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Colorado Wolves: A New Beginning: Colorado Wolves, #1
Colorado Wolves: A New Beginning: Colorado Wolves, #1
Colorado Wolves: A New Beginning: Colorado Wolves, #1
Ebook401 pages6 hours

Colorado Wolves: A New Beginning: Colorado Wolves, #1

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Darren was living a normal life. That all changed when he was attacked and kidnapped by a pack of werewolves. Since the incident, Darren moved to Colorado Springs to start a new life. After getting settled, he became friends with not just one, but two packs! From his new friends, he found out his normal world was much bigger than just werewolves.


Unfortunately for Darren, the werewolves that caused him to go into hiding are on the prowl. They will stop at nothing to return him to the master that demands to have her toy back. 


Without joining a pack, Darren is not guaranteed protection. Until he chooses if he wants to be in a pack, he is considered a rogue. Will he have to fend for himself? Will Darren's new friends help protect him? Or will Darren have to make a sacrifice to protect his new friends?


Release dateJun 11, 2024
Colorado Wolves: A New Beginning: Colorado Wolves, #1

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    Book preview

    Colorado Wolves - Mindy

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

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    Chapter 1

    It was almost seven in the evening when Darren finally heard the knock on his door. He turned the TV off in the living room and ran to open it. He was grinning from ear to ear as he looked at

    the handsome man standing in front of him. He took notice that Tommy was dressed in a plain black tank top and baggy cargo style pants. His light brown hair and matching eyes were not able to hide the pale skin. During recent events, Darren found out his boyfriend was a vampire.

    On that fateful night, Darren parked his car at a garage and was walking to a nightclub when he caught Tommy in an alley with a rat to his mouth. When he threw the rat down, Darren could see his fangs and blood covering Tommy’s mouth. Needless to say, Darren took off and drove back to his home as fast as he could. Tommy had called many times, but Darren never picked up. It was a couple weeks before he finally got the nerve to answer Tommy’s call. Tommy explained that he only drinks the blood of animals and not humans, so there was no need to fear him. Darren was nervous to go out with him, but he decided to set his fears to the side for now. Tonight would be the first night he saw Tommy since he found out Tommy was a vampire.

    So, are you ready to go, or do you need a few more minutes? Tommy asked.

    Taking a second look at his outfit of a dark green shirt with blue jeans, Darren decided what he wore was fine and locked the house up as he left.

    The drive over was quiet. Darren was doing his best to drive without showing how nervous and excited he was. Excited to be with Tommy, nervous of what he is. They made plans to walk around the lake just outside of town, which was a short drive, but the drive felt like it took years. Darren was glad when he finally parked and was able to get out of the vehicle.

    Would you mind if we have our discussion in the woods? Tommy asked.

    Sure, I don’t mind, Darren answered. Truth was, he wanted to talk out in the open. If something happened, he wanted at least one person to witness what happened.

    Just like the drive, the walk was much too quiet. As they walked on the sidewalk and around the lake, many other people would pass them and greet them. Darren smiled and greeted them back, but he noticed Tommy didn't. In fact, Tommy was avoiding any kind of eye contact as he stared at the ground. Darren had enough and broke the awkward silence between them.

    So, how long have you been a vampire? Darren asked when there wasn't anyone within earshot.

    Tommy replied, I was twenty nine when I was turned into a vampire, but I am one of the younger vampires as I was turned about ten years ago.

    Why did you choose that lifestyle? Darren asked.

    I didn’t choose to be a vampire by choice, Tommy said, as if he was being criticized. "I was taking my friend Sarah to the movies. She didn’t live far, so after we decided we were going to walk. When we were on our back, the backside of her house had a small alley, so we decided we would cut through it to get to  her backyard. I gave her a hug and told her I would see her later.

    I was just about to lift the hatch to her gate when I felt her grab me by the arm and pull me off to the side. I was a little confused as to why she looked so happy. In a split second, she had me on the ground with her hand covering my mouth as she bit into my neck. She was much shorter than me, but she had inhuman strength. I couldn’t get her off me.

    Darren was a bit shocked. He was over six feet and considered himself to be strong. Tommy was just a few inches shorter than him and was strong as well. He wasn’t sexist, but he couldn’t see one woman overtaking Tommy.

