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Shadows in the Dark
Shadows in the Dark
Shadows in the Dark
Ebook198 pages1 hour

Shadows in the Dark

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The McMurphy family had a beautiful ranch and a loving family. Everything was going great until the dad of the family had a fatal heart attack.

          A rumor was going around that the McMurphy dad had buried his money in his yard. That was when everything became insane. People would come snooping around at night and bringing a shovel with them so they could dig in their yard. Even some Granny’s came snooping around. The Sheriff comes and puts the Shadow People, this is what they started calling them.

          They were hoping these Shadow People would stay away, but that wasn’t to be. Amid all the hassle they have had. Little Grace was kidnapped. They were determined to get the daughter no matter what they had to do.

          The jail was becoming to be a popular place. The jail stayed filled up because of all the Shadow People. The family was trying to think of ways to get people to realize they didn’t have money buried in their yard. They tried their best to be nice, but it was beginning to be a problem.

          The mom, Bella, was worried about kids. When they saw some Shadow People, they would get on their horses to shoo them off. They even put their bull in one of the pastures to help run off the people. The older kids would be helping. They didn’t hurt anyone. The Sheriff just put them in jail for a couple of days.

Release dateJun 12, 2024
Shadows in the Dark

Sherry Moss Walraven

Sherry Moss Walraven is a lifelong resident of Calhoun, Georgia. She taught literature to middle school students. She loves to read and will read all kinds of stories. She honed her storytelling on her two sons and later her four grandchildren. She made up stories on the spur of the moment. Now, retired, she still has many memories of her time with the students and their reactions to the stories. Sherry is the author of several books.

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    Book preview

    Shadows in the Dark - Sherry Moss Walraven

    Chapter One

    The McMurphy Family

    The McMurphy family sat around the large dinner table on a chilly night in Wyoming. There was a great deal of conversation going on around the table this night about the weather, horses, and Granny Grace and Jack’s gout.

    Granny Grace, would you say the blessing over the food tonight? The family never knew what Granny might say when saying the blessing.

    Yes, Dear Lord, we need to pray for Sassy’s dad to get over his gout. We don’t know what gout is, but it must be painful if it makes a grown man cranky. We thank you for the delicious food and we pray it won’t kill us. That’s about it, Lord. We love you and praise you. Amen, brother Ben, back your ears and dive in.

    Thank you, Granny. That was very interesting, Dad said as he gave a big chuckle.

    Luke, how is your Rodeo team doing? His dad asked with a smile. Luke was like him. We both did the rodeo. I couldn’t be prouder.

    We are doing great. If we do well next week, we may go to the State Championship competition. Luke was proud of their Rodeo team.

    I want to do the Rodeo, Little Grace says. Luke looked at his ten-year-old little sister and said, You need to be at least fourteen and in high school to be on the team.

    When you turn twelve, I may teach you a few things, so you will need to be patient for a couple of years, Luke says. He was thinking that would make her happy.

    Granny Grace, who lives in her cabin on the north side of the ranch, told Grace she would teach her some things about the Rodeo. Granny had been in the Rodeo when she was a much younger girl.

    Matthew stepped in the conversation, Mama, you will not be getting on a horse. You are eighty-five-years-old.

    Oh flitter, I know I am old, but old Granny still has a few tricks in this old body.

    Granny Grace, why don’t you tell her what to do when it’s her time to start to begin being taught by her grandmother.

    You don’t understand that I may know how to do things. I still have my horse in the stable, don’t you?

    Yes, but Mama that horse is almost as old as you are, Her son, Matthew, who was the dad of these three kids, said with a smile. He knew his mama was stubborn, so we all need to keep an eye on Granny Grace. We can’t let her out at the barn.

    I am going to change the subject. Mama Bella says.

    Faith, how is your softball team this year? Bella threw out her sweet smile. Sassy’s mom had told Granny about dad’s gout when they were at the quilting club.

    We are doing great, Mama. I hit a homerun last week.

    Everyone forgot about Luke’s girlfriend being with them. Bella asked, Sassy, how are your parents?

    Dad has gout, and he is cranky as an old bull. Mama is okay and praying Dad will get over this gout thing as soon as possible.

    We don’t get together enough with Sassy’s family. They are our closest neighbors, but they probably stay busy a lot. Bella says. Bella knew everyone on this ranch had their chores to do.

