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Not My Bridegroom
Not My Bridegroom
Not My Bridegroom
Ebook349 pages4 hours

Not My Bridegroom

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Blogger and freelance writer Anita Leyva's tech CEO fiancé wants her to shoot a viral wedding planning vlog to promote his AI dating app—except he's too disinterested to go wedding shopping with her. He instructs her to hire a stand-in who looks similar to him with the aim of editing the videos.

Burnt-out actor Dillon Dole found out the hard way that social media is in and soap operas are out. He runs into his college sweetheart, Anita, on the night of her engagement to find her crying in the cups alone with her girlfriends. Her newly-minted fiancé has no time for her, and she's in need of a body double for her bridegroom.

Dillon embraces the role of Anita's prospective bridegroom, while Anita believes her viral wedding planning vlog will bring her career success as an influencer and jealous attention from her absentee fiancé.

But as Anita and Dillon navigate a maze of over-the-top wedding plans, trailed by a snarky videographer and an overzealous wedding planner, their make-believe romance starts sparking something that feels unexpectedly real.

Can Anita pull off a dream wedding with the right bridegroom, and will she stop pretending and discover that the best love story was standing beside her all along?

Release dateJun 12, 2024
Not My Bridegroom

Rachelle Ayala

Rachelle Ayala is an award-winning USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance and romantic suspense. She writes emotionally challenging stories but believes in the power of love and hope. Her book, Knowing Vera, won the 2015 Angie Ovation Award, and A Father for Christmas garnered a 2015 Readers' Favorite Gold Award. Christmas Stray was awarded the 2016 Readers' Favorite Gold Award and A Pet for Christmas had an Honorable Mention. In 2017, Playing for the Save received the Readers' Favorite Gold Award for Realistic Fiction. Sign up for her NEWSLETTER to get a FREE surprise book and her latest book news! Visit her Reader's Guide at or contact her at Join her STREET TEAM

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    Book preview

    Not My Bridegroom - Rachelle Ayala



    Am I hot, or am I not? I sass at my reflection in the hotel’s gold-accented powder room. I’m all dolled up for Artsy Smarts, San Francisco’s glitziest tech gala where art flirts with artificial intelligence. Sure, I’m sizzling—but in this sea of glam and silicon, standing out is a whole new game.

    Amazing, as always, my best friend, Gina Griffin, grins from my right while Wanda Cox, my critical conscience, arches her eyebrow on my left. You’re too good for him, girl.

    This isn’t about Eduardo, I defend hotly. It’s my chance to jump into the influencer game. Sharing the stage with him is all about exposure and getting my name and face out there.

    I’m lying to myself. Why not? Everyone here is all image and no substance. I mean, the entire gala is about blending AI with film, music, and the arts, showcasing how artificial intelligence can expand creativity and cultural expression.

    You’ll do great, says good angel Gina. Eduardo’s eyes will lift from the screen’s glare and meet your radiance. He’ll be helplessly drawn to you, basking in your glow and beholding the goddess you are.

    Wanda rolls her large doe eyes. You’re a walking wardrobe malfunction in heels that could double as lethal weapons. Did Eduardo tell you why he’s sharing the stage with you?

    He texted me to show up as my dazzling self. My heart flutters at the rare emojis decorating the text. Says he has a surprise for me.

    Did he break up with that AI girlfriend app? What’s her name, Roxanne? Wanda’s eyebrows furrow over the backstory of my latest heartbreak when Eduardo announced that he’d rather spend time with RoxyAI.

    He says Roxanne was just a prototype to fine-tune the dating app, I explain to my skeptical friends. He wasn’t really in a relationship with her. Who’d want an AI girlfriend when they can have me?

    I smooth my manicured hands over my shimmering evening gown. The silky fabric hugs my curves as I strike an alluring pose.

    You’re so much more than an AI girlfriend, Gina affirms. I’m so glad you and Eduardo are trying again.

    The question is, why do you want him? Wanda, the devil’s advocate on my left, scrunches her nose as she towers over me and spritzes her bouncy Afro. There are tech billionaires out there hotter than Eduardo. Princes from the Middle East and European nobility.

    You go for them. I adjust my novelty earrings, little golden microchips that seemed fitting for Artsy Smarts Tech Gala. I’ve invested a year on Eduardo already, and I don’t intend to start over. He’s also the hottest AI CEO around town and the tech world’s most eligible bachelor.

    Not to mention his incredible IQ, devilishly handsome looks, athletic physique, and those sharp suits and confident swagger.

    And he wants another chance. I show my wing women the text message with the heart-eye emojis.

