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Summary of Right Thing, Right Now by Ryan Holiday ( Keynote reads )
Summary of Right Thing, Right Now by Ryan Holiday ( Keynote reads )
Summary of Right Thing, Right Now by Ryan Holiday ( Keynote reads )
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Summary of Right Thing, Right Now by Ryan Holiday ( Keynote reads )

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? Disclaimer: This book is a summary and study guide for the original "Right Thing, Right Now" by Ryan Holiday (Keynote Reads).

✨ Embrace the Power of Virtue with 'Right Thing, Right Now' Summary! ✨

Are you ready to transform your life through the timeless wisdom of Stoic philosophy? Dive into the inspirational teachings of Ryan Holiday with this comprehensive summary for "Right Thing, Right Now". ??

? What You'll Discover:

  • The Foundation of Justice: Learn why a strong sense of justice is the cornerstone of a virtuous life. Discover how acting justly, even when difficult, leads to true happiness and fulfillment.
  • Inspirational Role Models: Explore the lives of historical figures like Marcus Aurelius, Florence Nightingale, Jimmy Carter, Gandhi, and Frederick Douglass. Understand how their examples of kindness, honesty, integrity, and loyalty can inspire you to live by a moral code.
  • The Consequences of Injustice: Gain insights into the cautionary tales of unjust leaders and learn about the transformative power of living by principles versus the pitfalls of moral compromise.

? Summary Guide Features:

  • Concise Summaries: Break down each chapter into easy-to-understand summaries that highlight key points and themes.
  • In-Depth Analyses: Dive deeper into the philosophical concepts and historical contexts that shape Holiday's arguments, offering a richer understanding of the original book.
  • Discussion Questions: Engage with thought-provoking questions that will stimulate your critical thinking and spark meaningful conversations.

? Book Details:

  • Page Count: 64 pages of insightful content
  • Size: 8.5 x 11 inches, perfect for note-taking and easy reading

? Why This Study Guide?: Whether you're a student of philosophy, a seeker of personal growth, or someone striving to live a more virtuous life, this study guide is your key to unlocking the transformative lessons of "Right Thing, Right Now". Let Ryan Holiday's wisdom and the examples of great historical figures guide you towards a life of integrity and purpose. ?️✨

? Get Your Copy Today and Begin Your Journey to Virtuous Living! ?

Embark on an enlightening journey through the principles of justice and virtue. This study guide is more than just a book—it's a manual for living a life of moral excellence. Order now and let the transformation begin! ??

PublisherKeynote reads
Release dateJun 11, 2024
Summary of Right Thing, Right Now by Ryan Holiday ( Keynote reads )

Keynote reads

Biography: Keynote reads is a highly skilled and dedicated book summary writer with over a decade of experience in the field. Keynote reads has a passion for reading and a talent for distilling complex ideas into clear, concise, and engaging summaries. His work spans a wide range of genres, including self-help, business, psychology, and literature. Education: Bachelor of Arts in English Literature - University of Oxford Master of Arts in Communication - Stanford University Professional Experience: Freelance Book Summary Writer (2012 - Present) Collaborated with various authors and publishing houses to create high-quality summaries of their books. Summarized over 300 books, maintaining a consistent style that captures the essence of the original works. Provided summaries for websites, magazines, and educational platforms. Content Editor  Edited and revised summaries submitted by other writers to ensure accuracy and readability. Contributed to the development of the website's style guide for summaries. Skills: Exceptional ability to synthesize information. Strong understanding of various literary and non-fiction genres. Proficient in using digital tools for writing and editing. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Notable Projects: Developed a series of educational book summaries for an online learning platform, enhancing students' comprehension and retention. Contact Information: Email: LinkedIn:

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    Summary of Right Thing, Right Now by Ryan Holiday ( Keynote reads ) - Keynote reads


    This book is a collection of summaries and analyses of various published works. The summaries are designed to provide an overview and critical insights into the original works. Please note the following important points:

    Purpose and Scope: This book is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It aims to provide readers with a concise understanding of the original books, but it is not a substitute for reading the full texts.

    Copyright and Fair Use: The summaries included in this book are based on the author's interpretations and analyses of the original works. All rights to the original works are retained by their respective authors and publishers. This book operates under the fair use doctrine, which allows limited use of copyrighted material for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

    Accuracy and Reliability: Every effort has been made to ensure that the summaries accurately reflect the content and themes of the original books. However, the author and publisher make no warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided. Readers are encouraged to consult the original works for a comprehensive understanding.

