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Destiny's Playbook: A Romantic Comedy, #1
Destiny's Playbook: A Romantic Comedy, #1
Destiny's Playbook: A Romantic Comedy, #1
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Destiny's Playbook: A Romantic Comedy, #1

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About this ebook

June Harper, a whimsical florist, has been focusing on her thriving business and avoiding relationships. But when her meddlesome friends sign her up for a couple cooking class, she finds herself paired with James Bennett, a charming but workaholic architect. Sparks fly as they navigate the culinary chaos, and soon, they can't deny the undeniable connection between them.

As fate continues to bring June and James together through a series of serendipitous encounters, from a masquerade ball to a community garden project, their friends can't help but notice the potential for a perfect match. Determined to give destiny a helping hand, they embark on a series of elaborate schemes designed to push the reluctant lovebirds closer together.

June and James's blossoming romance faces a test as they confront the challenges caused by their friends' meddling, resulting in misunderstandings and heartfelt revelations. Through laughter, tears, and soul-baring conversations, they discover the true depth of their feelings and the power of destiny in shaping their lives.

"Destiny's Playbook" is a delightful exploration of love, friendship, and the serendipitous nature of life. As June and James's story unfolds, readers will root for the couple, laughing at their mishaps, and sighing at the romantic gestures that bring them closer together. 

Release dateJun 13, 2024
Destiny's Playbook: A Romantic Comedy, #1

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    Book preview

    Destiny's Playbook - Trisie Amberheart

    PROLOGUE The Threads of Destiny

    SOMETIMES IN YOUR life when it’s like everyone and everything in the universe comes together to make it happen for you. Like it was.

    For June and James, it seemed like fate had been working overtime, weaving their paths together in the most unexpected ways. From a chance encounter at a farmer’s market to a magical dance at a masquerade ball, the universe seemed determined to bring these two souls together.

    But as they stood there, in the dimly lit supply closet of June’s flower shop, the tension between them was palpable. Shadows etched James’s face, while uncertainty and longing filled his eyes.

    James, it’s just a kiss, June said, her voice tinged with frustration. She couldn’t understand why he was making such a big deal out of this. It wasn’t like they hadn’t been dancing around their feelings for each other for months now.

    James’s right eyebrow lifted, just slightly. Are we friends, June?

    Of course, she replied, her heart skipping a beat at the intensity of his gaze. Best friends, even.

    June, I-

    The rattling of the broken door handle stopped him from saying whatever he was going to say, and both of their eyes snapped toward it.

    This stupid thing, a muffled voice said from outside the door, and dread instantly flowed through June’s body. From her head to her feet. She’d know that voice anywhere; it haunted her nightmares, in fact.

    Of all the people who’d try to get into this closet right now, why did it have to be her?

    James cursed under his breath. June’s eyes went wide, not at his words but because she’d been thinking the same ones. This was bad.

    So badly.

    But as the handle continued to rattle and the voice outside grew more insistent, June knew she had to act fast. She couldn’t let this moment slip away, not when she was so close to finally getting what she wanted.

    James, she whispered, her voice barely audible above the pounding of her heart. Please. Just one kiss. That’s all I’m asking for.

    James stared at her for a long moment, his eyes searching hers for something she couldn’t quite name. And then, with a sigh of resignation, he nodded.

    June’s heart soared as he leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a kiss that was both tender and passionate. She melted into his embrace, her arms winding around his neck as she pulled him closer, every fiber of her being alive with the feel of him.

    In that moment, everything else fell away–the closet, the broken door handle, the voice outside that threatened to shatter their perfect bubble. All that mattered was James, and the way he made her feel like she was the only girl in the world.

    But just as quickly as it had begun, the moment was over. James pulled away, his breathing ragged and his eyes filled with a mix of desire and regret.

    June, we can’t, he said, his voice hoarse with emotion. We work together. It’s not right.

    June felt her heart sink, a knot forming in the pit of her stomach. She knew he was right, knew that pursuing a relationship with him could jeopardize everything they’d worked so hard for. But she also knew that what she felt for him was real, and that denying it would only lead to more heartache in the end.

    Before she could say anything, the door to the closet burst open, revealing the one person June had been hoping to avoid.

    Well, well, well, the woman said, her voice dripping with disdain. What do we have here?

    June felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment, her mind racing to come up with an explanation for why she and James were locked in a closet together. But before she could speak, James stepped forward, his voice calm.

