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Love or Fury: Fight Till The End
Love or Fury: Fight Till The End
Love or Fury: Fight Till The End
Ebook293 pages3 hours

Love or Fury: Fight Till The End

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Just when Laura thought that everything with her obsessive ex-boyfriend was over, she comes to find that it is only the beginning. Laura is left facing the underworld. A dark part of society that only so many know about. Amongst being confronted with Bobby's past life. Will she have to sacrifice her life to protect the people that she loves? Only time will tell.
Release dateJun 11, 2024
Love or Fury: Fight Till The End

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    Love or Fury - Craven Delaney


    I wake seeing the sunrise through the long white linen curtains. The stale smell of the hotel room is uncomforting, and I am finding it hard to sleep. All I can see when I close my eyes is Michael. The look on his face as he held the gun to my head.

    Bobby spoons up close behind me.

    Are you alright, babe? he asks.

    I am sure it’s not something that he would want to talk about right now.

    I roll over facing him. His eyes look more hazel with his smile.

    I know that the last couple of months have been difficult. A lot of things to take in, you know? But I have never felt so drawn to protect someone as I have with you, Laura. I want to stay loving you for the rest of my life. And for that. . .

    He holds a silver ring and gently slides it on my ring finger.

    Laura, will you marry me?

    I smile from ear-to-ear. Yes, I whisper, following with a kiss.

    To be honest, I’m not really fazed about marriage. I cannot see myself being with anyone else other than Bobby.

    On the inside it has our names engraved.

    I smile, Thank you, Bobby. This means so much to me.

    He hugs me close kissing my forehead.

    Even though we have had tough times, I feel safe with him, and I think it has brought him an I closer together.

    Comfortably laid back in a bath tub coated with bubbles. Bobby gently runs his fingertips along my arm up to my shoulder. I slightly turn my head and kiss him. I love how he teases me with his touch. His silence speaks louder than words. Makes me want to know more.

    Would you ever contact your family in London?

    Probably not. They only know of who I used to be.

    I look up at him, And who was that?

    He shakes his head, Someone different.

    I look down at the bubbles and gather some in a pile with my hands.

    So, you changed when you moved here?

    Yeah, partly, I guess.

    Why not talk to them now?

    He exhales, It would not work out. They have their own life.

    I gently slide my fingertips down his arm.

    Have you thought about visiting Emma? he asks.

    Yeah. I was thinking we could see her at the studio.

    Does she know that we’re here?

    No, I haven’t told her yet.

    He locks his fingers with mine. And you are okay with going to Michael’s house?

    I nod. But deeply I am not okay with it. I don’t want to miss him. The love is still strongly there, and his house is like a comfort zone that I want to forget.

    We will get through it together, he says deeply.

    I cheekily dab bubbles above my top lip making it look like I have a moustache. I look up at him. If I had a moustache, would you still love me?

    He laughs. Yes, I would.

    My eyebrows gather, Seriously? Even if I had a full beard?

    He tries not to laugh. Alright, now you’re going a bit too far with it.

    I smile, I love you.

    I love you too, babe.

    He softly wipes off the bubbles and kisses me. So gentle and slow.

    We should probably get ready to leave.

    We can grab some breakfast. I am going to need a coffee, I think.

    There should be a café close by, eh?

    I am pretty sure that there is a breakfast bar here. We should take advantage of it.

    He grunts, Or I could just take advantage of you.

    I laugh, taking it as a joke. Come on.

    I step out of the bathtub and wrap a towel around myself before walking over to the sink to check my phone.

    Unexpectedly he approaches me from behind gently wrapping his arms around mine in an armlock position and kisses my neck.

    I giggle. Bobby, come on.

    He makes it hard for me to focus. It’s like being in a trance. He is irresistible.

    I relax my head back against him feeling his whole hand gently glide up my neck, along with holding onto my jawline. He pauses with his lips close to mine, teasing me.

    Say that you want me, he demands.

    I smile. No, I cheekily whisper.

    I need to make myself hold back. Everything with Michael is too awkward right now.

    He smiles and passionately kisses me, while facing me towards him.

