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Angela's Fortune
Angela's Fortune
Angela's Fortune
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Angela's Fortune

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Angela Santoro works nonstop to keep her parents' ranch successful and to gain their approval. Unfortunate experiences along the way force her to reflect on just how far she'll go to keep everything running smoothly. When she faces her biggest challenge, the question arises: When the going gets tough, how much is a person willing to sacrifice?
Release dateMay 31, 2024
Angela's Fortune

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    Book preview

    Angela's Fortune - Liliana Gonzalez

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1: Angela Santoro

    Chapter 2: Angela's Childhood

    Chapter 3: Angela's Point of View

    Chapter 4: Head of Household

    Chapter 5: The Encounter

    Chapter 6: The Quiz

    Chapter 7: The Future Visit

    Chapter 8: The de la Garzas

    Chapter 9: The Proposal

    Chapter 10: The Storm

    Chapter 11: Close for Comfort

    Chapter 12: The Accident

    Chapter 13: Captain John Smith

    Chapter 14: Celebration Time

    Chapter 15: Happily Ever After?


    Angela's Fortune

    Liliana Gonzalez

    Copyright © 2024 Liliana Gonzalez

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    320 Broad Street

    Red Bank, NJ 07701

    First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2024

    ISBN 979-8-89061-716-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89061-717-0 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    To the biggest fortune I was blessed with, Mama and Papa, mil gracias.

    Chapter 1

    Angela Santoro

    It was a cold and stormy night when Angela Santoro came into this world.

    A young doctor, Clark Carter, is assisted by a nurse and three maids. Screams echo in the room. An exhausted Camila Santoro is gripping the sheets. I can't take it anymore! get it out of me!

    The oldest of the three maids goes to her side and places a wet cloth on her forehead. Oh, Mrs. Santoro, it'll all be over soon.

    Dr. Carter takes a deep breath. All right, Camila, one more push, and that should do it.

    In the living room, Damian Santoro paces anxiously back and forth. For a man who has been known to always be stern and strict, he couldn't help fidgeting his hands every couple of seconds. He hears his wife's screams and looks down the hallway toward the bedroom door. His right-hand man, Claude, is standing a few feet away, keeping his eyes on him. Damian heads for his liquor cabinet and pours himself a glass of whiskey. Claude, I don't know how people do this. I've never been more terrified in my life.

    Claude tries to reassure him, even though he has no family of his own. Sir, everything will be fine. Suddenly, a baby's cry is heard. Damian and Claude look at each other. He swallows his drink in one gulp and goes to Claude. They shake hands, and Claude states, Congratulations! Sir, I'll tell everyone the good news. Damian nods. Claude walks away, and Damian heads for the bedroom, inhaling deeply.

    Dr. Carter opens the bedroom door and smiles when he sees Damian. How are they, Clark? Damian asks anxiously.

    Camila is tired and sleeping now. She will need to rest for a couple of days. The baby is healthy and strong. You have a beautiful daughter, Damian, Dr. Carter declares. Damian smiles faintly, a bit disappointed his firstborn is not a boy but still glad everything turned out well.

    He walks into the bedroom and sits by his sleeping wife. She awakens. Oh, darling, I know you were hoping for a boy, but she's so healthy and—

    He interrupts her and places his hand on her hand. My love, please get some rest. We were blessed with a child who will grow up with your beauty and my intelligence. What more could I ask for? Camila smiles faintly at him and squeezes his hand.

    The youngest maid, Maria, walks over to them with the baby in her arms. She's one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen. Would you like to hold her, Mrs. Santoro?

    Camila's faint smile disappears. She looks at the maid and then at her husband. Damian, carry her. Feel the warmth and love she transmits. She's like an angel among us. Damian hesitates but stands up, somewhat nervous as Maria places the baby in his arms. She begins to instruct him. There you go, just support her head and keep her close to you for body heat.

    He walks over to the moonlight for a better view. The rain comes down as if God has released an ocean over the earth. Lightning illuminates the skies as a pair of big brown eyes look up at him. He smiles and proclaims, A true angel on earth, my daughter, Angela Santoro.

    Chapter 2

    Angela's Childhood

    Now Angela wasn't raised like other children. She had private tutors for most subjects.

    By the age of five, she was writing cursive on the chalkboard and reading encyclopedias. As she grew older, Damian began explaining things about the ranch, crops, cattle, and finances. When she could, she would go into the kitchen and cook with Nana Maria (that young maid who held her after Dr. Clark delivered her grew so attached to Angela, almost as if she were her own).

    Shortly after becoming Angela's nana, she married Pedro, Damian's second-in-command. They had a son named Marcos, who was wrapped in a blanket and tied onto Maria's back most of the time.

    On the other hand, Camila wasn't enjoying her life as a mother. She grew distant from her daughter soon after giving birth to her. While Angela was outside horseback riding, learning archery, her mother would look out the window, almost as if she were looking at a stranger.


    At the age of eight, Damian and Angela ride out to the river at the edge of the ranch. Looking into the water, Damian states, There will be times when you will find yourself questioning what to do. Always remember, stay calm and think things through.

    The young girl nods. With a swift motion, he picks his daughter up and swings her into the river. Aah! She lands in the water, and after the splash, silence.

    Damian inspects the river, trying to see the little girl. Nothing. He exclaims into the water, Remember, stay calm and think!

    Meanwhile, Angela looks around underwater and tries to focus. Remember what the book said. Arms straight up above your head, bring down to your sides, repeat until you reach the surface. She comes up from the water and takes a deep breath. Father, help me out please!

    Damian shakes his head. Follow through, Angela. You're doing great! Finish it.

    She grabs onto the ledge, trying to pull herself up. She looks around and sees a tree with a limb in the river. She looks up at her father, who is looking down at her with his arms crossed. She lets go of the edge and starts floating down the river. She gets close to the limb and grabs it, pulling herself out of the water. She is on her knees coughing river water out when Damian walks up.

    Not bad for your first time swimming. Angela stands up, exhausted. Come on then, we'll do it again tomorrow. Now we must get home so you can bathe and go over your science project.


    On her twelfth birthday, her father takes her out into the fields and has her work with the rest of the ranch's field-workers. Later that day, she gets home exhausted with blistered hands. She enters the study where her father is examining paperwork and her mother is inspecting some of her plants. Damian acknowledges her. I hope you understand this is for your benefit. One day, this will all be yours, and I expect you to do the same, if not a better job than I have done.

    Without breaking eye contact, Angela

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