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Extreme Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis For Women (2 In 1)
Extreme Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis For Women (2 In 1)
Extreme Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis For Women (2 In 1)
Ebook121 pages1 hour

Extreme Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis For Women (2 In 1)

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This Audiobook Might Have The Long-Term, All-Natural Solution You're Looking For To Your Weight Loss, Healthy Living & Emotional Eating Issues…

And it doesn't entail following fad diets, detesting your food, or engaging in hours of taxing exercise you constantly dread.


Let's be real here.


In an effort to lose weight, you've probably tried an infinite number of diets and workout plans; perhaps there was some short-term success. Well, its very likely there was.


However, it will only last a short while unless there is a lasting shift in your consciousness and subconscious that alters the way you see food, exercise, and weight loss


As you can see, hypnosis transforms your core beliefs while you're in a suggestible condition, giving you the mental capacity to truly alter your way of life and actually enjoy the weight loss journey, and start seeing it as it is- a Self-Love journey.


The objective is to establish a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain forever so that it becomes second nature to you. As much of a routine as brushing your teeth.


And, not only that, a healthy lifestyle where you actually enjoy your meals, engage in exercise you want to & get sustainable & natural results.


Doesn't that sound better than crash diets, hours of cardio & endless yo-yoing with your weight?


A tiny sample of what's within is shown below…

  • Positive Affirmations For To Help You Get The Body Of Your Dreams And Actually Maintain It With a Lifestyle You LOVE
  • Understand The Reason Hypnosis Is A Successful Weight-Loss Technique As You Watch Your Brain Transform By Using These Self-Hypnosis Daily
  • Self-Hypnotic Gastric Band Scripts That Will Supercharge Your Ability To Lose Weight (And Keep It Off!)
  • Effective Meditations For Overcoming A Sugar Addiction And Yearning
  • Overcoming Emotional Eating With These Self-Hypnosis


So, If You Want To Retrain Your Brain For A Lifetime of Healthy Living, Mindful Eating Habits & Natural Weight Loss That Lasts, Then Scroll Up And Click "Buy This Audiobook" Today.

PublisherAmora Rose
Release dateJun 11, 2024
Extreme Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis For Women (2 In 1)

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    Book preview

    Extreme Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis For Women (2 In 1) - Amora Rose

    The Influence of a Good Self-Image

    The entire process is based on the single, straightforward concept of self-image, or how you view yourself, think of yourself, and feel about yourself despite how other people see you. For this procedure to be effective, maintaining a positive self-image is essential.

    While trying to escape that image might not be successful, improving it and reshaping it will undoubtedly be successful. You must bring that transformation from the inside out if you want to see it on the outside.

    Next time you think about yourself, see yourself as the person you're trying so hard to become—the one who is courageous, self-assured, and lives with a high sense of worth. Draw in as much information as you can and give the individual, you're considering a compelling personality. See what you're wearing, observe your body language, and feel your smooth skin and lustrous hair. Keep in mind that you are the only one you are looking at. This is the person you will develop into. Devote your entire being to create this new you; be proud that you made this person out of yourself by your own labour of love and be pleased that you earned every bit of this.

    Close your eyes for a moment each day right after waking up and before getting out of bed, visualize this person, and make a commitment to yourself that you will do all in your power to become at least a little bit more like them today. The way you view yourself will have an impact on how others perceive you.

    People will notice your energy and appreciate it when you put so much of it into the world. It won't take long for others to join in once you are content with how you look. Hold your head high and begin each day with this fresh perspective. You've reached your ideal weight and have the personality to match. You rejoice.

    Self-Hypnosis for Losing Weight

    Now, I'm going to tell you how to hypnotize yourself to lose weight whenever you want, but only while you're seated, and your mind isn't demanding your whole attention.

    So, I want you to picture yourself ascending a 20-step stairway and realizing that you are there and that you are your current weight and body type.

    However, see yourself with all of your assets.

    Even though you can now see yourself at your current weight, you are well aware of your strengths.

