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Fear the Dark (A Lexi Cole Suspense Thriller—Book 1)
Fear the Dark (A Lexi Cole Suspense Thriller—Book 1)
Fear the Dark (A Lexi Cole Suspense Thriller—Book 1)
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Fear the Dark (A Lexi Cole Suspense Thriller—Book 1)

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The serene snowscapes of Vermont are the last place Detective Lexi Cole, a linguistics expert, expects to find murder scenes adorned with shattered mirrors. Cole's investigation grows eerily personal as details surrounding her twin's unresolved death resonate with each new discovery. In the kaleidoscope of broken glass and riddles left by elusive killers, will Cole be able to tap her linguistics expertise and find the truth before her fate mirrors that of her lost sibling?

“The plot has many twists and turns, but it is the ending, which I did not see coming at all, that totally defines this book as one of the most riveting that I have read in years.”
—Reader review for Not Like Us

FEAR THE DARK is book #1 in a long-anticipated new series by #1 bestseller Ava Strong, whose bestseller NOT LIKE US (a free download) has received over 1,000 five star ratings and reviews.

The Lexi Cole mystery series is a riveting cat-and-mouse crime thriller that weaves a tapestry of chilling surprises and intense excitement. It breathes new life into the suspense genre with its innovative approach, showcasing a captivating lead character who is sure to steal your heart and compel you to read on well past bedtime. Fans of Rachel Caine, Karin Slaughter, and Lisa Regan are sure to fall in love.

Future books in the series will soon be available!

“This is a chilling, suspenseful page turner that just might leave you scared at night!”
—Reader review for Not Like Us

“Very intriguing, kept me turning page after page… Lots of twists and turns and a very unexpected ending. Cannot wait for the next in this series!”
—Reader review for Not Like Us

“A roller coaster ride of events… Can’t put down until you finish it!”
—Reader review for Not Like Us

“Excellent read with very realistic characters that you become emotionally invested in… Couldn't put it down!”
—Reader review for The Death Code

“An excellent read, lots of twists and turns, with a surprising ending, leaving you wanting to read the next book in the series! Well done!”
—Reader review for The Death Code

“Well worth the read. Cannot wait to see what happens in the next book!”
—Reader review for The Death Code

“Quickly became a story I couldn’t put down! I highly recommend this book!”
—Reader review for His Other Wife

“I really enjoyed the fast-paced action, plot design and characterization... I didn't want to put the book down and the ending was a total surprise.”
—Reader review for His Other Wife

“The characters are extremely well developed… There are twists and turns in the plot that kept me guessing. An extremely well written story.”
—Reader review for His Other Wife

“One of the best books I have ever read… The ending was perfect and surprising. Ava Strong is an amazing writer.”
—Reader review for His Other Wife

“Holy cow, what a rollercoaster… Many times I absolutely KNEW who the killer was—only to be proven wrong each time. I was completely surprised by the ending. I have to say, I am thrilled that this is the first in a series. My only complaint is that the next one isn't out yet. I need it!”
—Reader review for His Other Wife

“An incredible, intense, spellbinding, enjoyable story. It will keep you captivated until the end.”
—Reader review for His Other Wife
PublisherAva Strong
Release dateMay 19, 2024
Fear the Dark (A Lexi Cole Suspense Thriller—Book 1)

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    Fear the Dark (A Lexi Cole Suspense Thriller—Book 1) - Ava Strong


    F E A R

    T H E

    D A R K

    (a lexi cole suspense thriller —book 1)

    a v a   s t r o n g

    Ava Strong

    Ava Strong is author of the REMI LAURENT mystery series, comprising six books (and counting); of the ILSE BECK mystery series, comprising seven books (and counting); of the STELLA FALL psychological suspense thriller series, comprising six books (and counting); of the DAKOTA STEELE FBI suspense thriller series, comprising six books (and counting); of the LILY DAWN suspense thriller series, comprising five books (and counting); the MEGAN YORK FBI suspense thriller series, comprising five books (and counting); the SOFIA BLAKE FBI suspense thriller series, comprising five books (and counting); the AMY RUSH FBI suspense thriller series, comprising five books (and counting); the ELLE KEEN FBI suspense thriller series, comprising five books (and counting); and the LEXI COLE suspense thriller series, comprising five books (and counting).

