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The Adventures of Nino
The Adventures of Nino
The Adventures of Nino
Ebook164 pages2 hours

The Adventures of Nino

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Family knows no bounds, especially for Nino, the plucky young nephew of the apostle Paul. When he overhears a group of zealots plotting to ambush his uncle and kill him, he warns both his uncle and his Roman guards without realizing that his efforts have unfortunately placed his cousin, Ruben, in jeopardy.

When Ruben is kidnapped by the zealots, Nino and his merchant father decide to embark on a dangerous mission to find his beloved cousin and hopefully save him from an unwelcome fate. While attempting to unlock clues as to what happened and determine if Ruben has been sold as a slave, Nino must navigate not only his guilt, but also an overwhelming fear that if he is unable to return home with his cousin, his family will be broken forever. As their journey leads them to unexpected places, Nino and his father must battle to the end in a valiant fight to save their family.

In this exciting tale, the nephew of the apostle Paul sets out with his father on a courageous quest to rescue his kidnapped cousin.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 10, 2024
The Adventures of Nino

Michelle Keil

Michelle Keil is a certified teacher with a great imagination and a love for storytelling. She attended bible college, married a pastor, and then traveled to Puerto Rico as a missionary. Michelle earned a degree in early education, taught in the public school system, and is the mother of four daughters. The Adventures of Nino is her first book.

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    Book preview

    The Adventures of Nino - Michelle Keil

    Chapter 1


    N INO OPENED THE HEAVY WOODEN door and stepped outside. The air smelled fresh and clean. A gentle rain fell from the grey sky, and his house glistened as droplets of rain trickled down the walls. He waited for his cousin Ruben to arrive. Nino briefly darted into the shower, avoiding the rivulets of water in the street by aiming his steps for the center of each cobblestone. Nino strained to see if Ruben was on his way. Not seeing anyone, he ducked back out of the rain.

    Jerusalem was the only home Nino had ever known. He had heard of faraway places from his father. Father would return from his merchant voyages and tell of exotic lands and people bringing his sisters and Nino gifts. Still, he loved his home. Nino especially loved this part of the day, waiting for his cousin to walk with him to school. Everything was waking up. There were the early morning smells of baking bread, the voices of families getting started on their day, and the braying and bleating from the animals in their stalls.

    Pacing back and forth, Nino talked to himself about his plans, I want to talk to Uncle Simeon about buying the dove whose wing I fixed. Since it’s no good as a sacrifice, he mused. The twin’s birthday is soon, and I know they would love the dove as a gift. Maybe he will let me work extra hours to pay for it.

    He might even sell me the cage. Ruben repaired it, but you can see where it was broken. Maybe Kezia and Keren will like the dove so much they won’t tease me that we are the same age until my birthday.

    Good morning, Nino, Nino’s mother, Ruth, stood behind him in the doorway. Excuse me for interrupting your vigil, but I have not been able to find Kezia and Keren. Have you seen your sisters?

    They had some big clay pots to collect rainwater. I thought they were going to the courtyard, Nino replied. His mother’s soothing voice did not seem like an interruption. He loved how her beautiful face lit up when she spoke to him. But I could look for them if you like.

    Thank you, Nino, but I don’t want to make you late for school. Just try not to get too wet waiting for your cousin.

    As he stepped closer to the house, two streams of water pounded down on him from the roof! The cold water temporarily stunned Nino, and he shook the water out of his hair.

    From the flat roof above, he heard giggles.

    Kezia and Keren, come down here at once! Mother’s once gentle voice had become very stern. Nino looked up as he heard quick movements on the roof.

    Nino, come in, and I’ll have Damian find you some dry clothes. He should be in the kitchen instructing the other servants about meals. Mother’s brown eyes, which usually smiled, narrowed to slits as she turned to look for the twins and to call Damian, their house servant.

    At that moment, Nino’s cousin Ruben arrived. He took one look at the drenched Nino and began to laugh uncontrollably. Startled, Mother turned back and laughed, too.

    Nino’s black hair was a mess of ringlets falling in his face. Water dripped from his nose, his hair, and his long robes. Nino started laughing, too.

    Girls, Nino said when he could talk again. Just then, two equally dripping girls came to the door. Suddenly, Nino stopped laughing as he looked at his twin sisters. Their bright smiles faded when they saw their brother dripping in the house. Nino tried to keep a stern look on his face, but it quickly faded, and he started laughing all over again. Soon, the whole house was enjoying the prank.

    You all look very funny, agreed Nino’s mother, but you need to get out of those wet clothes! I will talk to you later about this, girls.

    Just then, another woman came in through the back door. She looked just like Nino’s mother, except she was slightly taller and younger. Her eyes danced with laughter, but she held back a smile.

    What is going on here? Nino’s Aunt Ana asked.

    I’ll explain later. Please take the twins to change their clothes. Mother replied. You boys go with Damian.

    Nino changed his clothes quickly. Then, he and Ruben hurried toward the Temple, where they had school. Of course, they would not be early as Nino had hoped.

    The twins help keep life fun in many interesting ways, Ruben commented.

    You don’t have to live with them! Nino countered. But I do love them.

    You’re lucky you’re the oldest. Our house seems very quiet at times now that my brothers are married and moved out, sighed Ruben.

    As they turned the corner, Nino shuddered. Two giant Roman soldiers stood in front of them, their helmets hiding most of their faces. Nino thought he recognized one of them from the prison where his Uncle Paul was held for preaching about Jesus of Nazareth. He hoped the soldier did not recognize him, but Nino noticed their attention was on the house next to the corner. A man in expensive garments demanded the officials leave him alone at once.

