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Echoes of Eternity
Echoes of Eternity
Echoes of Eternity
Ebook240 pages3 hours

Echoes of Eternity

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About this ebook

In the magical land of Veiloria, an ancient prophecy awakens as the Shadow Sect threatens to engulf the realm in darkness. Alex, an unassuming young scholar, stumbles upon a powerful crystal and an ancient tome that holds the key to Veiloria's salvation. With newfound magical abilities, he joins forces with Kira, a skeptical but brilliant mage, and Bran, a brave and strategic warrior, to protect their homeland.


As they journey through enchanted forests, ancient ruins, and hidden civilizations, the trio faces daunting trials that test their courage and unity. They uncover long-lost secrets, master powerful spells, and forge unbreakable bonds of friendship. Along the way, they gather allies from diverse backgrounds, each bringing unique skills and knowledge to their cause.


The trio's mission culminates in a fierce battle against the Shadow Sect, where they harness the crystal's energy to defend Veiloria. Despite the overwhelming odds, their determination and unity lead them to victory. They secure the future of Veiloria, preserving its ancient secrets and powerful artifacts.


But their journey is far from over. As the sun sets over the rebuilt Fortress of Ebonridge, Alex, Kira, and Bran stand together, ready to face any future challenges. With the strength of their bond and the power of their resolve, they are prepared to protect Veiloria and ensure its bright and prosperous future.

Release dateJun 11, 2024
Echoes of Eternity

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    Book preview

    Echoes of Eternity - Kira Branwell

    Chapter 1


    Alex sat hunched over a dusty old tome in the corner of the dimly lit library, his eyes darting across the faded text. The air was thick with the scent of ancient paper and the soft rustle of pages being turned. His fingers traced the lines of symbols and runes, eyes alight with curiosity. He had been here for hours, lost in the labyrinth of knowledge that the library offered. A solitary candle flickered beside him, casting dancing shadows on the walls.

    What have you got there, Alex? a voice interrupted his reverie. It was Professor Thorne, the head librarian, and a mentor to Alex. The older man’s gray hair and lined face spoke of years spent among these very shelves.

    Just some old texts on Veiloria, Alex replied, not looking up from his book. There’s something about this one that feels... different.

    Veiloria, you say? Thorne’s interest was piqued. Many have searched for that lost civilization, and none have succeeded. What makes you think you will?

    Alex smiled slightly, finally lifting his gaze. I don’t know, but something tells me I’m on the right track. Look at these symbols. They’re not just decorative; they’re part of an intricate magical language.

    Thorne leaned over, peering at the symbols through his spectacles. Interesting. But be cautious, Alex. Many have lost their way chasing after myths.

    Alex nodded, understanding the warning but not deterred. He had always felt a pull towards the unknown, a thirst for knowledge that couldn’t be quenched by the mundane.

    As the professor walked away, Alex’s fingers brushed against an unusual emblem on the page. A sudden jolt of energy surged through him, causing the candle flame to flare up. He gasped, pulling his hand back in shock.

    What the... Alex muttered, staring at his hand. His palm tingled, and for a moment, he thought he saw faint blue sparks. He glanced around to see if anyone had noticed, but the library remained silent, its occupants engrossed in their own studies.

    He reached out again, this time more cautiously, touching the emblem with the tip of his finger. The same jolt of energy coursed through him, but this time he was ready. He let the sensation flow, feeling it spread up his arm and through his body.

    Is this... magic? he whispered to himself. He had read about it in countless books but had never experienced it firsthand. The realization that he possessed some form of magical ability was both thrilling and terrifying.

    Alex closed his eyes, focusing on the energy. He felt a connection to the book, as if it were speaking to him in a language beyond words. He opened his eyes and began to trace the symbols more confidently, understanding their meaning as he went along.

    A soft humming sound filled the air, growing louder with each symbol he traced. The book began to glow faintly, and Alex could see the symbols lifting off the page, floating in the air before him.

    This is incredible, he breathed, a wide smile spreading across his face. He felt a surge of exhilaration, the likes of which he had never known. The symbols danced around him, weaving intricate patterns in the air.

    Suddenly, the humming stopped, and the symbols fell back onto the page, their glow fading. Alex’s heart raced as he tried to process what had just happened.

    He gathered his belongings, tucking the book under his arm, and hurried to find Professor Thorne. He found him in the back of the library, cataloging a new shipment of books.

    Professor Thorne, you have to see this, Alex said breathlessly.

    Thorne looked up, raising an eyebrow. What is it, Alex? Another discovery?

    Alex nodded, placing the book on the table. I think I’ve just experienced magic. Real magic.

    Thorne’s eyes widened slightly. Show me.

    Alex opened the book to the emblem and placed his hand over it. He closed his eyes, concentrating. The energy surged again, and the symbols began to glow. Thorne watched in amazement as they lifted off the page, floating in the air.

    Remarkable, Thorne murmured. I’ve never seen anything like this. How did you do it?

    I’m not sure, Alex admitted. It just... happened.

    Thorne studied the symbols closely. These are Veilorian symbols, indeed. If you can harness this power, you might be onto something extraordinary.