    He tightly grasping my thighs and perches me on the bench next to the sink. I rest my arms on his shoulders locking my fingers together.

    He looks at me from eye-to-eye. It’s Michael, isn’t it?

    I gently brush my thumbs on the back of his neck feeling his spikey hair. I’m sorry, Bobby. It’s just really weird for me right now.

    He nods, I understand. I want you to remember that I am here to help you, Laura. You cannot fight this alone, babe.

    Yeah, of course.

    I gently stroke the side of his face looking at his tattoos, expressing a wide smile.

    He grins, What are you smiling about?

    You, being here with me. I love everything about you.

    Yeah? He picks me up, How about you show me?

    I gently hold my left hand on the side of his face and deeply kiss him. He carries me over to the bed with no struggle, and sits hugging me close.

    We have so much passion for each other, it makes me wonder if there is such thing as too much.

    We finally get to the breakfast bar.

    My only craving right now is coffee.

    I stand to the side taking advantage of the great smell while waiting.

    Bobby approaches holding two clear plastic cups full of diced fruit with forks stuck to the sides.

    Have you been on social media?

    I grin, No. Should I be scared?

    He giggles, I uploaded a few photos from earlier.

    You’re lucky that I love you.

    The lady slides me a latte. Would you like a bag for those? she asks Bobby.

    That would be great, thanks, Bobby replies.

    He sets them in as she holds open the bag and kindly thanks her while taking it.

    We will have to make it back before ten, he says as we make our way towards the exit.

    Yeah, we won’t be very long. The studio is only a couple of blocks away.

    And when we get back, we’ll go to Michael’s house?

    Yeah. I deeply exhale.

    Are you nervous? he asks.

    Ah-yeah, just a bit. I look up at him, But I am excited to see Trish. It has been a long time.

    He grips my hand tighter. I am sure you will be alright.

    I guess it is easier for him to think that way as this is all new to him.

    I really hope that this goes smoothly.


    Fluorescent lights gleam with a buzzing sound in a stale white room. I hear Michael yelling at me with the aggressive look on his face. The feeling of him forcefully pressing the gun up under my chin. Having my hands grasping tightly on his arm—

    Laura? says a female officer.

    Bobby hugs his arm behind me.

    I look across the table at the officer feeling embarrassed.

    The flashbacks are eating at me.

    If you would like, Laura, you can stay at the hospital for a few days. It might be best that you don’t go home straight away.

    I shake my head.

    Bobby clears his throat, She will be staying with me.

    The officer glares at me. Are you fine with that?

    I nod, Yeah.

    If anything, I just want to wake up from this nightmare. After what has happened, I am not going to tell them about the drug corporation. Luckily Michael has managed to cover it all up for me.

    One of the officers clicks his pen. Laura, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but why are you not pressing charges? He is only looking at getting three to five years if you don’t.

    Because it does not work, I have done it before. Nothing will stop him.

    We can, says a female officer. Just let us help you.

    Yeah, I have heard that before.

    I’m in a lot of pain right now. I just want to go home.

    Okay, we’ll leave it at that, says the male officer.

    He slides me a business card.

    If you ever want to talk, just call this number.

    Bobby shakes his hand while thanking him.

    And if the media gives you any hassle, we can help.

    Bobby thanks him again while helping me stand. The kick to the stomach seems to have been the worst so far.

    I bite my lip as much as I can. I’m not sure if the police can force me to stay in hospital. Either way, I don’t want to risk it. I just want to go home.

    I carefully step out smelling the fresh air. If there is anything I hate, it’s sitting in a small isolated room for a long period of time.

    Bobby messages Tyler to pick us up.

    What time is it? I ask.

    It is eleven-twenty. Tyler is already on his way.

    This feels awkward. I haven’t seen Tyler since before the attack, and I’m worried about his reaction.

    If I could, I would go back to my apartment instead. But it is not an option right now.

    I don’t know what to say to him.

    To Tyler?

    Yeah. He is not going to be happy about what happened.

    Babe, it was out of your control. He understands that.

    I cry feeling overwhelmed.

    I just feel like I didn’t listen to him. I brought this on everyone.

