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Secrets of the Ghosts- Awakens: The Secrets of the Ghosts Trilogy, #2
Secrets of the Ghosts- Awakens: The Secrets of the Ghosts Trilogy, #2
Secrets of the Ghosts- Awakens: The Secrets of the Ghosts Trilogy, #2
Ebook208 pages3 hours

Secrets of the Ghosts- Awakens: The Secrets of the Ghosts Trilogy, #2

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WHO — Holiday Towley – wife, mother, wedding planner and secret government assassin. WHAT — A young child under threat. A secret power with unknown consequences. A security organization gone rogue. WHERE — Breathtaking locations around the World. WHY — Holiday's life was complicated enough when all she had to do was plan weddings and kill people. Now with her daughter threatened by the people she should have been able most to trust, and her marriage threatened by the handsome and enigmatic David, she faces the ruin of all she has worked for.

Release dateJun 11, 2024
Secrets of the Ghosts- Awakens: The Secrets of the Ghosts Trilogy, #2

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    Secrets of the Ghosts- Awakens - Solease M Barner


    I never thought my life would be this chaotic. Hell had always been a place I knew was my destiny, but never did I think I would be in hell on earth. My husband hates me for kidnapping him. My sister is in danger because of the choices I have made. The love that should be strictly for my husband is now being shared with a past lover, and my daughter is being sought after. That should be all that is wrong, yet now that I have discovered my true identity, the world I live in is no longer the same. I was once called a Sleeper for not knowing. The title has changed, for I have embraced my magical gift and I have decided to save my family at all costs, taking no prisoners and doing what I do best, killing. The recent turn of events has led me to kidnap a small boy that seems to know more about who I am than I do. I guess you can say I am no longer a sleeper. AWAKEN!



    I lie silent on the cold wooden floor, not saying anything. I know how I got here, although I still can’t believe it. The coldness of the floor doesn’t bother me. I am more concerned that – of all people - this person had the nerve to do this to me. Have I not been clear on the lengths I would go to save my family? The movements around me are slow, but fear is not a part of my thinking. I have been in the dark about many secrets. My thoughts are discombobulated about what to do next. I had no knowledge of being a sleeper or even what a sleeper was. Now I find that I have this gift of stopping time - which still could be a curse – though I am not yet sure. I am positive this Ghost is no longer sleeping. I must address this person with sensitivity.

    David, why did you shoot at me? I ask, still lying on the floor with my eyes closed. I need to know why before I kill him. I thought he loved me. I see him walk and stand in front of me while I lie on the floor. Does he not know how dangerous it is to be next to a lion?

    Holiday, I know that you did something to me, David says through gritted teeth. I will stay still because he has no idea what he is dealing with. I have no time for a fight, but I will make time if he does not give me an explanation before I think he is working for the wicked witch.

    David. I breathe in and out very slowly. I have heard that this technique can help to calm a person. Why. Did. You. Shoot. At. Me? I breathe again because this time is my last time asking. Then I will rise from this floor and ask no more questions. He comes and sits down next to me on the floor. I am in shock. I never thought David wanted to die but die he will if I do not get answers.

    Holiday. David sighs. Holiday, when you left, I did not know how or what had happened. Nervous is not a good enough word to describe my feelings. I’ve been thinking everything imaginable for the last few weeks. I was too afraid to leave the country because I did not know how you had vanished like that. I took some vacation time from missions and have been trying to track you or your killer. Though now, I see you are alive and well. When you walked through the door… you know the drill - shoot first. I hear him chuckle like a weight has been lifted off of him. I am angry that he shot at me. I slowly rise from the floor and look over my shoulder to see the hole in the wall where the bullet landed. The exact place my head would have been if I had not heard the ominous click of the gun. I rub my hand over the hole, and it is still warm. Well, I see he is still using liquid bullets. I turn my head back to look at him still sitting on the floor. I immediately think of taking my heel and stabbing him in the groin. I recover quickly as I gaze into his enchanting blue eyes. His justification for shooting at me is believable. I would have done the same thing he did – the only difference is that I wouldn’t have missed. I am grateful he missed, though. I walk over to the couch and sit. I see Anthony out of the corner of my eye. I don’t even acknowledge his Robin. I am exhausted and need rest before I make my next move. Ava is probably having a tantrum that could best be described as the Hulk getting mad. Everyone in her path is feeling the wrath of the witch. Ian is safe from her, and now I have two things she wants. The tears stream down my cheeks, for I know that even though I have the upper hand on Ava, she still has Joy, and because of that Joy is also feeling the wrath intended for me. I hope Joy can hold on, because I am coming for her as well. David comes and sits next to me and lets me have my moment. I need to feel the pain of knowing that I have caused pain for Joy. Ava is very wicked in her torturing, so I can be sure my sister is hurting. I deserve to hurt. What kind of person does this, risking her sister’s life for a stranger? I know it sounds crazy, but it feels like I have saved her life rather than ensured her death. I look over at David and he is just watching me. I know he deserves an answer, but I cannot tell him I stopped time and kidnapped a child. I don’t think David is ready for this Holiday. The concerned look on his face is so appealing that I lean over and kiss him without thinking. This warm feeling in my gut should not feel this good. David kisses me back without hesitation, but then he suddenly withdraws his tongue, leaving an ache that should be reserved for Joe. I really feel ashamed of myself for not only having caused pain to Joy, but also having kissed another man and liked it. I seal my fate of going to hell with each passing minute.

