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Beyond The Horazon
Beyond The Horazon
Beyond The Horazon
Ebook111 pages1 hour

Beyond The Horazon

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Beyond the Horizon: A Teen's Search for Purpose by Rene' Stanley

In the heart of a bustling city, Jack is just another teenager grappling with the weight of expectations and the search for meaning. Life feels like a series of hollow victories, each achievement only deepening his sense of isolation. Struggling to connect with those around him, Jack wears a mask of normalcy, hiding his true feelings from a world that seems not to notice.

But a simple flyer changes everything.

Drawn to a local church's youth program, Jack steps into a new world, one where he discovers the profound power of community and faith. In the welcoming arms of his new friends, he begins to unravel his deepest fears and longings. Together, they share their struggles, triumphs, and the healing power of belief.

"Beyond the Horizon" is a heartwarming and inspirational tale of transformation. It's a journey from loneliness to belonging, from despair to hope. Jack's story is a testament to the strength found in friendship and the unyielding power of faith. Join him as he navigates the complexities of adolescence, learns to embrace his true self, and finds his place in a world that seemed just out of reach. This book is a beacon of hope for anyone who has ever felt alone, offering a reminder that love and acceptance are always within reach.

"Beyond the Horizon" invites you to step into Jack's shoes and walk alongside him on his path to self-discovery and unwavering faith.

PublisherRene' Stanley
Release dateJun 12, 2024
Beyond The Horazon

Rene Stanley

My goal is to bring a positive view of life experiences in my writing. Born and raised in Washington, D.C., I grew up surrounded by the nation's capital's vibrant culture and diverse communities. My teenage years were spent in Maryland, where I sincerely appreciated the unique blend of urban and suburban life. From a young age, I was known for my shy and quiet demeanor, often finding solace in my thoughts and observations. This reflective nature led me to develop a keen interest in people, particularly in the wisdom and experiences of older adults. I spent countless hours in the company of elders, listening to their stories and learning from their perspectives. This early exposure to intergenerational interactions instilled in me a profound respect for the lessons that can be understood by those who have lived through different times. My journey took a significant turn when I joined the Army and served in Desert Storm. The experiences I gained during my military service were transformative, teaching me about resilience, teamwork, and the complexities of human nature. The discipline and perspective I acquired in the Army have been invaluable in shaping my worldview and approach to writing.

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    Beyond The Horazon - Rene Stanley

    Beyond the Horizon

    A Teen's Search for Meaning

    Rene' Stanley

    Copyright © 2024 by Rene' Stanley

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Book Cover by Rene' Stanley

    1 edition 2024



    1.A Lonely World

    2.A Leap of Faith

    3.Embracing the Path

    4.Unveiling the Darkness

    5.The Turning Point

    6.Stepping into the Light

    7.Building Bridges

    8.Embracing the Journey

    9.A New Beginnings

    10.Deepening Connections

    11.Facing Challenges

    12.Celebrating Milestones

    13.New Opportunities

    About the author


    In a bustling city, Jack, a young boy, lived quietly. His tale wasn't about grand adventures or magical quests. It was about finding meaning, purpose, and connection. These desires stemmed from a shared inner turmoil.

    Jack always felt small, like a shadow following him. He tried to share his struggles but ended up alone. His parents mistook his cries for typical teenage troubles.

    As Jack navigated the complexities of growing up, he became adept at wearing a mask, a façade of normalcy that belied the depth of his despair. Achievements and accolades were cold comfort to a soul yearning for connection, for a sense of belonging that seemed ever out of reach.

    It was a simple flyer, a beacon amidst the clutter of daily life, that offered Jack a glimmer of hope. A youth program at a local church promised more than just fun. It offered the chance to find comfort in a community held together by faith.

    Jack found more in that church than he had dared to hope for. He found a group of peers who welcomed him with open hearts. They shared in his struggles and offered the comfort of companionship and the promise of God's unconditional love. In their company, Jack found the courage to unveil his true self, to confront his pain, and to embrace the healing power of faith.

    This tale is fictional, but it draws from countless real-life stories of people who have wandered through doubt and despair. They found light in the warmth of community and the steadiness of faith. It is a narrative of transformation, from isolation to belonging, from silence to acceptance.

    As you read How Do I Fit In? What Is My Purpose In This World? I hope you will find echoes of your story. They are reminders of your worth and the love that surrounds you. May Jack's journey inspire you to seek your path, to reach out for support, and to discover the enduring strength that lies in faith and fellowship.