    An avid reader and lifelong fan of the mystery and thriller genres, Ava loves to hear from you, so please feel free to visit to learn more and stay in touch.

    Copyright © 2024 by Ava Strong. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the author. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



    IN THE DARK (Book #1)

    IN THE WAY (Book #2)

    IN THE EYES (Book #3)

    IN THE NIGHT (Book #4)

    IN THE SILENCE (Book #5)


    TWISTED TRUTH (Book #1)

    TWISTED GAME (Book #2)

    TWISTED SECRET (Book #3)

    TWISTED FATE (Book #4)

    TWISTED VOW (Book #5)


    NO ONE THERE (Book #1)

    NO ONE LEFT (Book #2)

    NO ONE HOME (Book #3)

    NO ONE TO HELP (Book #4)

    NO ONE LIKE THIS (Book #5)


    YOU’LL BE SORRY (Book #1)

    YOU’LL BE NEXT (Book #2)

    YOU’LL BE MINE (Book #3)

    YOU’LL BE FIRST (Book #4)

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    STILL ALIVE (Book #1)

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    NOT LIKE US (Book #1)

    NOT LIKE HE SEEMED (Book #2)


    NOT LIKE THIS (Book #4)


    NOT LIKE BEFORE (Book #6)

    NOT LIKE NORMAL (Book #7)


    HIS OTHER WIFE (Book #1)

    HIS OTHER LIE (Book #2)

    HIS OTHER SECRET (Book #3)


    HIS OTHER LIFE (Book #5)

    HIS OTHER TRUTH (Book #6)


    WITHOUT MERCY (Book #1)


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    WITHOUT PITY (Book #4)

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    FEAR THE SILENCE (Book #2)

    FEAR THE COLD(Book #3)

    FEAR THE NIGHT (Book #4)

    FEAR THE TRUTH (Book #5)































    Brianna Holt's key scraped against the lock with a metallic rasp that seemed to echo down the empty corridor of her apartment building. The door swung inward with a soft creak, and she stepped into the familiar embrace of her one-bedroom sanctuary situated on the outskirts of Summit Ridge, Vermont. The day had been relentless — a parade of potential buyers, each with their own quirks and indecisions, had left her feeling like an overwound clock ready to spring apart.

    The chill from outside clung stubbornly to her bones, but there was no time for indulgence in warmth. With brisk movements born of routine, Brianna shrugged off her winter coat, the heavy fabric whispering as it slid down her arms. She tossed it onto the back of a kitchen chair, the garment landing askew, one sleeve dangling like an exhausted limb. A draft from the still-ajar door nipped at her heels, prompting her to kick it closed with a dull thud.

    Her apartment, though modest, was meticulously organized, a testament to her disciplined nature. However, tonight, orderliness was the last thing on her mind. Brianna's steps were laden with fatigue as she made her way to the sofa—the cushions accepting her weight with a yielding sigh. She sank into the embrace of the worn upholstery, its familiarity a small comfort against the thrumming headache that had taken residence behind her eyes.

    Leaning back, she pressed a hand to her forehead, fingers splayed across her skin in a vain attempt to alleviate the pressure. Her breathing slowed, eyes fluttering shut as she allowed herself this brief respite, oblivious to anything beyond the confines of her throbbing skull. The room seemed to close in around her, the shadows deepening with the fading light as evening approached with stealthy certainty.

    This moment of vulnerability should have been hers alone, a fleeting chance to gather her strength before facing the demands of another day. But the tranquility was a fragile illusion, one that could be shattered as easily as glass under the right pressure. And the day's trials were far from over.

