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My Best Genealogy Tips: Researching Your English Roots
My Best Genealogy Tips: Researching Your English Roots
My Best Genealogy Tips: Researching Your English Roots
Ebook95 pages36 minutes

My Best Genealogy Tips: Researching Your English Roots

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In "My Best Genealogy Tips: Researching Your English Roots," I will provide guidance on how to begin researching your ancestors in England, and I will show tips on how to gather information about your ancestors. You will start using what is online.

It is important that you start an online family tree. I will describe how you can add your family to that family tree, and I show you the benefits of doing so.
You can be looking for your family and not find them where they lived – or so you thought. Boundaries can be challenging so I will make sure you know how to tell which boundary they lived.

Next, I will describe the distinct types of genealogical records. Some for England are census, church, and probate. All kinds of online resources are at your disposal. They provide a comprehensive list that can aid you in your England genealogy research. They are divided into births, marriages, deaths, divorces, cemeteries, censuses, military, wills, probate, and much more.

Local resources provide information on what the England Archives and England Libraries have to see. I will make sure you know what is out there. There are county archives, museums, and record offices.

I will show you how to do case studies by abstracting information from historical records. You then will evaluate the information. You will then be able to share successful genealogical research with family so they can apply strategies to their own research.

Sometimes you cannot find ancestors. That is where DNA offers many benefits. You will also learn how to share with family and online. Today we do not write letters for example, because our family is on Facebook so we can post the records, photo, and story. Even putting out a blog post can attract cousins.

By finding out about educational opportunities, you can keep abreast of recent technology and new strategies. I will show you where they are. I reference genealogical societies, RootsTech, FamilySearch Center, and the Family History Federation.

All I have to say is get your mobile phone out! This is the new age. You can go to the website and keep reading about English Roots.

Release dateJun 11, 2024
My Best Genealogy Tips: Researching Your English Roots

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    Book preview

    My Best Genealogy Tips - Robin R. Foster

    My Best Genealogy Tips:

    Researching Your

    English Roots

    By Robin R. Foster

    Copyright © 2024 Robin R. Foster Written by Robin R. Foster.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without

    written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    First Printing, 2024

    My Best Genealogy Tips: Researching Your English Roots Published by Benjamin Book Publishing, LLC

    This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise without prior permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

    Cover design by Izii Designer:

    All rights reserved.

    Visit the author’s website:


    Library of Congress Control Number: TXu 2-426-857

    Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    The publisher and the author make no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience by following the advice and strategies contained in this book, and you accept the risk that results will differ for everyone. The examples provided in this book show exceptional results, which may not apply to the average reader and are not intended to represent or guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results.


    To my daughter, Adrianne, who is the person that in 2016 courageously took on caring for me when I could not do it for myself. From monitoring my healthcare to years later taking me on as my publisher, she is more than a daughter. She is a true Sister from above.

    Also, to Angelique Seymour, a sweet friend who has majored in Broadcasting and has a definite interest in family history. Thank you for reading my manuscript.


    I feel most grateful to FamilySearch’s Research Wiki. I have shared the Research Wiki since it came out. Everyday, I share the Research Wiki with family and friends, especially those that are in Genealogy Just Ask Facebook Groups.


    In My Best Genealogy Tips: Researching Your English Roots, I will provide guidance on how to begin researching your ancestors in England, and I will show tips on how to gather information about your ancestors. You will start using what is online.

    It is important that you start an online family tree. I will describe how you can add your family to that family tree, and I show you the benefits of doing so.

    You can be looking for your family and not find them where they lived – or so you thought. Boundaries can be challenging so I will make sure you know how to tell which boundary they lived.

    Next, I will describe the distinct types of genealogical records. Some for England are census, church, and probate.

    All kinds of online resources are

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