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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 10, 2024

Dr. Cynthia King Bolden

Apostle Dr. Cynthia, King Bolden is a dedicated advocate in law and in the body of Christ. Born premature in 1955 and immediately declared as good as dead, she immersed herself in her Beloved Abba, Adonai Jehovah, as early as 18 months graced with Prophetic dreams and visions. She grew up in a male dominated family and has been eminently successful in two male dominated professions, law and ministry which she attributes to the early masculine indoctrination. She is accustomed to the Pauline brand adversity that accompanies effectual and fervent open doors. Fast forward 68 years, she is an accomplished scribe of 21 books in the past decade plus one bestseller in Christian Counseling, Social Issues and Religion. Her passion is public speaking, writing, and battling community and domestic violence, while mediating and drafting initiatives against pervasive societal ills. She just received the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award , medal and pin from the Honorable President Joseph Biden. She is a celebrated semi-retired government and private sector attorney. The courtroom and pulpit are both arenas to propound righteousness and deliverance. Her lifelong pursuits are child advocate and youth mentor, champion of the homeless, addicted, disenfranchised and disadvantaged. She just returned from 14 days preaching, affirming apostles, dedicating churches, cottage industries in grain, animal nurturing, soaps, oil, tailoring and jewelry for sustenance and independence, encouraging orphans, and those who are bound in Bo, Kenema and other outlying villages. Graduating from Georgetown Schools of Foreign Service,1978 and Law, 1981, Dr. is licensed in Ohio, California and Pennsylvania. She has founded 3 churches and presently serves as Presiding Bishop of Greater Love/New Mercy Seat Ministries. She is currently pursuing a second doctorate in theology through International Miracle Institute. In the public sector, she worked for the US Dept of Justice Commercial Litigation Division, Small Business Administration and General Counsels Office of TVA. She has also worked for Jones. Day, Brown & Bain, Erie County as Child Counsel and San Diego County, where she was awarded ATTORNEY OF THE YEAR in 1999. She is a member of Phi Alpha Theta, Alpha Sigma Nu , and Pi Sigma Alpha. When not in Africa, India, Bangladesh, or the Philippines, at home she enjoys gardening, relaxing with her 14 AKC German shepherds and her horse.


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    Book preview

    ESCAPING THE SNARE OF THE FOWLER - Dr. Cynthia King Bolden

    Copyright © 2024 by Dr. Cynthia King Bolden.

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    Cover art by: Joanne Day Holbrook of Art by Jo

    Rev. date: 06/06/2024





    TO THOSE WHO ARE FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH, knowing your identity in Christ, that you are Victorious, More than a conqueror, the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God in Christ, a Repairer of the breach, a Restorer of the paths, flanked by Grace, Mercy and angels, led and instructed by Holy Spirit, Christ’s brethren, walking circumspectly in truth, Love personified. Satan is a Colossians 2:15 defeated foe incapable of undoing your deliverance!




    Chapter 1     Plague from Birth

    Chapter 2     Mr. Clean Butter

    Chapter 3     An Unscheduled Flight

    Chapter 4     The Mountain that Did Not Move

    Chapter 5     Covered by the Blood But Bloodless

    Chapter 6     Paper Thin

    Chapter 7     Three Times Lit

    Chapter 8     Rough Landing

    Chapter 9     Wright Wrong

    Chapter 10   Bad Boyz

    Chapter 11   Ubermaniac

    Chapter 12   Life Guard

    Chapter 13   Sauteed Saint

    Chapter 14   Demoniac

    Chapter 15   Attempted Vehicular Homocide

    Chapter 16   Too Sweet Trauma



    Other Books by Author



    Over the past five years I have known Apostle Cynthia King Bolden.

    I have enjoyed her live Tuesday and Thursday noonday sermons and podcasts, including The Drawing Room, Tasty Morsels, Kingdom Seed, Kingdom Vessels and the Door of Access.

    I have bonded with her through the leading of the Holy Spirit. We are prayer partners. I pray for her daily. We encourage one another and intercede for all saints and ministers, especially leadership.

    I am assistant pastor of Resurrection Life Church in Dale, Texas under the leadership of Pastor Lora Hardaway. Resurrection has a prison ministry for women. I plan to use Apostle’s books to encourage and increase their hope and faith through Christ Jesus, the Hope of Glory.

    In Escape, Apostle carefully delineates what Jesus accomplished on Calvary, how her faith was generated in a lifelong battle with the adversary. Yes, Jesus has tasted death for everyone who believes.

    Now at the Name of Jesus every knee must bow. Due to Jesus Love and Obedience, The Holy One of Israel, we now live through Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God in whom Father is well pleased.



    Psalm 91: 3 Surely He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous (NOISOME) pestilence.

    Some 124: 7 Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped.

    Psalm 107:20 He sent forth His Word and healed them and delivered them from ALL OF THEIR DESTRUCTIONS.

    God said that He would be with us. His name is Emmanuel, God with us. This truth, which He is, is something that we too frequently forget. It is one of the cornerstones of our salvation, He did not save us and drop us like a hot potato. Salvation as in Romans 10 is just the beginning of a journey of love, fellowship, communion, instruction, equipping and protection. Mark 16.


    His promise is Lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the age. He knew the enemy was in a rage that we were blessed by Christ to repossess what he had stolen. It was his delusional bound duty to trick us into giving it back to him. Jehovah in all of His capacities as Tsidkenu, Nisi, Jireh, Shalom, Rapha… stays with and in us to preclude satan’s repeat usurpation.