    For now, the silence held, save for the occasional creak of the building settling into night, and Brianna’s shallow breaths that whispered through the quiet apartment. There was no dialogue to confront, no sensory trigger to alert her to anything amiss — just the pulsing ache that promised no immediate relief and the all-encompassing exhaustion that swaddled her thoughts. Desperation lingered close, a frequent visitor after days like these, when every sale felt like a battle and every failure a weight added to her shoulders.

    In the dimming light, the contours of her living space blurred, edges softening until they were indistinct—much like the line between safety and danger, between the known and the unknown that was about to be so violently disrupted.

    From the darkness, he observed her—the weary slump of her shoulders bespoke a day spent peddling dreams of domesticity to others while she herself returned to an empty abode. The way Brianna Holt draped her coat over the chair, it was almost sacrilegious, a disregard for order that grated on his nerves. She was unaware of the eyes that tracked her every movement like a hawk surveilling its prey from the lofty heights.

    He had waited patiently, cloaked in the shadows of her mundane existence, where time had slowed to a crawl. The anticipation gnawed at him, an insatiable hunger only the act could satiate. His breaths were shallow, controlled — a predator's discipline — as he awaited the perfect moment to emerge from his darkened alcove, a space he knew as intimately as the twisted corridors of his own mind.

    A creak from the floorboard under his weight might have betrayed his presence to a more vigilant soul, but not to Brianna. Her headache seemed to consume her senses, her guard lowered as she succumbed to the physical demands of her profession. He relished the sight, the last innocent moments before the storm descended upon her with ferocious intent.

    The silence stretched taut between them, a string waiting to snap—and he would be the one to pluck it, shattering the stillness into a thousand piercing shards. With a surge of adrenaline propelling him forward, he stepped out of obscurity and into the dim light that haloed her sanctuary.

    Beautiful evening, isn't it? he uttered, voice laced with a false warmth that did little to mask the chilling undertone.

    Brianna spun around, a startled gasp escaping her lips before it transformed into a scream—a sound that clawed at the walls, desperate for escape. But he was quicker, his hand shooting out to ensnare her throat, the scream dying in an abrupt crescendo. His grip tightened, fingers pressing into tender flesh with unyielding force, feeling the pulse of life beneath his palm.

    Her eyes, wide with terror, met his—there was recognition there, a dawning realization of what was to come. But he saw no person in those eyes, no individual whose life held value. She was a message, a means to an end, nothing more than a vessel for his macabre narrative.

    And as the strangled sounds ceased, leaving behind only the ragged breathing of exertion and the slow creep of deathly silence, he leaned close—so very close that his whisper could mingle with her fading breaths.

    Shh, he coaxed with perverse tenderness, watching the light dim in her gaze. It will all be over soon.

    The struggle dwindled, her motions grew sluggish—a fading resistance against the inevitable. Brianna's attempts to claw at his forearms proved fruitless as he maintained the pressure, a constricting band of steel around her neck. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, each one shallower than the last, until the air refused to come at all. His muscles tensed, a relentless vice, and with a final shudder, she crumpled like a marionette with its strings severed.

    He watched her fall, her body hitting the ground with a graceless thump that seemed far too gentle for the violence of her departure from life. In the stillness that followed, there was a perverse satisfaction that crept up his spine and curled his lips into a smile. The thrill of power washed over him, an intoxicating rush that drowned out the soft hum of the refrigerator and the distant howl of the winter wind outside.

    He stood over her, chest heaving slightly as he admired his handiwork. The apartment, once filled with the warmth of life, now harbored a cold stillness, a silent witness to the act of destruction. Her face, once animated with the vibrant hustle of her real estate dreams, lay impassive—her ambitions forever unfulfilled. A strand of hair had fallen across her cheek, a dark contrast against her pallid skin. He considered tucking it away, an unnecessary act of false tenderness, but refrained. Detachment was crucial — emotions were liabilities.

    Turning away from the lifeless form, he moved toward the object he had brought along — a mirror, carefully selected for this very occasion. It glinted in the dim light, a reflective surface soon to be marred by his design. With measured movements, he lifted it high above the coffee table — the centerpiece of her meticulously arranged living room—and let gravity take its course.

