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Little Things, Complex Matters: Poetic Musings on the Joy of the Simple And the Power of the Complex
Little Things, Complex Matters: Poetic Musings on the Joy of the Simple And the Power of the Complex
Little Things, Complex Matters: Poetic Musings on the Joy of the Simple And the Power of the Complex
Ebook321 pages3 hours

Little Things, Complex Matters: Poetic Musings on the Joy of the Simple And the Power of the Complex

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About this ebook

Have you ever stared at the ceiling, tired eyes held open by a mind overflowing with thoughts, questions and feelings?

This is the background framing the whole conception of the poetic musings depicted in this book: a global pandemic, a life in a new country, and a moment of both professional and personal disruption. For any chronic overthinker the scenario of imposed, unannounced change, and the sudden awareness of Time is the "perfect" igniting spark to action. And that is how every bad mood, every unsolicited advice, every article, every news, every fear, every disappointment became a vessel for the words start to flow.

The series of poetic musings depicted in Little Things, complex matters is an attempt to understand the Whys? behind all the sudden disruption, by answering (or trying to answer) the many burning questions about people, science, nature, love, past, future and how all those things put together form the Big Picture of Life. In the pages inside, the "rant" moments are organized in form of poetry to describe a big picture that is bigger and colorful than ever. And strangely, so is the perception of the details. In this wordly journey to self-awareness every dot connected is a new question to ask, a new theory to analyze, and an opportunity to immerse ourselves in a new gray zone in between that is anything but gray. If you are a overthinker, a curious mind or if you just have the tendency of staring at the ceiling at night with the mind boiling with the most provocative questions, I invite you to do a deep dive in this book.

The path to discover the answers that most comfort one's mind is not easy, make no mistake. But to all future readers, donating their precious time to appreciate the nonnative rants inside, I hope these musings can help you answer some of your own burning questions. One thing is for sure, though. I honestly feel (and hope) that you will leave these pages with tons of additional questions of your own so you can rant away out there as most please your souls.

PublisherP. C. Menezes
Release dateJul 25, 2023
Little Things, Complex Matters: Poetic Musings on the Joy of the Simple And the Power of the Complex

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    Book preview

    Little Things, Complex Matters - P. C. Menezes


    Copyright © 2023 by P. C. Menezes

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

    Cover by: P. C. Menezes

    Publisher: Patricia Campos de Menezes

    Table of Contents

    Prologue: Why do all things need a start?

    1.Prologue: Why do all things need a start?

    Chapter 1: About People & Beings


    3.Are we? Dimensions…

    4.An Yay to Unsung Heroes

    5.For all of Us, Women

    6.Young / Old

    7.3 Flowers

    8.The Art of being an Outsider

    9.The Secret

    10.And suddenly…40

    11.Castle in the Clouds

    12.Two: The fundamental dualities making Life whole

    13.Channels / Frequencies

    14.Conversations with the Abstract: Musings about a Past Something

    15.The Tingling

    16.The Ballad of Fast and Slow


    18.If only you Ever were mine

    19.The praises we owe to ourselves

    Chapter 2: About Thoughts & Feelings

    20.An Ode to New Beginnings (and past learnings)

    21.The Paradox of Not Knowing

    22.If only…What if…?


    24.Says Who? The Art of rebuttal in a World made of Assumptions

    25.All colors of Trust, all shades of Lies

    26.A Brief Etymology of Love

    27.Fear: Diving headfirst in the Shark Tank

    28.Control: Puppeteering through all walks of Life

    29.Opaque, Translucid, Transparent…

    30.The Unsonnet Trilogy

    31.So, let's talk about rules…

    32.The Matrix and The Cave: The secret of signs, senses, whispers, and dreams

    33.The out, the in, and the Gray zone in Between

    34.Humor and other Drugs (And the recurrent lack of it…)

    35.Do not reply

    36.In a rut: Jamming the way into a corner of Life

    37.Complex: Have you read the manual yet?

