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About this ebook

Laura moves to Australia in hope of starting a new life, while her obsessive ex-boyfriend (Michael) is left in New York. Can she trust the authorities to protect her?

In the meantime, she enjoys staying with her brother (Tyler) that she hasn't seen in years. Making new friends, enjoying her new job and connecting with a new lover, she couldn't wish for anything more.

Over time, things unravel from her past with Michael that she can't escape.
Release dateJun 10, 2024

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    Book preview

    LOVE OR FURY - Craven Delaney


    I’m standing outside the Sydney airport, sweating from the blistering heat. I set my snow coat and duffle bag down and slip my hand in my back pocket in reach of my phone.

    I scoop my long dark hair to one side and adjust my sunglasses when I see my reflection on the screen.

    I haven’t even thought of how I’m going to explain to Tyler what had happened.

    A dark grey sedan catches my attention, echoing a loud base.

    The driver’s side door opens. It’s Tyler.

    It has been a few years since I last saw him. Of course, he still looks the same—tall, thin, tattooed from head to toe, wearing a singlet and boardshorts with his cap on backwards covering his full undercut.

    He has always been an older brother to me.

    Long time no see, he comments before opening his arms out for a hug.

    A hug that I have missed for a long time.

    He picks up my duffle bag. Come on, jump in the car, I’ve got the aircon going.

    I open the car door and sit in while he puts my bag in the boot. All I can smell is hot leather.

    He quickly sits in turning the music down.

    So, how did the trip go?

    I look down at my hands feeling nervous. It wasn’t too bad. I’m just glad that I’m here.

    The ultimate feeling of freedom.

    Merging in with traffic, we come to a red light.

    What made you want to come over here so suddenly?

    I set my handbag down next to my feet. I know that it’s partly obvious, but I don’t want to talk about it right now.

    I just need to get away from New York for a while.

    Aw-yeah. How long are you thinking of staying?

    I shrug, I’m not sure yet.

    I take it things haven’t been good at home?

    I glance at him. No, not really. I broke up with Michael.

    He nods, I’m sorry to hear that, aye.

    I suck it up.

    It’s been shit for quite some time.

    He looks at me sharply. How so?

    I gulp. It’s a long story. I don’t really feel like talking about it right now.

    The traffic starts to move again.

    Are you still living at the same place?

    He sniffles. Yeah, same place, same roommate.

    Wait, a roommate? . . .

    Do you have a roommate?

    He looks at me and back at the road. Yeah, Bobby. Didn’t you know about Bobby?

    I suppose it’s my fault for not being on social media for a long time.

    Not that I know of.

    Ah, you’ll like him. He’s been working with me for a couple years now. Bobby’s a good mate.

    I smile as Tyler keeps looking at me.

    What? Why are you looking at me like that?

    You have been missing out, aye, he mutters while gathering his eyebrows.

    It’s too much to explain why.

    I haven’t been on social media for quite some time.

    He holds his left hand on the steering wheel while leaning his right arm on his side-window, itching his wispy facial hair. I assume he might be overthinking.

    I look out my window. I can’t believe how hot it is over here.

    Yeah, that’s Australia for ya. . .

    His quietness worries me. I haven’t even gotten to his house yet and I already feel like a burden.

    Are you sure that I won’t be in the way of anything?

    Nah, you can stay at my place for however long you need, sis. You know that.

    I smile at him, I’ve missed you a lot.

    He cheekily looks at me. I know. I can tell.

    The traffic starts to build up.

    Welcome to Bondi.

    The beach is packed with people. And the water is deep blue with crashing waves.

    This is like something you would see in a magazine.

    Tyler points to his far right, The studio is over there. I’ll have to take you in there at some point, aye. I think you’ll love it.

    I look back at Tyler, How far is your place from here?

    A few minutes.

    I gather my eyebrows, Do you drive to work?

    He looks at me strangely. Fuck yes I do. Who would want to walk in this dry heat twice every day? He giggles, Well besides you of course. Nah, I’m just pullin’ your leg.

    Man, it is so weird here. Everything looks opposite.

    Do you mean the roads?