    Oh … heart eyes. Gina puts an encouraging hand on my shoulder. Means he’s seriously missing you.

    I’ll believe it when I see it. Wanda pats my other shoulder. That man’s got a heart of circuits and wires instead of flesh and blood.

    Ready, ladies? I hook my arms around theirs, one on each side. Let’s go out there and kill Artsy Smarts.

    That’s me—chin up and high-strung—Anita Leyva, freelance writer, internet influencer, and tech bro arm-candy. I’m vibrant and wild, fun and creative, and I’m diverse and ethnically ambiguous enough to be photographed with teams from Silicon Valley, Bangalore, Tel Aviv, and other tech capitals worldwide.

    It’s showtime.

    My heart flutters like the streamers blowing from an air-conditioning unit as the three of us strut into the ballroom. The entrance is adorned with an archway displaying AI-generated art that morphs as attendees walk through. Crystal chandeliers dazzle overhead, and holographic displays and wide screens project dancing colors accompanied by electronic music.

    A chrome stage looms at the front of the room. Chatter and laughter echo around us as attendees in evening wear mingle.

    Fancy, hmm? Gina says while Wanda sniffs, Just screams overcompensation if you ask me.

    I spot Eduardo across the room. He’s as hot and hunky as ever, wearing a tailored suit. He’s in deep conversation with his investor cadre, and his entire demeanor is one of easy confidence. Without breaking his stride, he shoots me a smooth wink that makes me feel acknowledged and anxious. What is he planning?

    The lights dim, and a hush falls over the crowd as Eduardo struts onto the stage. He surveys the gathering like a king above his subjects.

    Welcome, welcome to Artsy Smarts, where technology pushes the limits of creativity. Today’s announcement will swell your hearts to soaring heights. I hope you’re ready for a new love match because the newest update of LoveBytes AI will find you a perfect mate in zero time flat.

    He gestures toward me and beckons me to the stage. Take this beautiful woman in the gold-dust gown—a goddess way out of my league. With a few taps of LoveBytes, I’ll know if I’m the man to win her heart. LoveBytes takes away the guesswork by using predictive analytics and tailored algorithms to find your ideal partner.

    Is he hinting about me? Like a moth stuck to a tractor beam, I’m drawn toward him—a tech god with the golden fleece.

    And now, for an exceptional demonstration of LoveBytes’ capabilities, he says. Beautiful lady, will you come to me?

    Eduardo smiles and extends his hand as I join him on stage. The crowd whoops and applauds.

    What’s your name? he asks, gazing at me warmly.

    You know my name, I say with a playful grin, and the audience chuckles.

    Of course, but LoveBytes doesn’t. He points the phone app at me, and it asks, I’m LoveBytes; what’s your name, pretty lady?

    Anita Leyva, I reply, feeling funny talking to a bot whose digital voice is not robotic but a smooth and charming baritone full of roguish intent.

    Now, Anita, what are some of your interests and hobbies? the bot asks.

    I clasp my hands nervously. I love music, creating art, writing lyrics. My best girlfriends play in an amateur rock band, and I’m their social director and all-around cheerleader.

    Ah, the spunky, outgoing type, the LoveBytes bot intones, sounding freakily human. Favorite foods?

    Coconut cream cake! I laugh. And tacos. I love exploring new cuisines.

    The bot asks more questions, some embarrassing, including the best ways of showing affection. It does a full body scan of me and displays my body type paired with various male silhouettes. Everything is projected onto a large screen behind Eduardo, who’s smiling like a proud papa.

    Checking compatibility with millions of possible matches, LoveBytes announces its progress. Now, if you don’t mind, please grant me access to your Shopahol profile.

    It wants my online shopping data? It won’t show this on the screen, will it? There’s no way I want everyone to know about the sex toys and other personal items in my cart.

    Just your order summaries, and no, it has a privacy blackout feature, Eduardo explains, looking deeply into my eyes as if he can’t get enough of me. It’ll also talk to your style consultant, review your location history, favorite shops, restaurants, and activities, and compute your lifestyle likes and dislikes to find your perfect match.

    You mean I don’t have to swipe through thousands of dating profiles? I tap the password for my Shopahol account. Does it want my music library, too?

    The more data you give LoveBytes, the better match you’ll get. He grins wickedly at me. Are you ready?

    I’m greedy, so I let it evaluate my online photos, including my party scenes and the selfies I took with tech bros at the many conventions I attended.

    What’s this number on the right? I point at the incredibly shrinking number flashing onscreen.

    It starts with an entire universe of profiles, Eduardo says. But as you keep adding information for the AI to crunch, it’s narrowing down your matches.

