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Moments Of Inspiration: Moments Of Inspirations, #1
Moments Of Inspiration: Moments Of Inspirations, #1
Moments Of Inspiration: Moments Of Inspirations, #1
Ebook112 pages1 hour

Moments Of Inspiration: Moments Of Inspirations, #1

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About this ebook


Join me as i capture my moments inspired by the connection with the ALL THAT IS.
Moment of Inspiration (MOI) are my tools to "SELF" awareness. On my journey of life filled with all types of experiences from Pain, Joy and the need to know that which I AM. I Chose to put down my journey and thoughts on paper as I travelled this path.

The path in search of "SELF". And on the Journey to "SELF". My experience with journaling has brought me to awareness that expressing my thoughts on paper provided much needed answers, it was as though laying the thoughts bare on paper made the "challenge" less of a "challenge" and rather provided a way forward.


Release dateJun 12, 2024
Moments Of Inspiration: Moments Of Inspirations, #1

The Weird Monk

About The Weird Monk Nothing else to say about "SELF" apart from that "I AM THAT I AM", I am a soul who LOVES LIFE, a soul Seeking clarity and to make sense of this wonderful creation we are all part of. The image portrayed by the world is not really me just as my name and tittles that life has attached are not a full description of me. I AM JUST ME and nothing else to it. The name Monk is derived from my heart's yearning to understand life. I live life with the INTENTION of growing withing my awareness. I am not your conventional "monk" living in a monastery, however this is the best way I find to explain my choices on the path I have taken (I Know Weird isn't it).

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    Moments Of Inspiration - The Weird Monk

    About MOI.

    Moment of Inspiration (MOI) are my tools to SELF awareness, on my journey of life filled with all types of experiences from Pain, Joy and the need to know that which I AM. I Chose to put down my journey and thoughts on paper as I travelled this path.

    The path in search of SELF. And on the Journey to SELF. My experience with journaling has brought me to awareness that expressing my thoughts on paper provided much needed answers, it was as though laying the thoughts bare on paper made the challenge less of a challenge and rather provided a way forward.

    The deeper I searched for my reason for being, the clearer the desire of my soul was, I desired to live a life of SELF in full awareness, a life as ONE with all that is, that life was, though my understanding of ONENESS, I choose awareness through awareness of others, I choose awakening through awakening others, as I give the more, I have. MOI are moments I seek answers for questions and beliefs of the past, As I write down each MOI, carefully laying out my thoughts, with each word I find answers and a way forward, you will find that each MOI starts with a challenge of what I am facing at the time, I say challenge as it is the best description of the daily experiences we come across that lead us to an even higher knowing of self.

    The MOI’s are for both myself and those seeking answers to the questions we all have of the universe and the path to self-awareness, by sharing my journey, I AM experiencing my desire to guide self to SELF, to guide you to me and me to you.

    I capture my moments as and when they happen, I capture and publish the thoughts and inspirations limiting the endless re-editing that may take away the essence of my path.

    My aim is to capture my path as it is, while still on the journey instead of capturing the destination, I share my way there.

    Let us take the journey together as ONE.

    About The Weird Monk

    Nothing else to say about SELF apart from that I AM THAT I AM, I am a soul who LOVES LIFE, a soul Seeking clarity and to make sense of this wonderful creation we are all part of. The image portrayed by the world is not really me just as my name and tittles that life has attached are not a full description of me. I AM JUST ME and nothing else to it. The name Monk is derived from my heart’s yearning to understand life. I live life with the INTENTION of growing withing my awareness. I am not your conventional monk living in a monastery, however this is the best way I find to explain my choices on the path I have taken (I Know Weird isn’t it).

    MOI One

    Wonders of the universe lie WITHIN.

    The Weird Journey to the Universe.

    I am loving the journey of self, as it is full of Weird paths and twists within the turns.

    I read an article a while back about a girl who found a puppy at the end of the universe, this got me thinking how fun and weird the universe is, it seems to defy the imagination, is it because it is an Imagination?.

    Any-hoo let's us dive in.

    The Launch.

    The Launch was a bit rocky at first, we were greeted by the heavy pull of gravity, pulling us back to what was once a home the place once familiar, the heaviness in my heart as we launch took me back to the past, the place full of joy and pain all mixed together like a nice life cocktail, my thoughts brought back the fears of the past, screaming where are you going, there is nothing up there but empty space, nothing but the void but my eager and adventurous self new that, there are wonders yet to be found in the empty silence of space, with that I prepared my(SELF) for the turbulence and said goodbye to the past, the place that was once home, the place that felt familiar, now I AM making my way to a place so vast it makes the place I once called home look like a speck of dust in a Storm.

    As I approach the Cumulonimbus clouds, it seems as if I just entered in to a new world, I can no longer see the comfort of home or even the vastness of the space I am journeying to, all I see is the storm that surrounds me, the lightning and the thunder seem to all be happening the same time, I am gripped by fear, with thoughts of going back to safety, the storm is heavy and I can feel the cold air on my skin, my heart is pounding, it feels like I am about to pass out, will the storm take me?, was I foolish for attempting this journey?, will I make it anywhere? why did I do this?, these are all the questions as I find myself in the middle of the storm, surrounded by lighting and rain.

    I think back to the times when there would be a storm and I would have the comfort of avoiding it in my shelter, even though I would still be gripped by fear, fear that the storm would rip away the roof and the walls leaving me there naked, I used to be afraid of the storm that I dared never to confront it by any means, now I find myself in the middle of it, as my makeshift shuttle rattles from the storm and the gravity pulls me back, I see a glimpse of the sun as the rays pass through the clouds, it reminds me of the strong urge and why I chose to take this Journey, with the determination in my heart and courage to explore.

    I close my eyes take a deep breath and as I do so, I listen to the storm, the heavy rain drops, the thunder and the deep breaths filling my lungs, urging me on, the more I listen the more it all sounds like a beautiful symphony. Even as I am gripped with fear, the symphony seems to calm me down, then all I hear is just my breath, the heavy rain and thunder seem to have died down, I can still hear the sounds in the background, but it now sounds like it is far off.

    As I open my eyes, I am greeted by the warm rays of the sun. I can see the storm below me and the flashes of lightning, and the more I look at it, the more it seems to be pulling me back, but the rays of the sun and the beauty of the sun above the clouds take my focus and awareness.

    I am now lost in the beauty, the way the sun rays reflect on the clouds mixed with the lightning, it almost seem like a beautiful surreal painting, a mixture of Red, Yellow sun rays, black clouds with the blue sky and patches of rainbow like colors, the mixture of the colors I have never seen, it is a mixture of fear and peace, for a moment I forget where I am and just get lost in this painting, I wonder if the artists did this on purpose, the mixture of dark and light, the beauty they seem to both create together. It is like a perfect balance of nature, the rays wouldn't reflect such beautiful light if it were not for the dark clouds, part of me wishes that the One's I left behind can see the beauty I see, but I know that the journey is for me, they will join me the day they choose, for now I AM enjoying the moment.

    As I continue to ascend now I am Greeted by a glimpse of something else, it sounds like deafening silence and the dark clouds are slowly disappearing, now it hits me, I AM out of the storm, and venturing into the unknown, the storm was a familiar place too, part of me wants to remain in the beauty of the balance, the sun rays and dark clouds, I could get lost in them for life, I tell myself, but again I remember

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