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Redemption: The Secrets of the Ghosts Trilogy, #3
Redemption: The Secrets of the Ghosts Trilogy, #3
Redemption: The Secrets of the Ghosts Trilogy, #3
Ebook174 pages2 hours

Redemption: The Secrets of the Ghosts Trilogy, #3

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18+ for language and sexual content!  

WHO – I am Holiday Towley a killer who can't be a wife nor a mother. WHAT – The only thing I can do is kill everyone! WHERE – There will be no hiding places. WHY – My life is no longer complicated. It's clear of what must be done. I didn't start this war, but I will end this war. So, when the dust settles everyone I love will be safe and that will be my REDEMPTION!

Release dateJun 28, 2017
Redemption: The Secrets of the Ghosts Trilogy, #3

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    Redemption - Solease M Barner



    I’ve never hated anyone, yet that is all I feel. A consuming fire of hatred deep within my soul. It’s ok that I feel this way, hell is my place after this life. I just didn’t expect this pre-hell that’s never ending. I’m a lion, a predator who kills without remorse. The lion is never caught off guard, but here I lie deadly still, in a coma, waiting, wanting to open my eyes. I can hear everything around me, including all the arguing over why they haven’t killed Leon and LJ. The fact that I’m still breathing is the only thing keeping them alive, I’m sure.

    The need to get to my daughter is becoming the only force driving me. She’s innocent and I’m her protector. I haven’t heard anyone speak of her other than to say they are looking for her, so that means they still don’t know where she is. I focus on the conversation to see if new information has come up.

    Did anyone take care of the guy who shot Holiday? I know that voice that’s Orenda. She’s in full protective mode, I’m sure.

    Yeah, Tia and I paid him a visit at that store, Ahh Delores, I bet she has a drink in her hand.

    I hope you made it bloody. We don’t need anyone suspecting anything.

    Joy, she’s up and giving orders. My sister has been through so much with her kidnapping and subsequent rape, but she will be fine. She’s strong and well trained, we all know that we can be hurt like that in any of the jobs we do. In fact, death is always on the table with every mission.

    Yes, we made it bloody, although Tia complained about blood getting on her, Delores replied.

    I don’t really care, I want Holiday to wake up so we can get our niece, Rebecca’s cold voice fills my head. She’s angry and needs to know I’m ok.

    Holiday has Joe too, Rebecca, Orenda snaps.

    Yeah well, I don’t care about him, and if I get a chance, a bullet in his head will not cause me to lose sleep, Rebecca snaps back.

    I really need to wake up. My sister wants to kill my husband, but why? I’m in a coma because Keyna wanted to see me. Using all my strength I try to open my eyes, but they feel like their being held down. It’s not painful, but frustrating.

    When we find them and if you go near Joe with intentions other than getting him to safety, I’ll shoot you myself, Orenda, calmly says. She’s pissed if her calm voice has surfaced. That’s Holiday’s husband and our niece’s father, you will not take him away because of your twisted brain.

    Orenda, don’t cross me, Rebecca says.

    This is bad, I don’t want my sisters fighting. I need to wake up.


    I call in my head for my aunt who has not been all that forth coming with information about this entire mess, but I need her, now. Why hasn’t she answered? I listen in on my sisters some more while I wait for Julianne.

    We are sisters, and no one is crossing anyone. Holiday would be very upset if you she saw you two fighting, Joy says. Thank God for Joy, she can always keep them level, she is our voice of reason. I wonder how she’s healing, I’m sure she’s still recovering but, her wounds were extensive.

    I’m going to go check on our guests, Rebecca says.

    I’ll come with you, LJ needs to know he’s safe and with just you Rebecca, that’s not the truth, Tia says, all perky.

    I’m glad Tia is going with Rebecca. I just hope she doesn’t try to have sex with him. Tia has no qualms about having sex in strange situations, she believes it helps all circumstances, especially in murderous situations. I know my brother–law and friend Leon will be safe if Tia is around, she knows they mean something to me, in some way.

    Holiday how are you?

    Julianne how does it look? I’m still in a coma, get that healer here to wake me up.

    Holiday you can wake up whenever you want, if you haven’t yet, it’s because you don’t want to.


    Yelling will not wake you my lovely niece, just be calm and try and focus. Your body has been ready to wake since you returned from seeing Keyna.

    I need to wake up my family needs me.

    Then concentrate and wake up Holiday, I need you awake as well, you promised to give Ian to me.

    I said maybe Julianne and I’ll try it your way…why hasn’t my Ima come to see her daughter who was shot?

    Holiday she’s very upset about how things are going for you. She will come see you soon, but right now she can’t.

    All these rules Julianne only makes me more suspicious, I may have met Keyna, who is one weird angel, but trusting you or my mother is still on sinking sand.

    I see, well I hope that changes soon because we may be the only ones who can help you bring down Ava and all the others involved.

    I don’t want the agency to exist anymore.

    That will never happen besides, who will kill the bad guys.

    Julianne we are the bad guys as well, never forget that.

    Ok Holiday, wake up and stick to your promise, goodbye.

    Just like that, my super-natural aunt is gone. She says I can wake if I want, but that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to do, wake up. I’m not sure if my aunt has a clue on how badly I want to wake up. I’m thinking of how to wake up when the scent of men’s cologne fills my nostrils. Oh! David is in the room.

