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Out Of This World: The Amelia Popplewick Adventures, #1
Out Of This World: The Amelia Popplewick Adventures, #1
Out Of This World: The Amelia Popplewick Adventures, #1
Ebook218 pages3 hours

Out Of This World: The Amelia Popplewick Adventures, #1

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About this ebook

When Amelia Popplewick and her family move to an inherited manor house in the country, Amelia gets more than she bargained for when she meets with an ancestral ghost who sweeps her off to another place.


She is then summoned to complete a series of missions that must successfully be completed in order to release a curse from the Land of Ockopulous.


What 'Out of this World' creatures will she encounter along the way? And, will she succeed in her fate?

PublisherN M MILES
Release dateJun 11, 2024
Out Of This World: The Amelia Popplewick Adventures, #1

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    Book preview

    Out Of This World - N M MILES


    Iwant to thank my family for their support and patience in helping support me along my journey, while I spent several hours, days, weeks, months, and years, in preparing what has been a lifetime ambition, to write my own book. And now I have finally achieved that. And it’s only the beginning.

    Thank you all so very much.

    Chapter One

    Strange Happenings at Popplewick Manor

    Her pounding heart thumped against her chest, as tremors ran through her body. She wiped her sweaty forehead with the back of her hand, pushing back her long, curly black hair. Nervous knots rippled in the pit of her stomach. Her body was drenched in sweat.

    MUM! yelled Amelia. But no response came from any member of her family.

    Twelve-year-old Amelia and her family had recently moved after inheriting the ten bedroomed mansion, which had been in the Popplewick family for many generations - dating back to the 1800s. Its long winding staircase, dark walnut panelled walls, and extended corridors seemed to go on forever. Amelia and her new friend, Jake, ran its corridors most afternoons after school. Amelia suspected that Jake did not have many friends, or, that maybe, she was his only friend.

    Her old jewellery box that was recently gifted to her, by her now deceased grandfather George Popplewick, the last member of the family to have lived in the mansion, had begun playing a tune, all by its own accord, whilst it sat upon the top of her dressing table.

    What is happening? she thought.

    Amelia scuffled further underneath her bed covers - eyes barely peeking over the top. Goosebumps crept all over her body, from head to toe. Her breath quickened and her eyes grew hot, as she felt a wet trickling of tears roll down her cheeks.

    This place must be haunted, she thought, it's got to be!

    Suddenly, a puff of grey smoke appeared right in front of the dressing table. As the smoke slowly started to fade, Amelia could see a dark shape of what appeared to be a man dressed in a long black cloak and wearing a large brimmed top hat.

    Don't be alarmed my dear! he said, in a distinguished voice.

    Who are you? And what do you want? she muttered - her lips quivering.

    Don't be scared, he replied. I am your great, great grandfather. My name is Lord Arthur Popplewick.

    Strangely Amelia was not scared. Her eyebrows drew into a frown. Wouldn't that make you dead years ago? Amelia asked with a sassy tone in her voice.

    Technically speaking, yes, but I am here, because I need your help and I will explain along the way, he said. Please, come this way and I will show you!

    I don’t know if I can just go with you. I’d have to ask my mum first, Amelia explained.

    In a quick swooping gesture, he wrapped his long black cloak around Amelia before she could stop him.

    She began to feel as if she was floating. A strong feeling of confusion overwhelmed her, and then, there was a sudden flash of bright light. The light was so blinding, she had to close her eyes.

    You can open your eyes now, said Arthur. We have arrived.

    Amelia opened her eyes to see that she was standing in a woodland area, beside her great, great grandfather. She could hear birds twittering in the trees above. The air she was breathing into her lungs felt pure and clean. Amelia looked around and she could not see any other people or signs of civilization anywhere.

    Where exactly are we? she asked, looking around, wrapping her arms around herself as her skin felt taut with goosebumps.

    "Let's just say... Out of this World," said Lord Arthur.

    "But where is Out of this World?" she asked.

    Lord Arthur Popplewick declined to answer. Instead, he pulled out a dusty brown leathered hardback book from a pocket inside his cloak and handed it to Amelia. The book was wrapped in a thick leather buckled strap, sealing it closed tightly.

    You, my dear Amelia, have been chosen from the Popplewick family, to help free me from a curse that was placed upon myself and the land of Ockopulous, many years ago by my wicked and jealous brother, Charles.

    She drew in a deep, sharp breath. Oh, my goodness, that's terrible, she replied.