    Welcome to a story of hope, healing, and the unyielding power of belief.

    Chapter 1

    A Lonely World

    I lace up my sneakers with swift, practiced movements, the familiar scent of polished gym floors filling my nostrils. The squeak of rubber soles against the wood echoes around the gym as I join the others for morning practice. My heart beats in rhythm with the bouncing balls; it's a comforting sound, one that usually settles the stirrings of unease within me. But not today.

    Thompson! Coach Bellows shouts. You're up!

    I nod, pushing off the bench and onto the court. My hands are steady, my gaze fixed on the hoop as I dribble forward. I tune out the murmurs of my teammates, the whispering doubts that threaten to distract me. With a leap, I release the ball, watching it arc through the air and swish through the net. A perfect shot. From the outside, it looks like I've got everything together—I’m the kid who aces tests and scores points, the one everyone counts on to win games.

    Nice work, Jack! someone shouts, slapping me on the back. I offer a half-smile, the gesture automatic but hollow.

    Keep it up! Coach says, his approval a fleeting warmth that fades as quickly as it comes.

    As the practice continues, I move with mechanical precision, every pass and shot just another tick in the column of things I do well. But beneath the surface, there's this gnawing emptiness, a void where confidence should live. I can feel their eyes on me, my peers assessing and expecting. They see Jack Thompson as the achiever, the athlete. They don’t see the rest of me, the part that's all tangled up in silent questions and doubts.

    After practice, the hallways of school swallow me whole. Lockers slam shut as I weave through the crowd, my mind already racing ahead to the next class, the next test, the next game. I'm good at this—being invisible when I want to be, despite the trophies with my name on them, despite the grades that set me apart.

    Hey, Jack, someone calls as I slip into my seat in the back of the classroom.

    Hey, I reply, the word light on my tongue but heavy in my chest.

    The teacher's voice drifts over the rows of desks, but I’m already flipping through the textbook, answers coming easily to me. This stuff, the facts and figures, they line up neatly, make sense in a way the rest of the world doesn’t.

    Mr. Thompson, would you please solve this equation for us? the teacher asks, her expectations clear in her tone.

    Of course, I say, rising to stand beside the whiteboard. The numbers flow from my pen like second nature, the solution clear in my mind long before I write the final digit.

    Correct, as always. She smiles, and the class murmurs in agreement.

    I return to my seat amidst nods and silent acknowledgments of my academic prowess, but none of it reaches me—not really. I’m here but not present, surrounded yet utterly alone. There's this constant pressure, a suffocating weight of being the person everyone sees but no one knows. The loneliness is a shadow that clings to me, unseen by everyone else.

    Another day, I mutter to myself, packing up my backpack when the bell rings. Another day of going through the motions, of smiling and nodding and performing. I'm tired of the act, tired of feeling like I’m on the outside looking in on my own life.

    See you tomorrow, Jack! someone calls out as I head for the exit.

    See you, I echo, stepping out into the sunlight, the brightness failing to penetrate the fog that wraps around my thoughts. Maybe one day I’ll find that missing piece, the key to feeling whole. For now, I just keep moving forward, one empty victory at a time.


    Stepping off the curb, I adjust the straps of my backpack and start the familiar walk home. That's when a splash of color catches my eye—a flyer pinned to the community board outside the local library. Curiosity tugs at me, a rare distraction from the usual afternoon monotony.

    Find Your Place Among Friends, it reads in bold lettering, the words encircled by the smiling faces of teenagers. It's for a youth program at Mt. Hope Baptist Church, just around the corner from where I stand. I've passed that old stone building a hundred times, its stained glass windows winking in the sunlight but never thought to step inside.

    I pull the flyer from the board and hold it closer, scanning the details. A welcoming community stands out from the text, followed by a sense of belonging. The words feel like they're speaking directly to me, promising something I've longed for yet seemed just out of reach.

    Every Wednesday evening, I murmur to myself, noting the time. My eyes linger on the image of a group huddled around a campfire, laughter etched into their expressions. Could it be as warm and inviting as they make it seem? The possibility alone stirs something within me, a spark of hope that maybe, just maybe, there’s a place where I could fit in.

    With a deep breath, I fold the flyer and slip it into my pocket, the paper's edges crinkling against my fingers. It's a small act, but it feels big. It’s like the first step towards finding the

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