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Explore Seven Bible Perspectives with Teen Heart
Explore Seven Bible Perspectives with Teen Heart
Explore Seven Bible Perspectives with Teen Heart
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Explore Seven Bible Perspectives with Teen Heart

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Explore Seven Bible Perspectives with Teen Heart: Timeless Stories embellished as Modern Fictions with Inspiring Illustrations and Divination Chart 


Timeless Bible Stories, Endless Discoveries


Embark on a profound journey through the diverse facets of human emotion within the pages of this captivating book. Structured around seven distinct themes - Belief, Generosity, Grief, Doubt, Anger, Joy, and Love - this book delves into the heart of human experience. Each theme is explored through seven unique stories, totaling 49 enriching tales that weave subtle embellishments to enhance your reading experience while preserving the timeless spirit of the Bible.

The Bible, a sacred and eternal guide, instructs us in virtues of kindness, passion, and compassion. Yet, how do we integrate these profound lessons into the complexities of our everyday lives? How can we unearth this wisdom in times of sorrow or uncertainty, drawing strength from our forebears' experiences? In exploring these questions lies the essence of this book – a Practical Guide for applying the Bible's teachings to the intricate web of our modern existence. On days when we experience a particular emotion, we can trace back to the stories under that emotion, seeking revelations and insights to guide us in applying these lessons to our own lives.

Tailored for teenagers with English as a second language, this book offers an engaging way to refine vocabulary while delving into timeless themes. It will improve written English and prepare for various language proficiency examinations. Challenge your mind with Word Puzzles, reflect on life's revelations with Gratitude Journals, and seek divine guidance through a Divination Chart. Whether you're seeking to deepen your understanding of biblical teachings or simply looking for an immersive reading experience, "Explore Seven Bible Perspectives with Teen Heart" promises to enrich your heart and soul.

Release dateOct 30, 2023
Explore Seven Bible Perspectives with Teen Heart

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    Explore Seven Bible Perspectives with Teen Heart - Humphrey Matthews

    Explore Seven Bible Perspectives with Teen Heart

    Humphrey Matthews

    ~Paperback version available~

    Copyright © 2023 by Humphrey Matthews. All rights reserved.

    All content and images within this book are protected by copyright law. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission from the copyright holder.

    The narratives in this book are adapted and retold, drawing inspiration from Bibles in the public domain. To enhance the reader's experience, certain details and names have been added or modified for dramatization purposes. While inspired by source material in the public domain, the elaborated narratives represent original derivative works created by the author. All creative content including stories, fictional embellishments, and illustrations in this book are protected under copyright law and may not be reproduced without permission. This is a transformative work utilizing public domain content as inspiration. Any resemblance of fictional characters and events in this book to actual persons and happenings is purely coincidental. All rights reserved.


    To my cherished Taipei church family,

    This book is a tribute to the inspiration that flows from our Sunday gatherings and heartfelt conversations. Your faith, resilience, and dedication to living out Christ's teachings have been a wellspring of motivation and encouragement.

    I also dedicate this book to my love, whose enduring patience and love have been my anchor through the years. And to my family, though diminished in number, your love remains etched in my heart.

    With gratitude,

    Humphrey Matthews


    Within the pages of this book, you will embark on a journey through seven distinct themes, each a profound exploration of the diverse facets of human emotion.

    The Bible, a sacred and timeless guide, instructs us in the ways of good virtues, kindness, passion, and compassion. Yet, the question persists: How do we take these profound lessons and integrate them into the intricacies of our everyday experiences? Is there a method to unearthing this wisdom in times of sorrow or uncertainty, allowing us to draw strength from our forebears' experiences?

    In the exploration of these questions lies the essence of this book – a practical guide for applying the Bible's teachings to the intricate web of our modern existence. The seven themes - Belief, Generosity, Grief, Doubt, Anger, Joy, and Love - serve as central pillars upon which this book is structured. Each theme contains seven stories, culminating in a total of forty nine enriching tales. On days when we experience a particular emotion, we can trace back to the stories under that emotion, seeking revelations and insights to guide us in applying these lessons to our own lives.

    Our initial aim was to craft a Bible-inspired book catered to teenagers, complete with vocabulary lists and word search puzzles to make reading an enjoyable experience. However, as the writing journey continued, our exploration delved into the depths of human emotions, from grief and doubt to anger and beyond. The stories became more complex, the vocabulary richer, mirroring the transformative journey from adolescence to mature adulthood. While we have woven subtle embellishments to enhance your reading experience, we have remained resolute in preserving the timeless spirit of the Bible.

