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Salvant Brothers, Adam Book Three: Salvant Brothers, #3
Salvant Brothers, Adam Book Three: Salvant Brothers, #3
Salvant Brothers, Adam Book Three: Salvant Brothers, #3
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Salvant Brothers, Adam Book Three: Salvant Brothers, #3

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I am Adam Salvant, the brother with secrets, but why wouldn't I have secrets after the darkness I experienced in my earlier years. Now that everything is starting to unfold, will what I've kept hidden from my brother's break our bond? With enemies gunning for us, can we put our differences aside to eliminate the threat?


In the midst of it all, fate sent the woman who is destined to be mine, but will she walk away when she finds out who I really am?

Release dateMay 23, 2024
Salvant Brothers, Adam Book Three: Salvant Brothers, #3

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    Book preview

    Salvant Brothers, Adam Book Three - Sonja B.

    A Novel By,

    SONJA B.

    ©2020 Published by After Hours Publications, Inc.

    All rights reserved.

    Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage without express permission by the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Contains explicit language & adult themes suitable for ages 17+


    Chapter 1

    Adam Salvant

    Iam Adam Salvant, the quiet one out of the three of us, but I can be just as deadly as my brothers. After what we went through as a result of our father, well me and Felix’s father’s betrayal, we’ve come a long way since that dreadful night many years ago. Our father, Sergio Salvant, was a drunk and a gambler who took life’s frustration out on his wife and sons. He got in over his head with his gambling and ended up owing a lot of money to the local Mob Boss, Andres Romano. In an act of ultimate betrayal, he paid off his gambling debt with Axl, and on that same night, we found out Axl was not his son. Andres Romano, the ruthless mother fucker who ripped our brother away from us, was actually Axl’s biological father. It would be years later before we would lay eyes on Axl again, but the time leading up to it was hell.

    Shit went from bad to worse after Axl was taken. Felix tried to step up and take Axl’s place in protecting us from our father, but he was no match for him. Karma came back around though and bit our father in the ass when he fell ill and died of liver cancer. Depression took over my mother, and at the time, I didn’t know that was what ailed her. She committed suicide because of it, which left Felix and I to be placed into the foster care system.

    Those years we were in the system really fucked me up. I think if Felix hadn’t been there with me, I probably would have committed suicide just like our mother. I was small for my age, which made me a target for bullies and perverts. I can’t tell you how many fights Felix got in just to protect me, and when foster care tried to separate us, he fought them too.

    I felt so hopeless, all I wanted was for somebody, anybody to come rescue us, and when Axl showed up that day to take us from our last foster home with the Hopson’s, I was able to finally breathe a sigh of relief.  He moved us into our new home, where we had our own rooms. Axl made sure we had everything we needed and then some. Even though I was happy to be back with my big brother, there was always a fear the foster care people would show up one day to take us away. Axl promised that would never happen, he would never let it happen. Axl vowed he would take out anyone who tried to divide us again. I knew he meant every word because of the way his eyes went dark as he spoke. After that, I knew no one would be able to separate us again. When he started taking Felix and I to his warehouse to begin training us in hand to hand combat and weaponry, I soaked that shit in. I held in a lot of pent up anger that I kept from Axl and Felix. Yes, they have always been there for me, I just didn’t know how to tell them what was going with me internally, so I started to channel the anger into my training. I know Axl noticed it during our training sessions because he would often have to remind me of his one rule of no hitting with closed fists. He never called me out on it, but when he sensed it, he would send Felix to the gun range to practice while he taught me ways to control my breathing and how to redirect my negative energy.

    It was like once I stepped foot into the warehouse, a different Adam emerged on the other side. My whole attitude would change. The scared, weak, and vulnerable Adam was gone, and a more confident and assured Adam took over.

    Where Felix was good with the guns, I was good with both my hands and guns. I promised myself I would take everything Axl taught me and use it to my advantage. I was going to hold my own and not have to depend on my big brothers to rescue me.

    When we started our new school, I was nervous as hell. This school wasn’t like the old school we attended when we lived with our foster parents. This school was more up-scale with kids that clicked in groups and cared about the latest gossip.