    What if the number goes to zero? I watch with bated breath as the number of potential matches plummets down to three digits and then to two, and … counting down, ten, nine, eight …

    The audience joins in on the countdown, and I avert my eyes at the rapid rate at which my matches disappear.

    One … The countdown stops as Eduardo puts his arm around me. One. Anita, LoveBytes has found your perfect match. Want to see?

    Yes, yes, yes, the crowd chants.

    I open one eye and peer at the screen as if I’m about to meet Shrek or Quasimodo.

    A spiral accompanied by beauty pageant music swirls on the big screen as the profile of a man appears a pixel at a time. As the pixels rearranged themselves, blocky at first and then gradually with more definition, it seems to show a man with dark hair. The fuzziness of a well-groomed beard and mustache, neatly trimmed to accentuate his strong jawline, emerges like watercolor smudges. My heart pounds as my mystery match’s facial features emerge from the pixelated image. The man’s eyebrows are well-defined, arched slightly, and suddenly, a memory flits across my heart. The boy I let get away … Could it be my college sweetheart? Dillon, who went on to be an actor?

    I rub my hands and rock onto my tippy toes as I wonder about the whereabouts of the guy who ghosted me at graduation …

    Like an inkblot test, I see his face flash over the sharpening canvas. As the image clarifies, my heart jumps to my throat like I’m about to win the jackpot.

    The crowd gasps as a perfect rendering of Eduardo Vincent smirks from the large screen with his gleaming white teeth and enough charm to knock the pompoms off an entire squad of cheerleaders.

    Staring at him, I gasp. Did you know?

    He gapes at me and shakes his head. No. This happened in real time right in front of us. But Anita, it figured it out. You are the love of my life. Taking my hand, Eduardo turns to the audience. All of you witnessed this. LoveBytes works. It brought me my perfect match—the love of my life, Anita Leyva.

    My cheeks grow hot as the crowd applauds. Gina is positively swooning at the instant romance, and even Wanda loses the skeptical curl of her brows.

    Still clasping my hand, Eduardo drops to one knee. My breath catches in my throat. No way, he can’t be …

    Anita Leyva. He produces a velvet ring box from his jacket pocket. Our stars aligned the moment LoveBytes said we were a match. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?

    My heart is in a dizzying spin as all my dreams come crashing true. The off-and-on-again dating, the unanswered texts, and the vacant staring at his phone over dinner have paid off. My very own tech billionaire is proposing to me. I feel like pinching myself, but all around us, the audience awws and cheers.

    He cracks open the box and reveals the most giant diamond I’ve ever seen. Will you?

    His dark-brown eyes are focused intently, as if closing a deal.

    Yes, yes, I’ll marry you, I scream, covering my mouth and emoting every emotion I’ve seen on social media. What more can a fledgling internet influencer want than a public, online proposal at Artsy Smarts Tech Gala, the largest show on the planet?

    The applause is deafening as Eduardo slips the giant diamond ring onto my finger and sweeps me into a kiss. It’s like a dream come true. I can’t help but think he loved me all along, but it took AI to knock him over the head and make him realize it.

    I kiss him with my usual exuberance, but I understand. He’s inhibited by being in the spotlight as he pushes me away and whispers, You did good. You can give the ring back after the party.

    What. Did. He. Say?

    My ears are burning hotter than my shame as I slink off the stage and dash blindly toward the fancy gold-dusted powder room.



    Give the ring back? No way.

    What was that all about?

    My entire body is trembling as I hustle my way to the safety of the golden powder room.

    Why did Eduardo have to ruin our moment with that cheap shot?

    I stare at the huge diamond, flashing its fiery sparkles as it catches the light. It’s the best thing that skinflint boyfriend of mine has ever given me.

    Was the entire proposal a cheap publicity stunt?

    But he couldn’t have known the AI would match us. He was more shocked than me with those bulging brown eyes and the slight tremble of his lips when he realized I was his perfect match.

    Pure Eduardo—two steps forward, one step backward. The story of our dating life. Just when I think he’s lost interest, he comes to me with a zinger—a romantic hot air balloon ride, wining and dining on the Napa Valley train, and even a surprise trip to India to visit the Taj Mahal.

    It has to be cold feet.

    Whatever. I’m keeping the ring.

    I’m still admiring the ring and taking selfies when Wanda barges into the glittery powder room.

    I told you to pee before going out there, she says like the bossy friend she is. You left before they could interview you.

    Gina follows close on her heels. Anita, they’re out there planning your wedding with AI.