    I cannot stay here long for fear Charles will find me so I must go now, but I will return, he said. Take the book and follow the instructions exactly!

    Come back! she shouted. You can't just leave me here. A nauseating sense of dread ran through the pit of her stomach. Her cheeks burned in panic. Fear threatened to overwhelm her when she watched the ghostly figure of the man fade away.

    Goodbye Amelia. Until next time!

    She paused for a moment as her throat tightened and her mouth became dry. Amelia clenched her eyes shut tightly and wished that none of this was happening. When she re-opened them, she was safely back on her bedroom floor, huddled in a heap by the dressing table.

    An icy cold chill crept down her spine and confused, she looked at the book in her hands. She did not want to think about how she had it now that she was back in her room.

    She jumped up from the floor, straight back into bed, pulling the covers over her head and drifted off to sleep.

    The next morning, the sun was shining brightly through a gap in her bedroom curtains. When Amelia woke, she remembered the book and wondered if it was just a weird dream. She leaned over the edge of her bed. And there it was!

    So, it wasn't a dream, she thought.

    Amelia! shouted Mum. Breakfast is ready...Come on, or you'll be late for school.

    Okay Mum, I’m coming, she replied.

    Amelia picked up the book and placed it inside her wardrobe, covering it with her clothes, hoping her mum wouldn't find it.

    I can't read it now, she said to herself, it'll have to wait until I get home from school tonight, but I think I will tell Jake all about it, when I see him today.

    At school, all Amelia could think about was getting home to check out the book.

    Amelia, please concentrate on your work. She heard her teacher say, a couple of times.

    When the bell rang at three o’clock, she thought, Home time at last!

    Amelia couldn't wait to get home. Pushing her chair under her desk, she briskly ran out of the classroom, dodging in and out of her classmates.

    She walked home with Jake, her new friend. They walked up a quiet country lane that led to Popplewick Manor. Jake also lived up the lane, in a nearby cottage, with his grandma.

    Do you want to come around for your tea tonight? My mum won't mind. Then, I can show you that book I told you about. What do you think? asked Amelia.

    I will need to stop off at home first and ask my grandma, but yeah, that sounds good, said Jake. He enjoyed spending time with Amelia, and before she moved here with her family, he didn’t have any close friends.

    Back at Amelia's house , whilst her mum was preparing tea, Amelia took Jake to her room, to show him the book she had mentioned to him at school that day.

    Wow! said Jake. That's amazing. It looks so magical and mysterious.

    Jake was about to open the leathered strapped bound book, when...

    WAIT! I haven't even seen inside the book myself yet, she said. Give it back to me! Amelia snatched the book from Jake's hand.

    "Oh, sorry," he said.

    Amelia began lifting back the hardbacked book cover. As she tried to open to the first page, all of a sudden, a strange flash of bright light appeared from within.

    I can't see anything. It's blinding, she said, squeezing her eyes shut.

    Oh, no, said Jake. What's happening? His hands were cupped over his face.

    Amelia and Jake at once felt as light as feathers. Amelia felt the familiar feeling of floating. Suddenly, they found themselves on the back of a large, winged creature that resembled a lion with a golden mane of hair and long horns that protruded out of his skull.

    What is going on and how did we get here? asked Amelia, and why are we sitting on top of a horn-headed lion that can fly?

    This has got to be some sort of nightmare, said Jake, clutching Amelia around her waist, as he found himself sitting behind her, on the creature’s back.

    Amelia held on tight to one of the creature's horns.

    The creature was flying at such a great speed that the skin on their faces rippled like crashing waves on the seashore.

    Let me introduce myself. I am Mandore, the great-horned lion from the Land of Ockopulous, said the creature, in a deep dull tone, and I have been sent to take you to Ockopulous, by our once rightful King Arthur Popplewick - ruler of the land!

    "This is crazy! said Amelia, and how long will it take to get to the Land of Ockopulous?"

    We are almost there, said Mandore, as he took one sharp swoop, before lowering himself to the ground.

    Amelia and Jake jumped from the creature's back once they had landed, seeing their surroundings. Large, tall trees lined either side of a muddy pathway and bright sunshine reflected down between the leaves of the trees.

    Along the pathway, they could see a wooden signpost, which read:

    This way you must go,

    leave it... and you will never know...

    What is that supposed to mean? asked Amelia, wrinkling her brows into a deep frown.

