curious glance. He noticed how tranquil her face appeared. She appeared gorgeous.

    When Raj turned to the presentation's following slide, which showed the comparison with Sukazi and Shipotics, Satish cut him off, saying, Raj. But Satish didn't say anything as Raj was in his own thoughts. Board members started cross-talk.

    How about the time of ROI in Picker, one of the board members asked. Raj was unable to remember his name.

    Our ROI should be 18 months in a typical scenario. But once we provide the Picker aggregator algorithm to the shipping sector, I have no doubt that the European and Russian industries that are currently avoiding us will come to us right away. Although the idea of an aggregation algorithm is not new, the manner we will use it and how we will make it more available to the most remote nations will change the game. These nations no longer conduct business with us. We travel by water to reach them without doing any business. Except after purchase, no ship from our fleet will leave a port idle. All this will happen due to Picker Raj closed with a broad grin. Once more, his phone rang, and this time Radha also left some messages.

    Once more ignoring the vibration, he set the phone down on the table. He observed that the majority of the members who had been concerned before the meeting were now content.

    So, Raj thought, this was the right time.

    So, guys and gals, he said with considerable humour, Forty million in tax loan has been sanctioned. We will save 10 million from our debt for the current fiscal year. We will receive the funding from General Engineering. Raj paused to gauge everyone's reaction before continuing, They will become our partner in the acquisition of Picker though we will be doing all the front ending.

    Nearly everyone was watching him in silence. Any query or worry. Contrary to what his thoughts were telling him, he was pleased with how calmly he handled the incident.

    Suddenly, Seema started to cheer, and everyone else followed. Raj was the object of Satish's admiring gaze. Raj acknowledged with a nod.

    Guys and gals, dinner and beverages are ready, but pardon me while I answer the phone. Everyone, including him, laughed when he said, "My wife doesn't appreciate my late staying in the office.

    Seema put her hand up and stepped forward. He gave her a smile and took her hand. Raj, that was fantastic. How exactly did you woo General Engineering? Seema smiled warmly.

    "Don't forget our late-night meetings, Seema, along with Satish and the rest of the team, Raj reminded Seema. Radha then called once again.

    Raj left the board room, saying, Excuse me, Seema, I have to take this call. Satish turned to face Raj. He whispered in Raj's ear, I'll call you later.

    Raj said Hello Radha as he approached the elevator while waving at Satish.

    I received a call from Disha, Raj. I'm worried, Radha said, her voice filled with worry.

    Raj noticed he was getting irritated and said, What happened to Disha, calm down.

    Disha .... met with an accident Raj heard the phrase Accident clearly despite Radha's voice breaking. Raj remained still for some while. What was she referring to?  Disha never drove a car. She always had a driver with her.

    Radha, what are you saying? An accident. Raj trembled and asked, "Is Disha OK? He searched for something in the elevator for support. Thank God he was the only one in the elevator.

    The elevator in the basement halted, and then its door opened.

    Disha is OK, yes. I said she would not come home today as her friend met with an accident. In utter sorrow, Radha answered to him, She is with her friend.

    Raj paused to take a deep breath. That scared him. How quickly his mind conjured up a gloomy scenario without hearing a complete sentence. His heart was pounding furiously. He exited the elevator and went in search of Sumi, his driver.

    He heard Sumi's Sir as he brought his car out of the parking lot.

    While Sumi was younger than Raj, he had an older appearance.

    Does everything seem to be okay, Sir? Anxiously, Sumi questioned Raj.

    Yes, Sumi!! Radha always scares me about something that never happens," Raj said as he got into the car. Sumi moved the car after closing the door behind him. The streets of the city were crowded at this time.

    Every day, Raj yearned for joy and success, but he never experienced either. Even though Raj knew everything at the board meeting went well, he was still under pressure and angry. Even his difficult conversation with his wife turned out to be nothing more than a false alarm.  Why can't he find happiness in his life? In order to be happy, what should he do and where should he look?

    His phone began to vibrate unexpectedly. Raj grinned as he read the message from Seema, You are looking different today.

    What do you mean different? he responded. I suppose I look the same all the time.

    The reply came back, You looked as if you need solace in someone's Arms. A heart emoji was present. Raj was stunned and was unable to respond. Why was Seema suddenly showing interest in him?

    He had a headache and felt disoriented. Does the thing I'm seeking even exist? - Raj thought and closed his eyes.


    At Peace: 5th October

    Raman, wake up. From the kitchen, Raman heard his wife calling. After opening his eyes, he looked at his watch. It was 4:30 AM. Within the next few minutes, he had to leave for work.

    He quickly folded his hands after waking up, as if to express his gratitude to someone. He sat in the yoga pose while murmuring, Thanks So much, God, for everything. His breathing slowed and he became relaxed. After a little while, he got out of bed. He turned to face his wife, Shyama, who was busy in the kitchen. She must have gotten out of bed an hour before him. She was cooking while humming. He smiled as he watched her.


    Raman worked as a conductor for a private bus company in Delhi. His job was to transport employees of Shipotics from their homes to the company's offices and back again. His job usually started at six in the morning when the bus picked up workers from their assigned spots and ended at nine in the morning when they reached the Delhi office. After dropping off all the workers at the workplace, Raman and Sunder, the bus driver, usually stayed around since they had nowhere else to go to spend the time. Buses left the workplace again at about six o'clock in the evening, taking the employees back to their locations. The bus used to arrive at the last stop in Tilak Nagar at 9:00 p.m.

    The bus spent the night parked here as well. Raman used to get off the bus later to go home, but Sunder would remain on it. It was a long journey to Sunder House, and the bus needed maintenance too. As such, it fulfilled two functions for Sunder. Sunder contributed to the security of the bus in addition to having a secure spot to sleep.