    The sound of shattering glass pierced the quiet, shards cascading down like a waterfall of jagged diamonds. They scattered across the wooden surface, some skittering to the floor, creating a chaos of reflections and splintered light. Each piece caught a glimpse of the room, the body, the killer — a mosaic of death and broken beauty.

    A sense of accomplishment flushed through him; another message was about to be carved into the canvas of the world. He stepped back, eyes scanning the debris, ensuring the impact had served its purpose. The fragments lay strewn about, a puzzle meant for someone else to piece together. But not just yet—for now, they were his artwork, his statement, his control made manifest.

    And as the silence returned, heavier than before, he savored the moment — a fleeting interlude before the storm of investigation and speculation would begin. His work here was done, even if the lesson was far from over.

    The killer crouched by the sparkling ruins on the coffee table, his breath steady in the stilled silence of the room. A cold smile played on his lips as his gloved hands moved with purpose, selecting shards of glass with callous deliberation. Each piece was a fragment of his malevolence, a sliver of the darkness that had claimed Brianna Holt's life. His fingers danced nimbly over the jagged edges, arranging them into a pattern that was both chaotic and precise, a visual enigma meant to taunt and terrify those who would soon intrude upon his handiwork.

    He had been called upon to impart his teachings on the town of Summit Ridge. And he would see to it that every soul in this valley would learn, one way or another.


    Lexi Cole's four-o’-clock alarm pierced the silence of her bedroom, a shrill siren that dragged her from the depths of sleep into the cold reality of dawn. She silenced it with a practiced smack, her green eyes blinking away the remnants of a dream she couldn't quite remember. The room was still dark, save for the silver glow of moonlight that snuck through the edges of the blinds, painting ghostly stripes across the floor. She swung her feet over the edge of the bed, the chill of the hardwood a stark contrast to the warmth of her sheets.

    Rising, Lexi navigated the familiar space with ease, her movements automatic as she shrugged on her robe and padded toward the kitchen. The ritual was the same each morning: the clink of the coffee pot filled with water, the rich aroma of ground beans, and the soft gurgle as the machine sputtered to life. While the coffee brewed, she stared out the window at the predawn darkness, the world outside blanketed in fresh snowfall, untouched and serene.

    Lexi reached for her badge, polishing it against her shirt before clipping it securely to her belt. Her uniform hung neatly pressed on the back of a chair, the fabric stiff and cool as she dressed, methodically fastening each button, aligning each seam. In the mirror, she caught sight of the scar above her left eyebrow — a stark reminder of a childhood long since passed — and for a moment, her reflection seemed to blur with that of her twin sister, Alice. Shaking off the memory, she secured her long, wavy chestnut hair into a tight bun at the nape of her neck, allowing no strand to betray the order she imposed upon herself.

    Next came the equipment check: her Glock 22, its weight familiar in her hands as she ensured it was clean and loaded; handcuffs, radio, and flashlight all secured in their rightful places. With a final glance around her tidy apartment, she grabbed her keys and stepped out into the bracing cold, her breath forming clouds in the air as she locked the door behind her.

    The drive to the police station was a quiet one, the town of Summit Ridge, Vermont still slumbering under the weight of winter. This was the busy season for the local ski resorts, but it was far too early for tourists to be awake. As Lexi guided her cruiser through the streets, the tires crunched over the compacted snow, the only sound in the otherwise hushed morning. The evergreens lining the road wore heavy coats of white, their branches bowing under the burden. Mountains loomed in the distance, their peaks hidden behind a veil of fog that promised more snowfall before the day's end.

    She passed by the local ski shop, which had already opened its doors as the first eager skiers arrived to take advantage of the pristine morning conditions. The town may have been small, but during these winter months, it transformed into a hive of energy, drawing people from all corners seeking the thrill of the slopes.

    Lexi's grip on the steering wheel was firm, her gaze

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