    Mandore explained, You must follow the pathway, as well as using the book that your great, great grandfather gave to you. You will also find a map at the back of the book. Use it wisely and it will help to guide you through.

    But are we going to be okay? asked Jake.

    It won't be an easy task by any means, said Mandore. Others before you have failed miserably, but we have faith in you.

    Thank you Mandore. I now understand that my duty is to fulfil this quest that has been handed to me and I will do my utmost best to succeed, said Amelia.

    Mandore flew off leaving Amelia and Jake all alone in a land of unfamiliar territory.

    Come on then Jake, we at least need to begin our journey, said Amelia. Neither of us know where this will take us, nor what it has in store for us, but we must begin. Amelia led the way along the tree lined path, following the direction of the signpost.

    Jake was excited to be on this quest with Amelia. Shall I take hold of the map, while you keep the book? asked Jake.

    Amelia agreed and passed the map over to him. She then placed the bulky brown book inside her school rucksack, thankful that she was so excited to show Jake the book that she had not yet slipped it off her shoulders when she got home from school.

    Look! said Amelia. Shall we stop at that big log over there, so we can sit down and take a good look at our location on the map, and see what it is that we need to do?

    When they reached the log, they sat down next to each other, and Jake began opening the map. It seemed fragile - made of thin, crumpled, brown-stained paper, with instructions which were barely legible in a black-grey faded handwritten print.

    Wow... It's like a Pirate's map, said Jake, excitedly.

    Come on Jake, be sensible, replied Amelia. We’ve got work to do.

    Okay, you're right... So, there's the first signpost that we have just walked past. He placed his finger on the spot on the map. And we are here at this wooden log. Jake pointed his finger to their exact location. As Jake turned the map over, he noticed a note written on the back. He began to read it out aloud.


    A curse was placed on the Land of Ockopulous, by the wicked magician and brother of Arthur Popplewick. He is known as Charles and he now lives in the castle on the Ockopulai mountain top, which was once ruled by Arthur.

    It is said that Charles removed every jewel in Arthur's crown, and ever since then Arthur has been imprisoned in a parallel world, with the people of his land.

    Charles had weakened Arthur's magical powers, so that he could become the stronger one of the two.

    Many people of the land have never been seen since the curse.

    Beware: Charles placed outrageous and garish creatures upon the land with the potential to kill and maim if their paths are crossed.

    No one in this land will ever be freed, unless the missions can be completed successfully, which would release the curse, thus returning the land back to the way it was.

    YOU: the chosen one, will be forever rewarded, for succeeding the Quest that lies ahead.

    You must now turn to Mission One, found in the book.

    This is very important. Under no circumstances, must you move onto the next mission, until mission one has been completed successfully, and so on...

    Amelia looked at Jake. A frown drew her eyebrows together, before turning to the next page in the book.

    Go on, said Jake, eagerly, wrapping one of his arms around her shoulders to show his support.

    As Amelia slowly turned the page, a smoky-grey mist appeared from the book. The mist swirled and twirled until Arthur Popplewick was standing in front of them.

    Greetings, Amelia, he said. And who have we here? he asked, turning to Jake.

    Oh, my name is Jake. I'm Amelia's friend.

    Amelia interrupted Jake. So, what is our first task, great, great grandfather?

    Oh, please do call me Grandfather, or Arthur if you prefer. I think great, great grandfather is somewhat of a mouthful, don't you?

    Amelia shrugged. Okay, she said.

    Lord Arthur Popplewick, a Ruler and King, as he was once known in the land of Ockopulous, pointed towards the pathway and asked them to follow the map. The book must be used for further instructions on each of the missions you need to complete, in order for the curse to be lifted, he explained. You will find a cottage, just around the corner. Stay there for the night, with the little old lady who lives there. She will make you feel welcome. In the morning, you must set off along the path and follow the instructions in the brown book - and don't forget to use the map! Another puff of smoke appeared, and Arthur was absorbed back into the mist.

    Amelia and Jake were all alone, once again.

    The starlit skies grew darker, and the air became frosty as the night drew in, but they continued along the pathway towards the cottage. Birds were squawking loudly amongst the trees. Their eery sounds sounded like people screaming in the distance, making their surroundings seem more sinister.

    They did not have time to be afraid, and they knew that the quicker they reached the cottage that they were told about, the quicker they would be out of the creepy forest.

    There it is, said Amelia as she let go of a breath, she did not know she was holding, and pointed across an opening in the forest, as they turned a corner.

    Jake walked a little faster to get to the cottage. He did not

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