    She just about drained me before she stopped, Tommy continued. "I was cold, unable to move, and was on the verge of death. I watched as she used her teeth to make  a small incision to her wrist, then put it to my lips. She told me to drink if I wanted to live. Part of me wanted to refuse, but something about her blood was tempting. So, I drank. I never thought I would have liked the taste of blood, but hers was so...sweet. Nothing could compare to it.

    I wanted to keep feeding, but she yanked her wrist away. I felt her blood surge through my body. It felt amazing at first. Then, I started to feel pain. It took me a while to realize that it was my body dying. I knew it didn’t take long, but it felt like decades before I felt fine. By then, it felt like it never happened. I quickly stood up and looked at her. She was smiling, but I didn’t return the gesture. I told her I never wanted to see her again. She seemed shocked, but I took off before she could ever say a word. Let me just say that one awesome thing about being a vampire is the speed it gave me. I was home in seconds!

    Wow, I guess there are some plus sides to being a vampire, Darren said. So, are you able to eat anything else besides blood?

    Unfortunately no. Like most movies show, a vampire can only feed off of blood, Tommy replied.

    Darren made a face. He couldn’t imagine feeding off of blood only. So, what is it like? he asked with disgust.

    Tommy chuckled and looked up to see they finally made it to the wooded side of the lake. He waited until he felt they were deep enough inside before he answered the question Darren asked a few moments ago.

    Honestly, it's not bad. Feeding off of a human is very addicting. Feeding off an animal has a much different taste. I had to get used to it and keep my focus on not feeding off the blood of humans. He turned and looked at Darren. To this day, I still have to keep the urge to feed off of a human at bay.

    Darren didn’t like the way Tommy looked at him. He stepped a few paces away.

    Darren, don’t worry, I won't harm you, Tommy said.

    How do I know? Darren responded back with a bite to his tone. For all I know, this was a plan to get me out here alone so you can kill me.

    I won't do that to you Darren. I love you too much! Tommy replied.

    Darren watched as Tommy slowly moved forward. He wanted to keep some distance from the vampire, but true to the inhuman speed, it seemed as if Tommy glided across the way and was hugging him. He then felt the kiss on his neck and he shuddered. Tommy moved his head back and smiled at him. Tommy’s eyes were usually brown, but right now, they were showing purple. See, I told you I wouldn’t hurt you.

    Then why are your eyes purple? Darren asked.

    It’s the color all vampires have when we show an extreme emotion, such as excitement or anger, Tommy answered.

    So vampires don’t have icy blue or red eyes? Darren questioned.

    No, we don’t, Tommy responded. Those colors were made to make us look even more like the monsters we are.

    I will have to admit, purple looks scary, but they don’t look as scary as red or blue, Darren said.

    Tommy laughed as he reached up and gave Darren a kiss. It was interrupted by the sounds of branches breaking. Both of them scanned the area to see what may have caused the sound.

    What is it Tommy? Darren asked.

    I don’t know, but I do know someone is out there, Tommy answered.

    They carefully searched the area, but Darren didn’t see anyone. He kept looking, until he noticed that Tommy was staring in one area in particular.

    What did you see Tommy? Darren questioned.

    I thought I saw something moving, Tommy replied.

    "Something? Not someone?" Darren asked in concern.

    Tommy ignored Darren and kept looking in the area he thought he saw movement. He waited a few seconds before he started to turn around, then saw it again. Along with it came a pair of yellow eyes. And those eyes suddenly rushed out from its hiding spot at both men.

    Darren, go! Tommy yelled as he shoved Darren to the side.

    Darren was shoved quite a few feet from where he stood. He knew no human could have had the capability to push him that far. He watched Tommy turn in the direction that the thing came running from. Tommy grabbed it, threw it over his head and into a tree. That tree came crashing down as soon as the thing hit it.

    Go! Just run and keep running! Tommy yelled out again. This time, Darren did as he was told. He only got a few paces before someone much shorter than him came out and shoved him to the ground. He struggled to get up, but the girl kept him down on the ground by his throat. She had him almost too tight as he couldn’t catch his breath.

    Sorry boy, you are not going anywhere, the girl said as she loosened her grip to allow him to breathe. Darren struggled to get away, but her hold was still too strong for him to get up.

    Darren heard noises come from where he was just at. One of them was the scream that came from Tommy. He turned to see two large animals that look like oversized wolves tearing Tommy apart. No! he screamed and resumed trying to get up.