    Bobby holds me close. Laura, none of us expected this to happen. It is not your fault.

    I cringe from the pain on my ribs.

    Are you sure that you don’t want to stay in hospital?

    I shake my head, I just want to go home.

    Tyler is driving in now. Come on.

    I take a deep breath seeing his car.

    We will sit you in the front.

    No. I can sit in the backseat. I don’t want Tyler seeing me.

    Bobby opens the door for me. I struggle sitting, feeling the severe pain around my ribs.

    Fuckin’ hell, comments Tyler.

    Bobby closes my door and sits in the front.

    Tyler looks at him, All good?

    Yeah mate. We need to get her home.

    I close my eyes holding the icepack over my cheekbone. The swelling is crucial. It’s embarrassing.

    Any bump on the road kills my ribs making me grasp tightly onto the seatbelt. I try to stay quiet, but I am sure that it is noticeable.

    Tyler asks Bobby the inside and out of everything that the police had said. I understand that Tyler is pissed off about Michael, but I need him to calm down. His anger is not helping the situation.

    I feel ultimate relief when Tyler turns off the car. Just unbuckling my seatbelt causes more pain in my abdominal area.

    Bobby opens my door and helps me out.

    I cry in pain while standing. Feeling slightly nauseous after a couple of steps.


    Is there anything I can do, babe?

    I shake my head and walk at a slower pace than usual.

    Bobby holds open the screen door.

    I carefully walk down the hall and set the icepack on the kitchen bench before making my way to the bathroom. I turn on the light and slowly try to take off my singlet, seeing that it is stained with my own blood.

    With the pain feeling this bad, I have no choice but to wear my shorts and a bikini top for now.

    The bruising appears bad around my right lower ribcage.

    Bobby walks in covering his hand over his mouth. Aww, babe. That is not good.

    I lean my hands against the sink trying my hardest to not cry. The pain is already bad enough.

    Please. I just need a couple of days.

    He looks closer, The doctor mentioned a fractured rib, eh?

    I will be okay.

    Holy fuck! lashes Tyler as he walks in. How did they let you out of the hospital?

    He looks at Bobby.

    Where were you?

    Bobby shrugs, Mate, I can’t force her to stay there.

    My voice wobbles, I just need a couple of days. Please.

    I slowly walk back out to the main area and grab the small icepack from off the kitchen bench.

    Let me get you a new one, says Bobby.

    I make my way to the bedroom and carefully lay down on the bed.

    Here, put this one on your eye.

    Do you think that the scars from the stitches will be really bad?

    To be honest babe, I wouldn’t worry too much about that right now.

    It’s easier said than done. Every time I look in the mirror, my scars are going to remind me of Michael.

    I sob in regret. I’m sorry that I fucked up. I didn’t mean for this to happen.

    Bobby gently rests his hand on my back.

    I know that you are in a lot of pain right now, Laura. But it is going to get better. You need to rest.

    He kisses my forehead and steps out of the room turning off the light.

    I lay hearing Bobby ask Tyler if he is alright.

    Tyler clears his throat sounding choked with emotion.

    I let my sister down, man.

    Mate, what happened was out of our control, Bobby replies.

    I don’t give a fuck. I was supposed to protect her, he sobs.

    Hearing him say that breaks my heart. I don’t want him blaming himself for my own faults.

    I should have bashed that cunt when I had the chance, he says aggressively. Piece of fucking shit.

    I get what you are saying, Tyler. I was planning on killing the prick myself. The way to look at it now, is that she is safe.

    Tyler clears his throat. This is shit, aye.

    Do not forget, Laura is a strong woman. I know she is going to fight this. And she has us to help her along the way, eh?

    Yeah, man.

    Keep your head up, brother. She is going to need you.

    Yeah. Cheers, mate.

    It is hard hearing Tyler emotionally upset. I wish that I could hug him right now and tell him that he did protect me. He stopped me from returning home to Michael. If it wasn’t for him, I probably wouldn’t be alive right now.


    Back in the big city with crowds of people and cars everywhere.

    Bobby and I stop outside the tattoo studio. I take a deep breath feeling the butterflies in my stomach as Bobby holds open the door for me.