    Holiday, wait. As much as I would like to do unclean things to you…for many hours, I need for you to explain yourself. How did you get away? And why do Anthony and I not remember anything about you leaving? He glares into my eyes looking for some type of sign, but he only gives me time to gather myself and to realize that I made a mistake in kissing him. I was just emotional, that’s all. I would have kissed his Robin if he was next to me…I think.

    I am so sorry, David. I am just overcome with emotion. I will never let that happen again. Avoiding his question, I get up and walk over to the bar to pour myself a glass of wine. I need a drink. I see why Delores drinks; it can calm your nerves. Besides, biting my lip is not going to work.

    Holiday, you have some explaining to do. My patience is thin, David says, while watching me pour my wine through his sensual eyes. I am not going back over to the couch with him. I think this chair by the window is just fine. He thinks his patience is thin. The word patience does not exist in my vocabulary anymore.

    I know your patience is thin, you almost shot my head off not too long ago. By the way, do I get an apology for almost sending me to my doom? I, on the other hand, think you should be thanking me for not unleashing the lion. That’s what I call patience, David. I speak harshly, and I think he is retracing his earlier actions by the way he is frowning. I will not be explaining myself to him or anyone else. I just wanted to kiss him; yet I would not have any trouble killing him as he talks patience.

    I see the truth will not be spoken here today, but Holiday, I will find out. Trust me, David says, smiling that devilish smile that only he can get away with while still looking desirable.

    I trust no one, David.

    I can see that. Can you at least tell me what you have been up to? And whether or not you got the leverage you need? David ask, getting up and walking closer to me. What is he doing? I was not thinking at all when I kissed him, and now he thinks he has a chance when he doesn’t. I love Joe. I really wish I could be with him right now instead of the seductive David. Seductive, soft-lipped, handsome David.

    David, I did get leverage and that is all I’m saying right now. I give him a pleading look. Twenty questions are the last thing I need. Right now, I just need to rest and get to my sisters quickly.

    Ok, I will take that for now, but I know I will find out, David says. I laugh, because he will only know what I choose to let him know.


    David, I would like to rest for a couple of hours. Can I trust you? I smile, knowing this will offend him, but he did shoot at me, so he has to take what I give out.

    Holiday, you can trust me. It’s you who can’t be trusted. Go lie down in the back room and I will arrange for the flight plans. He sighs and places both hands in his pockets, looking like a model. He is such an unsuspected killer to anyone who doesn’t know him. How did he know to make flight plans?

    Thanks, David…Sorry. That is all I can give you right now. I turn to walk into the back room but remember to ask him my other question. David, how did you know to make flight plans?

    This is David, remember, I know you want to get to your sisters. He smiles. I proceed to the back room and find a beautiful king-sized bed all dressed in red. This is so David. I go into the bathroom to clean up and come back to that beautiful bed. As I lie there with my eyes open, I wait for my recurring nightmare. I think I will soon be able to rest, but my mysterious aunt shows up.

    "Holiday, where have you been, and where is Ian?"

    Get out of my head! No – wait, did I really see and hear my mother?

    Holiday, there are many things you have to learn and understand, and one of those things is that sometimes your questions do not deserve an answer at the time you are requesting it.

