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The Saintly Imp
The Saintly Imp
The Saintly Imp
Ebook42 pages

The Saintly Imp

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A Demon Becomes a Missionary of Christ

Jarilhil is a tiny demon from the pits of Hell. Every day is an absolute torment for him, as he is constantly mistreated for his small size, until he tries to escape by volunteering to become a Christian missionary. Satan finds the idea hilarious, and sends the imp off to save a particularly wretched sinner on Earth. Odd things start to happen, however, and the unorthodox spiritual guide finds he might be able to lead this sinner to become a man of God. Can an unlikely missionary help turn a sinner into a saint?

"Sir, I am to lead a demon to a man?!!" It was more than Ruman could handle. He stood there, wide-eyed and perplexed. Satan put his hand on the angel's shoulder and said, "I know this is a strange request, but have it on my authority that this unlikely missionary," he motioned at Jarilhil, "will serve our lord's great plan." He then bent over and whispered something into Ruman's ear. The minor angel nodded, put down his writing quill, turned to the demon, and said, "Come with me, I will show you who you'll be working with."

Release dateJun 12, 2024
The Saintly Imp

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    The Saintly Imp - Zwahk muchoney

    The Saintly Imp

    Zwahk Muchoney

    Copyright © 2024 Zwahk Muchoney

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. The individuals and scenarios described in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    First published in 2023, republished in 2024

    Cover artist: Zwahk Muchoney

    Author website:

    In the same way, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.

    - Luke 15:10

    The Saintly Imp

    Alain stood atop a great precipice. As he looked down below he could not help but feel his heart sink at the sight of the swirling mass of souls, each incandescent and screaming. The man who had left the land of the living turned to his tormentor and cried out-

    I am a righteous man, I have made all the sacrifices, I have followed God’s word, Hell is not for one such as me!

    The angel standing before him smiled wickedly, he knew the truth about this man’s nightly fornications, his eating of offerings, and of what Alain had done to his own daughter...

    The man collapsed. Tears poured from his eyes as he begged for mercy, but the angel had no heart, he’d been designed by his creator to be as merciless as gunpowder. He grinned viciously, and cast the sinner down into the pit. The angel turned his back on the wails of the damned, it was a roar that only ever held the same tune, and Satan found it dull and ordinary.

    He stopped for a second, pondering the moment. There were so many particularly loathsome sinners, and he wondered if even the infinite, bleak expanses of his realm would ever be enough to hold all of them...

    He sighed. If only the irritating little monkeys would just learn to behave themselves, they could save him so much trouble.

    He headed off to another area of Hell, where some of his servants were in need of a lesson. Demons were a spiteful, impulsive bunch, but useful if one had the force necessary to keep them enthralled. It annoyed the angel that he had to work with such hideous abominations, but there were jobs angels were not able or willing to do, and so Satan treated these otherworldly beings the way one might attend to a mercenary force.

    He looked out at the horde before him. In this area of Hell, the demons were given free rein. The scene below was one of impulsive, hearty gluttony and lust.

    Were it not for his strong constitution, the angel would have vomited at the sight, but he’d witnessed the vilest behaviors humanity had to offer since the time of Adam. Next to such behavior, nothing could compare.

    There was one among their ranks, a certain Archduke of Hell named Beelzebub (whom Satan simply thought of as the stinking one). The angel knew the scheming little insect had been planning a coup or some such nonsense. Satan could have smashed the thing into so much

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