    Raman struggled with numerous problems from the moment he arrived in Delhi. He had a meagre income. Even though his wife, Shyama, never voiced a complaint, he was aware that it wasn't always easy to make ends meet. He also didn't take many holidays, which prevented him from taking Shyama to her mother's house, which was located far away in the Uttarakhand Mountains. The excruciatingly hot Delhi summer only made matters worse, and because of his low income, he was unable to even buy an air cooler. Shyama, however, always accepted the circumstances surrounding him. Always.

    Additionally, Raman continued to act in ways that could have easily enraged Shyama. Raman occasionally arrived home late, intoxicated, irate, upset, or depressed. Raman, though, has never witnessed Shyama acting furiously or angry. He had always questioned how someone could maintain such calmness in the face of such hardships. They were also short on a number of other necessities. However, Shyama was never seen complaining about it.

    Raman arrived one day incredibly late. Actually, Sunder and he sat with a few friends to drink after parking the bus at the last stop. He almost forgot that he had a wife waiting at home, who typically ate supper with him, in the thick of pointless conversations and drinking with inebriated friends. He remembered where he was when he awoke from sleep at about 2:00 AM that night. Sunder was the only person still aboard the vehicle at that point. He managed to get off the bus, though heavily drunk. He picked up his bicycle and pedaled toward his house.

    He observed that his home's light was still on. Being late for the first time since getting married made him a little anxious. He anticipated Shyama's wrath. When he knocked on the door, he was greeted by Shayam, whose face was radiant with youth and bathed in light. He lost his cool for no apparent reason.

    Raman asked, Shyama, why didn't you sleep since it's already 2:30 a.m.?

    She calmly said, smiling, No, I wasn't. I was waiting for my spouse. He was taken aback by her statement. What sort of woman is she?

    Raman asked her, Are you not angry?

    There was a surprise in Shyama's voice as she said, No, why should I be angry?

    Raman was becoming irate, saying, Don't you know I was drinking and I should have come home much earlier?

    I don't see a problem with that. Raman entered the house, and she smiled as she bolted the door.

    Would you like something to eat? Shyama said, I haven't eaten because I was waiting for you to join, and for the first time during their talk, he could hear some disappointment in her voice.

    Raman responded in an apologetic tone, "I'm already full, but I can still eat something to keep you company.

    He noticed that, except for a hint of momentary disappointment in her voice, Shyama was really at ease. His unidentified rage began to fester. He was not at all pleased with how she was acting. He anticipated that Shyama would be enraged and indignant. Instead, she accepted his wrongdoing. Raman was irrationally enraged.

    Raman noticed that the food they were eating was lacking in salt. There was just cause for his rage. What, Shyama? This food is so low in salt that it has no flavor at all."

    Without uttering a word, Shyama entered the kitchen and brought salt. It increased his rage even more. You don't know how much hard work I do to earn, he yelled as he flung away his plate, possibly under the influence of drink. Can't I occasionally have a drink? Can't you make decent meals?

    Despite the fact that he knew deep down that she was a great cook, The food wasn't at all horrible either. It was possible to overlook the food's low salt content. But something inside of him made him angry. As Shyama did not respond to him in kind, she remained silent, calm, and amazed as she observed him. This made him more upset.

    After some time, he understood that whatever he had done was wrong. I'm sorry, Shyama, he said in apology. I'm not sure what got into me.

    Shyama remained silent. He was astounded by the composition of Shyama. How is it possible to maintain such composure?

    Raman entered his bedroom in a dreary mood and instantly fell asleep.

    He couldn't find Shyama anywhere when he woke up the following morning. He started making incessant calls to her out of worry.

    His mind began to be inundated with an array of negative thoughts. She must have abandoned him in a fit of rage, or She is furious and wants to run away from him.

    He then heard Shyama's voice asking, What happened to you? Why are you yelling? from the kitchen. He couldn't believe it; she had to have been in the house the whole time, but he couldn't locate her.

    Sorry, Shyama, I thought you were mad at me," he said, still shaken by an unidentified anxiety.

    Shyama said lovingly, Please don't say that. Why will I ever be furious with you? He gave her a firm embrace. She, too, found her way into his arms without much difficulty.


    Don't you have to go today on duty? Shyama asked with a grin on his face. He glanced at her. She was not only stunning but also peaceful and loving. Raman had never witnessed her passing judgment on anyone.

    Before having breakfast, he went to finish his daily tasks. When he was with Shyama, he used to feel calm. He had never experienced love of any kind before that moment. He had never been in a committed relationship with a woman before his marriage, and he was even anxious about the prospect of tying the knot with Shyama. They spoke less before marriage; Shyama nevertheless exuded a serene aura that impressed him. He never experienced boredom when he was with her, even though they had been married for around 7 or 8 years, it still seemed like he hardly knew her. And the more he tried to understand her, the more he either became perplexed or fell in love with her. But he had no idea what exactly love was. But if there was one certain thing, it was that he began to adopt her demeanor of remaining cool in all circumstances. She seemed to have a natural ability to remain composed and in the moment.

    He rode his bicycle to Tilak Nagar at around 5:45 in the morning. As he moved away, she was looking at him. Why was she so unique? He continued to stare at her before pedaling off to catch his bus.

    Sunder was smoking an indigenous Indian cigarette when he arrived close to the bus. Prior to kicking the habit, Raman smoked frequently. However, he no longer felt the urge to smoke, because what pleasure is it to inhale and then exhale smoke? He wasn't frightened of getting cancer or dying, but after getting married, smoking just stopped being enjoyable.

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