    I was a sophomore at the time, and Felix was a senior. On the first day of school, I think most got the idea not to fuck with us. Axl made sure we had the latest name brand clothing and shoes. He took us to the barbershop to get our wild manes tamed the Saturday before and threatened the stylist that if he cut our hair above our shoulders, he would personally give him a haircut he would never forget.

    Axl parked his Charger directly in front of the school, and the three of us got out. Girls swooned, as guys looked on with jealousy and envy. Since being with Axl, Felix and I had packed on some weight, and most of it was muscle from working out with him. I was five-foot-ten at the time and was still growing. I let my dark locks hang freely like Axl, but Felix liked to put his back in a bun. I’m sure the kids didn’t know what to make of us. Shit, Axl looked intimidating without even trying. His large frame and height would scare anyone. The constant mean expression on his face was enough to make others look the other way when his sunglass covered face turned in their direction.

    Let’s go, Axl said, as he headed to the school entrance with Felix behind him. I adjusted my backpack strap on my shoulder and followed.

    After stopping for directions, we went to the Guidance Counselor’s office to pick up our schedules. Felix and I rolled our eyes and laughed at Ms. Taylor, the counselor, as she openly flirted with Axl. She looked old enough to be our mother. I guess she got the hint Axl wasn’t interested when he told her, While I’m flattered, I’m just here to make sure my little brothers are taken care of, so can we get their schedules and find out where they need to pick their books up from? Thank you.

    Ms. Taylor blushed at the polite dismissal. I guess she wasn’t used to rejection. I mean, she was nice looking for an older woman, but she was definitely not my brother’s type. I later found out that she was what some would call a cougar. She flirted or hooked up with a lot of the fathers, married or not, who came in for their kids.

    When we finished getting our schedule and books, two student aides were assigned to show us where our lockers were located, then our classes. Felix grinned and said he would be fine with his pretty blonde, blue-eyed aide that had on a cheerleader uniform. Axl shook his head at him and told him he would see him when school was over.

    My aide was a kid named Reese Locke. He was a sophomore too who had study hall the same period. He was soft-spoken, and kind of nerdy. When he looked at my schedule, he noticed that we had a few classes together. He got excited when he noticed we were in the same last period, auto tech class. I guess you can say that’s how Reese and I became friends because of our love for cars.

    Once Axl saw I was going to be okay, he told me the same thing he did Felix. He also said he would be waiting at the same spot in front of the school for us. It took some getting used to, but Felix and I adjusted to our new school with ease. We both excelled in our classes and made the Honor Roll quite often. I would never say it to his face, but we learned Felix was a computer geek. He would use his foster care money on buying the latest gadgets for his computer. Axl called him the mad scientist when he would lock himself in his room, doing God knows what. He ended up dating the cheerleader, Gwen, for a few months, until they broke up when she decided to hook up with the captain of the football team. He wanted to beat the guy’s ass, but Axl told him you never fight another man over a woman unless you know for sure she is the one. Felix bounced back quick and became a serial dater, not committing to any one girl.

    Me, on the other hand, I was too focused on my classwork and my fascination with cars to worry about dating. Ever since I was a little kid, I had a love for them. I would breakdown my toy cars to figure out how they worked. Anything that had an engine in it, I wanted to know how it operated. My auto tech instructor, Mr. Barnes, was so impressed by my eagerness to learn, he would ask Reese and I to stay after school to help work on his truck or cars of his friends. Of course, Axl had to check him out first to make sure he wasn’t some pervert who was trying to take advantage of young boys. Axl took him to the side one day and had a conversation with him. I’m not sure what was discussed, but when they were  done, Axl patted me on the back and told me to call him when I was ready to come home. Mr. Barnes had a weird look on him, as sweat ran down his face.

    One particular day after class, Mr. Barnes asked if we could stay over to help with the principal’s car. Reese said he wasn’t able to because he had to meet with his Algebra tutor after school. After I called Axl and told him I would be staying over, I headed to my locker to throw my books in it and grab my backpack. As I passed the gym, I heard loud voices coming from the other side of the gym doors. My first instinct was to keep going, but something told me to go see what was going on. When I opened the door, I was shocked to see two players of the football team holding Reese by the arms as Lance, the captain of the football team, was swinging on him.