    Alex’s mind raced with possibilities. Do you think this could lead us to Veiloria?

    It’s possible, Thorne said thoughtfully. But you must be careful. Magic is a powerful tool, and it can be dangerous if not used wisely.

    I understand, Alex said. But I have to follow this. I have to know where it leads.

    Thorne nodded. Very well. But you won’t go alone. I’ll inform the council. They need to know about this.

    As Alex left the library, the weight of his discovery settled on his shoulders. He knew this was just the beginning. His journey into the unknown had begun, and he was ready to embrace whatever challenges lay ahead.


    Alex walked briskly through the university courtyard, his mind racing with thoughts of the magical discovery he had just made. The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the cobblestone paths. Students milled about, some heading to their dormitories, others to the dining hall. Alex barely noticed them, his focus entirely on the ancient book tucked under his arm.

    He needed to share this with his friends. Kira and Bran would understand the significance of what he had found. They were his closest companions, each with their own unique skills that had proven invaluable in their past adventures.

    As he approached the student commons, he spotted Kira sitting at a table outside, her nose buried in a book as usual. Her short, auburn hair glinted in the fading sunlight, and her glasses perched precariously on the bridge of her nose. Beside her, Bran was sharpening his sword, his muscular frame and stern expression making him an imposing figure even in the relaxed setting.

    Kira! Bran! Alex called out, quickening his pace. You won’t believe what I’ve found.

    Kira looked up, her eyebrows raised in curiosity. What is it, Alex? Another dusty old book?

    Bran chuckled, sheathing his sword. Knowing Alex, it’s probably more than just a book.

    Alex grinned, dropping into a chair next to Kira. He placed the ancient tome on the table and opened it to the page with the glowing symbols. This isn’t just any book. It’s a map to Veiloria.

    Kira adjusted her glasses, peering at the symbols. Veiloria? The lost civilization? Alex, we’ve been through this. It’s a myth, a legend.

    I thought so too, Alex said, excitement evident in his voice. But look at these symbols. They’re Veilorian, and when I touched them, something incredible happened. The symbols lifted off the page and glowed. I think I’ve found real magic.

    Bran leaned in, examining the book. Magic, huh? And you’re sure about this?

    Alex nodded. Absolutely. I felt the energy coursing through me. It was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.

    Kira sighed, closing her own book. Alex, even if this is real, do you have any idea how dangerous it could be? Magic isn’t something to be taken lightly.

    I know, Alex said, his tone serious. But think of what we could learn, what we could discover. This could be the key to finding Veiloria.

    Bran crossed his arms, considering Alex’s words. If you’re right, this could change everything. But we need to be careful. We can’t just rush into this.

    Alex nodded. I agree. We need to prepare, gather supplies, and plan our route. This isn’t something we can do alone. We need all the help we can get.

    Kira looked at the book again, her curiosity piqued despite her skepticism. So, what’s the plan?

    Alex smiled, grateful for his friends’ support. First, we need to decode the rest of the map. These symbols aren’t just directions; they’re instructions, and possibly traps. We need to understand them fully before we set out.

    Kira sighed, nodding. Alright, I’ll help you with the translations. But we need to be thorough. One mistake could be fatal.

    Bran stood up, his determination evident. I’ll start preparing our supplies. We’ll need food, water, weapons, and whatever else we can think of. If we’re really doing this, we need to be ready for anything.

    Alex felt a surge of gratitude. Thanks, guys. I couldn’t do this without you.

    Kira gave him a small smile. You’re not getting rid of us that easily. Besides, if there’s even a chance Veiloria is real, we have to find it.

    Bran clapped Alex on the shoulder. We’ve faced dangers before, Alex. We can handle this. Just promise me you’ll be careful with that magic of yours.

    I will, Alex promised. I’m still figuring it out myself, but I won’t let it get out of control.

    As the three friends made their plans, the last rays of sunlight disappeared, giving way to the cool night. The stars began to twinkle overhead, a silent witness to the beginning of their new adventure. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement, as they prepared to embark on a journey that could change their lives forever.

    In the days that followed, they worked tirelessly. Kira poured over the ancient text, deciphering symbols and making notes. Alex practiced his newfound magical abilities, trying to understand and control the power within him. Bran gathered supplies and mapped out their route, ensuring they were ready for whatever lay ahead.

    The bond between them grew stronger as they shared the burden of preparation. They laughed, argued, and supported each other, knowing that they were about to face unknown dangers together. Their trust in one another was unwavering, forged through years of friendship and past adventures.

    Finally, the day came when they were ready to set out. The excitement in the air was palpable as they shouldered their packs and set off towards the horizon, leaving behind the safety of the university. Each step they took brought them closer to the mystery of Veiloria, and to the answers they sought.

    Their journey into the unknown had begun, and with it, the promise of discovery, danger, and the magic that lay hidden within the ancient civilization of Veiloria.


    The following morning, the trio gathered in Alex’s small, cluttered study, surrounded by stacks of books and scrolls. Sunlight streamed through the narrow window, casting a warm glow on the wooden floor. Kira was already seated at the desk, meticulously copying the symbols from the ancient tome onto a fresh piece of parchment. Bran stood by the door, his arms crossed, surveying the room with a wary eye.

