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The Puppy Pianist
The Puppy Pianist
The Puppy Pianist
Ebook84 pages35 minutes

The Puppy Pianist

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About this ebook

William’s a piano teacher and Lola is his inseparable Maltese Bichon dog.

Lola has always been surrounded by music because she loves listening to her owner play his wonderful instrument.

One day, Lola decides to jump onto the piano bench.

She’s very clear about it: she is going to be a puppy pianist.

What's inside?

  • A fun story with numerous illustrations to make reading more enjoyable.
  • A captivating tale to encourage the habit of reading; it offers children a story that matches their interests.

Educational value of this book:

  • Increases vocabulary.
  • Promotes self-esteem because Lola's story can help children feel more confident.
  • Teaches children that we all have special talents that make us unique and valuable.
  • Fosters resilience because Lola confronts challenges throughout the story.

A children's book for ages 6 and up.

Release dateJun 14, 2024
The Puppy Pianist

A.P. Hernández

Ο Antonio Pérez Hernández (Μούρθια, 1989) είναι δάσκαλος στην Πρωτοβάθμια Εκπαίδευση, παιδαγωγός, με Μάστερ στην Καινοτομία και στην Έρευνα στην Εκπαίδευση και Δόκτορ, με τη διάκριση cum laude (έπαινος), για τη Διδακτορική του Διατριβή Αξιολόγηση της ικανότητας στην επικοινωνία δια της γλώσσας μέσα από διηγήματα στην Πρωτοβάθμια Εκπαίδευση. Εργάζεται ως δάσκαλος και συγγραφέας.

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    Book preview

    The Puppy Pianist - A.P. Hernández


    It’s five o’clock in the afternoon.

    Well, actually, it’s not quite five, yet. There are still two minutes to go, but Lola has no time to lose.

    She springs out of bed and starts running. She crosses the hallway as quick as a flash and arrives in the living room where William’s getting ready.

    Lola glances at the clock on the wall and is relieved to find there’s still one minute left before the big hand reaches the twelve.

    It’s a good thing she’s not late!

    Lola goes to her cushion at her master’s feet and lies down.

    She smiles.

    She can’t stop smiling.

    These are the happiest seconds of her life.

    William strokes her little head with his long fingers and sits down on the piano bench. He then picks up a book with a green cover and turns the pages very carefully. It’s as though he were afraid of damaging the paper.

    He turns a page.

    Another page.

    And another.

    He finally stops.

    Here it is, William says, rolling up his sleeves. Let’s see...!

    Lola wags her tail anxiously. She’s dying to hear him play. She knows it won’t be long now. Just a few more seconds.

    William stretches his fingers to warm them up. He always does this.

    Finally, he drops his hands onto the keyboard.

    And that’s when the magic begins.


    William’s instrument is amazing.

    He has a grand piano.

    A beautiful, enormous, shiny, black, grand piano.

    The instrument used to belong to Stephanie, his mother, who also happens to be a pianist. But that was a long time ago because now the piano’s his. His mother gave it to him when he turned 20, and he hasn’t been separated from it since.

    With this same piano, William completed studies at the professional music conservatory, and then, later on, at the more advanced academy.

    What’s more, when he moved out of his mother’s house, even before packing up his clothes, the first thing he did was take that wonderful grand piano to his new apartment in the center of Providence.

    So that she’d still have an instrument to play, his mother bought herself an upright.

    You might say that at William’s house, music has always been very important. And almost everything he knows, he owes to his mother.

    She was the one who taught him to play when he was a little boy.

    He’ll always remember his first lesson, the first time he ever sat down at a piano.

    You need to keep your back straight, Stephanie said. No, not like that. Straighter. Yes. That’s good.

    At the time, William was only five years old, and barely able to reach the piano keyboard. That’s why his mother had him sit on a cushion to make him higher.

    Well, son, she continued, the first thing you need to learn is that the piano is a very special instrument.


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