    38.Triggers: The sparks that ignite passion and/or extinguish action

    39.Messing up, freaking out, f@ck!ng up: When Life is no longer a kid's play

    40.Confidential: All the things we cannot say

    41.Boundaries: The invisible shields that guard and insulate us

    42.Ambiguous: When sures are no more and the Ambivalence in a World of Maybes

    43.The Staircase: Life is a Journey, Life is a ladder

    Chapter 3: About Places & Things

    44.Little things: The Power of what is simple, the Joy of what is personal





    49.The Choice

    50.The Malady


    52.Numbers: The governing Math of an uncountable Universe


    54.Two Cities

    55.A Requiem to Earth

    56.Planet Bizarre: When everything is upside down and the contrary of everything

    57.The Mystery

    58.2683 or 2683?


    60.Dreams, Utopias

    61.A Journey in Time: Through Past, Now and Then to the Future and back again


    62.Epilogue - In a nutshell: Why do all things need a closure?


    About the Author



    "This book is dedicated to my future (and maybe never to be) readers and the great (or not so great) people who made me question and overthink everything in this World.

    Also to all of you, who just like myself, enjoy wandering about the Whys of life .

    For the One living rent-free in my mind for so long and the very reason words started to flow (you know who you are…or so do I hope)."



    And suddenly hell broke loose…The World was upside down. My World was upside down. Waves of change came to shake the very foundations of what I thought was life.

    Just like that: forced, imposed, unannounced.

    And there I was: life disrupted to bits, estranged in a country that was not mine, inside a culture that both fascinated me and reminded me of my usual tendency of not fitting. But most of all, the sudden realization of the existence of Time. Lots of Time were suddenly there, free, empty, available, all the time.

    While I continued on what I nicknamed The Search, I saw myself trying to fill the void brought by this new awareness of Time: days were too long, too silent, too empty and for a chronic overthinker this is the perfect scenario…

    Every bad mood, every unsolicited advice, every article, news, fear, and disappointment became a vessel for the words start to flow.

    I discovered that self-awareness is great, but that it also sucks. I discovered the true meaning of boundaries, I learned that I actually despise many things that I used to like, and that I love many more that I used to hate or take for granted.

    I felt feelings never felt before. Never before.

    I looked at the mirror and saw a face I had never seen.

    The big picture was bigger than ever, colorful than ever, and so were the details. Every dot connected was a new question to ask, a new theory to analyze, an opportunity to immerse myself in the gray zone in between that was anything but gray.

    That was the background that framed the whole conception of the organized word salad depicted in the next pages: a global pandemic, a life in a new country, and a moment of both professional and personal disruption.

    For a most analytical mind and someone whose life was built around the pillars of the technical, the factual, the concrete and the scientific, all this hidden inside a shell of cold stone appearance, pouring the heart out in form of poetry and sharing it with strangers is like walking on the moon wearing a cocktail dress and high heels…

    The analytical, the numbers and the scientific are still reflected on this work and so is a strange emotional side I never knew existed. But despite having formerly flirted with the world of Literature and Language for a brief while in the past, there was never an indication that this work could ever happen. It was in fact, never dreamed, never planned, never desired. But it happened anyway. Just like everything else that happens unannounced in this Life.

    In 2021, in a August afternoon, I wrote my first mix of words. That day, as the mind boiled with questions, confusion, sadness, love, anger and frustration, I though to myself: Maybe if I put down in words, it will all go away…. Well, it didn't.

    And that one mix became the first of a series. While trying to understand the Why behind all the disruption, putting words in paper became my rant moment. As mentioned, some of those feelings never felt before are exposed in the next pages and so are the many burning questions (mostly never answered) I could not stop asking since then.

    For the future (and maybe never to be readers), donating their precious time to read my nonnative rants, I hope these musings can help you answer some of your own burning questions about many little things and about some complex matters in this Life.

    One thing is for sure, though, I honestly feel (and hope) that you will leave these pages with tons of additional questions of your own so you can rant away out there as most please your souls.



    "Learn from yesterday,

    live for today,

    hope for tomorrow.

    The important thing

    is not to stop questioning.

    Curiosity has its own reason for existing.

    Imagination is everything.

    It is the preview of life's coming attractions.

    I have no special talents.

    I am only passionately curious."

    - Albert Einstein

    Prologue: Why do all things need a start?


    Oh, the beginning…

    Among all things the consensus, a most common trait:

    it rather be now, than be never or too late!

