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Ebook83 pages56 minutes


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In "MultiSecret", journalist Miguel Ramírez uncovers a dark agreement between the government and a multinational corporation to exploit natural resources in the quiet town of Santa María. As he struggles to reveal the truth, Miguel faces his own demons from the past, seeking redemption as he fights to protect the community from the devastating consequences of corruption and exploitation. In the midst of political intrigue and imminent danger, Miguel discovers the power of forgiveness and the hope of a new beginning.

Release dateJun 11, 2024

Marcelo Palacios

Marcelo Palacios es un autor nacido en Valparaíso,Chile. Durante su vida ha residido principalmente en Santiago de Chile, como también donde reside actualmente en la ciudad de Viña del Mar, Chile. Durante su carrera literaria ha escrito más de 10 libros de distintos géneros, siendo su predilección el thriller,ciencia ficción y libros de autoayuda, géneros que ha leido desde la edad de 5 años de la mano de Stephen King,Isaac Asimov y Wayne W. Dyer . Es Ingeniero Informático de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, más una Ingenieria Industrial en la Universidad de Valparaíso y un Diplomado en Dirección de Proyectos de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.

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    Book preview

    MultiSecret - Marcelo Palacios

    Chapter 1: The Investigation Begins

    In the small town of Santa Maria, the sun was setting behind the mountains, painting the sky shades of orange and purple. The air was heavy with moisture, foreshadowing a storm on the horizon. On a dusty street, surrounded by modest wooden houses, stood the solitary figure of Daniel Carter, an investigative journalist with a penetrating gaze and unwavering determination.

    Daniel walked steadily, his mind working at full speed as he reviewed the notes of his latest research. He had been following the trail of an explosive story, a story that could change everything. It was rumored that the local government was conspiring with a multinational corporation to exploit the region's natural resources, at the expense of the environment and the local population. It was a scandal of epic proportions, a dark secret that had been hidden from plain sight for far too long.

    The wind rustled through the trees, carrying with it an aura of intrigue and danger. Daniel stopped in front of a modest house, the residence of Lucía Morales, a local indigenous leader who had been fighting against resource exploitation in the region. He knocked on the door with determination, his heart pounding with anticipation as he waited for an answer.

    The door slowly opened, revealing a middle-aged woman with a piercing gaze and eyes full of determination. Lucía Morales was an imposing figure, with a presence that radiated strength and courage.

    Daniel Carter, she said in a calm but firm voice. It's an honor to meet you. Please come in.

    Daniel entered the house, being instantly drawn to Lucia's energy. She led him into the living room, where they sat face to face in time-worn wooden chairs.

    Thank you for having me, Lucia, Daniel said, feeling the tension in the air. I've been following the trail of a story that I think might be of interest to you and your community.

    Lucia nodded solemnly, her eyes shining with a mixture of curiosity and concern. What is this story about?

    Daniel took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before he began to speak. I have been investigating a secret agreement between the government and a multinational corporation to exploit the natural resources of the region. It seems that they are willing to sacrifice the environment and the lives of local people for the sake of economic gain.

    Lucia's face darkened, her jaw clenched with determination. I had already suspected something like that, she said in a deep voice. Our community has suffered greatly at the hands of these greedy corporations. I am willing to do whatever it takes to stop them.

    Daniel nodded, impressed by Lucia's determination. I'm here to help in any way I can, he said sincerely. I believe that together we can expose the truth and bring justice for those who have been affected by this unbridled greed.

    The two stared at each other for a moment, sharing a silent connection that transcended words. They knew that the task ahead would not be easy, but they were determined to face it together, with courage and determination.

    Darkness began to envelop the town as Daniel and Lucia continued to discuss their plan of action. Outside, trees whispered secrets to the wind, foreshadowing the danger ahead. In the heart of the darkness, a light shone, a light of hope and truth that refused to be extinguished.

    And so, in the beginning of darkness, the struggle for truth and justice began.

    Chapter 2: Meeting Isabel

    The sun rose above the horizon, slowly dispelling the shadows of the night. In the small town of Santa Maria, Daniel Carter stood at his newspaper's headquarters, surrounded by mountains of papers and flickering computer screens. He had spent the night reviewing documents and gathering information for his ongoing investigation into the secret agreement between the government and the multinational corporation.

    As Daniel immersed himself in his work, the phone rang suddenly, breaking the silence of the room. With a sigh, Daniel picked up the receiver and answered in a tired voice. Yes?

    Daniel, I'm Isabel Torres, said the voice on the other end of the line, full of urgency. I've been following your research and I think we can be a great help to each other.

    Daniel straightened up in his chair, surprised by the unexpected call. Isabel Torres was a human rights and environmental lawyer known for her courage and determination in the fight for justice. If she was willing to collaborate, it meant that the situation was even more dire than Daniel had imagined.

    How can we help each other, Isabel? Daniel asked, his mind racing as he considered the implications of an alliance with the lawyer.

    I think our goals are the same, Isabel replied firmly. "We

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