    Listen Julianne, if my mother is alive, I need to know! Why have I not known about her? You need to start talking. I would like to speak with her again, I….

    Holiday she will come and talk with you, but I have no authority to tell you anything. You must know that there are things and powers bigger than us both. Where did you take Ian?

    He is safe, and since I cannot know if my mother is alive, someone I have been grieving over for many years, then I have nothing to say to you.

    Holiday, I can never just leave. It is not that simple, and soon all of the questions you have will be answered.

    Goodbye, Julianne, I need to rest and get to my sister’s people. I know who will answer my questions and love me. If my mother is alive and she let me believe that for all of these years, you inform her that she can stay dead. I want nothing to do with her. Now GO!

    I am so sorry you are hurt, but you must know I cannot tell you all the details. Only that your mother would never want to keep you in the dark, and that she loves you more than you know.


    Holiday, you must know that Ian is different. I need to know where he is! please do not shut me out. I am trying to help. Please, Holiday, I need to know for the child’s sake. You have no idea what you are dealing with.

    I obviously have no idea about a lot of things! If you want to know where the boy is, then you need to get me some answers to my questions! Until that time, please do not contact me unless you are ready to answer questions. And Julianne, count it as a privilege for me to be speaking with you, because you must have known something about my mother.

    I will leave you to rest now, Holiday, and I hope to speak with you soon. Try to sleep well.


    I am so glad she is out of my mind. I need to get to my sisters. When I last spoke with them, a day ago, they were really upset with me, but also eager to know of my leverage. I will share that information with them, only I won’t be able to tell them where he is. I close my eyes, this time to seek some rest, and before I know it, I am in the grips of my nightmare. The nightmare is always the same, the only difference now is that when I get to the top of the ledge, I am no longer afraid for myself. The power is so great that I wake up because the pull inside me is so strong. I feel as if my body is filling up from some unknown source, and I can’t stop it. I am glad to have woken up from that nap. The nightmare is getting more confusing. If my mother is alive, then what was her fate, and will I have the same one? I will push those thoughts aside now. I have a lot to do when I finally do get to my sisters. I have been in contact with them over the phone, but I could only reveal certain things, and I am not sure yet about telling them about Ian. That kid is something really special - if I have a gift then he must also have gifts. Ian is just a baby, but he spoke to me, and it was like he knew me. My life cannot get any worse. I am going to go see if David is ready to go. I need to get to Joe as well and see my angel daughter Evey. I miss them both so much. My heart truly aches knowing the pain Joe is going through. I have to get back to him. I love him and I just hope he will give me a chance. I had better get myself together or I will be on a crying spell. I walk into the room where David and Anthony are sitting with luggage and look as if they have been waiting for me.

    Thanks for letting me rest. I will need it when I get back to the U.S., I say, as I rub my eyes and place all my questions, fears, and anger back into my vault.

    You ready…. sweeter than honey? David says, and I know he’s trying to get to me.

    Don’t call me that! I spit back, and look at Anthony as he pretends he never heard that before. I am going to kill David! He knows better than to say that, especially around his sidekick Robin.

    You have no idea how I have missed you and how worried I have been! David’s look is intense. I can’t tell if he is angry, or what exactly is going on in his head.

    Aww, how cute, the killer missed another killer. I stare back hard at him. He is truly going to be my downfall if he keeps looking into my eyes like this. Look, David, I need to get to my sisters, or you will be missing more than just me.

    What does that mean? David and Anthony both look confused. I guess I had better explain.

    I have been in contact with my sisters, and they know I am with you and your…. Anthony. So, since I told them I will get to them really soon, the holdup will come from you, and you know how they feel about you! I am bluffing. Rebecca is the only one who would do anything; the others would think that David and I had hooked up. I have already made the mistake of kissing him, but I have been under stress, and I really miss Joe. I really can’t say for sure why I kissed David, but it doesn’t matter, and I really do need to forget it ever happened.

    You and I know your sisters love me, with the exception of the only Ghost I know who has no feelings, David says, smiling. He should know better than to speak badly of any of them. I know Rebecca is mean, but she has the most sensitive feelings - she just guards them really well.

    Let’s go, David! You are getting on my nerves, I say, walking towards the door.

    I will go get the car, Anthony says.

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