    Sarah, this isn’t what it looks like, he said, his eyes never leaving June’s. June and I were just discussing some last-minute details for the grand opening. We must have gotten locked in by accident.

    Sarah’s eyes narrowed, her gaze flicking between the two of them like she was trying to catch them in a lie. But after a long moment, she seemed to accept James’s explanation, her shoulders relaxing ever so slightly.

    Fine, she said, her voice clipped. But the next time you two want to have a private conversation, maybe find a room with a door that actually locks.

    With that, she turned on her heel and stalked away, leaving June and James alone once more.

    For a long moment, neither of them spoke, the weight of what had just happened hanging heavy in the air between them. And then, with a sigh, James turned to face her, his expression unreadable.

    June, I’m sorry, he said, his voice soft and filled with regret. I shouldn’t have let that happen. It was a mistake.

    June felt her heart shatter into a million pieces, the hope that had been building inside her all night suddenly extinguished like a candle in the wind. But she forced herself to nod, to plaster a smile on her face and pretend like everything was fine.

    You’re right, she said, her voice barely above a whisper. It was a mistake. Let’s just forget it ever happened.

    But even as the words left her lips, June knew she could never forget the feel of James’s lips on hers, the way he had made her feel like anything was possible. And as they parted ways that night, each returning to their own corner of the city to nurse their broken hearts, June couldn’t shake the feeling that fate still had something in store for them.

    For in the grand tapestry of destiny, destiny had written their love story long ago, a shimmering thread of gold amidst a sea of silver and stardust. And though the path ahead may be filled with obstacles and challenges, June knew she would never stop fighting for what she wanted, for the chance to be with the man who made her heart sing.

    So let the universe conspire and the fates align, let the threads of destiny unravel and the hearts collide. For this is just the beginning of June and James’s story, a tale of love and serendipity, of chance and choice, of the mischievous machinations of fate itself.

    And it all began with a single kiss, a single moment, a single choice that would change their lives forever.

    Are you ready to fall in love?

    Floral Faux Pas

    The Sunnyvale Farmers’ Market buzzed with activity on a warm Saturday morning in early June. Stalls overflowed with vibrant fruits and vegetables, their colors painting a vivid tapestry under the golden sun. The chatter of shoppers haggling over prices and the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread from the nearby artisanal bakery filled the air.

    Amidst the bustling crowd, June Olivia Harper navigated the narrow aisles with practiced ease. As the owner of Blossoms & Blooms, the charming florist shop on Magnolia Avenue, June was a regular at the market. Her keen eye scanned the stalls, searching for the perfect blooms to inspire her next floral creation.

    June’s passion for flowers had blossomed at a young age, nurtured by afternoons spent in her grandmother’s garden. The delicate petals and heady fragrances had captivated her, and she’d spent countless hours learning the language of flowers. Now, at twenty-eight, June had turned her love into a thriving business.

    As she inspected a bunch of vibrant sunflowers, June’s mind drifted to the upcoming wedding she was designing for. The bride had requested a romantic theme, and June was determined to create a floral masterpiece that would exceed her expectations.

    June, my dear! a familiar voice called out. June turned to see Mr. Liam O’Connor, a regular customer and dear friend, waving at her from his stall. The elderly man’s eyes crinkled with warmth as June approached.

    Good morning, Mr. O’Connor, June greeted, returning his smile. How are you today?

    Oh, can’t complain, Mr. O’Connor chuckled. The missus keeps me on my toes. Speaking of which, I’ve been meaning to ask you a favor.

    Of course, anything for you, June replied, intrigued.

    Well, my granddaughter, Lily, is getting married next month. I was hoping you might work your magic for her big day.

    June’s face lit up. Mr. O’Connor, I would be honored, June said with her face lighting up. Lily is a lovely girl. I’ll make sure her bouquet is nothing short of enchanting."

    I knew I could count on you, June, Mr. O’Connor said, patting her hand gratefully. Lily will be thrilled. She’s always admired your work.

    As June and Mr. O’Connor discussed the details of Lily’s wedding flowers, a tall figure caught June’s eye from across the market. The man, dressed in well-tailored casual attire, moved with purpose through the crowd. He scanned the stalls with a focused expression, clearly searching for something specific, his chiseled features set in determination.

    June found herself intrigued by the handsome stranger. There was an air of confidence about him, yet a hint of something else—a touch of vulnerability, perhaps? She watched as he paused at a vendor selling handcrafted wooden decor, examining an intricately carved birdhouse.

    Realizing she had been staring, June twisted her attention back to Mr. O’Connor. They exchanged a few

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