    David has become my saving grace in all this, I never thought of working with him again, but it happened. He’s professed his love for me, but I’m not sure I even want to think about that, it’s too much for my brain. He wants me, yet I’m married. Evey, my daughter, is my focus. She is the only thing I can and will think about until I know she’s safe. The only way that will happen is when Ava’s warm blood is on my hands, after I rip her head off. Then, and only then will I be able to think of my love life. Keyna says I love them both, and that could be true, but in different ways. This has to stop, I need to wake, but I hear David speaking.

    How’s my beautiful lady doing? David says. I hear him walking, getting closer to me, and then his lips are on mine.

    Wake up, Holiday we need you, he whispers in my ear.

    The touch of his lips on mine, makes me all warm from my head to my toes. David can always get to me to a point of sexual need with just a kiss, he’s the sexiest killer I know.

    She’s had no change. Her vitals are stable. LJ says she will wake, when she wants, Orenda says.

    She’ll wake up soon, I’m sure she hates to have loss of control, David replies.

    Yes, you’re right. Did you see Rebecca and Tia as you were coming in? Orenda asks.

    Yes, Anthony was with me, but as soon as he saw Tia, he was off like a puppy on her heels. David chuckles.

    He knows Tia slept with LJ, right? Delores blurts out.

    WHAT? I don’t think so, and I hope he doesn’t find out, he’ll kill him because of that, David replies.

    That’s not good, I hope Tia keeps her mouth closed while Anthony is around, my brother-in-law doesn’t need any more drama. I’ve caused enough. The thought of having Joe’s brother murdered by anyone associated with me, would be too much for him. He already hates me. If there is going to be a chance for us, his brother needs to stay alive.

    Thanks Delores; you and your mouth, Orenda says.

    Well, does it matter? Can we really trust this guy, even if Holiday wakes? We need to be realistic were going to have to dispose of them, Delores says. As I hear her taking a sip of a drink.

    Delores you may be right, but its Holiday’s call not ours. She will not be pleased at all if we kill him, Joy speaks.

    I’m not killing LJ. I don’t care what he knows. This could be a bad decision, but it’s my call like Joy says, and I say no to killing LJ or Leon. At this moment I wish I was listening to Leon’s stories about the men and women in his life. It was always an entertaining conversation.

    Fine, just said what everyone is thinking, Delores says.

    Delores… Orenda says, with warning.

    Oh, dear sister I’m not nearly drunk enough for that tone, Delores replies.

    Enough! David any word on where Holiday hid Joe and Evey? Joy asks.

    Well, I haven’t heard the exact location, but I’m pretty sure it’s someone she knows, more than likely someone she spared on one of her missions, David says.

    Why do you say that? Orenda asks.

    That would be the only reason someone would keep an unknown adult man and a child in their home. Think about it, this person must know what she’s capable of and doesn’t want to cross her. If she spared his or her life then that life is owed to her, David replies.

    He’s always been so smart. He’s put this together in no time, but they need me in order to go get Joe and Evey.

    I never thought about that, but Holiday would put them in a place none of us would know about, Orenda says.

    The only problem I see now is, if you were able to figure this out David, then our mother has too. We need to find them fast, because she will be searching night and day to find them, Joy says, sadly.

    The room gets quiet, and I know she’s right. The words that she has just spoken cause my body to start to heat. The idea of Ava finding Joe and Evey terrifies me. I can’t let this happen! I won’t let it happen! Thinking of the torture she would cause Joe and how she would steal my daughter’s innocence while training her to deal out death and torture makes me angrier than I have been in a while. I can feel my body begin to shake. I hear my sisters talking with David, but the sound is muffled by my anger. My hate for Ava and love for my family forces me to think of nothing but waking up. The thought of never seeing Evey again and not touching my child is heart wrenching. A scream in my head comes forth and it’s not until I see my sisters and David in shock that I realize I’m screaming out loud.




    Even though I’m screaming, the surroundings have not slipped away from my eyes. David is staring at me with comforting eyes, but my sisters have worry on their faces. They have never seen me like this…out of control. Finally, Joy runs over to me and wraps her arms around my body and rocks back and forth as she says, shh.

    Closing my eyes and opening them again, the orange haze has obstructed my vision. Unlike before, this time I embrace this sight. Everything is heightened. I can feel heartbeats, sense anger, relief and even fear. My eyes scan the room as if I’m searching for something. I’m just not sure what. I find my voice.

    Evey… That is all I manage to say. My sisters rush to my side. They all begin to speak, trying to reassure me that they are going to find her. The need to cry is heavy on my heart, but I have no time for tears. My face falls. As I lift my head, I look at David and I our eyes lock. His jaw is tense, and his eyes look lustful and angry. Slowly he walks over to me and leans down in front of everyone and places a soft kiss on my forehead. It was so much more than just a kiss.

    She will be fine, now that you’re awake. You can tell me the location and I will pick them up, David says, calmly. His eyes are staring at me with a small hint of fear. Did he think I would die? Closing my eyes to think for a minute, but it’s interrupted by my sister.

    You keep those pretty eyes open sister, you had us all scared, Orenda demands.

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