    I have already sent word to Flavius to come tomorrow, Nino overheard the rich man say. I will completely repay my debt with interest! There is no reason for these threats!

    Sir, just come with us! You can explain everything to the proper officials.

    The two soldiers stepped toward the man. Without any more trouble, the soldiers led the man to the headquarters of the Roman garrison located on the far side of the Temple. Other soldiers brought his wife, family, and servants. Nino just stood watching and could not move. He saw fear in each face.

    That’s why my father tells me always to pay my debts. Otherwise, you’ll be sold as a slave, he says, whispered Ruben.

    Nino watched silently.

    His mind flashed to his visit the other day to the Antonia prison. Other Roman soldiers guarded the entrance to the underground passage with their heavy swords and shields. His legs had been so weak he struggled to take each step. Then, the words of King David flooded his mind. I will fear no evil. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Nino remembered David had once been a shepherd and knew the Lord protected him just as David protected his sheep. A wonderful peace came over Nino, and he found the words to speak to the soldiers. Soon after, one of them took Nino inside to his Uncle Paul.

    Nino, what’s the matter? his uncle asked. Nino saw the links of iron keeping Paul tied to the cell wall.

    Nino… Nino? Nino heard Ruben ask, What’s the matter? Nino’s attention snapped back to the present. Are you okay? We need to get to school.

    Nino didn’t move. He looked at his feet. I... ahh. There is something I must tell you.

    Delivering this message was not going to be easy. Nino had tried to talk to Ruben for several days about his secret trip to the prison. Someone could have seen him go to the Romans, which could mean bad news for Nino and his family!

    I need to tell you something in case something happens to me, Nino answered as they walked away from the frightening scene.

    Why would something happen to you, Nino?

    Do you see the Roman fortification over there, Ruben? Nino pointed at a stone building nestled into a stony hill just to the other side of the Temple.

    Yes, we see the Fortress of Antonia every time we go to the Temple. What does that have to do with what is bothering you? You haven’t broken any Roman laws, have you?

    No, you know I would never do that...but I did go there the other day.

    "Nino! Why would you go there?" Ruben stopped and got in front of Nino.

    I had to, Ruben, because I heard some men plotting to ambush my uncle and kill him. I had to warn him and the Romans holding him prisoner there.

    I knew he was there because of a riot in the Temple. Wasn’t he safe in prison? Ruben looked puzzled.

    No! Nino answered. The plan was to ask the Romans to bring him back to the Temple for questioning and then kill him before he could get there! When I told the chief captain of the Roman centurions about the plot, he had my uncle taken safely to Governor Felix in Caesarea.

    Ruben looked with amazement at his cousin, Weren’t you afraid, Nino?

    I was shaking, Nino said and continued walking. I was so afraid. But I knew the Lord Jesus was with me, helping me just as he helped Uncle Paul. Since Jesus spoke to him from heaven, God has helped him. God has changed him. He now preaches to the Greeks about the Messiah’s salvation for everyone, Jew and Greek. I wish your father had let you come to our house when my uncle visited us. He told how God has used him to tell others how His Son Jesus died for our sins and rose again to save us!

    Lower your voice! We will be in big trouble if someone hears you!"

    I’m afraid I may already be in trouble if someone saw me go to the Romans.

    The two boys had almost reached the Temple. The bridge that led to the Temple was filling fast with people. Even though they saw it all the time, the beauty of the glimmering Temple almost took their breath away. The rain had stopped, and the sunlight shone off the wet marble, making the mountaintop seem to glow. People from all over the world came to Jerusalem just to see and worship in this magnificent building.

    Nino and Ruben merged into the crowds surrounding the Temple. Bleating sheep and lambs followed shepherds, and people spoke many different languages. Nino and Ruben couldn’t hear each other talk anymore.

    Nino, don’t wait for me after your class, Ruben shouted near Nino’s ear. I’m going to stay after and discuss an assignment with the Rabbi.

    The noise dimmed as they climbed the stairs to the balcony. Then, Ruben and Nino separated to head to their classrooms.

    Will I see you later where your father sells his doves?

    Yes, I need to talk to him about buying more wood. He wants me to make Mother a birthday present. He likes the table I just finished for her and wants me to make her something from him.

    That table is amazing! Your father has taught you well. I know your mother will love whatever you make for her. See you there.


    Nino’s classes passed quickly. Afterward, he walked to his uncle’s merchant booth in the Temple’s gentile court. Nino took care of the doves for people’s offerings. He would clean out the cages and feed and water them.

    As Nino headed toward his work, he saw something that made him tremble. A group of men strolled ahead of him. Nino thought he recognized one of the voices as someone he had overheard plotting to kill his Uncle Paul.

    Quickly, he ducked behind some of the people following him. Nino couldn’t hear everything the men said, but he remembered those voices. He wouldn’t ever forget their voices. Nino was able to make out something about a captain. As he reached his Uncle Simeon’s, he slipped behind the bird cages and pretended to clean one while watching the men. They stopped beside a marble column just across from him. They talked to a distinguished-looking gentleman.

    Ruben arrived and looked around. Then he saw Nino behind the cages. Nino saw him and put a finger to his lips. Ruben walked toward his cousin but said nothing. When Nino looked back at the men, all three seemed to look right at Ruben. Nino’s heart started to race. They might see him, too! He picked up a cage, held it between him and the men, and motioned for Ruben to follow him to the back.

    What is the matter with you? Ruben asked in a hushed tone.

    Those are the men I heard talking about killing Uncle Paul.

    Nino could barely force the words out of his mouth. He

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