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What Do You Mean, Lord?
What Do You Mean, Lord?
What Do You Mean, Lord?
Ebook193 pages2 hours

What Do You Mean, Lord?

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  1. How can a child speak to God with faith and expectati
Release dateJun 25, 2024
What Do You Mean, Lord?

Sue L. Sharp

Sue L. (Anderson) Sharp always wanted to be a writer. From her earliest memory as a child, the thought of writing and publishing a book was one of her utmost goals in life. She is a mother of two daughters and has seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.She published her first novel in 1977, Shadows Across the Bayou, a gothic romance. In addition, she has several unpublished works such as The Jesus Identity, The Quest, and Who Is Yeshua (Jesus)?

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    What Do You Mean, Lord? - Sue L. Sharp

    What Do You Mean, Lord?

    word of knowledge?

    open visions? healings? angelic protection?

    messages in tongues?

    dreams and visions?

    heavenly music? prophecy?

    Sue L. Sharp

    Trilogy Christian Publishers

    Tustin, CA

    Trilogy Christian Publishers

    A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

    2442 Michelle Drive

    Tustin, CA 92780

    What Do You Mean, Lord?

    Copyright © 2024 by Sue L. Sharp

    Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB), Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Public domain.

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

    For information, address Trilogy Christian Publishing

    Rights Department, 2442 Michelle Drive, Tustin, Ca 92780.

    Trilogy Christian Publishing/TBN and colophon are trademarks of Trinity Broadcasting Network.

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    Trilogy Disclaimer: The views and content expressed in this book are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views and doctrine of Trilogy Christian Publishing or the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN 979-8-89333-137-0

    ISBN 979-8-89333-138-7 (ebook)


    It was my sister, Judy, who first opened the door for me to study Messianic Judaism, as well as to learn about the Jewish feasts and festivals. I will be forever in her debt.

    For my husband, Mike, who has been such a help to me during this entire process.

    I would also like to dedicate this book to my children, Angela and Ginger; my grandchildren Josh, Gracie, Zak, Justin, Kyle, Avery, and Ashton; and my great-grandchildren Kaleb, Addie, Moriah, and Jeremiah.

    In addition, I want to express my sincere appreciation to Andrew, my son-in-law, for helping to make this book a reality.

    God Appointments



    My First Talk With Jesus

    First Miracle

    Jr. High and High School Years

    College Years and Marriage

    Practicing Words and Picking Poke Salad

    Leaving for Colorado

    Ms. Sandra and Mr. Phil

    New Paths for Our Family

    Spiritual Warfare

    A Deeper Commitment

    Allowing God to Move in Our Midst

    The Beginnings of Visions

    Other Manifestations of the Holy Spirit

    Dealing With Demons

    Different Challenges

    Changing Directions

    Old Friends and New Friends

    Different Paths

    Just Five Minutes a Day

    Marriage, Miracles, and BHS

    Fishes and Bread

    Praying in Tongues

    Specific Prayers in English

    Fervent Faith and Positive Prayer

    Let God Lead

    Ankylosing Spondylitis and the Ancient of Days

    Braum’s and the Battered Beauty

    The Freethinkers & The Freewill Believers

    Detour for Jesus

    Preparing for Change

    Spreading the Word

    What Do You Mean, Lord?

    What Did Jesus Say about End Times?

    Calling Evil Good

    Miracles for Today

    Angela’s Miracle

    Andrew’s Miracle

    Candace’s Miracles

    Joanna’s Miracles

    Ali’s Miracles

    Laura’s Miracle (Baby Story)

    Tom’s Blog

    Forgive the Memories


    I had no intention of writing this book or starting to write any other book, for that matter. I thought my last one was, in fact, my last one. But, as usual, the Holy Spirit poked and prodded me until I finally gave in.

    As it is getting more and more difficult for me to write for extended periods of time these days, I decided not to divide this up into lengthy chapters but to just relay the experiences that I have had with the Lord since I was a little girl and up to and including the present time. So instead of chapters, I chose to use the term God Appointments because that is exactly what they were…appointments that I made with the Lord or that He had made with me.

    And it’s also worth noting that my memory isn’t quite what it used to be. That was yet another obstacle I had to overcome. But the biggest and the worst challenge of all was just getting Satan to leave me alone. He tried everything in his little bags of tricks to prevent me from completing this work.

    First, my husband has had and is having a terrible bout with kidney stones, and that’s in addition to his healing from hip replacement surgery. Second, I, too, have had recurring medical issues. Then, I had to finish my oral surgery and get my tooth implant completed. On top of all of this, we had a terrible hailstorm, which required us to get a new roof.

    But the Lord kept encouraging me, and through all of the Evil One’s shenanigans, I kept plowing through until I completed this. So, this is my heartfelt attempt to show you that anyone can talk to the Lord, and if you listen hard enough, you will hear him talking back to you.

    Lastly, I would like to send out a special thanks to all of you who sent in your miracles. They were a vital part of this book. I hope if you don’t walk away with anything else, you will walk away with the knowledge that God is alive today, and He is just waiting to hear from you, just as He was from me all those years ago.


    God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom He also made the world.

    Hebrews 1:1–2 (NASB)

    My First Talk

    With Jesus

    As a small child, I vividly recall sitting alone on the front doorstep of my grandmother’s house and looking up at the night sky filled with a host of glittering stars. It was one of those scenes that called for introspection and wonder. It was also the beginning of many nights that I would look up and ask Jesus questions.