    One of the narrative highlights is found in the heart of this book, in stories like Chapter 19, the tale of Apostle Paul. His life, an enduring testament to perseverance amidst hardship, stands as a profound reflection of the human experience. The choice to recount his life is not just a story; it is an intricate portrayal of a genuine individual etched in the annals of history. His journey is laden with complexity, a portrayal of fortitude and transcendence that grapples with the mysteries of life, leading to a profound awakening.

    As we navigate through these intricate narratives, we aspire to engage the curious teenage heart within readers of all ages. Feel free to dive into any chapter that resonates with your mood on any given day, for each tale stands on its own.

    This book is also tailored for teenagers with English as a second language. Through reading this book, it will improve written English and prepare for various language proficiency examinations. To further enrich your reading experience, we have included gratitude journals for moments of revelation. Record your discoveries, and over time, you may find that these reflections weave a remarkable story of your own life. The Seeking Divine Guidance part is an added layer, a place to return and seek wisdom recorded in the Bible.

    Set forth on this journey with an open heart. May these timeless stories inspire you along the way.


    How to Navigate this Book

    Seeking Divine Guidance

    Part I - Belief: Unleash Your Inner Power

    Chapter 1 - David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)

    Chapter 2 - Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 3)

    Chapter 3 - Daniel in the Lion's Den (Daniel 6)

    Chapter 4 - The Feeding of the 5,000 (Matthew 14:13-21)

    Chapter 5 - The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34)

    Chapter 6 - The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23)

    Chapter 7 - The Healing of Blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52)

    Part II - Generosity: Share Your Light

    Chapter 8 - The Widow's Offering (Mark 12:41-44)

    Chapter 9 - The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

    Chapter 10 - Joseph and His Brothers (Genesis 37-50)

    Chapter 11 - Zacchaeus the Tax Collector (Luke 19:1-10)

    Chapter 12 - The Widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:8-16)

    Chapter 13 – David and Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9:1-13)

    Chapter 14 - Abraham's Hospitality (Genesis 18:1-15)

    Part III - Grief: Embrace Healing

    Chapter 15 - The Death and Resurrection of Lazarus (John 11:1-44)

    Chapter 16 – Peter's Denial and Restoration (Matthew 26:69-75, John 21:15-19)

    Chapter 17 - Job's Trials and Restoration (Book of Job)

    Chapter 18 - The Woman at the Well (John 4:1-26)

    Chapter 19 – Paul's Thorn in the Flesh (2 Corinthians 12:7-10)

    Chapter 20 - Hagar and Ishmael in the Wilderness (Genesis 21:14-21)

    Chapter 21 – The Healing of the Widow's Son (Luke 7:11-17)

    Part IV - Doubt: Navigating Uncertainty

    Chapter 22 - The Doubt of John the Baptist (Matthew 11:2-6)

    Chapter 23 – Elijah's Doubt on Mount Horeb (1 Kings 19:1-18)

    Chapter 24 - Thomas' Doubt (John 20:24-29)

    Chapter 25 - Gideon's Doubt (Judges 6:36-40)

    Chapter 26 – Apostle Paul's Perilous Voyage (Acts 27:13-44)

    Chapter 27 – King David's Doubt in the Psalms (Psalm 22:1-2)

    Chapter 28 – The Canaanite Woman's Doubt and Persistent Faith (Matthew 15:21-28)

    Part V - Anger: A Spectrum of Wrath

    Chapter 29 - Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)

    Chapter 30 – Balaam's Outburst (Numbers 22-24)

    Chapter 31 – Jonah's anger and God's mercy towards the people of Nineveh (Book of Jonah)

    Chapter 32 – Samson's Wrath and Redemption (Judges 13 – 16)

    Chapter 33 - The Healing of the Paralyzed Man and the Anger of Religious Leaders (Mark 2:1-12)

    Chapter 34 – Stephen's calm response to the anger of those who stoned him (Acts 7)

    Chapter 35 – Moses' Anger (Exodus 32)

    Part VI – Joy: God’s Blessing

    Chapter 36 - The story of God creating the World (Genesis 1:1-2:3)

    Chapter 37 – Noah's Ark (Genesis 6-9)

    Chapter 38 - The Wisdom of Solomon (1 Kings 3)

    Chapter 39 - The Exodus (Exodus 8 - 14)

    Chapter 40 - The Joy of Returning from Exile (Books of Kings, Book of Ezra, Book of Isaiah, Book of Ezekiel, Book of Haggai, Book of Zechariah, and Book of Nehemiah)

    Chapter 41 - The Conversion of Cornelius (Acts 10:1-48)

    Chapter 42 – The Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)