    The beginning of time, of the End, of Love…

    the beginning of Life, of habits, of all things below skies and above

    The start of ventures and plans, of voyages, and tears…

    of rhymes, cures, and stories, of old games and new fears.

    Because all things need a start, a light that will turn into dark…

    like a new day at work, and a lonely morning at the park…

    And so, do we ask…Why do things need a start?

    The book, the change, the chance to draw a Life with our mark…

    Why do we need beginnings? Why do we take first steps?

    Because we are bored, we are tired, maybe because we are sad…

    Because we have too much time, or no time left…

    Because we have something in mind that we need to express.

    Maybe we just need a change, or we need to let go,

    so we start something new to replace the past that is gone!

    And so, do we ask…Why do we press the play button?

    For all those videos and medias, and Love songs not so random…

    Because our mind is empty, and we need to refill…

    Because we need to shout all those old feelings that can't heal!

    Because we have too much or no patience at all…

    Because we hear the bell ring, a joke that's neither funny nor cool.

    Because the days are too long and we have nothing to do,

    and we don't want stand still waiting for the future like a fool!

    And so, do we ask…Why do we take the first step?

    Because we want to move on, or we just don't want to go back!

    Because we just had enough of whatever it is…

    Because our old bodies need to move, they cannot afford to be still.

    Because the past no longer suits us, it's out of fashion…

    Because goals have changed, or we have found new passions…

    Maybe because we have learned, but we're still a bit curious…

    about all the things we don't know, or because we're furious!

    And so, do we ask…Why do all things need a Go?

    Because with no go we will repeat old broken days in a roll…

    Because we just disagree, we need to uncover the truth…

    Because the answer is bogus, and we need more proof…

    Because we do not like the way, the results, or the plans,

    so we throw everything out and start it all over again!

    Maybe because we are rebels, or we are actually just fools…

    maybe because it is Fate and therefore, we need to!

    And so, do we ask…why do things need a push?

    Because without it they would be stuck like cars in the rush!

    Because with no push there would not be none, but a huge big void

    a vast and late Big Bang waiting orders from God!

    Because there wouldn't be galaxies, systems, planets, and Suns,

    just a sad empty darkness, so lifeless and blunt…

    Maybe because there wouldn't be Time, as even Time needs a GO…

    the spark in the dust 13 billion years ago!

    And so, do we ask…why do things need a start?

    Because there is always someone to invent and raise the bar…

    Because someone lit a fire, someone invented the wheel…

    Because someone stood up, and spoke just to see how it feels…

    Because someone swam the seas, someone wrote in stone walls…

    an old story on that star that shines and falls!

    Maybe because there wouldn't be inventions, no bots, or cars…

    no rockets, or planes flying too close or too far!

    And so, do we ask…why do things need a green light?

    Because we need some assurance to step up in our fights…

    Because we need purpose, we need growth, and change…

    Because we are curious about them…those intriguing strangers!

    Because the void is getting bigger in this stagnant place,

    because if we don't run we will be the last ones in the race!

    Maybe because days have 24 hours, and that's a lot let's face…

    though sometimes we like to say I have so much in my plate…

    And so, do we ask…why do things need a start?

    Because there wouldn't be us, or them or nothing with a heart…

    Because there wouldn't be rivers running, wetting the grass,

    only heavy clouds forever blocking and scorching the sky!

    Because there wouldn't be butterflies to embellish the gardens,

    only eternal caterpillars crawling around.

    Maybe because the metamorphosis of Life would simply be stuck

    no trees, animals, or us…I think you can get the point!

    And so, do we ask…why do things need a push?

    Because all things that we seek don't wait around the bush…

    Because taking the first step requires guts and courage…

    Because the perks of Life don't come without any charge…

    Because if Columbus didn't get lost or followed his heart…

    maybe there wouldn't be Americas just an empty chart!

    Maybe because if none crossed the Oceans when it was way harder,

    the World would be much duller, grayer and smaller!

    And so, do we ask…why do things need to press on?

    Because when we're free out there, we do say When in Rome…

    Because Life is no Life unless we start something,

    because to be ON means literally: to be playing, to be Living!

    Because Plato in his Life lessons, pioneering once told:

    the beginning is the most important part of the work ¹!

    Maybe cause there's no end without start and nothing to be old,

    or there is no reason to walk down to the end of the road!