    It’s no use! the girl said again. You are no match for me, and your vampire boyfriend is dead!

    What are you, and what are they? Darren yelled.

    We are werewolves, said another girl that came walking from behind the bushes.

    He was shocked. There is such a thing?

    Indeed. We are as real as the vampires, the girl said.

    It may have been dark outside, but Darren was able to make out the two women. The one holding him down was short and thin with dark brown hair. The other looked like she was a little bit taller, though not by much than the first one. She was a blonde and looked like she could have been a model. Both women wore a black, fitted tank top with black, spandex type shorts. He then looked to the side to see the two werewolves walking over to him. Their fur was too dark to notice what color they were, but they were huge. From his point, they looked like they were larger than a black bear. He shivered at the rows of large teeth they had.

    It’s a shame this one has seen us, a third girl had said. He watched this particular girl change from her huge wolf form to being a human. The switch was anything but scary. It was quick; one moment she was a wolf, next she was human. He thought it would be like the movies where you would see some sort of transformation.

    Why would you think that Jess? the blonde asked.

    Bev, he saw Holly and I as a wolf! Plus, he knows that all of us are werewolves!

    That means nothing girls.

    There was a fifth woman who came out from the bushes as well. This one was taller than an average woman, maybe a couple inches short of being six foot. Her movements and her outfit showed that her entire body was almost pure muscle.

    He was able to see that all five women wore the same attire: a tank top and shorts, black and spandex. They were also barefoot.

    What are you thinking, Nancy? Bev said.

    Nancy walked to Darren’s side and ran her fingers through his hair. Her eyes were a striking blue, but he watched as they quickly changed to yellow. There wasn’t any hint of human in these eyes.

    There is no need to let something this good looking go to waste, she said quietly.

    Darren didn’t wait to see what she meant. He kicked the girl who was holding him, which made her let his throat go. He got up and ran as fast as he could. He was faster than most people he knew, but his speed didn’t matter. He got maybe another few feet before Nancy grabbed him by the neck and hoisted him in the air.

    You think you can run from us, she told him. No human can outmatch the speed and strength of a werewolf!

    Just as quickly as she picked him up, she dropped him. Two other girls, one he recognized as Holly, quickly apprehended him and held his arms behind his back. He struggled, but it hurt more to move than to hold still.

    What do you want from me? Darren asked. If you are going to kill me, then just do it.

    Nancy laughed. Oh sweet heart, you are much too good looking to be food. She was just inches from his face as she quietly said, I want you for myself. If my girls are lucky, I might share.

    Darren’s face felt like it was drained of color. He yelled for help as loud as he could. He felt a hand cover his mouth and it pulled his head back.

    Not a smart move, Nancy whispered. If you stay quiet, we won't hurt you, got it?

    He nodded his head and she removed her hand. He took in a deep breath and released it.

    There you go, just relax, Nancy said.

    He didn’t have any words for them. He decided that looking at the ground was his best option.

    Well, we weren’t expecting to bring someone home, so you are just going to have to allow one of us to drive your car, Nancy said.

    How about I drive with someone in the car with me and direct me where to go, Darren said.

    Nancy gave him an angry look, but gave in. Fine, Holly will ride with you and tell you where to go.

    All but Holly had turned into the oversized wolf and took off. Holly smiled and had him lead the way.

    He refused to talk or speak to Holly on the way to his car. The trip into the woods felt like it took a while when he was with Tommy, but this trip felt like it was done in a few seconds. He was hoping it would drag by. He also noticed there were plenty of people around. He had plenty of friends in this town. Maybe one of them will see him and come up to talk.

    Don’t even think about it, Holly told him. Hurry up and get in the car. I don’t want anyone talking to us.

    She quickly sat in the passenger seat of the Dodge Charger after Darren got in the driver's seat. He heard his name just as he was shutting the door. He looked to see it was his best friend Bryan, waving at him.

    Shut the door and go, Holly demanded. To threaten him to move faster, she grabbed his thigh and squeezed it. Darren hissed at the sudden pain and did what he was told. He had to get out of the parking lot quickly before Bryan came up to the car. He looked in his mirror to see the surprise look his friend gave as he left.