    Part VII - Love: Radiant Grace

    Chapter 43 – The Marriage at Cana (John 2:1-11)

    Chapter 44 – Hannah's Prayer and Samuel's Birth (1 Samuel 1-2)

    Chapter 45 – King Josiah's Reforms (2 Kings 22:1-23:30)

    Chapter 46 – Ruth and Naomi (Book of Ruth)

    Chapter 47 – The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)

    Chapter 48 – Rahab and the Spies (Joshua 2)

    Chapter 49 – The Story of Nabal and Abigail (1 Samuel 25)

    How to Navigate this Book

    Within this book, you will find the boundless divine wisdom divided into seven themes: Belief, Generosity, Grief, Doubt, Anger, Joy, and Love.

    When emotions envelop your soul, select a theme that resonates with your feelings and embrace the mystery by venturing into a random chapter within it, where revelations await.

    To seek divine guidance, close your eyes, offer a prayer, select a random chapter number, and beseech God for divine insights.

    For a singular event, select one number.

    To unveil the tapestry of your life's journey, seek three consecutive numbers. The first reveals your past, the second your present, and the third your future.

    After delving into a story, still your heart and discover the goodness within. It could be a simple thing, a cherished memory, or a fortuitous trait. Write it down and weave it into the fabric of your life.

    Conversely, recognize the shadows within the tale. It may be a fear, a grievance, or a detrimental connection. Pen them down and stay vigilant, guarding your existence against their encroachment.

    This self-discovery journey demands authenticity with your emotions. In times of hardship, it can be challenging to be honest with oneself. In such moments, invite a confidant, a close friend or a gathering of kindred spirits. Discuss your sentiments, seek consensus, and unearth unexplored insights.

    Life flows like a river, ever-changing. As you improve your present, a brighter future unfolds, and the divine's work finds fertile ground. Return often, repeating these self-discovery exercises, for divine providence awaits those who remain humble and seek divine guidance.

    Seeking Divine Guidance

    Part I - Belief: Unleash Your Inner Power

    Chapter 1 - David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)

    Long ago, in a peaceful village nestled among rolling hills in the land of Israel, there lived a young boy named David. He was the youngest of eight brothers and spent his days tending to the family's sheep.

    David wasn't a large or imposing boy. In fact, he was quite small compared to his older brothers and the mighty warriors of his village. But what he lacked in size, he made up for with a heart full of faith and courage.

    One bright morning, as David watched over the sheep grazing in a sun-drenched meadow, the tranquility of the moment was shattered by a distant rumble. It was the sound of a great army approaching, an army led by a fearsome giant named Goliath.

    Goliath was a giant of a man, taller than the tallest tree in the forest. He wore a helmet made of bronze, and his armor glinted in the sun like a polished mirror. His legs were encased in greaves of bronze, and a massive shield protected his body. In his hand, he held a spear that seemed as tall as a tree trunk, with an iron point that gleamed like a star.

    Goliath's deep voice boomed across the valley as he shouted, Is there anyone among you brave enough to face me? Send your champion, and if he defeats me, my army will become your servants. But if I defeat him, your people will serve us.

    The Israelite soldiers trembled with fear, and the villagers whispered in dismay. No one dared to step forward to challenge the giant. But David, who had been listening intently, felt a fire burning within him. He knew that God was with him, and he believed that he could do what no one else dared.

    David left the sheep in the care of his older brother and made his way to King Saul's camp. He told the king of his determination to face Goliath. King Saul, seeing David's youthful confidence, reluctantly agreed and offered him his own armor, but David declined. He knew that he must face the giant in his own way.

    David went to a nearby brook and carefully selected five smooth stones, placing them in his shepherd's pouch. With his slingshot in hand and his unwavering faith in his heart, he approached the giant Goliath.

    As David stood before Goliath, he could hear the giant's mocking laughter. Am I like a dog that you approach me with sticks? Goliath jeered, for all he saw was a young boy with no armor and only a slingshot.

    But David's voice rang out with confidence, You're armed with swords and spears and javelin, but I'm here with the power of the Lord Almighty!

    With a skilled hand, David loaded a stone into his slingshot, and with a mighty swing, he let it fly. The stone sailed through the air, guided by God's hand, and struck Goliath squarely in the forehead. The giant stumbled and fell, his mighty form crashing to the ground.

    The Israelite soldiers, who had watched in amazement, suddenly found their courage. They charged forward, and the Philistine army, seeing their champion defeated, fled in fear. The victory was Israel's.

    David's faith and courage had triumphed over the seemingly insurmountable giant. The people of his village celebrated him as a hero, and his name became known throughout the land.