    Wait, who’s planning my wedding? I feign going into a stall to pretend to pee. How can I tell them that Eduardo asked me to return the ring, and I tucked my tail like a drenched chihuahua scurrying under the couch?

    Eduardo and his AI team, Wanda replies, entering the neighboring stall. They mean to milk your perfect match love story for all its worth, but we know he cheated. He already knew you would say ‘yes.’

    I still think it’s romantic, Gina says, taking the stall to my right. Even though it took an AI matchmaker to get him to propose.

    Well, of course, I say with more conviction than I feel. We’re the ‘it’ couple of the evening.

    Somehow, all three of us flush the toilet in synchrony, and we’re out of the stalls and back in business. Having my best girlfriends on each side, I hold my head high, and we strut out of the powder room. My phone is buzzing like a hornet’s nest with messages and notifications from friends and acquaintances congratulating me on the engagement.

    I post a selfie with the colossal diamond flashing on my finger, and more likes and hearts come tumbling my way, making me feel like a celebrity.

    Even Wanda is caught up in the feeding frenzy. Gotta hand it to Eduardo. He sure knows how to capture the money shot, and this rock is stunning. He went all out.

    Yeah, he did, I reply with a smile, but a sliver of unease lingers. Why is he so hot and cold? Or maybe I heard him wrong. I push the doubts aside. This is my time to shine. I’ll ensure that tech tycoon knows how lucky he is to have me.

    You guys are going to have the most epic wedding. Gina snaps pictures with her phone.

    Oh yeah, it’s going to be so amazing, I say, trying to sound enthusiastic. Let’s catch Eduardo for the after-party.

    I knew he’d come around, Gina gushes, clutching my arm. Didn’t I tell you? That man is smitten.

    I guess miracles do happen, Wanda sniffs, ever the skunk at my garden party. She’s eyeing my ring with pursed lips, no doubt wondering if it’s lab-grown or zirconium.

    I’m unsure what to say as I smile at the tech bros pointing their phones at me. I flash my ring for them and strike poses, twisting and arranging myself in the most flattering positions. Some take selfies with me, and others do group shots. I bask in the spotlight, playing the role of Eduardo’s glamorous fiancée. Letting the bros fawn over me is a natural high. I make sure to showcase the giant rock from all angles. Eduardo splurged to create this viral moment. Sure, he can be inconsistent, but he makes me feel like a queen when we’re together in public.

    This publicity will be amazing for my influencer career. With each photo posted, I’ll gain thousands of new followers. Maybe I’ll even land brand ambassador deals. Eduardo knows how to generate buzz, and I know how to work the camera. We’re a match made in social media heaven.

    A crowd of men staring into their phones march from the ballroom toward the valet stand. It’s Eduardo, flanked by his entourage of investors and engineers.

    Eduardo, I call out and rush toward him like a lovesick puppy. So much for playing it cool. About this rock. Why did you ask me to return it?

    So I can get it insured, babe. He cuts me off with a raised hand, although his eyes are locked on his phone. What is he staring at? It looks like an AI-generated Jessica Rabbit impersonator. But no worries, I’ve got plenty where they come from. I have a contract for you to sign.

    Right now? I should have known there’d be a prenup.

    His right-hand man whips out a sheaf of papers and a pen.

    Wait, if this is a prenup, I’ll have my lawyer review it.

    No prenup, babe. He gives me a smooth kiss on the cheek. I’m offering you the LoveBytes Brand Ambassador position. You’re going to be the star of a wedding planning vlog series. You get to plan the wedding of your dreams on LoveBytes’ dime, and we get real-life, relatable content for the dating app. It’s a win-win.

    Can we discuss this after the launch party? I beckon Wanda and Gina over to the limo. Can my friends ride over with us?

    He’s already got one foot in the back of his limo. Sorry, something came up. Have a call with the prince of Abu Bhati. Major investor. You ladies go ahead to the party without me. Have fun and get plenty of leads. Consider this the first episode of your wedding planning vlog. Show off the ring and get the buzz buzzing.

    You just proposed to me. How will I show up at the party with my girlfriends to celebrate my engagement without you?

    He lowers his phone and turns to me with an impatient scowl. Not exactly the doe-eyed gaze of a man in love. I have to raise money. That’s more important than mundane wedding details. Besides, you don’t need the groom in your videos.

    We need to do activities to show how compatible we are, according to your LoveBytes AI. My mind is already ticking off the best way to grow a following. The people following the vlog will want to feel the romance. It’s not about picking flowers and silverware but the drama and emotions that engage viewers.