    He was glad to have the radio playing, and even more glad that Holly liked listening to the same songs he did. That, or she didn’t care what was playing. Even better, she only spoke when she had to, and that was to tell him where to turn and what road to take. As angry as he was, he wanted to get to know a little bit about Holly.

    So, your name is Holly, right? Or is that just a secret name? Darren asked.

    No, I don’t have any other names besides Holly, she replied.

    How long have you been a werewolf? Darren questioned.

    Holly gave him a questionable look. Is there a reason why you are asking?

    No, I just thought I would break the silence and talk to you a little, Darren said. Is there something wrong with talking to you?

    Holly didn’t answer. Only kept looking at him.

    Fine, I get it, Darren said. I am only your captive, and I shouldn’t be talking. I will just stay quiet for the rest of the ride.

    Holly smiled, a genuine smile and not the mischievous one he saw on her earlier. "I’ve been a werewolf for over a hundred years now.

    Darren’s eyes went wide. Really? How long do werewolves live?

    We are immortal, just like vampires. We don’t die unless we are killed. Oh, take a right on this dirt road please, Holly instructed.

    Darren turned to the right. So, were you born as a werewolf?

    No, I was turned, Holly replied. From what I have seen so far, werewolves can't be born. A werewolf can have children, though it is extremely rare for one to have one, but they are not born as a werewolf.

    Darren looked to see she was looking down to her lap as she answered the question. Forgive me for asking, though you don’t have to answer. Did you have a child at some point?

    No, I didn’t, Holly answered quietly. I didn’t have one before or after I was turned. Right now, I wouldn’t want one. I wouldn’t want to have a child to see that its mother is a monster. She turned and looked at Darren, tears welling up in her eyes. Being a werewolf has some amazing perks, but I never wanted to be one. If there was ever a cure for this, I would gladly take it.

    They didn’t go much further up the dirt road when they finally found another car, and the other four women were standing by it. Darren parked, but didn’t turn the car off until Holly told him to do so.

    Alright you, Bev said as she opened his door. Time to come out.

    Bev grabbed his arm, though not tightly and guided him to the other side of his car. She was directing him to get in the passenger seat. He was just about inside when the unknown girl grabbed his ankle and dragged him out. He hit his head hard against the bottom of his car. His immediate reaction was to put his hand where his head hit. He knew he was bleeding before he even touched the area.

    Bev grabbed his hands and zip tied them behind his back. She was zip tying his ankles when Holly came over.

    What are you all doing? Holly asked.

    We can't allow him to see where we are going, so we are taking precautions, Bev said.

    But did it have to be so brutal? He hit his head as you pulled him out Chloe! Holly exclaimed.

    He will live, Chloe said.

    Bev pulled the passenger seat forward and proceeded to put Darren in the back. Holly, what are you doing?

    Holly was climbing in the back before Bev could put Darren inside. I’m going to sit back here with him. Someone has to tend to his head for insurance.

    Fine, then you put the blind on, Bev replied. She threw Holly a black material made from silk. As Bev pushed Darren into the back, Holly grabbed him from under the arms and helped pull him. Darren was a bit too long, but his head hurt too much to stay seated upright. He curled his body in as tight as he could. Instead of putting the blind on, Holly found half a bottle of water and a small towel. Darren forgot he still had those in his car.

    Here, put your head on my lap so I can tend to your wound, Holly said quietly.

    He didn’t care for Holly being one of his captors, but he would prefer to have her sitting with him than anyone else. He heard the car start, but he didn’t look to see who was driving. He winced when she poured a cap full of water on his cut. He didn’t think it would be as cold as it was, especially since the temperature was in the mid seventies outside.

    Holly, would you put the blind fold on? I can't go anywhere until then, Chloe said impatiently.

    Hold on, I am still tending to the cut you caused! Holly snapped.

    Oh please, quit babying him! Chloe retorted.

    You don’t know what damage you might have caused! He is a human, not a werewolf! He doesn’t heal like us! Holly exclaimed.

    Chloe gave an exasperated sigh. Well, hurry it up then! Nancy is waiting to go!

    It’s OK, Holly, Darren said. It hurts, but the pain will go away. Just do what you have to.

    She sighed, then reached over and pulled the blind off her side. I’m sorry, she said as she covered his eyes with it, then gently knotted it.