    In life, you will face challenges and giants of your own. But like David, with unwavering faith and courage, and with God by your side, you can overcome even the greatest obstacles. Believe in yourself, for within you lies the power to achieve the extraordinary.

    Vocabulary List

    Remembering these words is like having a treasure chest of powerful words that will make your stories and dreams come alive, inspiring others along the way.

    1. Amazement - A feeling of astonishment or surprise.

    2. Brook - A small, natural stream of fresh water.

    3. Encased - Covered or protected by a surrounding layer or structure.

    4. Gleamed - Shone or reflected light, often brightly.

    5. Greaves - Pieces of armor that protect the legs, especially the shins.

    6. Helmet - A protective head covering, often made of metal or hard material.

    7. Imposing - Having a commanding presence or appearance, often suggesting authority or importance.

    8. Javelin - A light spear used as a weapon or in athletic competitions.

    9. Jeered - Mocked or taunted with insulting or derisive language.

    10. Mighty - Extremely strong, powerful, or impressive.

    11. Polished - Made smooth and shiny by rubbing or cleaning.

    12. Pouch - A small bag or sack used for carrying items.

    13. Rumble - A low, continuous, deep sound, often associated with distant thunder or noise.

    14. Shepherd - A person who tends to and looks after sheep or other livestock.

    15. Slingshot - A handheld device used to propel small objects, typically with an elastic band or cord.

    16. Stumbled - Tripped or lost balance in a clumsy or unsteady manner.

    17. Squarely - directly; in a straightforward manner

    18. Tranquility - A state of peace, calmness, and quietness.

    19. Triumphant - Experiencing or expressing great joy and success after a victory or achievement.

    20. Unwavering - Firm and resolute, not wavering or changing in one's beliefs or actions.

    Word Search Puzzle

    Find the words you have just learned from the story in this word puzzle. Words can go in any direction. Words can share letters as they cross over each other.

    Gratitude Journal

    Keeping a gratitude journal will help you appreciate the people and things that make your life special.

    1. Who in your life is as courageous as David from the story, and why are you grateful for them?

    2. Think about a time when you felt small like David. What or who gave you the courage to face your challenges, and why are you thankful for that?

    3. What everyday heroes do you encounter, even if they aren't giants like Goliath? How do they make your life better, and why do you appreciate them?

    4. Consider the things you have, like your home, clothes, or toys. How does having these items make your life better, and why are you grateful for them?

    5. Reflect on moments when you've overcome challenges or fears. What inner strength did you discover, and how does it make you thankful for your abilities?

    6. Is there someone in your life who has supported you, like how David had help from his brother? Why do you feel gratitude for their support?

    7. In your own adventures, what small or big victories have you achieved? How does recalling these triumphs fill you with gratitude for your experiences?

    Word Puzzle Answer

    Chapter 2 - Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 3)

    In a time long ago, in a realm of age-old marvels, there lived a young boy named Moses. He was an ordinary boy, brimming with inquisitiveness and aspirations. Little did he realize that he would be selected by the Divine for a unique mission as he grew older.

    Moses was born during a period when his kin, the Israelites, were in distress. They were enslaved in Egypt, and life was harsh. However, even as a young boy, Moses had a robust belief in God's affection and might. He often found comfort in the tranquil moments he spent in the hills, staring at the star-studded sky and pondering about the world beyond.

    On a warm and sunny day, high up in the rugged mountains, Moses looked after his father-in-law's sheep. The air was filled with the sweet aroma of wildflowers, and the sky extended like a vast, endless blue canvas.

    While Moses watched over the grazing sheep, he noticed something unusual out of the corner of his eye. There, nestled among the rocky terrain, was a small bush. But this was no ordinary bush. It was ablaze with flames that danced and flickered like playful fireflies, yet it didn't turn to ashes.

    The bush glowed with a mesmerizing, warm light that seemed to shimmer and twinkle. It cast a gentle, golden hue over the surrounding rocks and dirt, creating an almost magical atmosphere.

    Moses, with his heart filled with curiosity, carefully approached the extraordinary bush. Each step he took was accompanied by the soft crunch of pebbles beneath his sandals. He could feel the warmth from the bush, like the comforting embrace of a campfire on a chilly evening.

    As he got closer, the colors around him seemed to intensify. The rocks took on a reddish-orange tint, and the earthy brown of the ground became more vibrant. Even the leaves of nearby shrubs seemed to catch the fiery glow of the bush.

    Moses's heart raced with a mix of wonder and trepidation. His wide eyes, the color of a clear, bright sky, were fixed on the mesmerizing sight before him. He couldn't help but be in awe of this burning, yet unconsumed, spectacle.

