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Fatal Mistake (A Sydney Best Suspense Thriller—Book 2)
Fatal Mistake (A Sydney Best Suspense Thriller—Book 2)
Fatal Mistake (A Sydney Best Suspense Thriller—Book 2)
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Fatal Mistake (A Sydney Best Suspense Thriller—Book 2)

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When a human trafficking case takes a macabre turn, DSS Agent Sydney Best is thrust into a world of power and evil. She must navigate the darkest corners of international crime to stop a mastermind who likes to play god--determining who lives and who dies.

FATAL MISTAKE (A Sydney Best Suspense Thriller—Book 2) is the second novel in a new series by mystery and suspense author Mia Gold. The series begins with FATAL CHOICE (Book 1).

Immerse yourself in the gripping Sydney Best mystery series, an exhilarating cat-and-mouse saga that weaves through nail-biting moments of tension. These novels refresh the thriller genre, unveiling a captivating new hero whose intelligence and charm are irresistible. With each thrilling plot twist, you'll find yourself captivated, eagerly reading on well past bedtime. Fans of Mary Burton, Robert Dugoni, and Lee Child are sure to fall in love.

Future books in the series are also available!
PublisherMia Gold
Release dateMay 28, 2024
Fatal Mistake (A Sydney Best Suspense Thriller—Book 2)

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    Fatal Mistake (A Sydney Best Suspense Thriller—Book 2) - Mia Gold


    F A T A L

    M I S T A K E

    (A Sydney Best Mystery—Book Two)

    M I A   G O L D

    Mia Gold

    Debut author Mia Gold is author of the HOLLY HANDS MYSTERY, comprising three books (and counting); of the RUBY STEELE MYSTERY series, comprising three books (and counting); of the CORA CHASE COZY MYSTERY series, comprising three books (and counting); and of the SYDNEY BEST MYSTERY series, comprising five books (and counting). Mia would love to hear from you, so please visit to receive free ebooks, hear the latest news, and stay in touch.


    Copyright © 2024 by Mia Gold. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the author. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



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    The late-night air was thick with brine and the stench of rusting metal as the Sea Fox stood sentinel on the dockyard, his gaze unwavering as a van backed into the halo of harbor lights. The vehicle’s doors groaned open, and a pair of henchmen, their features obscured by the low light, hauled out the human cargo. Three figures bound and gagged with coarse duct tape, one man and two women, stumbled onto the desolate quay under the menacing prod of gun barrels.

    The Sea Fox’s eyes scanned the captives with the cold detachment of a seasoned predator, noting the slump of their shoulders, the terror etched into their eyes. His nostrils flared slightly as he inhaled the scent of fear mingling with the ocean’s tang—a scent he’d come to relish over his years at the helm of illicit trades. Yet, he saw that something was amiss. The captive man looked wobbly and weaker than the others.

    Careful with that one, the Sea Fox called out, his voice carrying over the sound of lapping waves against the piers. His henchmen paused, glancing back at him as they dragged the male captive forward. He looks half-dead already.

    Ran into trouble during the drive, one of the henchmen grunted, casting a sidelong look at his compatriot. Got a bit knocked around when we hit a pothole, boss.

    The Sea Fox stepped closer, gravel crunching under his heavy boots. He peered down at the man’s drooping head, noting the darkening bruise beneath the tangled mat of hair. A surge of irritation tightened his jaw. Knocked around? His voice was deceptively calm, belying the dangerous edge that came with it. Or did you two decide to have a little fun at his expense?

    Wasn’t us, boss, the other henchman retorted quickly, a hint of nervousness creeping into his tone. It was an accident, happened during the drive here. Honest.

    Healthy captives, gentlemen, the Sea Fox reminded them coolly, the moonlight glinting off the silver streaks threading through his otherwise dark hair. They’re no good to me—or to our clients—if they’re damaged. Remember that.

    The henchmen’s quick, wary exchange of glances didn’t escape his notice. The Sea Fox had built his reputation on the unspoken rule that failure was not an option. It was a lesson he expected his men to learn swiftly, lest they find themselves expendable.

    Get him onboard, he ordered, gesturing towards the shadowy outline of the ship that bobbed gently in the water. And make sure the medic looks at him. I want him coherent and able to stand when he’s presented.

    The chill of the night air did little to cool the dark fire in the Sea Fox’s veins as he surveyed his latest haul. A smirk played on his lips, unseen beneath the shadow of his hood as his gaze landed on one of the young women, her slight frame quivering with fear. He motioned with a subtle tilt of his head, and his henchmen changed course, leading the other two captives away from her, towards the towering silhouette of the ship.