    His scowl is unbefitting a man who just proposed to the love of his life or, in this case, his LoveBytes one-in-a-billion match. Sign the deal, and I’ll pay for an actor or model to fill in for me. Do all that mushy stuff with him, and we can use AI to superimpose my presence into the videos.

    How would you do that? I feel like a dummy in an algebra class.

    The videographer can swap in my face. It’ll be like I never missed a moment.

    My mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water.

    And don’t worry about the ring, he adds, taking my silence as concern about the large diamond. I was just playing with you, babe. You should have seen your face. Now, I know you’re truly invested in marrying me.

    He blows me a swift kiss and folds himself into the limo’s plush interior.

    Miss, can you sign this? The assistant points to the signature line. I’ll set up an account for you to draw on. Spare no expense. Mr. Vincent wants the wedding planning vlog to end all vlogs. He told me you’re a social media star.

    Yeah, sure. I scribble on the solid line and give him the papers. I should have expected my mostly absentee boyfriend, now fiancé, to put business in front of pleasure. Then again, LoveBytes AI is one of those unicorn startups, and Eduardo couldn’t have done it if he spent his time mooning over me."

    Congratulations! Nice rock, one of his oil-slick investors oozes at me before sliding in after Eduardo and shutting the door in my face. The gleaming black vehicle pulls smoothly away from the curb, leaving me blinking at the giant sparkler weighing down my finger.

    What just happened? I whirl around, finding Gina and Wanda witnessing the entire transaction. Did he suggest⁠—?

    Maybe he’s just overwhelmed, Gina says, ever the peacemaker. This is a huge step. I’m sure once it sinks in, he’ll want to be more involved.

    Bless her rose-tinted heart, but I’m pretty sure the only thing on Eduardo’s mind is the RoboJuliet avatar on his phone screen.

    Involved? I scoff. You heard him. He wants me to hire some gigolo as his body double for the whole engagement.

    This does present some interesting possibilities, Wanda says mildly, examining her impeccably manicured nails. Let’s get the gang together at the Deep Dive and show him how you roll.



    I need a drink. I watch the taillights of Eduardo’s limo disappear in the fog. I thought we’d at least have an engagement party.

    Didn’t you hear him? Wanda twirls her finger. He wants you to find a body double. I say we go to the Deep Dive and pick up a guy for you.

    He has to resemble Eduardo, Gina reminds us. Let me call Henry and see if he knows anyone.

    Henry, her former AI CEO boyfriend, is now running a STEM charity for underprivileged children.

    I’d rather not let the word get around. The fewer people who are involved, the better. I’m already ashamed that Eduardo blew me off for the investors, but at least that’s understandable. He has to raise capital while the buzz is hottest.

    One Girl Crew meeting at the Deep Dive coming up. Wanda is on her phone texting. We’ll hook you up with an Eduardo look-alike in no time.

    Are we going to use a conventional dating app? Gina asks. One that doesn’t use AI?

    I don’t know. I need a drink. My spiky heels are already tapping their way toward the nearby bar before she finishes her question. A few blocks later, the familiar neon blue sign comes into view with its underwater motif.

    I fling open the weathered door and inhale the scent of stale beer and vintage vinyl. A few regulars look us over, but I’m not in the mood to be friendly or influential. Yes, we look out of place in our slinky evening gowns, but hey, this is a dive bar. I can dress how I want.

    Wanda, bless her heart, elbows her way to our usual tucked-away booth near the ancient jukebox. The relics of half-finished drinks are still on the table, but I take comfort in the cozy retro ambiance and slip into the cracked red vinyl booth.

    Gina’s eyes twinkle with the optimism that could sell sunscreen to vampires. It’s all going to work out. Romances are always a roller coaster ride. Eduardo is regrouping after that emotional display.

    Meanwhile, Wanda’s eyes narrow as she scans a group of fraternity guys at the pool table. He’s practically given you the green light for a reverse harem romance. I love it.

    Trixie, our regular server, bounces over like a hyper kangaroo. Ooh … Is that the ring? Hashtag LoveBytes is trending on OgleTok.

    It’s hard to mope when sporting the Hope Diamond on my finger, so I squeal with glee and pretend I’m head over heels in love. Wasn’t it the most romantic moment?

    I’m signing up for LoveBytes right after my shift, Trixie says. You’re having champagne, right?

    Oh yes, we’re celebrating, Wanda declares. The best you have. Charge it to LoveBytes, courtesy of Eduardo.

    Oooh, congrats! Trixie’s pink hair bounces as she clears the empties and scurries off. At least someone is excited for me.

    I look up to catch Gina recording the entire moment on her phone.

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