    And the driver’s side.

    Yeah, shit. I didn’t think about that, aye. I suppose it will take time getting used to.

    I agree with him. This is definitely a big change.

    Please let it be for the better.

    We pull into a driveway.

    This is it. Home sweet home.

    The house is nicely closed in with trees shading the sides.

    This is a really nice place.

    Opening my door, I feel the heat blow in.

    I’ll grab your stuff. Bobby’s home, so the front door should be unlocked.

    I close the car door and walk up to the front entrance and hold the door open for Tyler.

    He walks in and sets my bag on the bench.

    I take it Bobby must be in the shower. Would you like a drink or something? I’ve got beer.

    Oh, no thanks, I’m okay.

    I take my sunglasses off, looking at all of the gym equipment.

    Does Bobby use all of this stuff?

    Tyler pops the cap off his beer bottle.

    Yeah, he’s a bit strange in that area.

    Suddenly the bedroom door opens.

    He stands tall with longish brown hair finely brushed back, neatly trimmed beard, chest hair lightly covering some tattoos with a masculine build, only wearing baggy gym shorts.

    Laura, right? he asks in a very deep gravely tone.

    I can’t help but grin, Yeah. You must be Bobby.

    He puts his hand out, I take it Tyler spoke a lot.

    I step closer and shake his hand.

    Your accent, are you—

    British, he comments while placing his hands on his hips. I’ve been here for a few years now.

    He directs his finger around his eye.

    What happened?

    The long story that I haven’t even told Tyler about yet.

    Uh, I-It’s a long story—

    Tyler clears his throat, Oi Laura, are you up for going to a bar down the road?

    Quick to jump the gun. Tyler already knows something is up, I can feel it.

    I shrug, Sure, why not.

    Tyler looks at Bobby, Are you coming, mate?

    Yeah, definitely. He winks at me while grinning, "I’ll just grab my singlet.


    I’m sitting in Joe’s café late in the evening, reading a thriller. I like Patterson books that keep me on edge.

    There is only me and an elderly man. He’s here quite often. Seeing his wedding ring on his finger and him always being by himself, I assume that his wife must have passed.

    In a way I can relate.

    I have found it hard to sleep since my mom had passed away a few months ago. She was my only family member left.

    I am still trying to get used to the feeling of being alone.

    The bell on the door jingles as someone walks in.

    A tall good-looking man with shoulder length mousy blonde hair and a five o’clock shadow.

    I catch eye with him as he walks to the counter.

    Dark coloured tennis shoes, baggy jeans, and a black hoodie.

    I look back at my book trying not to be noticeable.

    I have had to take care of my mom, so I never got into the whole dating scene like my friends did. But I’m okay with that. I would rather wait anyway.

    Is this seat taken? asks a deep voice.

    I look up. His eyes glisten with his smile.

    He sits across from me.

    My eyes squint, Do I know you?

    He sets his cup on the table while grinning and looks at me.

    No. But I’ve seen you here a few times and thought you might want some company.

    I try to hide my smile. His charisma gives me butterflies.

    He sits forward leaning his forearms on the table.

    So, what brings you here late at night?

    I close my book and lean down putting it in my bag.

    Ahh . . . I don’t know. It’s one of the places that has become comfortable for my sleepless nights.


    He has such charm in his eyes. I can’t help but smile.

    I’m sorry, this is a bit weird, you know. . .

    He grins, Let’s start over. He reaches his hand across the table, I’m Michael.

    I blush as I shake his hand. Laura.

    Laura, are you interested in going for a walk?

    I’m pretty sure this is how murder cases start, but his eyes evoke my interest. I’m willing to risk it.

    Sure. I actually have to get home anyway.

    Do you live near here?

    Ah . . . around the block. Seventy-third street.

    He stands and grabs his cup. I’ll walk with you. It’s dangerous walking by yourself at this time, anyway.

    He holds the door open for me as we step out into the cold.

    My mom always said to not make it easy for men as they only have one thing on their mind.

    I don’t think my boyfriend would like seeing me with another guy.

    He chuckles, You don’t have a boyfriend.

    I glare at him while grinning, How would you know?

