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The Science Behind Spirituality: A Guide to Unlocking and Living Your Full Potential
The Science Behind Spirituality: A Guide to Unlocking and Living Your Full Potential
The Science Behind Spirituality: A Guide to Unlocking and Living Your Full Potential
Ebook141 pages1 hour

The Science Behind Spirituality: A Guide to Unlocking and Living Your Full Potential

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About this ebook

Heather Babber invites you on a transformative journey that merges ancient wisdom with modern science. Her unique reinterpretation of age-old teachings and scriptures, traditionally shrouded in mysticism, is now presented through a scientific perspective. This new understanding decodes the profound secrets of manifesting your desired reality. But this book is more than just a read; it’s an awakening to our deeper purpose during our human experience. 
Embarking on a profound spiritual awakening journey herself, Heather discovered the art of creating our own reality. She now extends an invitation to you, encouraging an open mind to the wisdom and insights she has gathered. This guide serves as a beacon, not merely providing information but illuminating your true potential. 
Blending spirituality with scientific insights, Heather’s book offers more than exploration—it is a guide to realizing our inherent power. By delving into the true essence of reality, she unveils the secrets of life itself. 
This journey is one of liberation and healing. As you traverse this path, you have the opportunity to raise your vibration, attract your deepest desires, and embrace an abundant life.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 10, 2024
The Science Behind Spirituality: A Guide to Unlocking and Living Your Full Potential

Heather Babber

Heather Babber is a successful entrepreneur, businesswoman and adventurer. Through Heather’s success as founder and CEO of Paladin Management Group, a multi-family office and business management company, she recognized that one cannot fully optimize life without equally prioritizing the body and mind. Heather spent over a decade deepening her understanding of how to optimize body function through nutrition, exercise, recovery techniques and mind-body connection. After a profound, personal setback, Heather began a journey of self-exploration, delving into spirituality, quantum physics, and the intricate relationship between mind, body and spirit.  Heather embarked on a spiritual journey, reshaping her life. Through this transformation, she has come to recognize the immense power within each of us - we have the potential to achieve, be, or create anything we desire. She experienced an awakening to our capabilities as electromagnetic beings. After her spiritual awakening and reaching heart, mind, and body coherence, she began living in the flow of life. Once she embraced this flow state, her dreams began to manifest. Through this book, Heather hopes to inspire you to recognize your power and live your full potential.  Heather is a devoted mother to two wonderful children. She is the founder of the charitable organization Awake Humanity Foundation, which aims to elevate collective consciousness by aiding the most disadvantaged communities in the areas of mental health and nutrition. She has a B.A. in biology from Pepperdine University and resides in Los Angeles.

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    The Science Behind Spirituality - Heather Babber

    Copyright © 2024 Heather Babber.

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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5173-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5172-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024908049

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/04/2024



    1The Science: Quantum Physics

    2Who Are We and How Did We Get Here?


    4What Is God?

    5The Law of Attraction and Prayer


    7Our Vibration

    8Awakening Our Full Potential

    9Connecting to Source

    10Ascending to Our True Purpose

    For Jaya and Eashan


    My journey began after I lost someone I deeply loved. I had previously lost loved ones, including my parents to cancer when I was eighteen and twenty-one, but this loss was different. It wasn’t a death; it was a heartbreak. Though I had experienced heartbreaks before, this one stood apart. This individual mirrored me. We shared a profound soul connection unlike any I had felt previously. It felt as if we had known each other over countless past lifetimes. He was my soul in another body, someone I had envisioned spending the rest of my life with.

    In the initial week of unbearable pain, I found myself questioning myriad things: Who am I? Is there something wrong with me? What do I need to change to be lovable?

    I began experiencing the dark night of the soul, a term Eckhart Tolle uses to describe the collapse of perceived meaning in life—a sudden plunge into profound meaninglessness. Nothing made sense, and everything seemed devoid of purpose. Such feelings can arise when an inexplicable and shattering event occurs—in my case, the loss of connection with my soulmate. It felt like a catastrophe that negated the once-cherished meaning of life. In moments like these, what truly falls apart is the entire conceptual framework of one’s life and the significance one’s mind had previously attributed to it, leading to a dark and disorienting place.