    Tsidkenu is particularly important to me and should be to all saints. Apostle taught us that once Christ stopped Mary from restraining and clinging to Him so that He could deliver His blood on the mercy seat in the Most Holy Place, it was game, set, McEnroe or Serena. Satan LOST his right to accuse us before the throne of God forever. No more coming to the meetings where the sons of God were joined together as in Job. No more accusations of filthiness of the priest as he did Joshua in Zechariah 3:3-4. No more Isaiah 64:6 all of our righteousness is as filthy rags. Once saved, we are deemed the righteousness of God in Christ and marked CLEAN Acts 10. This is better than Tide XK, Gain, Fabuloso and Clorox mixed with Lysol and Mr. Clean!

    When the Lord called me and subsequently elevated me to apostleship, I knew that I was in for a battle beyond belief. I also had a gut feeling that I would always be victorious.

    The Word of God is clear that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. Romans 8:37. He says as I have been sent so send I you. John 20:21. The Father did not send Jesus ill-equipped and He has assured us that we have everything that pertains to life and health and every good work. Proverbs 4:22; Ecclesiastes 5:19.

    We are the righteousness of God in Christ. Christ went up on that cross carrying our sins, past, present and future, pronounced my forgiveness, was buried in extreme wealth with £100 of frankincense and myrrh identifying our future wealth, went to hell and set the captives free while taking the keys and dominion back from Satan stripping the principalities and powers and making an open shame of them. Colossians 2: 15.

    As we believe in Christ, we have received the power to become sons (beni qyorom). John 1. When our understanding lines up with the anointing and faith, there is nothing limiting God’s use of us. Unlike the precrucifixion disciples, our anointing, our unction, our power is not on credit. They received theirs from His, which was received when the dove descended upon Him at His baptism by John and the Father announced Him. Matthew 3.

    We are no longer servants, we are joint heirs with Christ and friends. John 15. The servant knows not what this Master is doing, but as friends we have become privy to the things of the Kingdom. This includes the mysteries that were once reserved solely for the prophets. However now that Christ lives in us, the hope of glory, we house the mystery that even the angels did not anticipate and understand. The life that we now live we live by the faith of the Son of God. The mystery is disclosed, the good and perfect gift that came down from the Father of Lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning. James 1:17.

    Unto us it has been given to know the mysteries of the gospel that others seeing, they shall not see, and hearing, they shall not understand. Matthew 13:14.

    Christ operates within us while at the same time He has delegated to Holy Spirit through Father to be our Comforter, our Paraclete, the One alongside. He shall put us in remembrance of everything that Christ has taught us and shall lead and guide us into all truth.

    That good and perfect gift that came down from the Father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning is none other than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who lives in us. This unique relationship makes it possible for us not only to be healed and delivered and set free but to have the mind of Christ. As such He declared my meat is to accomplish the will of Him that sent Me. I seek to do always those things that please the Father. I strive to be one with Father and the Son as Jesus prayed in John 17. I also accept my responsibility as His hands and feet in the earth to bring others into the fold that they may be one even as we are one.

    We are betrothed to Christ. Betrothal requires faithfulness. Without faith it is impossible to please Him. He who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him Hebrews 11:6. Therefore, we draw nigh to God so that He may draw to us. Whatsoever He commands me I do.

    We are no longer the helpless pawns of the satanic or demonic realm. We are ambassadors to the Kingdom and as such have the keys to the Kingdom so that what is bound on earth is bound in heaven and loosed on earth is loosed in heaven. Matthew 18:18.

    Jesus said My Father always hears my prayers. He has loved us with an everlasting love and with loving kindness He has drawn us out of the world Jeremiah 31:3 so that we have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

    We have not chosen God but He has chosen us that we should go forth and bear fruit and that our fruit should remain. He has not only deemed us righteous, but healed. He sent forth His Word, Jesus Christ and He healed them. He healed all of our sicknesses and diseases because of the great love wherewith He has loved us.

    We are not only healed, but delivered and set free. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed. John 10. It is finished….He came to set the captives free. Isaiah 61.

    We went into the grave with Christ and are resurrected with Christ. Philippians 3. We are new creatures in Christ Jesus. Old things have passed away and behold all things have become new. We are new in mind, body, soul and spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:23.

    We know that greater is He that is within us than he that’s in them and in the world. We know that in all things, we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus that strengthens us. We are also aware of the fact, the humbling fact, that branches were cut off that we might be grafted in. As a branch that was grafted in we cannot boast against the tree.

    We are partakers of the life of Christ Who told us to occupy till I come. As such what he has ordained for us to do, we are able to do because He supplies all of our needs according to His riches in glory. As His delegates, to feed the sheep and tend the lamb, He ministers seed to us as the sower so that we have all sufficiency for every good work.

    As a child of God that is heir to the throne, sitting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, we know that we have power over the principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7.

    The cross not only brought the healing, the freedom, the deliverance but it also brought, provision, wealth, protection, peace, speaking in new tongues, ability to tread upon serpents and scorpions, to cast out demons, lay hands on the sick and they will recover, drink any poisonous thing and it shall not harm us…. The only limit is the level of our faith.

    As discussed more extensively hereinbelow, I had no alternative but to develop the God kind of faith, the gift of faith. The God kind of faith is the kind of faith that is of a sudden influence, a sudden manifestation, an accelerated outburst from the Spirit of God and it’s typically motivated not only by the necessity of the situation but by the love of God because He is always moved with compassion when He sees the sheep scattered as though they have no shepherd.

    Love causes the faith to work. It is the Ephesians 3:17 Christ dwelling in our hearts richly in such a way

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