    Alex paced back and forth, his mind racing with excitement and anxiety. We need to understand these symbols completely before we make any moves. They’re not just directions; they’re instructions, possibly even traps.

    Kira nodded, her brow furrowed in concentration. I’m working on it. These symbols are intricate, and some of them are unlike anything I’ve seen before. It’s going to take time.

    Bran stepped forward, his voice calm and steady. We’ve faced worse, Alex. We just need to stay focused. What have you figured out so far?

    Kira tapped her pen on the parchment. Well, these symbols here seem to form a protective spell. They’re designed to keep intruders out, but if we can decipher them, we can probably reverse or deactivate them.

    Alex stopped pacing and leaned over the desk, examining Kira’s work. A protective spell? That makes sense. Veiloria was rumored to be heavily guarded by magic.

    Exactly, Kira replied. But there’s more. This section here talks about a series of trials or tests. It’s not just about finding Veiloria; we’ll have to prove ourselves worthy to enter.

    Bran grinned. Trials, huh? Sounds like a challenge. I’m ready for it.

    Alex’s eyes lit up with determination. Then we’ll need to prepare ourselves mentally and physically. These trials could test every aspect of our abilities.

    Kira continued to scribble notes, her face serious. We should also be aware of any traps or illusions. The text mentions ‘guardians of the realm,’ which could mean anything from magical constructs to creatures protecting Veiloria.

    Bran nodded, his expression thoughtful. We’ve dealt with traps before. We just need to stay sharp and watch each other’s backs.

    Alex looked at his friends, a sense of pride swelling in his chest. I’m glad we’re in this together. With our combined skills, I know we can do this.

    Kira smiled, though it was tinged with a hint of concern. Just remember, Alex, magic is unpredictable. You’re still learning how to control it.

    Alex nodded, acknowledging her caution. I know. I’ll be careful. But I have a feeling that understanding these symbols is the key to unlocking my abilities.

    Bran clapped a hand on Alex’s shoulder. Then let’s get to it. The sooner we understand these symbols, the sooner we can start our journey.

    Hours passed as they worked together, deciphering the ancient text. The room buzzed with a mix of excitement and tension, each discovery bringing them closer to their goal. Kira’s linguistic skills were invaluable, her precise translations revealing layers of meaning hidden within the symbols. Bran’s strategic mind helped them think through the possible challenges and traps they might face. Alex, meanwhile, practiced his magic, trying to harness the energy he had felt when he first touched the book.

    Look at this, Kira said suddenly, pointing to a section of the parchment. These symbols describe a ritual to open the gate to Veiloria. It involves a combination of magic and physical components.

    Alex leaned in, studying the symbols. So, we’ll need to gather specific items and perform the ritual in a precise manner. This is more complex than I thought.

    Bran smirked. Good thing we’re not afraid of a little complexity. What do we need?

    Kira read through her notes. We’ll need a crystal infused with magical energy, a silver chalice, and a specific type of incense. The ritual also requires a recitation of these incantations, which Alex will need to perform.

    Alex’s eyes widened. Me? Why me?

    Because, Kira explained, you’re the one with the magical ability. You’re the only one who can channel the energy needed for this ritual.

    Bran nodded. Makes sense. We’ll help gather the items and protect you while you perform the ritual.

    Alex took a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders. Alright. Let’s start gathering what we need. We don’t have any time to waste.

    As they made their plans, the camaraderie between them grew stronger. Each member of the group understood their role and the importance of their contributions. Their determination and mutual trust would be their greatest assets in the challenges ahead.

    Kira packed away her notes and stood up, stretching. We should check the markets first. I know a few places that might have the items we need.

    Bran sheathed his sword, ready for action. Lead the way, Kira. We’ll follow your lead.

    Alex picked up the ancient tome, tucking it safely into his satchel. Let’s go. Veiloria awaits, and we’ve got a lot of ground to cover.

    The three friends left the study, their footsteps echoing through the quiet corridors of the university. They stepped out into the bustling streets, the sun high in the sky, illuminating the path ahead. With a clear plan and unwavering resolve, they set out to gather the items for the ritual, knowing that each step brought them closer to uncovering the secrets of Veiloria and the magic that lay within.


    The bustling marketplace of the university town was a hive of activity. Merchants shouted their wares, colorful stalls lined the cobblestone streets, and the scent of exotic spices filled the air. Alex, Kira, and Bran weaved through the crowd, their eyes scanning the stalls for the items they needed for the ritual.

    Kira, do you think any of these vendors might have the crystal we’re looking for? Alex asked, his gaze darting from one stall to another.

    Kira nodded thoughtfully. There’s a shop at the end of this street that deals in magical artifacts. If anywhere has what we need, it’s there.

    Bran’s hand rested on the hilt of his sword, his eyes constantly scanning for any signs of trouble. Let’s hope we find everything quickly. I don’t like staying in one place for too long.

    As they approached the shop, a small bell tinkled as they pushed the door open. Inside, the air was cool and filled with the scent of old books and incense.

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