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Spiritual Awakening Jehovah Flow
Spiritual Awakening Jehovah Flow
Spiritual Awakening Jehovah Flow
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Spiritual Awakening Jehovah Flow

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Instructions from Jehovah

As in the old testament the heart is the alter the mind shallmbe sacrificed onlynwhem thought is free of motive can one awaken a state of WILL free of of desire.

Release dateJun 11, 2024
Spiritual Awakening Jehovah Flow

Nkosinathi Ncala Jehovah Flow

Poet  From South Africa. A diverse style of poetry  Influences of the following genra Literature Philosophy Psychology Philosophy

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    Spiritual Awakening Jehovah Flow - Nkosinathi Ncala Jehovah Flow

    Table of Context

    1 The Cloning of Thought

    2 Consciousness Trapped Within A Prism Called Reality.

    3 Energy.

    4.The Principles of God .

    5. The plot to kill God.

    6 The Forming of The Image Is The Content of Consciousness.

    7. Lord May My Life Be The Alter

    8. The Nature of Sin

    9.Do Thoughts Exists Outside Reality? Does Thought Of Exist Outside Reality?

    10. The Biology of Thought

    11. Behold There Comes The Lamb of God

    12. Can You Tell The Difference Between Reality & Survival

    13. The Thought That Is Yet To Be Born.

    14. The Raining Moon And The Falling Sun:

    15.The Shattered Thought Caved In.

    16. When Thoughts Look In The Mirror Whom Is It That They See? 

    17. The Shattered Thought Caved In.

    18. When Love Finds Peace:

    19. When Desire Enters The Mind of Temptation:.

    20. The Haunted Shadow:

    21. As Consciousness Gazes At The Perception of Reality.

    22.Mild Hypnosis - The Keys To The Mind.

    23. The Paralysis of Fear.

    24. Spirit of A Living Cat

    25. The Dead Cat

    26. The Prism of Consciousness.

    26. The Dying Serpent 

    27. Analytical Intelligence:

    28. The Anatomy of Intelligence 

    29. How Did The First Thought Manifest In The Human Mind?

    30. Do memories Live Forever

    31.The Formless Thought:

    32. Thought is propelled to higher levels of consciousness by analysis and observation of one's behaviours.

    33. Indigenous Vibes Retribution & Spiritual Sclerosis. 

    34. The Unblemished Thought

    35. To Kneel Before Death.

    36. Lift The Spirit Beyond Consciousness 

    37. The sun moon day and night as in the book of genesis only formed after the forming of the garden of Eden.

    38. Temptation of The Forsaken 

    39. The Genealogy of Thought:.

    40.The Principles of Abundance – Make Up Your Mind.

    41. The Genealogy of Thought.

    42. Thought Sent A Tweet To God Rising Hell Amongst The Arch Angels: ( The Birth of The God Child ).

    43. The Final Days Leading To Judgement Day.

    44. What is the highest level of consciousness thought can reach?

    45 The Prism of Consciousness.

    46. It Was All A Dream. 

    47. The Conscious Ape.

    48. Let Us Measure The Circumference of The Mind

    49. The Forsaken Truth – The Forbidden Lie.

    50. Where Can I Find The Truth?

    51. The Content of a Image

    52. Mankind is in 2 minds whom shall we worship God or the idols?2 Parallel Universes Adjacent to the Sun Diangular To The Moon .

    53. The Only Reality That Matters Is Now.

    54. The Grounds On Which Thought Walks On Is Within Existence.

    55. What is the function of dreams?

    56. The crack pipe is burning.

    57. The Genesis of Creation:

    58.The Principles of God 

    59.The Keys To The idle Mind:

    60.What if love was never betrayed?

    61.Existence is the continents’ of life.

    62. The Conscious Ape.

    63.Lord Keep My Salvation Till It's Time To Go To Heaven.

    64.The Nature of The Heart:

    65.Well that is subject to narration.

    66. Perception paralysis 

    67. Ima Set Consciousness On Fire.

    68.Analytical Intelligence:

    69.The Anatomy of Intelligence.

    70. The State of Mind Address:

    71. How Energy Comes Alive:

    72.The Shattered Thought Caved In.

    73.When Thoughts Look In The Mirror Whom Is It That They See?

    74. When Love Finds Peace:

    75. When Desire Enters The Mind of Temptation:

    76. As Consciousness Gazes At The Perception of Reality

    77.What is the highest level of consciousness thought can reach?

    78.The Distortion of Perception The Leading Truth:

    79. The Thought That Is Yet To Be Born.

    80. Do Memories Live Forever?

    81. The Descendants of Time:

    82. How Did The First Thought Manifest In The Human Mind?

    83.The Nature of God.

