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Eat What I Kill
Eat What I Kill
Eat What I Kill
Ebook41 pages24 minutes

Eat What I Kill

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His office, adorned with minimalist decor and panoramic views of the city, symbolized the culmination of his transformation. From a career in the shadows, where he orchestrated heists with a precision that earned him notoriety, Craig had seamlessly transitioned into the world of legitimate business. TechSolutions, a company specializing in cybersecurity and digital innovations, had become the canvas upon which he painted his reinvented identity.


However, the past, like a persistent specter, lingered in the recesses of Craig's mind. It whispered reminders of the nights when the city slept, and he prowled in the darkness, a phantom of the underworld. The streets that now buzzed with life had once borne witness to his clandestine exploits.



One evening, as the city shimmered with the promise of another night, Craig received a call that would shatter the delicate equilibrium he had painstakingly crafted. Detective Evelyn Ramirez, a tenacious investigator with a penchant for unveiling hidden truths, demanded his presence at the precinct. The voice on the other end of the line held a weight that transcended official protocol—it carried the echoes of a shared history.


As Craig entered the precinct, the stark lighting accentuated the gravity of the situation. Detective Ramirez, her expression a blend of suspicion and familiarity, motioned for him to sit. The room, with its cold ambiance, seemed a world away from the sleek confines of TechSolutions.


"Craig," Detective Ramirez began, her gaze piercing through the layers of his carefully constructed facade. "We found Marcus Devlin dead in an alley last night. You remember Marcus, don't you?"


Marcus Devlin—a name that resonated with a past Craig had strived to bury. A former accomplice turned rival, Marcus had once shared in the spoils of their shadowy endeavors. The news of his death sent ripples through Craig's composed exterior.

PublisherJoe Tony
Release dateJun 11, 2024
Eat What I Kill

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    Book preview

    Eat What I Kill - Joe Tony

    Chapter 1

    Shadows of the Past


    His office, adorned with minimalist decor and panoramic views of the city, symbolized the culmination of his transformation. From a career in the shadows, where he orchestrated heists with a precision that earned him notoriety, Craig had seamlessly transitioned into the world of legitimate business. TechSolutions, a company specializing in cybersecurity and digital innovations, had become the canvas upon which he painted his reinvented identity.

    However, the past, like a persistent specter, lingered in the recesses of Craig's mind. It whispered reminders of the nights when the city slept, and he prowled in the darkness, a phantom of the underworld. The streets that now buzzed with life had once borne witness to his clandestine exploits.

    One evening, as the city shimmered with the promise of another night, Craig received a call that would shatter the delicate equilibrium he had painstakingly crafted. Detective Evelyn Ramirez, a tenacious investigator with a penchant for unveiling hidden truths, demanded his presence at the precinct. The voice on the other end of the line held a weight that transcended official protocol—it carried the echoes of a shared history.

    As Craig entered the precinct, the stark lighting accentuated the gravity of the situation. Detective Ramirez, her expression a blend of suspicion and familiarity, motioned for him to sit. The room, with its cold ambiance, seemed a world away from the sleek confines of TechSolutions.

    Craig, Detective Ramirez began, her gaze piercing through the layers of his carefully constructed facade. We found Marcus Devlin dead in an alley last night. You remember Marcus, don't you?

    Marcus Devlin—a name that resonated with a past Craig had strived to bury. A former accomplice turned rival, Marcus had once shared in the spoils of their shadowy endeavors. The news of his death sent ripples through Craig's composed exterior.

    He was found with a gunshot wound, Detective Ramirez continued, her eyes locking onto Craig's. We have witnesses placing you near the scene. Care to explain?

    Craig, his mind a whirlwind

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