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Pursued, A Billionaire's Obsession
Pursued, A Billionaire's Obsession
Pursued, A Billionaire's Obsession
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Pursued, A Billionaire's Obsession

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Powerful, fierce and independent, Cashmere thought that she had all she needed although she was lacking when it came to love. When she's placed in a situation that pushes her towards finding a worthwhile partner in order to keep her wealth, she doesn't hesitate to make a choice out of survival instead of love. And all was perfectly planned out until Pike strolled through her door. This man is everything she wanted, but letting her logic rule, she ignores him, knowing that giving herself to him would take her to a place of no return.

Pike had done his best to not cross the line Cashmere had drawn in the sand to just remain friends. Although knowing that she isn't his normal type, he still wanted her more than words could explain. When he found out about Cashmere's plan to find a lover, he was determined to be the only man to touch her, and to give her what she wanted, plus a whole lot more. The more Pike spends time with Cashmere, the more she pushes him away but it does nothing to satisfy his hunger for her. Pike is willing to pursue Cashmere, no matter the cost to obtain his obsession.

Release dateMay 18, 2024
Pursued, A Billionaire's Obsession

Christine Gray

Christine Gray is an author, publisher, and entrepreneur. Beginning her career under the pen name, Sapphire, her list of books include Don't Tell My Husband, One of a Kind Love, Sweet Obsessions, the paranormal series, Relentless; A Vampire King's Desire, and many more. Christine Gray is a very creative writer that's heating up the Interracial Romance scene with her talent for creating books that pull her readers into the story, allowing them to experience every emotion. Her gift for original story lines laced with mystery, humor and erotic moments combined with strong women, and devilishly handsome men, has brought her a large fan base since her start in fall 2014 with Royalty Publishing House. Now as a CEO of After Hours Publications, it's her desire to push the boundaries of the Lit world by offer stories in the Paranormal, Erotica, and Historical Fiction, even Sci-Fi genres which are areas that many African American characters aren't featured.

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    Book preview

    Pursued, A Billionaire's Obsession - Christine Gray



    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Pursued, A Billionaire's Obsession

    Chapter One

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight


    A Novel By,


    ©2024 Published by After Hours Publications, Inc.

    All rights reserved.

    Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage without express permission by the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Contains explicit language & adult themes suitable for ages 17+


    Chapter One

    Pike tapped his finger on the polished dark wood table top. His emerald green eyes sparkled with laughter as he listened to his parents. Their words were more comical than anything else. He had heard this speech so much over the last year, that now he just sat back and enjoyed it. Although their words were mostly directed to his younger brother, he knew that he was also included in the sermon that featured a lot of shouting and empty threats. He fought to keep a straight face when his mother joined in. She had this way of talking with her hands that always captivated him. It was her facial expressions with her eyes growing in size when she wanted to stress a point that made him want to laugh. He intently, locked his gaze on his brother’s plate to keep from losing.

    This shit isn’t going to fly any longer, boys. I mean it. If you don’t get serious, then I...I, Flustered, Olivia’s words trailed off.

    You’ll what, Mother? Lock us in our rooms? Or better yet, I haven’t been over a lady’s knee in a minute, winked Brick.

    Not in front of the child, she warned. Her eyes cut to the little boy sitting next to her son.

    The cute boy looked up into his father’s face and frowned. I don’t know why you would want to get on a lady’s lap. That shit always hurts when Nana spanks me.

    Unable to hold it back, Pike burst out into a fit of laughter, followed by both his brother and father. The fact that his mother was glaring at them, with her extra-large eyes, only made matters worse.

    This is exactly what I’m talking about. Your boy is only four, and he’s already talking like some gutter rat, she pointed out.

    Brick winked at his little boy, leaned over, and whispered in his ear. The boy nodded.

    I’m sorry, Nana. I’ll choose my words better next time, promised the boy.

    The handsome, older man sitting to her right placed his hand on hers to tell her to hold it. Even though he was in his sixties, weathered by years of hard work, he still had no issues with women throwing themselves at him. His tall, muscular built had been passed on to his sons he noticed. He knew that they were handsome. Unlike him at their age, all he had was a strong back and his looks, and that was all he needed to get under skirts in his day. Now his son’s also had a vast fortune to add to that combination that helped to gain them entry into any pussy they set their sights on. He stroked his ginger goatee before he spoke.

    I don’t like you all making fun of your mother. You know she only means the best for you. I know how it is boys, believe me. But this shit has to stop. I think we have turned a blind eye long enough, he paused as he trained his eyes on Brick. I’m sick of cleaning up your messes, and although, Pike hasn’t been as transparent with his activities, you’re no better. I’ve raised you, both to be men, but everything you have and stand to gain is from me. I hate to play this hand, but if you two fuck up again, there won’t be a choice in the matter, explained Forrester, slowly to ensure that his message was understood.