    My Dad and Mom are always doing something if it’s inside the barn or something around the pastures, Sassy explained.

    Sassy had another question, Mr. McMurphy, I was wondering what your job is exactly. I know it requires you being out of town for a day or two every so often.

    Well, I go around doctor’s offices and hospitals to show and hopefully sell new medicines.

    Okay, that must be fun to meet new people, Sassy says. Bella looked her husband in his eyes and smiled.

    Chapter Two


    The next morning after the kids traveled to school, Matthew and Mama Bella sat at the table eating breakfast and drinking their allotment of coffee, which was a lot.

    Matthew, what did the doctor say about the pains in your left arm? Was it your muscles? Bella was concerned about her husband. She hoped it wasn’t his heart. Surely, Matthew would have told her.

    He said it could be several things, and one of those things was that it could be my heart, but don’t you worry your pretty little head about me. I am tougher than I look.

    I did us a favor. I paid off the house and the ranch which covers the barn, horses, and the whole property. I also paid the insurance of the house and property taxes for the year. I paid Luke’s truck insurance for the year, and Faith’s Jeep for the year. We won’t have to worry about property taxes.

    Did we have that much money? Bella asked.

    Yes, Ma’am, and much more. Do you remember the thing I told you about? He has twenty waterproof boxes full of money. "It should have enough money for the rest of your life." Matthew was proud he could leave her money enough for the rest of her life.

    Are you trying to tell me something? Is this arm thing going to be serious? Bella was worried now. Bella was almost crying, but she didn’t want to worry everybody.

    He said I could live longer, or I could go any time. My heart is not good, and when I go, I have a life insurance policy with your name on it. It will be for two million dollars. Matthew explained. He didn’t want his family to be without.

    Matthew, I don’t want to think about this, Bella was crying profusely now.

    Don’t worry. Like the doctor said, I may be around for years. He hugged Bella and went to feed the horses.

    Just in case, I am going to make time to go to all the kids' activities at school. Matthew prayed he had time to spend more time with the kids.

    Bella smiled at her husband, Are there any people who knows that you robbed banks for all this money?

    I have covered my tracks well, Matthew told her not to worry. You know, Bella, we have a beautiful place here. We keep the barn clean, and the horses are well-groomed. We have a nice house and three great kids. Granny Grace has her own cabin on the property. Everything is going good for us. I just would like to see my babies grow up and get married. Matthew knew they had been blessed with a beautiful ranch, good healthy kids, and they had each other.

    Matthew, they are getting older every day. Doctors are not perfect, Bella smiled at her husband.

    I worry about my mama. She is getting older. She is already eighty-five, Matthew says.

    Don’t worry. I will take good care of Granny Grace, Bella wanted to make sure he knew that she would take care of his mama.

    They heard the kids driving up the long driveway. Faith picks Grace up from school every day, unless Faith has a ballgame, then Bella picks her up from school.

    Matthew walks outside to see the kids. He asked about school and their sports. Grace ran up to her dad, and he picks her and swings her around. He was full of love and laughter as he sat on the porch and watched his kids.

    Bella walked out on the front porch and sat in the rocker beside her husband. Everybody, come get some of the homemade ice cream. I just made it. She didn’t have to tell them twice. They dove into that ice cream like hungry lumber jacks.

    They sat on the porch until it was beginning to be dark.

    After dinner, Bella, Faith, and Grace helped clear the table and washed the dishes. Matthew walked to the kitchen and asked Bella if he could help her do the dishes.

    Bella shot out a silly chuckle as her husband picked up the dish towel, so he could dry the dishes. Bella smiled because this was a first for her husband to help with what he called ‘women’s work’.

    Matthew told Bella he was tired and was going to bed.

    That is okay. You have had a long day, Bella didn’t like that Matthew’s face was pale. She had no clue what was going to happen. She went in the kitchen and prayed for Matthew and her family. She didn’t think she could live without Matthew.

    Everyone decided to go to bed. The kids said sitting all day in a desk wears a person out.

    Chapter Three

    The Service

    Bella got up before everyone to start the coffee pot, and prepare breakfast. Bella wouldn’t let her kids go to school on an empty stomach. She never fails to make a good breakfast for her family before they begin their day.

    Bella watched Luke pick up five chocolate chip muffins. He liked those better than blueberry. She smiled and gave him a bag to

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