    84. Salvation.

    85. Thought Projecting Consciousness Into Reality:

    86. The Biology of Thought.

    87.Mild Hypnosis - The Keys To The Mind.This Place Has No Name.

    Consciousness Trapped Within A Prism Called Reality:

    Hi sir.

    How do you spend your time?

    I am busy making money.

    At the projectory I headed in I'm 28 I'll be a million aire by age 45.

    Do you have a family.

    I am married.

    Are you happy that is relative.

    How much time do you spend with your children daily?

    To be honest I hardly see them.

    One last moment of introspection sir.

    What is your LIFE worth?


    The platform called reality allows consciousness to breathe. 

    A simulation to express what is on the mind of  consciousness primarily is the motive heart and agenda of the mind.


    Is the surrounding environment.

    The biological and natural world.

    The ocean and glaciers mountains and rivers the sun and the moon the universe planets and the galaxies.


    Primarily is energy

    Transformed to life by breath inhale exhale you have been birthed sons and daughters of the earth you are alive. Life is followed by the shadow which follows you unconditionally all the days of your mortal life. 

    The Shadow:

    What have you done with your life since you were an embryo in the womb that your shadow is ignorant off? The Shadow takes heed of your every thought. Your shadow is aware of your every motive. The shadow is an agent of free WILL.

    Your Shadow:

    Your shadow does not judge your shadow let's you do as you please. Who is the shadow is the shadow a transfiguration of God and is the shadow a holy spirit living amongst the Gods. 

    Only 144 000 souls are going to entre the gates of heaven. That is the144 tribes of original Judai Samaria Cana of Galilee and 12 000 times the birth of their primary decendents. 


    Consciousness Trapped Within A Prism Called Reality.



    Life, the freedom of WILL. 

    Thought is the interface between  consciousness and reality. 

    Does thought come into existence when consciousness has merged with reality? 

    The catalyst of dreams manifesting in reality as life.

    The process of thought is synonyms with thinking.

    Can you spot a thought from a motive?

    What is the difference between a thought and a motive? What comes first the thought or the motive? Why would motive dwell in the heart and why would thould be ruler of the mind?

    The prospect of thought is synonyms with darkness and light.


    Consciousness Trapped Within A Prism Called Reality:


    Does energy operate within a magnetic field? What is the measurement of the frequency of this magnetic field? 

    What is the immediate habitat outside where this magnetic field or it's the axis of the universe of existence?

    The proverbial parable what lies above the Heavens? Could there any form of life below hades? Beyond good and evil what exists? Beyond breath does life exists? 

    The composites of energy. 

    Convulsive luminary rays of light surrounded by a spectrum of darkness. A cloud of darkness surrounds the earth.

    Proverbially speaking night has fallen.

    Yet it is not only on planet earth where storms form. Some planets are surrounded by up to 12 moons in their stratosphere with each moon with a diameter of 10 to 12 kilometers in width length and breath, have all the attributes of the mother moon. 

    Can you imagine looking up to the sky be it a full moon half moon or quarter moon seeing 12 moons in the sky on any given night or day that is the splendour and wonder of creation and existence.

    There are clouds and there are storms in a dozen planets. Yet the fundamental difference between planet earth and other plants is our atmosphere is composed of 90% oxygen nitrogen hydrogen and carbon dioxide which from trees.

    Which makes it possible for water to breathe. Precipitation the clouds form and the rains are coming. The rejuvenation of existence itself.

    Existence is Magnificent.

    Life is concaved on a cellular level without thinking. Thought is a product of the mind. 

    The mind is habitual.

    The spirit dwells in the chromosome.

    Waiting to come alive.

    Patience betrayed the God.

    Love was betrayed by trust.

    Honour and glory are in the mists war.

    Peace is a foreign concept in a sovereign land were famine is the resume for the day. 

    Your identity.

    Your gender.

    Your race.

    Your fate is ultimately in the hands of your destiny.

    When 2 chromosomes get together.

    When chromosome x and chromosome x get together a spirit is not formed that is blasphemy that is gay. 

    When chromosome y and chromosome y

    get together that is not sacrilegious that is lesbian that is the worship of Baal. 

    When chromosome x and chromosome y unite and mate a new spirit is born that is matrimony. 

    Weather the spirit is born out of marriage or wedlock is essential. The chances of the baby surviving in this world are primary pinned on the comfort of financial food job relationship security with mum and dad.

    Yet there is divorce.