    Leave us, he commanded with quiet authority. His men nodded, their steps fading into the darkness that swallowed the gangplank. The Sea Fox turned his attention back to the woman, taking in the way the light cast her face in hues of orange and sickly yellow, deepening the terror in her eyes.

    Relax, he said, his tone almost soothing as he reached out with gloved hands to peel away the coarse duct tape sealing her lips. I’m not going to hurt you. It was a lie, of course, but one uttered with convincing care.

    Who are you? His question hung between them like a cobweb, delicate and ensnaring.

    Mia Tran, she gasped, her bound hands flexing as if they could escape the binds by sheer will. I’m... I’m just a student. From Korea... Her voice trembled like a leaf caught in an unforgiving wind, waiting to be plucked and crushed at any moment.

    Oh, dear, there’s been an unfortunate mistake, Miss Tran, the Sea Fox said with a sad shake of his head, his mind already spinning a web of deceit to keep her compliant. He knew the power of hope in the hearts of the desperate; it was a tool sharper than any knife in his collection.

    He studied her—the way her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths, the dampness on her brow despite the cold—a living embodiment of primal fear. It was a familiar tableau, one he had manipulated countless times before. Each captive’s response was a testament to their inner strength or frailty, and Mia, with her wide, searching eyes, seemed to him like putty awaiting the mold.

    Miss Tran, he began, inflecting his voice with a practiced tone of remorse. What happened tonight... it’s an error most regrettable. He watched her closely, taking in the way her body sagged with weariness and terror. You see, my team and I—we operate in the shadows, under the sanction of authority you wouldn’t understand. National security, let’s call it.

    Mia’s eyes widened, her lips parting slightly as she processed his words. The Sea Fox relished the moment, savoring the dawning hope on her face.

    You were never meant to be caught up in all this. You were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time, he continued, allowing a note of sincerity to seep through his feigned apology. But rest assured, we have no intention of keeping you involved in this any longer than necessary.

    As if on cue, tears glistened in Mia’s eyes, spilling over her lashes and down her cheeks. She cried with the abandonment of one whose prayers had been unexpectedly answered. It was a pitiful sight, one that twisted a smile onto the Sea Fox’s lips, hidden in the shadow of his cap.

    However, he added smoothly, there are procedures to follow before I can release you. Formalities to ensure your safety—and ours. His gaze shifted toward the ship, its hull an iron beast crouched in the darkness. We’ll need to ‘de-process’ you onboard. It won’t take long.

    Mia’s relief was palpable, but when he motioned for her to walk ahead of him towards the ship, she hesitated. Her voice, though small, carried a newfound edge. Could you... would you untie my hands? she asked, a shiver coursing through her bound wrists.

    Of course, the Sea Fox replied, feigning consideration as he pulled a knife from his belt and sliced through the duct tape that held her. He knew the gesture would invest her with a sense of control, however illusory, and deepen her trust in him. If she tried to escape, it would be easy enough to subdue her. But he was quite sure things wouldn’t come to that.

    Thank you, she whispered, rubbing her reddened wrists, eyes darting between him and the dark maw of the ship.

    Think nothing of it, he said with a disarming smile, extending a hand to guide her forward, his fingers closing around her arm with deceptive gentleness. As they walked side by side toward the gangplank, the Sea Fox allowed himself a quiet chuckle. This girl, like so many before her, was stepping willingly into the spider’s web.

    The Sea Fox watched the gangplank’s shadow sway slightly with the rhythm of the water beneath them. The old wood creaked under their combined weight as he guided Mia gently upward, her steps tentative yet trusting. The ship, an ancient colossus of rusted steel and peeling paint, loomed above them, its hull groaning with secrets and sins long absorbed into its framework.

    Watch your step, he murmured. His hand rested lightly on the small of her back, not pushing, not pulling, but there—reassuringly present. Her body was rigid with nerves, yet she leaned into his touch ever so slightly, as if drawn to the promise of safety that his proximity falsely offered.

    As they reached the top of the gangplank, the Sea Fox allowed himself a moment of quiet contemplation. The night was his element, and he was its master—a predator cloaked in darkness, orchestrating the ebb and flow of lives with a puppeteer’s precision. He savored the salt-laden breeze and the thrumming pulse of the city lights against the blanket of the night.

    Mia’s silhouette was framed against the ship’s entryway, her figure small and swallowed by the stark geometry of metal doors and harsh lines. He could feel the tremble in her breath as she hesitated, one foot hovering over the threshold of the beast. She was so close now, close enough for him to whisper the sweetest lies into her ear, to weave the final threads of his web around her spirit.

