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Found Faith: The Park Chronicles
Found Faith: The Park Chronicles
Found Faith: The Park Chronicles
Ebook82 pages1 hour

Found Faith: The Park Chronicles

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Join Arthur and his friends on a transformative journey of faith, friendship, and discovery in "Found Faith: The Park Chronicles." When Arthur stumbles upon an ancient Bible hidden beneath an old oak tree in their neighborhood park, it sparks a series of events that change their lives forever.

Together with his diverse group of friends—each grappling with their own doubts, hopes, and questions—Arthur dives into the scriptures, seeking wisdom and answers. Guided by the insightful Mrs. Jameson, they explore the timeless stories and teachings of the Bible, uncovering truths that resonate deeply with their own experiences. From the tale of Joseph's forgiveness to the profound lessons of Jesus' parables, each story they read together becomes a stepping stone on their path to understanding and spiritual growth.

As the group navigates the challenges of adolescence, they find strength in their newfound faith and the support of one another. Their meetings become a sanctuary of learning and fellowship, where they not only explore the depths of biblical wisdom but also share their personal struggles and triumphs. Through acts of kindness, community service, and creative expressions, they embody the teachings they cherish, making a tangible difference in their community.

"Found Faith: The Park Chronicles" is a heartfelt narrative about the power of belief, the importance of community, and the journey toward a deeper understanding of life's purpose. Perfect for readers seeking an inspiring tale of faith and friendship, this book will uplift your spirit and remind you of the enduring light that guides us all.

Embark on this incredible journey with Arthur and his friends, and discover how faith can illuminate even the darkest paths, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences.

PublisherRene' Stanley
Release dateJun 12, 2024
Found Faith: The Park Chronicles

Rene' Stanley

Born and raised in Washington, D.C., I grew up surrounded by the country's capital's vibrant culture and diverse communities. My teenage years were spent in Maryland, where I sincerely appreciated the unique blend of urban and suburban life. From a young age, I was known for my shy and quiet demeanor, often finding solace in my thoughts and observations. This reflective nature led me to develop a keen interest in people, particularly in the wisdom and experiences of older adults. I spent countless hours in the company of elders, listening to their stories and learning from their perspectives. This early exposure to intergenerational interactions instilled in me a profound respect for the lessons that those who have lived through different times can understand. My journey took a significant turn when I joined the Army and served in Desert Storm. The experiences I gained during my military service were transformative, teaching me about resilience, teamwork, and the complexities of human nature. The discipline and perspective I gained in the Army have been invaluable in shaping my worldview and approach to writing.

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    Found Faith - Rene' Stanley

    Found Faith

    The Park Chronicles

    Rene' Stanley

    Copyright © 2024 by Rene' Stanley

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Book Cover by Rene' Stanley

    1 edition 2024


    1.The Chase of Laughter

    2.The Hunt Begins

    3.Treasures Found

    4.The Discovery

    5.Unfolding Verses

    6.The Journey Begins


    8.A Shared Purpose

    9.Unraveling Parables

    10. Living the Lessons

    11.A Ripple Effect

    12.Challenges and Growth

    About the Author


    The Chase of Laughter

    While darting between the oak trees, Arthur’s laughter reverberated through the park, mixing with the rustle of leaves underfoot. His short curly hair bounced with each bound, his athletic frame maneuvering with a precision that commanded attention. The sun hung low in the sky, streaks of orange and pink painting the clouds above as the friends relished the freedom after a long day at school.

    Alright, team! Arthur’s voice, brimming with that unmistakable confidence that attracted his friends to him like a beacon, called out, reminding everyone to remember that there were no boundaries but they should not leave the park. If you’re tagged, you’re it, but let’s keep it fun.

    Got it, boss! Tyler responded with a mischievous grin, adjusting his dreadlocks before acting.

    The game of tag was simple, yet in their boisterous pursuit, it became an adventure. With her giggle carrying on the wind, Olivia zigzagged past a bench, her blonde hair trailing behind her like a comet’s tail. Jason skidded on the gravel path, narrowly avoiding a playful swipe from Mia. At the same time, Ethan paced himself a few steps behind, calculating his next move with a quiet intensity.

    Come on, Lucy, let’s see what you’ve got! Arthur teased, though his words were met only with the swift sound of sneakers on the pavement as Lucy dashed behind a swing set, evading capture with ease.

    Try to catch me, Arthur! she called back, her voice tinged with joy.

    Challenge accepted! Replying with a wide smile, Arthur picked up speed.

    The air was filled with the sounds of their game: the soft thuds of footsteps, the swish of clothing, and the steady rhythm of breaths drawn deep from the thrill of the chase. Arthur felt alive in these moments, his heart pumping in time with the laughter and shouts that surrounded him. He relished how his friends looked to him, how easily they trusted his judgment, even in something as trivial as a game.

    Olivia, watch out! Arthur warned playfully, but she was already darting away, her laughter tinkling like a bell as she avoided Ethan’s outstretched hand.

    Nice try, Ethan! she taunted, glancing over her shoulder with a twinkle in her eye.

    While her wavy brown hair trailed behind her like a banner in the wind, Lucy’s heart raced as she weaved through the maze of oak trees. Ethan was close on her heels, his breath steady and determined. She could almost feel the gentle brush of his fingertips against her shoulder as he reached to tag her.

    Gotcha! Ethan’s voice was confident, but Lucy couldn’t let herself be tagged so easily. With a nimble sidestep that would have impressed any dancer, she pivoted away from his outstretched hand. Her petite frame was an advantage as she ducked behind a large maple tree, her brown eyes gleaming with playful defiance.

    Nice try, Ethan! she called out, her voice tinged with laughter.

    Ethan adjusted his glasses, a slight smirk playing on his lips. He wasn’t one to give up so easily. As Lucy darted from her hiding spot, heading toward the open field, Ethan paused, taking a moment to strategize. Racing through possibilities, his analytical mind envisioned the park as a giant chessboard with his friends as the pieces.

    Predictable, he muttered, watching Olivia zigzag across the grass. Despite her attempts to make herself a more challenging target, she could not escape Ethan’s ability to see patterns where others only saw chaos. He noticed how she glanced over her shoulder every few seconds, her blue eyes scanning for pursuers. Ethan calculated the angle, factoring in the speed of both his and her stride. A plan formed in his mind—anticipation coiled within him like a spring.

    Here goes nothing, Ethan whispered and took off at an angle, intercepting Olivia’s path with precision. He closed the distance between them, his focus unwavering. As he drew near, he reached out, his fingertips barely brushing the hem of her shirt.

    Tag! You’re it, Olivia! Ethan exclaimed, a hint of triumph in his voice.

    Olivia spun around, her blonde hair catching the sunlight as she faced Ethan. Oh, you got me, Mr. Strategist. But you won’t get me again! she replied, her tone light and teasing.

    They shared a quick grin before Olivia dashed off to find her next target, leaving Ethan to catch his breath and revel in the small victory of his well-executed plan.

    As Olivia darted around the park, her laughter was the melody of the afternoon’s play. She weaved between the trees like a sprite, all bubbling energy and sunshine-bright smiles. Ethan had just missed tagging

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