    And so, do we ask…why the heck do we write?

    Why transforming the next pages in an unseasoned word salad?

    The Prologue, the start, the first paragraphs, the first verses…

    (well it should be a secret…but it was all written in reverse!)

    So, the reason for this Prologue is the same reason for the rest:

    to fill the regular void that comes right before the end.

    The boredom, the empty days, the failed goals, the confusion,

    the wait before the win, the Union, the big illusion!

    And so, do we ask…why not stopping with the Prologue?

    Why wasn't this the start, the middle, and also the closure?

    Because time expands and contracts with the content that is left…

    with all burning Why's one soul still has to ask!

    An inevitable Parkinson Law to determine the content,

    the heartache, depth and sorrow, the rough path till the end.

    So, the Prologue becomes the key to unlock it all…

    phrases, words and feelings that were hidden, lost somehow…

    So please excuse the next pages that someday one may read

    the word salad, the forays, the irony out of reach…

    Excuse all repetitive Whys, cheap rhymes, metaphors…

    the whines and reveries that may resonate with your cores.

    Excuse the sarcasm and flukes, all the raging criticism…

    all the poorly placed words and the unfair pointing fingers.

    It's just too much void, sorrow, hope, time to kill…

    too much curiosity, anger, and Love, it takes tons of words to fill!

    Oh, the Prologues of Life, the rough starts, the beginnings…

    they are all so hard, that all first steps are first innings

    The first job, the first kiss, the first smile of a baby…

    the first words, the first date of a shy resolute guy and his lady!

    And we do silly first celebrations because we need to believe…

    that a rough start can give us all a good reason to continue

    And then we start writing, we reluctantly place the first words…

    and this Prologue like others starts and ends with an Oh!

    Chapter 1


    About People & Beings




    Shaped from the dust like all living, existing creatures…

    And blessed with an extra fee of chromosomes in the mixture.

    Humans rule this turf where they built their huge kingdoms…

    Parading their Humanity, one wonders is it a mirage or a vision?

    To be Human…what does it mean? So simple, yet so hard to define…

    As is the duality and the difference between living/being alive

    From philosophers, mathematicians to great poets and low profilers…

    All tried to crack the code, but it has been a mystery for a while!

    "What`s Human?" is the query, the mostly curious wants to hear…

    The Whys, What's and How's of this World where one lives and exists

    On a planet that sometimes asks "Human? What? Please repeat…"

    The first to answer How to be Human will be the first to win!

    So How to be Human in a World that often looks at the mirror?

    A World that is shrinking and squeezing ten thousand tons in a kilo!

    Where borders are defined by how Beings please their egos…

    And minds are confined to channels making sure of the ambiguous…

    So How to be Human in a World of sheer artificiality?

    Where pre-programmed, coded lives command the simple reality?

    And where few have the voice to say what to care or ignore…

    And where desires are forbidden, a capital crime to be more!

    So How to be Human when people are so taken for granted?

    Eternally treated like children to be directed and tamed…

    A World that sees flesh the same way it sees robots…

    "Hey, task doer! Your numbers should be improved for the next lot"

    So How to be Human in a World ignoring the value of Opinion?

    Where everyone is so offended by anything defying their dominion

    Where each is so sure of themselves but easily forgets who they are…

    When their voice is a minority, and minorities don't easily go far…

    So How to be Human in a World so scrutinized, regulated?

    Where the spontaneity of being Human is scheduled to fade

    And Being Human is so ordinary, it is not even a Top Trend

    So, let's all put some fancy layers, a bit of Gucci and Fendi!

    So How to be Human when empathy is overlooked, overrated?

    When we ignore all tons of players our circles are surely made…

    When each believes is a superhero, mighty, infallible, unbreakable…

    When we forget this dust and shape are transactional, unsustainable!

    So How to be Human in a World where is such a shame to feel?

    "Crying is for the weak" they say, but pain takes time to heal!

    And what makes one weak, also makes one Human indeed…

    And the ones that lose are also the ones trying to succeed!

    So How to be Human in a World that forgets what is Love?

    All is convenient, temporary, superficial, mere hearts to tore…

    Natural desires of the flesh cataloged in an Alphabet of Sins

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