    However, some individuals have navigated this darkness, and from there, the possibility emerges to transcend into a transformed state of consciousness. Life regains its meaning, but it’s no longer a conceptual meaning that can be easily explained. Quite often, it is from this point that people awaken from their collapsed conceptual sense of reality, and I, eventually, came to this place.

    Since the person I lost was very involved in the Alcoholics Anonymous program, I wanted to understand him better through this lens, so I began attending Al-Anon. When I started to do the steps in Al-Anon, I came to steps two and three:

    • Step Two: Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

    • Step Three: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

    I struggled with these steps. What is this Power that is greater than us? What or who is God? I had lost any belief in God as a teenager, even though I was raised in church. I needed to do some soul searching. A friend of mine recommended a book by Joe Dispenza titled Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. I engrossed myself in this book. When I finished the book I needed more, so I bought his next book, and then his next book, and then I went on a retreat, and then I went on another retreat. I wanted to keep going—to dive deeper into myself. I read another twenty books over the course of the following year, and then another twenty, and then I started listening to podcasts, going to church, watching spirituality documentaries, and studying quantum physics.

    In 2022, I fell in love again and once again endured another breakup. Another heartbreak drove me to dive even deeper. As I dug deeper into self-development and spiritual books, I started to ask more questions: How did we get here? What is reality? This led me on a journey to learn even more about quantum physics, metaphysics, spirituality, and teachings of ancient civilizations and how they’re all connected. Conventional wisdom says everything happens for a reason, and I needed this one last push to finally understand. I became so connected to my higher self, and it occurred to me while driving home from work one day that I needed to share this knowledge with others.

    May this book help you understand and guide you through life so you can reach your highest potential, understand spirituality, raise your consciousness, and help you realize how powerful you are.


    The Science:

    Quantum Physics

    Since the scientific revolution, there have been two viewpoints on how the universe works: one grounded in science and the other rooted in spirituality. With the latest scientific breakthroughs in modern-day physics, scientists have discovered the key to creating our own reality. In fact, we’ve been using this discovery since the day we were born. Ancient spiritual traditions and scriptures, such as those in the Sefer Yetzirah, the Bible, and Hermetic writings, relate to the principles of contemporary quantum physics. Ancient wisdom has been overlooked, and forgotten mysteries await exploration. In fact, we are only able to further our own studies by standing on the shoulders of these disappearing giants. Lacking the scientific lexicon of today, these ancients employed alternative terminologies, which we’ve since misinterpreted. Today we possess the means to interpret spiritual teachings through the lens of science, truly bridging science and spirituality. Before we delve into how we can realize our full potential, it’s essential to understand the science underlying the workings of the universe, our composition, and our role within it. The first two chapters provide the scientific foundation necessary to comprehend how to apply this knowledge to our lives.

    Quantum physics, also known as modern physics, is the study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level. It aims to uncover the properties and behaviors of the very building blocks of nature. Quantum physics presents a distinct and more intricate understanding of the universe compared to classical Newtonian physics. While Newtonian physics says there is a cause and effect, quantum physics says we are causing an effect, and everything is vibrating energy. This energy responds to our feelings. Rather than a fixed, static universe, everything exists in a state of potentiality due to this vibrational energy. According to quantum physics, people are creators of their own universe. Instead of being made up of static building blocks as in the Newtonian framework, the quantum universe is interconnected, with no clear divisions. Everything exists in a state of possibility due to this vibrating energy.

    To grasp the essence of quantum, one must comprehend the spaces in between—the gaps. For example, in an atom when an electron leaps between orbits, it passes through the quantum gap; it’s in one state, then it disappears and then reappears in another orbit. Where does it go in between? There are only certain allowed states, or orbitals, where the electron can be found. The space between those states is where all possibilities are held. The gap is the key; shifting to quantum awareness becomes possible when we focus on the gap. The gap is the empty space where all objects are observed.

    When an electron jumps to a higher orbital state, a certain amount of energy is needed to excite it. Perhaps a photon of

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