    Out of respect, Pike and Brick nodded, but they both knew that there was only so much their father could do to them at their age. Not only that, but Pike had made his first million when he was twenty over; thirteen years ago, and Brick when he was twenty-two over nine years ago. They had created their own divisions of their father’s company that they operated solely. Their father meant every word, but they were spoken more so for the sake of their mother. Even though that was a fact, neither one wanted to cross the man. He was a cunning son-of-a-bitch that seemed to always get his way, no matter the cost.

    I can assume by your clothes that you won’t be staying the night? sighed Forrester. He already knew what they were up to. He had heard the car service at the front door a few hours ago. If that wasn’t a giveaway, the tailored suit, and tie attire, his boys were both deck out in was a dead giveaway. At times, he cursed the day that he had taken them along with him, years ago for a night out. He had thought that it would have been a good outlet for their carnal desires without any consequences. He had been half right. After Brick’s baby, he had chosen his lovers better. Pike, on the other hand, seemed only to go to Ginger Island for the company of a woman. He appeared to have no desire at all for the women in their circles that were breaking their necks to bed him in hopes of capturing his heart. According to his spies, he wasn’t taken with any one women on the island, but it still bothered him.

    Yes, we’re flying out for the evening, answered Pike, checking his watch.

    Forrester held up his hand to stop Olivia from complaining.

    You can’t expect them to be monks. They have needs, and what better place than there for them to get it. Enjoy yourselves, sons, he chuckled.

    Can you tuck me in? The little boy asked, hopefully.

    And Uncle Pike will tell the story, offered Brick, which made his son dance on his feet.

    Really?! I like the noises and voices he makes better than yours, daddy.

    If I had a dime for every time I’ve heard how much better I am than your Daddy, I would be rich, winked Pike.

    Three hours later, Pike and Brick sat in the tan leather seats of the small airplane as they sipped the amber-colored whiskey. Brick glanced out the window over the midnight water.

    I’m sorry.

    Pike’s ginger colored eyebrow shot up as he regarded his younger brother.

    For? he asked as if he didn’t know.

    They won’t be coming down on us so hard if-

    Bullshit. You did nothing wrong, and you know it. I’m actually happy that I have a little nephew to corrupt, he smiled as he kicked his brother in his shin.

    I know, but we all can’t be like you, teased Brick.

    Actually, you can. They can’t get knocked up if they swallow.

    Pike laughed at Brick’s shocked expression. Followed by a look of disgust.

    Shit, I don’t mind a good bj as a teaser, but there’s nothing like burying my cock in that hot, wet pussy. If that’s all you get from here, then why the fuck are you going twice a month? questioned Brick before he went still. He narrowed his eyes as he pinned Pike with his green gaze. He began to shake his head slowly. Pike glanced out the window, but not before his brother read the truth in his eyes.

    You know that will never work, Pike. You need to leave that alone, he warned.

    Yeah, I know, and I will...soon, mumbled Pike.

    All eyes were on the striking pair as they entered the massive mansion. Both men were tall, broad, and muscular. Pike had brushed his ginger and brown hair back into a ponytail. His hair curled at the ends to rest on the collar of his white shirt.  It didn’t matter that the place was filled to the gills with men all there for the same reason; female companionship of the finest quality. The most exclusive brothel in the world only catered to the richest clients around the globe.  Three hundred sixty five days a year, in different locations, it offered the men and women that were fortunate enough to gain entry a variety of ladies from all around the world, in all shapes, sizes, and talents. One by one, the women all stole looks at the brothers as they mingled through the reception room off of the double French doors that, were used as a front door from the fragrant garden that let the cool tropical breeze in.

    Shouldn’t you be focusing on that old man? grumbled Elysia, grabbing the girl by the shoulder. She had seen Pike and Brick enter the house, too.

    Fara smiled. You don’t have to worry. I’ll take care of him after I talk to Pike.

    Some of us would like to try him out, you know.

    He comes here for me.

    I don’t think so, Boo. We all know what he’s here for, frowned Elysia. She couldn’t stand the uppity bitch. If Fara wasn’t going to step aside to let her play with the handsome man, then she was going to put the chick in her place. I bet he closes his eyes while he’s fucking your mouth so he can imagine he’s with her, she added in a whisper as she pointed into the crowd.

    Fara heard her laughter as she followed the woman’s direction to see Pike pause, long enough to talk to his brother, before he made a beeline to the woman that was surrounded by a group of men in the corner.

    IT WAS STRANGE HOW she was able to sense him before she actually saw him strolling through the open doors. The leisurely way he moved made him look more like a lion than a man. His confidence was both alluring and unnerving at the same time. Her eyes scanned his body while he stood some distance away as he spoke with his brother. Pike had brushed his ginger and brown hair back into a ponytail. His hair curled at the ends to rest on the collar of his white shirt.  Even dressed in a nicely made suit for the office, he and his brother stood out above the rest. Her

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