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Brenda, Tina & X: Gaslamp Bedtime
Brenda, Tina & X: Gaslamp Bedtime
Brenda, Tina & X: Gaslamp Bedtime
Ebook61 pages42 minutes

Brenda, Tina & X: Gaslamp Bedtime

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About this ebook

Do you want to read sapphic sensual stories that focus on an earlier romantic era when ladies often shared a bed, and more. If yes, then enjoy Brenda, Tina, &  X's bedtime as a part of the Gaslamp Bedtime Series.
The story is for those who love steamy lesbian bedtime reads. These stories in the Gaslamp Bedtime Series focus on lesbian sex. This one is set in a gothic mansion and forest to add to the thrills of the women who love women threesome, sweetly sensual, bedtime encounter laid bare for your arousal.

Release dateJun 24, 2024
Brenda, Tina & X: Gaslamp Bedtime

Sapphic Shelley

With a fervent passion for crafting lesbian short stories and novellas, I specialize in creating captivating sapphic tales that provide a delightful erotic escape. My writing style is dedicated to delivering instant love and heart-fluttering moments that leave you blushing and grinning. Indulging in that secret smile that leaves others curious about the joy that fills your heart.

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    Book preview

    Brenda, Tina & X - Sapphic Shelley


    Do you want to read sapphic sensual stories that focus on an earlier romantic era when ladies often shared a bed, and more. If yes, then enjoy Brenda, Tina, & X’s bedtime as a part of the Gaslamp Bedtime Series

    The story is for those who love steamy lesbian bedtime reads. These stories in the Gaslamp Bedtime Series focus on lesbian sex. This one is set in a gothic mansion and forest to add to the thrills of the women who love women threesome, sweetly sensual, bedtime encounter laid bare for your arousal.



    As we three women trudged through the dense forest, the winds howled louder and rain pelted down with a relentless fury. The twisted branches of the trees seemed to coil around us like serpents, their gnarled fingers clawing at the sky. Each step we took sank us deeper into the muddy earth, as if the forest itself was trying to swallow us whole.

    The darkness pressed in on us like a physical weight, blurring the line between reality and illusion. Shapes danced at the edge of our vision, whispering tantalizing secrets that we couldn't quite grasp. Just when it seemed that we were lost in an endless sea of shadows, a faint glimmer of light cut through the gloom - revealing an ancient manor perched on a hill, its stone walls weathered and worn by centuries of neglect.

    Approaching the manor cautiously, we pushed open the moss-covered doors with a sense of foreboding. The air inside was thick with the scent of decay and forgotten memories, sending shivers down our spines. As we three stepped into the grand hall, our footsteps echoed loudly against the marble floor - each sound reverberating through the silence like a thunderclap.

    Portraits of stern-faced aristocrats lined the walls, their eyes seeming to follow our every move with silent disapproval. Dust motes danced in the faint moonlight that filtered through broken stained glass windows, casting eerie patterns on the floor. Suits of armor stood sentinel in silent vigil, their rusted metal gleaming dully in the dim light.

    Despite our trepidation, curiosity drove us deeper into the heart of this haunted manor. We explored rooms frozen in time, each one whispering tales of long-forgotten days. Cobwebs clung like spectral shrouds to every surface, while mantles displayed faded relics of a bygone era. Our hearts raced with a mixture of fear and excitement as we delved further into this mysterious labyrinth of memories and shadows.

    In the dimly lit chamber, my eyes are drawn to the intricate details of the gothic masterpiece that surrounds us. The flickering flames from the ancient organ create a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow, heightening the palpable tension between us. With each heartbeat, a symphony of desire echoes through the room, mingling with the distant tolling of a clock tower.

    As our gazes lock, a current of anticipation crackles in the air, igniting a primal urge within us both. Your bodies a canvas waiting to be explored, and my fingers ache to trace every curve beneath your clothing. The soft sounds of your sighs and moans intertwine with the rustling of fabric and the whisper of silk against skin, creating a sensual soundtrack to our forbidden encounter.

    Every touch is a revelation, each caress more daring and electrifying than the last. My hands map the contours of your body with reverence, drawing patterns of pleasure along your spine and down to your hips. Your response is an intoxicating melody of shivers and gasps, urging me to pull you closer

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