    What is the primary instigator for divorce?

    Infertility finances all of the above.

    The primary reasons the world is broken mum and dad simply did not plan for the days after tomorrow and when they fell out of love there was no hope & faith in sight.

    Beyond reality life thrives.

    We have ecosystems.

    There are trisystems.

    We have advanced biometrics intelligence and face recognition. Stars galaxies, Milky Ways communicate without thought. The rises and sets every day every ray of light is within its sight. 

    Time has never been late not a single day since the beginning of creation.

    Survival knows not of God yet it is the absolute truth. 

    Consciousness Trapped Within A Prism Called Reality:

    The mind is a collection of instincts. 

    Thirst, hunger and reproduction. 

    Let us examine how to form a habit and eventually becomes a way of life. The battle of what is right and what is wrong will ultimately be the epitome and downfall of mankind. 

    Beyond right and wrong nothing exists.

    We are either of the darkness.

    We resonate the light thus we repel the dark forces. Life is not abstract.

    Life is a series of choices.

    The thought is born.

    The thought grows in understanding.

    The thought reaches maturity.

    Some thoughts depart from the mind while still young. The manifestation of dreams is the chasing of aspirations till your reality lives in a place called home, where the heart at. 

    Electro magnetic fields is a current. 

    A current is a electric charge.

    In other words a pulse.

    A pulse is defined as the pressure exerted on the blood which flows from the heart to the artery to the veins of a living organism while life is inhabited in it's breath.

    Where is the origin of the pulse?.

    What is the currency of the pulse?

    Pulse is measures by pressure by which the blood flows from heart utery to vain. 

    Energy, pulse and the electro magnetic field.

    Elesto elastic elasticity fibre strands of energy. DNA rich in genetics.

    The antics of our past is ancestral by nature. The past is a mirror of the future. Today does not exist. The now is a blank canvas your memories create the world you want to live in.

    Your existence your life your imagination.

    You create the world you want to live in. 

    Are your thoughts independent of creation? 

    While you breath what should you do with your time?

    Manganite the tissue which makes the cell a living organism can not be complacent can not be taken for granted. 

    The process of creation can be amplified by words. Quantified by numbers. Magnified by deed. The process of creation is can not be measured by knowledge and comprehended by understanding. 

    The Principles of God 

    What is truth?

    What is a lie?

    What separates darkness from light?

    Day and night.

    Sun and moon.

    What separates goodness from evil?


    Who is the architect of deception?

    Propaganda is designed to create doubt in the mind of the believer.

    Faith is shook.

    Hope is disbanded.

    Sceptics are born the religions now worship idols.

    God's Divinity Is Compromised. 

    The ancient and modern church.

    Their primary ideology is principled on a ideology of tithing. Collecting 10% of each member of the congregations earnings monthly.

    Although there is evangelism the art of winning soul. Baptism and salvation are secondary on the agenda of the manifesto of constitution of the church. Fund raising and sponsorship is what keeps the elders on their toes. 

    Marriages, funerals are not the resourceful toolset for the survival promotion and growth of the modern church as we know it today. 

    The alter is on fire.

    The sacrifices to the Gods are burnt beyond recognition. The Gods are not being fed worship in spirit. The Lord is weak I the flesh. 

    Mankind immorality the illicit sex will be the primary instigate for the primary God's heart attack. Above all God is Love.

    There is a perception that love is mooshy.

    Yes love turns the other cheek.

    Love forgives thy enemy.

    Love prays for thy foe.

    Love never ceases to forgive those that have transgressed the peace. 

    Love does not die with the flesh.

    Love is the parable of salvation. 

    Love is the only vessel on earth that will transport the human spirit to heaven and beyond.

    What are the ingredients of love.

    Unconditional understanding.



    Grace follows you all the days of your life.

    Your enemies show you.

    Even when the devil lucifer has snared plan plotted and strategized your ending God has the final say what event will take place next in. The lives of each of every living soul.

    The truth is the devil is a parrot.

    He does not have his own unique original ideologies. He copies and pastes all of the strategies he learnt and heaven.

    Yet the masses don't now the devil is terrified. God sees hi schemes. God knows his every plot. God lives the devil died the day  he was thrown out of Heaven.

    Jesus Christ resurrected.

    The devil is dead.

    Heathens don't transcend into heaven.

    Salvation is for the children of God.

    God's design there are Christians learning lessons in hell the day cometh they will attain salvation. 

    There is not a single trace of a heathen in Heaven.

    Amen and Amen.

    God Is Jesus Christ Our Lord. 


    The Principles of God

    The Plot To Kill God.

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