    No Professional Advice: The content of this book is provided for general informational purposes and does not constitute professional advice. Readers should seek appropriate professional advice for any specific issues or concerns they may have.

    Limitation of Liability: The author and publisher disclaim any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential losses or damages that may result from the use of this book. This includes, but is not limited to, any errors or omissions in the summaries or analyses.

    No Endorsement: The inclusion of specific books and their summaries in this book does not imply any endorsement or affiliation with the original authors or publishers. The views and interpretations expressed in the summaries are those of the author alone.

    Changes to This Disclaimer: The author and publisher reserve the right to modify this disclaimer at any time. Any changes will be reflected in the updated version of this book.

    For any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer, please contact:

    KeyNote Reads

    KeyNote Reads © 2024, KeyNote Reads

    The Four Virtues

    Hercules, a Greek hero, faced a life-changing dilemma at a crossroads in Greece. He chose between vice and virtue, the easy and hard path, and the road less traveled. Hercules chose virtue, which translates to excellence, moral, physical, and mental. Virtue was comprised of four key components: courage, temperance, justice, and wisdom. These virtues are the touchstones of goodness and are universal ideals adopted by Christianity, Western philosophy, Buddhism, Hinduism, and other philosophical traditions.

    The virtues are interrelated and inseparable, but each is distinct from the others. Doing the right thing almost always requires courage, while moderation is impossible without the wisdom to know what is worth choosing. The four virtues are a kind of compass, guiding us and showing us where we are and what is true. Aristotle described virtue as a craft, something to pursue just like mastering any profession or skill.

    Hercules's crossroads was not a singular event; it was a daily challenge that we face constantly, repeatedly. We must choose between selfishness, bravery, strength, wisdom, courage, cowardice, bliss, ignorance, and growth. The choice between the easy way or the right way is crucial for our lives.


    Justice is the most important virtue, as it renders any act of virtue, such as courage, discipline, and wisdom, worthless or worse. It is not just about the legal system, but also about fairness, honesty, give and take, truthfulness, and keeping promises. Justice is not just about a citizen and the state, but about how we treat others, conduct our business, and take our obligations seriously.

    People often debate justice, arguing about fairness and the moral consequences of our actions. Modern philosophy often focuses on complicated dilemmas, such as the trolley problem or the existence of free will. However, there are infinite opportunities to engage with these ideas in real life, and we prefer justice as an abstraction to distract from having to act with justice.

    Justice as a way of life involves holding the line between good and evil, right and wrong, ethical and unethical, fair and unfair. This involves defining what we will do, what we won't do, what we must do, how we do it, who we do it for, and what we're willing to give for them. Despite the relativity and trade-offs, there is a reassuring amount of timelessness and universality in human behavior. Heroes across different backgrounds, genders, backgrounds, and cultures are remarkably aligned in matters of conscience and honor.

    In conclusion, justice is the most important virtue, and it is essential to act with it in all aspects of our lives.

    Psychologists believe that even infants can understand the concept of righteousness, which is a fundamental aspect of human nature. Philosophical and religious traditions, including Confucius, Christianity, Plato, Hobbes, and Kant, revolve around a version of the golden rule. The Torah, in the first century BC, emphasizes love, care for others, and treating them as one would wish to be treated. Justice, on the other hand, requires clever treatment and is seen and felt.

    Hyman Rickover, a US Navy officer, was a key figure in the development of nuclear ships and submarines. He believed that life is not meaningless for those who consider certain actions wrong simply because they are wrong, regardless of whether they violate the law. This moral code provides a focus and basis for conduct.

    This book aims to provide a simpler, more practical approach to understanding justice, following the tradition of ancients who saw it as a habit or craft. Justice should be a verb, a form of human excellence, a statement of purpose, and a series of actions. In a world of uncertainty and evil, the commitment to live rightly is a redoubt in the storm.

    The book encourages us to affix justice as north on our compass, guiding and directing us through good times and bad. This approach has been successful for many great figures, such as Harry S. Truman, Gandhi, Marcus Aurelius, Martin Luther King Jr., Emmeline Pankhurst, Sojourner

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