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Transmissions from the Rainbow: A Guidebook for Lightworkers
Transmissions from the Rainbow: A Guidebook for Lightworkers
Transmissions from the Rainbow: A Guidebook for Lightworkers
Ebook124 pages1 hour

Transmissions from the Rainbow: A Guidebook for Lightworkers

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About this ebook

Transmissions from the Rainbow: A Guidebook for Lightworkers, includes practical tips and tools to empower spiritual seekers as they awaken to their full potential on the journey of service and reach for Ascension. Students at any level, from beginners to advanced, will find value in practicing these exercises.

Included are descriptions and detailed instructions in a wide variety of areas, including: Clearings, Meditation, Shielding with your Orb of Light, Releasing the Past, Kundalini Exercises, Power-Up Your Chi, Self-Love, Sirian Healing, Pleiadian Space, The Elohim Orb, Source Healing, Third Eye Activation, ESP, Telekinesis, Spirit, E.T., and Angel Communication, Astral Traveling, attaining the Rainbow Body and Merkabah, and more.

Transmissions from the Rainbow was written with assistance from on and off-world masters and teachers, including the author’s astral experiences in a Rainbow Realm, following by waking up in physical reality with Rainbow Light shining down from a levitating golden tablet that downloaded transmissions into his consciousness.

Pete hopes this book will be a gift to everyone who reads it and adheres to the fruit from it and their own inner guidance.
Release dateMay 29, 2024
Transmissions from the Rainbow: A Guidebook for Lightworkers

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    Transmissions from the Rainbow - Peter Slattery

    Thank You

    A big thank you goes out to my family, friends, supporters, and Beings from the many realms in this universe and beyond for their encouragement, support, and love.

    Much appreciation also to Jessica Bryan for the editing and guidance with this and all of my other books.

    Also, much gratitude and thanks to James Gilliland, Mary Rodwell and John Vivanco for their mentoring and guidance, and the countless teachers from on- and off-world and beyond.

    Blessings and Jaya!

    Peter Maxwell Slattery


    Every effort has been made by the author and publisher to make the exercises in this book as simple and easy to follow as possible. However, readers are advised to be cautious and avoid taking unnecessary risks. The author and publisher are in no way liable for any misuse of this material, and readers are directed to follow these practices under the supervision of a qualified teacher or other expert in the subject matter discussed in this guidebook.


    After waking up from a dream in the early part of 2022, I saw a golden tablet hovering in my room. A stream of rainbow energy was flowing from it directly towards my head, causing ecstasy and bliss as a byproduct, although I needed to turn away from the tablet due to my overwhelming feelings. The stream of rainbow energy paused when I turned away, but something in me just needed to look back. I needed to know whether what I was experiencing was real, and in my being I knew I just had to understand what was happening. With this, the rainbow energy started again. It was directed at my head and it kept pouring into my mind … until I began yelling from the euphoria I felt.

    Only moments before, I had been in a realm with rainbow energy and an unusual man who through thought transfer, directed me to think of somewhere I wanted to be. He said by thinking of a destination, I would appear there instantly. He also told me to remember how to do this. After traveling the cosmos in this manner from location to location at the speed of thought, we ended up on a golden paved walkway leading up to a golden temple complex. Together, we walked to the temple, where we met with many Masters from on- and off-world.

    At this point, the experience became physical when I woke up to a golden tablet in my room and realized it was no dream. (I have written about this in more detail in ASCENDING: UFOs, E.T.s, Angels, and God.)

    After this experience, a myriad of events came into play, including experiences with Padmasambhava and Archangel Michael.

    Although I have experienced paranormal events since childhood, the last thirteen years of encountering different intelligences (on-and off-world), including extraterrestrials, ultra-terrestrials, Saints, Sages, and Masters has moved me further and heightened my level of knowledge.

    Many transmissions, communications, and the like took a long time to understand in their totality. At each step, the revelations and insight came into play when I reached the appropriate level of consciousness. It’s a lifelong learning process. This guidebook for Lightworkers includes some of these transmissions and revelations, along with teachings and practices from teachers on earth, but also off-world, other realms, and even the Holy One itself.

    All of this led to the Merkabah and the Rainbow Body, which, from my understanding at this time, involve two different processes that are aspects of and part of the Ascension process. In my opinion, they go hand-in-hand.

    Ascension has many facets. There is raising one’s consciousness, and there is going to the New Earth, a new plane of existence in the Fifth Dimension. There are also aspects of achieving and reconnecting with your Gown of Light, the Merkabah, and the Rainbow Body … all of which become illuminated as you are reunited with your true nature.

    Some in the past ascended and left no trace of what happened to them. Much of what they created, such as their architecture, buildings, and other structures, and the Siddhis (Master abilities) they attained seemed like magic to others occupying Earth at the time.

    Those who Ascended came from the mystery schools of Egypt, sacred teachings of the Original People of Australia and around the world, and past civilizations going back a few billion years to the Elohim, then the Venusians, and in more modern times the Lyran Custodian Ship, the Pleiadian Custodian Ship, and the Atlantis and Lemurian civilizations. Those who were enlightened of old had the knowledge, the wisdom, and the level of consciousness to achieve these heights that might now seem far-fetched.

    We can also achieve great heights. It all comes down to allowing ourselves to be a vehicle for God to work through.

    When Yeshua (Jesus) was in Tibet, Egypt, and India, he was on a mission to unlock and understand his true nature, and then he shared his teachings with the world. There are many other great teachers, too, such as Baba Ji, Mother Mary, and Qwan Yin. All of these Masters, and more, are available to assist us from their ascended state. They, too, each have their own journey, their own areas of specialization, although it all comes back to the basics: love, treat others how you want to be treated, and share your gifts, your passions, and your love with the world. It’s up to us to create heaven on earth, no one else. Just know that what waits for you in your natural state is the Kingdom of God. Access to the Many Mansions has been in you all along and love is the key.


    Before discussing the practices given in this book, most importantly Clearings and Prayers for Protection, let’s talk about checking in. This technique can be done first thing in the morning, in the evening, and before and after each practice. Simply quiet your mind and observe your thoughts, ideas, and feelings with detachment from the witness state.

    Always check in before you do any of the practices in this book. Notice what messages you are receiving from your mind, body, and emotions. Then, after you’ve completed a practice, check in again to see how you feel. In other words, checking in is valuable in gauging how effective a particular practice is for you and whether it helps raise your vibration.

    You might also want to dedicate a physical space to doing your practices. This can help build up the positive energy that will result from your efforts. In this way, you can create a safe space, a vortex spot, by doing practices in this space on a regular basis.

    What makes me an authority? I am not an authority, although I do have experience, training, and knowledge, and my goal is to share this knowledge and help people empower themselves on the Path of Ascension. Do whatever you like with the information and practices offered here. Consider it all to be part of your spiritual toolbox, but remember to use discernment and always follow your heart.

    The knowledge and practices I’ve shared can assist you in following your passion and purpose as you move towards Ascension. You are encouraged to share your Light with the world, because each of us has something to contribute. Each human being is beautiful in and of themselves, and each is a reminder of God’s beauty. Remember, you are all powerful beings and children of the Creator, as well as Creator Beings yourselves. Now do what you are here for, which is to fulfill your destiny and serve others.

    1. The Foundation of Transformation

    All anyone wants is to be happy, although there are a number of reasons why people are not. Yes, the spiritual path can be liberating, but the basics for this to be achieved must be implemented, pruned, nurtured, and maintained. Like

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