    Almost there, he coaxed, his lips brushing the shell of her ear. Just a little bit further, and all of this will be behind you.

    He observed the flutter of her lashes as she blinked back tears, her body yielding to his guidance. As they crossed into the belly of the ship, the Sea Fox’s thoughts unfurled like ink in water, dark and spreading. A slow, predatory grin spread across his features, hidden from Mia’s view by the shadows that clung to his face like loyal subjects. This girl, this pawn, had no idea of the true nature of the game she had been ensnared in. And as the Sea Fox led her deeper into the vessel’s iron-walled heart, he reveled in the knowledge that he held all the cards.

    The gangplank behind them became nothing more than a sliver of memory, the gateway to a world that Mia Tran would soon yearn for with every fiber of her being. But for now, she walked beside him, her fate entwined with his, and the Sea Fox gloated silently over the plans he had for her.


    DSS Special Agent Sydney Best studied the steam rising from her coffee. Her long dark hair was pulled back into the neat bun she always wore on workdays. The familiar hum of the cafe, a stone’s throw away from the Washington D.C. headquarters, provided a backdrop for agents like herself to momentarily forget the weight of their badges.

    Across the tiny mosaic table, her partner Alex Jensen slouched in his chair, the lines of his face etched more with frustration than any lingering sleepiness.

    I’m climbing the walls, Syd, he muttered, pushing around the remnants of his half-eaten breakfast burrito. The therapist keeps saying it’s my call. So why shouldn’t I get back to work?

    Sydney’s gaze drifted from the swirling steam to Alex’s troubled expression. Just a couple of weeks ago, he had personally negotiated with a hostage taker who had explosives strapped around his waist. He’d saved a U.S. senator’s life, and probably the lives of several others, including himself and Sydney.

    But Alex’s bold action had taken a visible toll. It had reawakened his PTSD, taking him back to when he’d been a Marine serving on a peacekeeping mission in the Middle Eastern country of Almeda. He’d nearly died in a suicide bombing that had left both physical and psychic scars on him to this very day.

    Feeling a pang of empathy, Sydney reached out a hand to touch his arm gently. You’ll get back to work when you’re ready, she said softly but firmly.

    But I’m ready right now.

    I know you think so, but …

    But what?

    Are you having nightmares about what happened in Almeda?

    I’m always having nightmares about Almeda. You know that. It’s just something I have to cope with. And I do cope with it just fine.

    Sydney took a sip of her coffee, the bitterness grounding her as she considered what to say. She knew all too well the tightrope walk between readiness and recklessness. Memories clawed at the edges of her own consciousness—memories of Micaela Ivanova, who had been her partner back during her service in Army intelligence. Micaela, with her infectious laughter, had been abruptly silenced during a covert mission that ended in her death. Sydney’s grip tightened around the ceramic mug as she flashed back to that fateful mission.

    The crackle of the audio feed echoed in her mind, each word a dagger plunging deeper into her heart. She remembered the tension in Micaela’s voice, strained but steady as she tried to maintain her cover. Then had come the moment that shattered everything—the sudden shift in tone, the sharp intake of breath that spoke volumes more than words ever could. As gunfire erupted through the speakers, Sydney’s world had narrowed to that sound.

    She closed her eyes against the memory but found no respite from the haunting echoes of that day. The helplessness she’d felt then was still a silent scream trapped within her chest. She had been miles away, bound by protocol to remain hidden while Micaela faced death head-on.

    The bitter taste of regret mingled with her coffee as Sydney swallowed hard, pushing back the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. She couldn’t imagine losing another partner like that. She just couldn’t.

    Alex, Sydney started, her voice firm but gentle, you’ve been through hell and back. It’s okay to take the time you need.

    His gaze snapped up to meet hers, a flicker of his old defiance shining through. I appreciate that, but you and I both know sitting on the sidelines isn’t how we heal. Neither of us is wired that way.

    She couldn’t help but flinch internally at his words. They echoed painfully close to the philosophy Micaela had lived by.

    Syd, Alex’s voice pulled her back, you’re doing it again.

    She focused on him, noticing the furrow between his brows. Doing what? she asked, although she already knew.

    Comparing me to Micaela. Worrying about losing me the same way.

    Sydney stifled a sigh. Her partner knew her all too well. It’s not that simple, Alex. It’s not just about comparing. I’ve seen too much—

    Too much to feel sure we can make it out every time? He leaned forward, his eyes unyielding. "So what else is new? Nobody is promised tomorrow, not even civilians. But you know

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