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Pleasure Island
Pleasure Island
Pleasure Island
Ebook74 pages1 hour

Pleasure Island

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About this ebook

Alisha Meyer is a sharp, talented and beautiful paralegal that adores her boss Hirshel Benowitz. Her dreams take her to exotic places where she envisions the two of them. If only she could tell him how she feels. Every time she looked into those bright blue eyes, her words failed her.

Hirshel has been secretly watching and wanting Alisha. His mouth waters every time he see her dark chocolate brown pass by. Would she ever be able to accept his secret?

Alisha receives a strange invitation to an event guaranteed to change her life. Uncertain if she should accept or not she turns to Hirshel for advice. The fact that he scolds her as her dad would is all the convincing she needs. Dying to change her life and break out of her shell she decides to go.

Will this secret invitation really change her life? Will it help her in her quest to get Hirshel?

Release dateMay 22, 2024
Pleasure Island

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    Book preview

    Pleasure Island - Denise Bryson



    Chapter One

    Alisha Meyer sat at her desk at the law firm of Benowitz and Ecker, working on consolidating some case files for her boss, Mr. B. She had been working there for a few years now, and while her boss wasn’t a mean man, he was very professional and a no-nonsense sort of person. Hirshel Abram Benowitz was tall, dark, handsome, and moody. Beautiful blue eyes, a football player build, and a mop of jet-black curly hair. When he did smile, it was a million watts. Hirshel came from a wealthy family and stood to inherit even more. But he was also a wealthy self-made man thanks to an early introduction to the stock market. His upbringing was very typical and Jewish. His parents, though not happy with some of his career and life choices, they still stood behind their boy. His upbringing was typical; however, there was nothing typical about him at all. A lady’s man, single, he enjoyed the finer things. The finer things for him were the things that made his family look in the other direction, and he was alright with that. A force to be reckoned with in the courtroom and as private a person as could be found. No one knew him very well at all, and that was how he liked it.

    The intercom on her desk buzzed. Yes, Mr. B?

    Alisha, are you done with those papers yet?

    Yes, sir, I was just about to bring them in.

    Thank you, Alisha.

    She rose from her desk. He is always so polite, she thought as she entered his office. She walked over and handed him the papers. He took them from her, barely looking up at her. Then he did look up at her, and as always, when he did, she was struck mute by his eyes. The deepest blue she had ever seen, and this time, he was smiling, Oh shit, she thought.

    Hey, I’m gonna be drowning in reading this deposition. It's 3; why don’t you knock off for the rest of the day?

    Really? I mean, I, what if you need me...or I mean what if you need something? her dark-skinned face glowed as she blushed.

    He looked her deep in her chocolate-colored eyes, he gave her another smile. It was a long time before I could afford to hire a sectary or paralegal. I know my way around my office.

    Alisha dropped her head. She was normally quite shy, and now she felt embarrassed for speaking up. He seemed to notice this, Really dear, I will be fine. You work hard, and I’m sure a pretty lady like you can find something fun to do with a little extra time off in the middle of the day. I’ll make sure you get your full day’s pay. I just really would like to be alone right now. Ecker is on vacation, and his paralegal is off, so it’s alright. The rest of the office is busy and should be leaving soon, so...please, he said.

    I guess I could go to a matinee. She said privately, sighing because he called her pretty. Alisha was 5’8, very dark skinned with dark brown eyes, and she was not a petite girl. Alisha’s weight hoovered at around 200 lbs. but her height helped to stretch it out. Her hips were wide, her belly taut, and she was a double D bra cup. A big girl by some standards and definately not a barbie doll size woman. She wasn’t from as wealthy a family as Mr. B, but they had wanted for nothing. Her parents had seen to it that she and her sister and brother had all gone to a good school. Each was successful in their own right. Her siblings were outgoing and social. Alisha being the youngest, had been sheltered and was just a little shy. Something she was desperate to shake.

    She turned to leave Mr. B’s office and did not see him raise his eyes to watch her ass as it moved underneath her skirt. He smiled as he watched her walk. Hirshel was a man with different tastes, and he enjoyed looking at a hot woman, mostly hot black women, but a man in his position, and with his money, he had to be careful with any woman.

    Hirshel had followed in his father’s footsteps and become a lawyer. He had been the perfect son up until he decided to become a defense lawyer and not a prosecutor. He tried to explain to his parents that poor people were unjustly jailed and that defenders were only doing half of the job they could be doing. He wanted to help the less fortunate. This would earn him the title of ‘the lawyer from the hood’. He knew that many of the people he helped were guilty as sin, but he also knew that many, many, more were innocent, and it was those people that he most wanted to help.

    Having no idea that Hirshel had watched her walk out of his office, Alisha proceeded to gather her belongings and punched out. She took the elevator down to the parking area and walked to her Jeep. As she got near, she noticed an envelope on her windshield. It was addressed to her.

    What the heck? she opened it and read... "Your presence is requested at a weekend retreat and event. This event is a secret society, and only certain people are invited. It is truly in your best interest to

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