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Echoes of Eternity
Echoes of Eternity
Echoes of Eternity
Ebook55 pages50 minutes

Echoes of Eternity

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Echoes of Eternity by Frank Jackson is a thrilling science fiction adventure that takes readers on a journey through time and space. Set in a distant future where humanity has expanded its reach across the galaxy, the story follows Lyra, a skilled and daring space explorer, as she embarks on a mission to chart uncharted regions of space. 


During a routine exploration, Lyra stumbles upon an ancient alien artifact on a deserted planet. Fascinated by its mysterious properties, she quickly realizes that it holds the power to manipulate time. This discovery sets off a series of events that test Lyra's courage and ingenuity as she navigates the strange effects of time manipulation. 


As Lyra delves deeper into the artifact's capabilities, she begins to notice anomalies and disruptions in the space-time continuum. Her curiosity leads her to uncover a larger conspiracy involving powerful entities who seek to control the artifact for their own purposes. The stakes rise dramatically when she learns that the artifact is linked to an ancient alien race that mastered time manipulation but ultimately destroyed themselves because of it.


Caught in a web of deception and danger, Lyra faces ethical dilemmas and grows increasingly isolated from her peers. Her journey becomes not only a fight for survival but a battle to prevent catastrophic temporal distortions that threaten the fabric of reality itself. 


The climax of the story sees Lyra confronting the conspirators in a high-stakes showdown, where she must use her newfound understanding of the artifact to prevent disaster. The resolution of the conspiracy comes at a significant personal and temporal cost, but Lyra's bravery and determination shine through as she works to repair the damage caused.


In the aftermath, Lyra reflects on her journey and the profound responsibilities that come with such immense power. Recognizing the dangers of unchecked technological advancement, she makes the difficult decision to hide the artifact in a safe, undisclosed location to ensure it cannot be misused again.


Echoes of Eternity is a gripping tale that combines fast-paced action with deep philosophical questions about power, responsibility, and the ethics of technological progress. Frank Jackson masterfully weaves a story that is as thought-provoking as it is exciting, making it a must-read for fans of science fiction. Dive into this epic adventure and explore the possibilities and perils of time manipulation in a galaxy teeming with secrets and conspiracies.

PublisherAm I Am
Release dateJun 11, 2024
Echoes of Eternity

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    Book preview

    Echoes of Eternity - Frank Jackson

    Echoes of Eternity

    In the distant future, humanity has spread its reach far beyond Earth, colonizing planets across the galaxy. These distant outposts, nestled on planets with varying degrees of habitability, are maintained and operated by beings that, at first glance, appear human but are fundamentally different. These beings, called clones, are created to manage the various colonies and are equipped with a basic understanding of their environment and duties, often exhibiting childlike simplicity in their interactions and actions.

    The colonies are governed by a massive network known as the Chrome Server. This advanced AI system orchestrates every aspect of life in the colonies, from resource allocation to environmental control. The Chrome Server, a sleek, omnipresent entity, exists in every clone's consciousness, guiding and instructing them in their daily tasks. The clones, while possessing individual traits, are inherently tied to the server, their thoughts and actions influenced by its directives.

    One such colony exists on the planet Elysium, a world with rolling purple plains and skies that shift from azure to deep indigo as the day progresses. The air is thin but breathable, and the flora, though alien, provides a stark beauty against the rugged terrain. Elysium, like other colonies, is an experiment in sustainability, with the clones tasked with maintaining a delicate balance in the ecosystem while extracting resources vital for the survival of the human race scattered across the stars.

    Amid this setting, a particular clone, designated C-17, begins its day as usual. C-17 wakes in a sterile, white pod, the gentle hum of the Chrome Server resonating in its mind. Good morning, C-17. Begin your morning routine and prepare for the day's tasks, the server's voice instructs, its tone calm and precise.

    C-17, like all clones, follows the instructions without hesitation. It steps out of the pod and moves to a small chamber where it cleans and prepares itself. The chamber is devoid of personal touches, reflecting the utilitarian nature of the colony. Once ready, C-17 joins a group of other clones in the central hub, a vast room filled with screens and interfaces connected directly to the Chrome Server.

    The hub is abuzz with activity as clones monitor the various systems that keep Elysium running. The Chrome Server's directives flash across the screens, and clones respond with mechanical efficiency. Today, C-17 is assigned to the agricultural sector, where it will tend to the crops that provide sustenance for the colony. As C-17 walks through the corridors of the central hub, the Chrome Server continues to relay instructions, ensuring every clone is where it needs to be.

    Elysium's agricultural fields are a marvel of bioengineering. Rows upon rows of vibrant, alien crops stretch out under domed enclosures that protect them from the harsher elements of the planet's climate. C-17, equipped with tools and guided by the Chrome Server, begins its work, checking the health of the plants and making adjustments as necessary. The clones in the agricultural sector work in silence, their minds connected by the constant stream of information from the server.

    Despite the routine nature of the work, C-17 occasionally finds itself pondering the purpose of its existence. These moments of introspection are fleeting, quickly overridden by the Chrome Server's directives, but they hint at a deeper consciousness within the clone. Today, as C-17 tends to a particularly stubborn plant that refuses to thrive, a curious thought crosses its mind: What lies beyond the Chrome Server's control?

    These thoughts are quickly dismissed as C-17 receives a new directive. A malfunction has been detected in one of the irrigation systems, and C-17 is tasked with repairing it. The clone moves with purpose, guided by the server's instructions, but the earlier thought lingers in the background. As C-17 reaches the irrigation system, it realizes the repair is more complex than anticipated. The server provides detailed schematics, and C-17 begins the intricate task of restoring the system.

    The hours pass, and as the sun dips below the horizon, casting the sky in deep hues of purple and blue, C-17 completes the repair. The irrigation system hums back to life, and water begins to flow through the fields once more. The Chrome Server's voice acknowledges the successful repair, and C-17 feels a brief moment

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