    What the fuck are you doing? I roar, getting their attention.

    Lance glares at me, before he begins to laugh. This has nothing to do with you, so if you don’t want the same thing to happen to you, I suggest you get the fuck outta here and keep your fucking mouth shut.

    Dropping my backpack to my feet, then taking off my coat, letting it fall too, I walk towards them. No, you’re going to let him go, before you get your ass handed to you.

    Laughter erupts from the three before Lance becomes serious. Listen, you little mother fucker, get the fuck out of here. Your brother’s not here to save your ass. I don’t know why you Salvant pussies walk around like you’re the shit! You’re nothing but mafia wannabes. His cronies chuckle. Now, I’m not going to tell you again, get the fuck out of here.

    I ignore him, as I stalk closer to them. His friends watch on with amused expressions. Lance frowns, as I close the distance between us, rolling my shoulders, letting the bones pop. He looks back at his friends, who shrug their shoulders. Do you believe this little shit?! He actually thinks he can take me!

    As he turns back to me, I catch him with a hard-right fist to his chin, laying him out with one punch. He drops to the ground with a loud thud. His friends quickly release Reese, who falls to the floor. Lance’s friends try to go to his aid, but I step forward in my fighting stance, causing them to step back.

    The smaller one raises his hands. We don’t want any trouble. We were just having fun. Lance wanted Reese to do his homework so he wouldn’t get kicked off the team. We didn’t know he would take it this far!

    Eyeing him from head to toe, I casually walk over to him, as he still holds his hands out. Before he could react, I hit him with a gut punch. He bowls over, clutching his stomach, as the other kid breaks for the gym door, leaving his friends.

    I shake my head, as I grab Reese’s arm and wrap it around my neck to lift him up.

    Thanks, Adam. I think I could have taken Lance if it was a fair fight. He grimaces, as he stands.

    Yeah, I’m sure you could have too, Reese, I tell him, as we make our way to the door.

    There were two things I found out that day, one, I never wanted to see someone picking on another who could not defend themselves, and two, the rush I got from taking on Lance, and his friends was something I couldn’t explain. Still, it was something that I wanted to experience again.

    Chapter 2


    After the incident with Lance, Reese nor I had any problems out of him or his friends. I didn’t tell Axl or Felix about the incident because I knew they would have ended Lance without a second thought. I felt I handled the situation, so there was no need to involve them. Months later, before school ended for the summer, it came out that Gwen was pregnant by Lance, causing a scandal in their little community. His family and hers thought it would be best if he got a job to take care of her and the baby. Bye bye, football career. Felix was happy he missed the bullet on that one. That same year I lost my virginity at a house party Felix, Reese, and I attended to some senior chick. I got ribbed about it, but shit, I didn’t care.

    Felix’s graduation was epic. After the ceremony, Axl threw Felix a huge cookout in the backyard of our new house. He invited some of Felix’s friends over to celebrate. Lorenzo and his family came, as well. I think what surprised Felix the most was when Axl had everyone come to the front of the house. The look on Felix’s face was camera worthy when he laid eyes on the charcoal grey Dodge Charger with a big white graduation cap sitting on top of it. I saw the tears in his eyes as he hugged Axl, thanking him for his gift and being the best brother in the world. Hell, I was teary-eyed too because everything he said was true. Axl is the best brother.

    My junior and senior year went by fast as hell. During my senior year, I took dual auto tech classes at the university in town. My dream was to own my own garage someday. Mr. Barnes spoke to one of his friends on my behalf, and after a short interview, I was hired on at Kaan’s Automotive Repair, one of the two well-known garages in the city. Once I proved to the managers and owners I wasn’t just some kid who liked to play with cars, they started to realize I took my job seriously and wasn’t there to bullshit them. A few months after being there, I was able to get Reese hired on too. Soon people started coming in and asking for me by name to work on the vehicles. There was no car or truck, old or new, that I couldn’t

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