    Although the Southern Baptist denomination in our town at that time didn’t allow children to be baptized before the age of twelve, I had already asked Jesus into my heart. I felt His nearness daily, and I had a yearning to know about Him, especially since my mother had already given me a small Bible with my name on the front. But at that age, I couldn’t understand the adult vocabulary used in the regular King James Bible. Yet, I didn’t want to read a children’s version of the stories of Jesus. I wanted to read my Bible with my name on it.

    Jesus, I whispered. I know You are inside of me, but I don’t know what those big words in the Bible mean. Help me.

    So began my lifelong quest to discover as much as I could about what those big words meant. I knew even as a child that it was important for me, although I wasn’t sure why. It would be a few more years before I began to understand that the Bible was the most important book I would ever study. In it was the key to all knowledge and hope and truth.

    Even from the age of five, I realized that I really wanted to learn to read. One of my most vivid memories was of my friend/neighbor who was in the first grade. I can still remember watching every afternoon for her to come home after school.

    She always had a book sack that contained all her classroom work for that day. I could hardly wait to see what new words and pictures I could try to learn from her. She was a little surprised that I really tried to read her first-grade book when she hadn’t even completely learned the material herself.

    Why do you want to do this so much? she asked while staring at me with her mouth open.

    Because I want to read about Jesus like Mama does.

    First Miracle

    In the second grade, my school was having a fun Halloween festival. (In those days, most families didn’t realize what was at the root of such a holiday.) There would be food and games and even a beauty contest of sorts with all seven grade levels competing. This was to ensure that there would be an abundance of parents who would attend. They would, hopefully, spend money that would benefit the school with ample class supplies for the current school year.

    The beauty pageant was the highlight of the festival. Parents looked forward to seeing their children march down the aisle.

    Since there were two classes for every grade, each teacher would have his or her class choose a contestant, who in turn would be in a runoff held between those two students in a general assembly. The entire school would take part in the final vote.

    The election began with the lower grades so that the audience could build up anticipation for the king and queen to be selected. I was not sure exactly what to expect as my teacher patted my shoulder and whispered in my ear, Smile, Sue Lynn. With that, I was called up to the stage where the other girl was already waiting to see which of us would be chosen as the most popular girl in the second grade.

    Then, just as I stepped onto the stage and faced the audience, a strange thing happened. I heard a voice inside of me say, Curtsey!

    I looked around, not sure what I had just heard, when the voice repeated, Curtsey!

    At that, although I was wearing jeans, I held the sides of my pants and made a deep bow. To my amazement, the crowd started clapping and cheering me. This was the first time I heard the voice of the Lord! I also won the election.

    The following year was not an easy year for me. I had so looked forward to starting third grade so that I could learn how to write in cursive as well as get to read bigger books. To my disappointment, I got sick with a case of measles and had to miss a couple of weeks of school. Then, just as I was about to return, the doctor decided that my small body was still too weak, and I had to rest for a few more days. It was only because I was a good student that the school allowed me to receive passing grades for that six-week period.

    Even after I returned, Mother had to come to school after lunch and walk with me to the local doctor’s office, which was just behind our elementary school. I had to continue taking a daily shot to build me up. I dreaded that and began to wonder why Jesus didn’t help me get well.

    It was not until later that I would see what My King had in store for me. He was preparing my body for a time to help someone else, and I would need lots of energy and a happy face to do it.

    The third grade, even with my illness, was a joy to me. Learning was something that I hungered for, and the Lord had put that desire in my heart. Because of that, I never hated going to school. There was always something to learn or see.

    I especially loved my third-grade teacher, Miss Clara. She was a kind, soft-spoken lady who had never married. I had been a first-grade student of her younger sister, Miss Roby, whose demeanor was the opposite of Miss Clara. These ladies had been teachers during WWII when those women who had no husbands were allowed to teach. At the close of the war, married women returned to the classroom. Still, there were several unmarried teachers left in our parish.

    Not long after I returned, a friend (I’ll call him Joey) brought his pet puppy to class. The puppy was born with only three legs, and we all were really taken with him. Even though I had been out of school for a while, Miss Clara let me go with Joey to show him to the other students in each room. I was so excited!

    When we returned to the room, Miss Clara called me up to her desk and spoke in a soft voice to me so the other students wouldn’t hear her. Sue Lynn, are you feeling well enough to be back at school?

    Oh, yes, I assured her. I missed being here, I said with a grin.

    I’m glad, Dear. Then, she leaned a little closer. I have something that I would like for you to help me with, but only if you feel well enough.

    Oh, yes. I felt like taking the dog around today, I said, nodding in excitement.

    I’m glad, Dear. But this will take more energy than that.

    What do you mean?

    Miss Clara looked at me and then glanced behind me at the row near the window. I turned to follow her glance. There in the middle of the row was a classmate (I’ll call her Brenda) who was staring down at her paper that only had a few answers on it.

    Before I could make a comment, Miss Clara put her finger to her lips and shook her head. She needs a friend, she whispered.

    I looked back at Miss Clara and then at Brenda dubiously. She doesn’t have any friends? I asked softly. I had never thought of anyone who had no friends.

    Miss Clara smiled at me and shook her head. Also, Brenda never talks!

    I stared in shock at my teacher. Never?

    She put her finger to her lips again and shook her head. Not everyone knows how to make friends like you do. But I think you could teach her how, and you could get your friends to be friends with her, couldn’t you?

    Sure, I said

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