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Still Waters: A Collection of Childhood Memories
Still Waters: A Collection of Childhood Memories
Still Waters: A Collection of Childhood Memories
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Still Waters: A Collection of Childhood Memories

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I was the  quiet, reserved. extremely shy,  introverted middle child.  One day I overheard my grandma  say to my mom in what sounded like a warning voice,    “You better watch her Clover.” she said,   “You know “still, water runs deep.”  The phrase “still waters run deep” is an idiom that means a person who appears quiet or calm on the surface may have great depth of character, knowledge, or emotion. It suggests that there is more to someone or something than meets the eye, and that beneath a calm exterior, there may be profound thoughts or feelings.

When grandma warned my mom about me,  she made it sound ominous. I took it to mean “You better be careful of her and watch your back. She is unsafe.” I remember thinking, “I don’t want to be still water.”  I remember for years worrying about being  still water.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 11, 2024
Still Waters: A Collection of Childhood Memories

Brenda "Gigie" Cunningham-Parker

Brenda “Gigie” Cunningham-Parker Gigie, (pronounced “Gig G”), graduated with distinction in Education from the University of Michigan and earned an MFA in fibers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. After completing her BA, Gigie taught in public and rural schools in Michigan, as well as private independent schools in Pittsburgh, PA, and Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA. She was passionate about teaching and always saw herself as a child advocate. Following her move to California, where her husband transferred to work for the Rockwell Corporation, Gigie joined Chadwick School. After five years of teaching at the Village School (K-6), she was promoted to Curriculum Director and later became the Head of the Village School, serving in that role for three years. Gigie subsequently accepted a position as Head of Westchester Neighborhood School (WNS), later renamed Westside Neighborhood School, in California. During her tenure at WNS, she fostered a child-centered, diverse student body and a supportive school culture. After serving thirteen years as Head of WNS, Gigie resigned in 2007 to collaborate with her husband on projects aimed at enhancing parental involvement and student learning. In 2009, Gigie and her husband were invited to aid in revitalizing the struggling African-centered K-8 Detroit Public Charter School, Timbuktu Academy of Science and Technology, which was later renamed Obama Leadership Academy. Their leadership over four years led to the school receiving a five-year extension of its charter, credited to a highly motivated and dedicated staff. Gigie has co-authored several articles with her husband, participated in his projects at the United Nations in New York, and traveled to South Korea to engage in Brain Education events, training teachers and students on its benefits. Now, Gigie is enjoying her retirement with her husband on a golf course in Sedona, AZ.

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    Still Waters - Brenda "Gigie" Cunningham-Parker

    Copyright © 2024 Brenda Gigie Cunningham-Parker.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5281-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5282-6 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/05/2024



    The Middle Child


    The Divorce

    Mom’s Custody

    Sherman Street

    My Bible

    Duffield School

    A Little Misunderstanding


    Second Grade


    Marcy School

    Back at Marcy


    Strict Upbringing


    No Doctors




    The Horsewomen


    The Farm



    A Christmas Tree Memory

    Leaving Eighth Grade

    High School



    Nazarene Camp

    A Letter to My Younger Self

    About the Author


    First, I would like to dedicate this book to my younger self. My younger self gave me the material for this book. I would also like to dedicate this book to my beloved husband, Warrington. He encouraged and supported me in writing this book. He has always been my comfort. Further, I would like to dedicate this book to everyone who has played a significant role in my life.

    I would especially like to dedicate this book to my mom (1925-2021). She sacrificed her life for me and my sisters. I have great respect for her strength and courageShe taught me the meaning of unconditional love. She taught me, Bad things do happen, but how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. She showed me grace.

    Memory, all alone in the moonlight

    I can dream of the old days.

    Life was beautiful then.

    I remember the time I knew what happiness was

    Let the memory live again.

    - Songwriters: Andrew Lloyd Webber / T. S. Eliot / Trevor Nunn

    Memory lyrics © The Useful Group Ltd., Faber And Faber Ltd. Gb 1,

    The Useful Group Ltd


    This book delves into a treasury of my childhood recollections and their profound impact on my journey into adulthood. It’s a narrative inspired by the prompting of my children and grandchildren who, after my husband penned his memoir, sought to unravel the layers of my own story. Historically reticent, I’ve kept much of my life guarded. However, I’m compelled to unveil these formative tales, shedding light on the influences that sculpted my adult existence.

    There exists a common belief that children under the age of five lack the capacity to retain memories of significant events. Yet, I stand as living testament to the contrary, vividly recalling moments from my early years. Research conducted by Carole Peterson, PhD, a distinguished professor in the psychology department at Memorial University of Newfoundland, challenges this notion. Peterson’s extensive study on childhood amnesia, spanning two decades, reveals that individuals often recollect memories dating back to as early as 2.5 years old, a finding that defies the previously held belief that memory formation begins around 3.5 years old.

    The anecdotes within these pages are distinctly mine, and while they may differ from the recollections of others who shared those moments, they encapsulate my truth. As Peterson aptly notes, memory is a subjective lens through which individuals perceive and retain events. Variations in memory are to be expected, and I extend my apologies if my retelling diverges from the reader’s own recollections.

    My childhood commenced amidst the upheaval of my parents’ divorce, a period fraught with turbulence. However, upon my mother regaining custody of my sisters and me, the trajectory of my upbringing shifted towards joyous moments and cherished memories. Ironically, despite the allure of adulthood, I harbored a reluctance to embrace its responsibilities, physically and emotionally. Thankfully, fate granted me the grace of a late bloomer.

    But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let me begin at the genesis of it all.


    I ENTERED THE WORLD AS THE second daughter of Clover Geraldine Bell and Joseph Stanley Cunningham, born at Summit Hospital, which served the Black community in Ecorse, Michigan. Described by my mother as a serene and content infant, I quickly won the affection of the hospital nurses with my good-natured demeanor. Despite my mother’s usual reserve with compliments,

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