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Poppy in Paradise
Poppy in Paradise
Poppy in Paradise
Ebook35 pages23 minutes

Poppy in Paradise

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About this ebook

Dane Gardner is on a solo trip across the Pacific when a powerful cyclone capsizes his boat.  When he awakens, he finds himself on a remote island, inhabited by just one person - a beautiful young woman with long red hair named Poppy.  A fellow castaway herself, Poppy forms a powerful connection with Dane, but will she be able to leave her unspoiled natural paradise?

Release dateJun 13, 2024
Poppy in Paradise

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    Book preview

    Poppy in Paradise - Marley Quinn

    The Solo King

    Dane gulped as he looked up at the heavens, watching as the storm clouds gathered. He was more than 1,000 miles off the coast of Fiji, so there was little chance of rescue, even if he could get his radio antenna fixed.

    For the first time, he began to doubt whether sailing across the Pacific in a tiny boat was such a good choice.

    Calling upon his decade of experience as a sailor, Dane did his best to steer his tiny craft into each wave and then ride the swell. But it was no use. The storm was simply too powerful.

    Wave after wave washed over the deck of the Solo King. Realizing that the end was near, Dane threw on his life jacket and activated his emergency beacon.

    A few minutes later, an enormous swell flipped over the boat, sending Dane cascading into the water.

    He bobbed up and down, riding through the terrifying storm for a long time until a piece of debris hit him in the head, knocking him unconscious.


    When he awoke, Dane was battered and bruised. But at least he was on dry land. Looking around, he saw that he had washed up on the beach of a tropical island.

    Even with a quick glance, he could see that the island was quite small, which probably meant that it was uninhabited. Certainly, there were no signs of any human activity.

    Somehow, the life jacket had gotten ripped off when his boat capsized, as had his shirt, leaving him with a pair of shorts and nothing else.

    Dane grimaced. He knew that his chances of survival were slim, even if someone had received the signal from his emergency beacon.

    Dane got to his feet and began walking toward the line of palm trees that marked the edge of the beach. His throat was dry, and with the hot tropical sun beating overhead, he knew that he needed to find water

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