    The entire trip, Holly made sure he was as comfortable as he could get. It helped that Chloe was driving like a normal driver. They hit a couple potholes, but that was something to be expected. She didn’t make sudden turns, abrupt stops, or hit the gas pedal hard from when they came to a halt or slowing of the pace. Even when she went from pavement to dirt road, she didn’t drive like a maniac.

    When they came to a stop, he thought maybe it was a long pause at a red light since his car was still running. Only when it was turned off did he realize they were at their destination. He felt something slip by his wrists and pulled, which broke the zip tie. Same was done to his ankles. That was when Holly removed the blind. Before he could get up, he felt her wrap the blind around his forehead so it would keep the towel in place over his wound.

    He got out of the car and looked at his surroundings. Before him looked like an older two story farmhouse complete with patio and wicker chairs. Even though most of the boards had paint chipping off from age, the house was in good shape. The land was mostly open minus the mountains in the distance to his left. He wasn’t able to take in the entire view as he was rushed inside of the house. The interior didn’t look anything like the exterior.

    Everything inside looked fresh and new. He never would have guessed a few werewolves lived here. The only thing that might have given that away was the moans he heard, which came from the basement below.

    Take him to the room, Jess told Bev and Chloe, who were closest to him. He feared that the room might have been in the basement, but instead, Bev led the way upstairs with Chloe urging him from behind to follow Bev. She kept pushing him from behind because he apparently wasn’t going fast enough. When they reached the top, he looked to see the hallway on the left held three doors close to the stairwell. He was able to see that two were bedrooms with the third he guessed was the bathroom before being pushed to go to the right. This hallway was longer and had five doors. Two on the left, two on right, and one straight ahead. The one straight ahead was a narrow one, so he assumed it was a closet of some sort. They went through the last door on the left.

    This door wasn’t just a door, but an opening to another hallway. The house didn’t look to be that big from the front, but he wasn’t able to see how big it was from the back. There were four doors down this hallway, all on the left. On the right, the wall had a number of windows. He was taken into the last door on the left. The moment he saw what was before him, anger turned into fear. The room was big, but there was only one thing in it. In the center against the back wall was a king side bed, and on each corner of the mattress was a padded restraint.

    The girls were ready for him to fight. He turned and tried to push Chloe out of the way, but she pushed him back into Bev. Bev managed to knock him to the ground, wrapped her arm around his neck, and started to drag him to the bed. He fought with all his might., but the women easily overpowered him. Instead of immediately putting him on the bed, Bev removed her arm and replaced it with her hand and started to choke him. Only when he was moments away from passing out did she let go.

    That should do the trick long enough, Bev said as she picked him up and placed him on the bed. They didn’t restrain him on the bed the way he thought they were going to. Instead, they handcuffed his hands behind his back and placed a locked collar around his neck. The chained leash was built onto the collar, but the other end was chained to the head of the bed frame. He lunged at them, finding out that the leash would only allow him to reach the end of the bed. At best, he would be able to sit near the edge with his feet barely touching the ground.

    You all can go to Hell! Darren yelled.

    In time, we will, Bev replied. Until then, you might as well relax. You might be in Hell sooner than you think.

    He watched as they shut the door and locked it behind them. He felt like he was in Hell already, but he knew it was going to get worse. He just wasn’t sure how. He wasn’t about to wait and see what was in store, but he wasn’t able to free himself just yet. He sat at the edge of the bed, thinking how he might be able to get free.

    He wasn’t sure how long it was since they left him in the room, but it felt a while since he was ready to fall asleep. That was something he didn’t want to get caught doing. He looked up at the door when he heard someone unlocking it. The room was lit up fairly well, so he could see the walls, closet, and another door that looked like it might lead to a bathroom. He was expecting Nancy to come in, but it was Holly instead. She might have been nice to him for a bit, but she was still one of the captors.

    Are you coming in to torment me? Darren asked in disgust.

    Wow, you go from being nice to snapping at me, Holly said. I think that’s a first for me with any of the guys we brought here.

    Well, thank you for taking care of my injuries, but forgive me when I say that is all I am thanking you for, Darren said. Otherwise, you are also a werewolf, and also part of the group who killed my boyfriend and drove me far away from my house. You are still a kidnapper.

    I will have to give you points for that. I understand why you are angry with me, Holly replied. However, I didn’t come in here to torment you. I am only here to check on your head.