    And then, as he stood in the presence of the radiant bush, a voice, gentle and full of authority, called out, Moses, Moses.

    The sound was like a soothing breeze, carrying the whispers of a thousand ancient secrets. Moses, his feelings a whirlwind of amazement and astonishment, stammered, Here I am.

    The moment was a fusion of light and awe. It was like a young boy's curiosity meeting the divine. It was a moment that would change the course of history. Setting Moses on an incredible path where his faith, courage, and trust in God's plan, which would eventually shine as brightly as that blazing bush on that legendary day.

    The voice replied, I am the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. My people, the Israelites, were suffering in Egypt, and I witnessed their cries for help. To lead my people out of slavery and into a land of freedom, I am sending you, Moses, to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt.

    Moses couldn't believe his ears! He stammered, Who am I to undertake such a significant task? What if they don't listen to me?

    But God reassured him, I will be with you, Moses. You are not alone. I will give you the words to speak and the courage to face whatever comes your way.

    With newfound trust and courage, Moses accepted the incredible task that God had given him. He returned to Egypt and, with God's guidance, confronted Pharaoh. Through God's miraculous signs and unwavering faith, Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the parted Red Sea, and towards the Promised Land.

    It wasn't an easy journey. There were challenges, doubts, and moments when the Israelites lost faith. But Moses never gave up because he had learned to believe in God's plan and trust in God's power.

    Remember the story of Moses and the burning bush. Believe in your dreams, have faith in your abilities, and trust that God has a special plan for each of you. Just like Moses, you can unleash your inner power and make a difference in the world.

    Vocabulary List

    Remembering these words is like having a treasure chest of powerful words that will make your stories and dreams come alive, inspiring others along the way.

    1. Ablaze: Burning with flames or bright light.

    2. Amazement: A feeling of great surprise or wonder.

    3. Ancient: Very old or from a long time ago.

    4. Aroma: A pleasant or distinctive smell.

    5. Aspiration: Hope and dream for the future.

    6. Authority: The power to command or make decisions.

    7. Awe: A feeling of deep respect, mixed with wonder and fear.

    8. Belief: Having trust and faith in something or someone.

    9. Canvas: A piece of cloth used for painting or as a surface for artistic work.

    10. Courage: The ability to face danger or difficulties with bravery.

    11. Curiosity: A strong desire to know or learn something.

    12. Divine: Relating to God or gods, often used to describe something heavenly.

    13. Intensify: To make something stronger or more intense.

    14. Mesmerizing: Holding one's attention in a spellbinding or captivating way.

    15. Miracle: A remarkable event that seems impossible and is believed to be caused by a divine force.

    16. Radiant: Emitting or reflecting light; shining brightly.

    17. Reassured: To have one's doubts or fears alleviated or put to rest.

    18. Solitude: Being alone or in a quiet and peaceful place.

    19. Spectacle: An impressive or dramatic display.

    20. Trepidation: A feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen.

    Word Search Puzzle

    Find the words you have just learned from the story in this word puzzle. Words can go in any direction. Words can share letters as they cross over each other.

    Gratitude Journal

    Keeping a gratitude journal will help you appreciate the people and things that make your life special.

    1. Who or what in your life are you grateful for, like Moses was grateful for the moments he spent in the hills?

    2. Think about a time when you felt curious or amazed by something around you, just like Moses did when he approached the burning bush. What made you feel this way, and why are you grateful for that experience?

    3. In the story, Moses showed great courage when he accepted the task given by God. Can you think of a time when you had to be brave or face a challenge? Who or what helped you through it, and why are you grateful for that support?

    4. Moses believed in God's plan and trusted in His power. Is there something in your life, like a goal or dream, that you believe in and are grateful for having the opportunity to pursue?

    5. Consider the moments when the Israelites lost faith during their journey. Have you ever faced a difficult situation and found support from someone or something that helped you stay positive? Who or what was it, and why are you grateful for it?

    6. Think about the people who support you in your life, just as God supported Moses. Who are they, and how do they make a difference in your life? What are you grateful for in your relationships with them?

    7. Reflect on the idea of unleashing your inner power, as Moses did. Can you think of a talent or skill you possess that you're grateful for? How does it make you feel, and how does it contribute to your life?

    Word Puzzle Answer

    Chapter 3 - Daniel in the Lion's Den (Daniel 6)

    Daniel was a remarkable boy. His deep connection with God was evident in everything he did. Each morning, as the sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, he would kneel by his bedside, eyes closed, heart open, and pray with an unshakable faith. He believed that with God by his side, he could overcome

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