    Well, if you did, you wouldn’t be sitting at the coffee shop by yourself every night. He looks at me, You don’t have to play hard to get.

    I blush. "Sorry. It’s just, I haven’t done the whole dating thing in a really long time."

    He grins, That’s okay.

    His kindness entices me.

    He clears his throat, You don’t sound like a New Yorker.

    I moved here from Michigan. How about yourself?

    My mom still lives on the farm in Pennsylvania.

    I grin, Country boy?

    He laughs, Don’t you start.

    Pennsylvania is really nice. How long have you been in New York for?

    A couple of years. I moved here with my brother.

    I’m full of questions, but I have to wait.

    I stop outside an apartment building. Well, this is me.

    He squints his eyes. Really?

    I bite my lip. No, I actually live in the next building.

    He smiles, I know.

    I slightly turn my head. You seem to know a lot.

    I saw you walk out of there at around seven-thirty, he confesses. I was dropping some stuff off to a friend of mine at the time.

    It goes silent.

    I gasp in nervousness, Thank you, for walking me home. It was really nice of you.

    Michael smiles from ear to ear. You have a good night.

    I walk to the next building and race up the steps.

    As I slide my key in the door, I look over seeing him still standing at the same spot, staring at me.

    I wave, seeing him do it in return before strolling inside.


    We walk a couple blocks down the road to the beach. It’s cooling off with the sunset.

    People swarm around the bar trying to talk over the loud music.

    Obnoxious lovers and sport fanatics.

    Tyler nudges me, Are you alright? You seem quiet.

    Yeah, of course.

    I have too many things plaguing my mind. I don’t even know where to start.

    Let’s grab a drink.

    What would you like? I’m buying, says Bobby.

    Uh, I don’t know. I shrug, Surprise me.

    He laughs. Aw, you shouldn’t have said that. He looks at Tyler, Beer?

    Yeah, mate.

    Tyler directs me to a table and calls out to Bobby. Oi, Bobby! We’ll be right over here!

    Bobby gives him a thumbs-up.

    Tyler and I sit at a table.

    He folds his arms and sighs. So, what happened? You look pretty beat-up.

    I look down at my hands noticing that I’m still wearing my engagement ring.

    I got home from work a few nights ago, and Michael was drunk. We started arguing and one thing led to another. I pretty much decided that I didn’t want to be with him anymore.

    I slide the ring off my finger and put it in my handbag.

    Looking back at Tyler, he has his eyebrows gathered.

    Wait. Michael did this to you?

    I nod, But I brought this on myself—

    I don’t give a shit! He has no right to hit you.

    He leans back shaking his head.

    He’s fucking lucky that I can’t get a hold of him, aye.

    Bobby approaches with the drinks, setting the beer on the table.

    Alrighty, this is for you.

    He sets a shot glass in front of me.

    I look at Bobby, What is it?

    He sits across from me next to Tyler.

    It’s called a silver bullet. He lifts his shot glass. Bottoms up?

    I can’t help but laugh while our shot glasses clink together.

    I knock mine back, feeling a burning sensation in the back of my throat, cringing my face.

    Bobby grunts and sets his glass on the table.

    Tyler giggles, Are you alright?

    Wow . . . I understand why they call it a silver bullet.

    Bobby slides a glass of beer over to me.

    How long are you looking at staying here for?

    I clear my throat. Well, somehow, I don’t think Tyler will let me go back to New York.

    Bobby looks at him.

    Nah, no fuckin’ way. Tyler shrugs, Just stay with us.

    Bobby looks troubled, Did I miss something?

    Tyler sets his glass down and looks at me.

    Just stay here for a few weeks and see how you go. I’ll have a chat with James first thing on Monday, and you can come work with us.

    I pause for a moment. Are you serious?

    Yeah, why not?

    I gasp, That would be awesome.

    Bobby seems confused. Okay, hold on. So, you’re staying here for good?

    I shrug, I guess I am.

    Bobby brushes his hand over his beard seeming surprised.

    So, is it just you guys, or do other people work with you?

    Tyler re-adjusts his hat. "It’s us, James

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