    Holly walked over to his right side and carefully pulled the bandage away. Even as careful as she was, he felt the material pulling out from his skin. He hissed, and she apologized for hurting him. He didn’t say anything back.

    It’s a nasty cut, but other than that, it should heal just fine. I do need to clean it properly, so this is going to hurt, Holly said.

    He noticed she brought in a few items when she entered, but he didn’t pay attention until she said that. She brought some gauze, a bottle of peroxide, and a bottle of water. He decided it was best for him to lay on the bed because if he jerked while sitting up, he would feel the collar pull more on his throat. As he kept his head on the pillow, he embraced himself for the peroxide. She helped by firmly holding his head in place as she poured a small amount over his cut. There was no hiding the pain as he let out a howl. It burned, but he felt the cool water wash most of it away.

    Alright, that’s all I’m going to do for now, Holly said as she got up.

    Holly, what are you doing?

    Holly turned and Darren sat up when they heard Nancy’s voice.

    I was just taking care of his wound. I am on my way out, Holly answered.

    That sounds like a good idea. Shut the door as you leave, please, Nancy commanded.

    Holly nodded as she quickly left the room, closing the door behind her. He may not have cared much for Holly, despite the fact she was being nice to him, but he didn’t want her to leave him alone with the werewolf who decided to keep him rather than kill him. The room was silent as Nancy slowly walked over.

    So, here we are, just you and me, Nancy said. I am sorry, but I have lost my manners before bringing you to our home. My name is Nancy. And who might you be?

    Why should I give you my name? Darren sneered. You do not have my respect, therefore, I shall not give you my name.

    That is alright, Darren. I already know who you are, Nancy replied. My girls didn’t, but I do. I have been watching you for a couple of weeks. I was at a bar when you came in with a few of your guy friends. Ever since I laid my eyes on you, I knew you would be mine.

    Darren was horrified. How did you know I was going out tonight? Only Tommy was supposed to know!

    It was actually luck, Nancy answered. We were watching for unsuspecting victims to venture too close for us to grab, but it happened to be you two. I didn’t know it was you until after the vampire was killed. I was searching another area when I heard my girls attacking. When I arrived, well, to my surprise as to who we caught.

    She was beside the bed and started to crawl onto it. Darren didn’t move from where he was seated near the edge. He refused to look at her and kept his attention elsewhere. Even when he felt her hand feel its way across his face, he refused to move. He did try to move away when he felt her kissing whatever area of the neck was exposed from the collar. Then, he felt the back of his shirt getting ripped open. He was handcuffed, and she wasn’t about to take them off to get his shirt off. After tearing it off him, she ran her hands softly over his back, feeling every muscle hiding under the skin.

    Oh yes, she whispered. You might not be as muscular as I wanted, and a bit skinny, but you shall do.

    Darren’s face was tight and his eyes closed as tight as he could get them. He didn’t want to see what was going on. He held his breath so he wouldn’t scream what fear he was holding. He couldn’t hold it in any longer when he was suddenly pulled onto his back as she covered his mouth with her hand. She stared at him with her yellow animal eyes.

    I should have fun with you while I can! Nancy said as she frantically started to unzip his pants, feeling and hearing him squeal under her hand. But I am afraid I would accidentally kill you. You are still a human.

    She zipped his pants back up and was satisfied to see how scared he was. She laughed as she removed her hand from his mouth, then started to feel up his chest. All in the meantime, she was kissing and licking his collarbone. I am definitely going to like this one much better than the last, she said to herself.

    Darren considered himself to be a strong guy, but even guys get emotional. He tried to hold back his tears, which he was successful until Nancy kissed him on the lips. He could feel how hungry she was for him, but he wasn’t about to give in. Finally, she got up from the bed and looked at him again. Her nails were those of an animal as she ran them across his chest and abdomen one final time.

    You will be mine, Darren, Nancy hissed before she got off him.

    He waited until she was out of the room and the door locked before he let his emotions go. He buried his face into the pillow to try and stifle his screams. He didn’t stop until he was too exhausted to fight anymore. He didn’t know what was going to happen to him, but he knew there was no escape. He was captured by five women, five werewolves, who had inhuman strength that he couldn’t fight. He accepted his defeat as he fell asleep.

    He heard the door unlock, but he didn’t bother seeing who it was. They didn’t say anything as they quietly walked across the room to his side.

    "I know you

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