    With that knowledge, picture yourself going down the stairs while I count down from 20 to





    Increasingly deep





    even more unwinding



    deeper still


    knowing your strengths


    the advantages











    At the bottom of the stairs, you are. You see a lengthy corridor at the front with a door at the end.

    You approach the entrance and see a sign that reads Lower Ground as you get close to it.

    As soon as you open the door, you see a second staircase with 10 steps. The word relax is inscribed on each step. And going twice as deep only means you'll be twice as at ease.

    Before you descend the stairs, picture yourself at your optimum weight, experiencing all the good feelings you will experience—such as assurance, joy, bravery, and high self-esteem.

    Starting right away...

    10... feeling good

    9... feeling assured

    8.... feeling brave

    7...having a high sense of self

    Six... feeling thinner

    Having thighs and legs that are firmer

    4... having a narrow waist

    3.. having a tall back

    2... very assured

    1... at the weight you want to be

    Zero... seal this in your head right away

    And when you turn to face it, you see a giant mirror in which you can readily see the outline of your body.

    Now that you are at your target goal weight, you may consider all the reasons you are here as well as the things you will do and accomplish. Perhaps it's to feel more energized, healthier, more attractive, fitter, and more in control.

    There are a variety of reasons why you desire to lose weight and reach your ideal goal weight, but I want you to list the top three.

    Your comfort level with the idea of losing weight is growing, and you are discovering more and more strategies to eat healthily and exercise so that you can do so quickly and comfortably. Every time you feel like straying from your newly formed eating and exercising habits, you just close your eyes and see your ideal goal weight. Each time you do this, you stop and return to the route that will help you lose weight in a healthy way.

    Self-Awareness Body Scan

    You'll be able to scan your body and let go of any negative feelings that cause you to overeat, which will just make you feel guilty and only briefly happier.

    Now is the moment to let go of these feelings so that you can remain conscious of what and how much you consume at all times.

    Additionally, picture yourself strolling through a huge field of magnificent sunflowers. And when you scan your body for emotions, just visualize blowing on a sunflower and seeing the petals sway in the light air.

    Now, focus on your toes. I wonder if you could wiggle them a little to experience the sensation in them when you do so. Observe how your toes get more relaxed as you wiggle them and take note of how each toe cell relaxes.

    Pay close attention to the bottoms of your feet to see if anything—possibly an emotion—is lodged there. If so, bring it to the surface and visualize blowing a sunflower, seeing the emotion fade away in the soft breeze.

    Imagine inspecting the front, heels, and ankles of your feet while you take a breath.

    And pay attention to each foot's expression; what do you notice?

    By just blowing on a sunflower and watching the leaves scatter in the wind, you can let go of any emotion you may be feeling there.

    Imagine focusing on the shins and calves of your legs with your next breath. As you do so, pay attention to every bone and fiber and scan them for whatever you need to let go of.

    Perhaps there is a feeling that needs to be released since it is useless and only permits eating when you are psychologically rather than physically hungry. More harm than good results from it.

    On your subsequent exhalation, release that feeling.

    As you continue to raise your focus upward, scan your knees while bringing your awareness to your thighs and hips.

    Do you feel the ground beneath you when you direct your attention to your hips and thighs? Perhaps you've noticed any memories or emotions as well. If so, just acknowledge them and let them go if they make you feel uncomfortable.

    Take a moment right now to acknowledge to yourself that it's okay to have ideas and feelings. Simply accept them and move on. Simply picture letting them go with the mild breeze, exactly as the petals would scatter when you blow a sunflower, without passing judgment on them.

    Exhale again, letting yourself unwind even more this time.

    Let your focus go to your waist, lower back, and pelvis at this point.

    And then let yourself sink into the ground underneath you. As you direct attention to the bottom portion of your body, you become even more at ease. Simply become aware of any sensations you feel in your pelvis and let them go. Simply let any feelings go if you notice them.

    Simply express gratitude for the breath as you take a breath. By doing this, you are expressing gratitude for your life and the opportunity it will provide for personal development.

    Return to your upper body and start scanning it once more. Take a moment to pay attention to your upper body, particularly the upper back, shoulders, and upper arms. Simply become aware of any emotions that are present and let them out on your

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