    Emma screeches in excitement and rushes over to hug me.

    Why didn’t you tell me that you were visiting?!

    She includes Bobby in the hug.

    And I am so happy to finally meet you.

    Nathan approaches with open arms and gives me a gentle hug.

    It’s good seeing you, Laura.

    I blush, Thank you. I have missed you guys so much.

    Him and Bobby shake hands.

    Nathan gently directs me. I have something to show you.

    We follow to the far side when I notice a framed poster of me from the last photoshoot.

    I look away while laughing in embarrassment.

    Awe, wow, comments Bobby.

    I look at Nathan. I can’t believe that you framed it.

    Fuck yeah, girl. We all miss you.

    Bobby stands close behind me. Believe it, babe.

    Part of me wishes that I still could. But I don’t feel like I’m that person anymore.

    So, are you just visiting? asks Emma.

    Yeah, I have to clean out all of my stuff from Michael’s house.

    She cringes. Nothing worse than old wounds.

    Yeah, but it will be easy.

    So, you’re definitely not moving back?

    I shake my head, Not at this point. Anyway, what else is new?

    Emma points at Nathan, We’ve got daddy to-be over here.

    My jaw drops. Are you serious?

    He smiles widely, Yeah, my missus and I have a baby boy on the way.

    I hug him, Oh my God! Congratulations!

    Emma does a cheeky grin, I get to be the God-mother.

    Aww, that is so sweet. I am so happy for you!

    He nods, We are quite excited.

    Now I don’t want to go back. I look at Bobby, Can we stay?

    Marry him and move back over here already, says Emma.

    I look at him and bite my bottom lip.


    Sorry to cut you short, says Nathan. But I have to get back to the front desk.

    It’s alright, we actually have to go anyway.

    I hug Emma tightly.

    I’m going to miss you so much, I mumble.

    Don’t worry. I am always with you spiritually.

    She is like the sister that I never had. I couldn’t be more thankful for having them in my life.

    We wave on our way out.

    Where to now? asks, Bobby.

    Is it okay if we walk a couple more blocks? I just want to see if it is still the same.

    Bobby smiles, I’m following you, so wherever you want to go.

    I tightly hold his hand.

    I am already trembling about going to Michael’s house. Though I have to say, I am thankful that Bobby is here with me. I am hoping that his company will keep me out of the comfort zone for long enough.

    We stroll past the café that I used to hang out at after losing my mom. I stop and stare at the seating area, remembering the first time that I met Michael.

    Are you alright? asks Bobby.

    I quickly look away. Yeah, I am fine.

    I need to change the subject.

    Uh, I suppose we should go back to the hotel and grab our stuff.

    Bobby stops me. I need you to open up to me, Laura.

    Um . . . okay. After my mom passed away, I found it hard to sleep. The apartment made me feel lonely, because it always reminded me of her.

    I look back through the window.

    So, I used to come here and read until closing time.

    I notice our reflection on the window.

    Sorry, this must sound very boring to you.

    Not at all. I find it quite interesting.

    I grin, Interesting?

    He holds my hand as we start walking.

    It makes clear sense of everything. You were not used to being on your own.

    My mom was the only family member that I ever had, until I met Tyler of course.

    He nods, I am going to ask you a random question. Was Michael your first boyfriend?

    I blush, Uh, yeah. He was.

    Bobby stays quiet.

    I curiously look at him, What are you thinking?

    He smiles, I’m acknowledging the fact that you are one of a kind.

    He kisses the back of my hand.

    And I love that about you.


    His screaming echoes ring in my ears. Feeling Michael grasp my forearms, forcefully shaking me to my knees. I struggle with being overpowered, hearing a sudden loud bang.

    I flinch my eyes wide open feeling the rapid beat in my chest.

    I turn seeing Bobby asleep next to me. I look back up at the ceiling. The dreams are so real it makes me sick.

    I gently wipe my hand across my forehead feeling damp sweat with a rustic smell. I know that it’s probably not the best idea, but I’m curious on having a look.

    I slowly sit up cringing from the pain. It’s worse than it was last night. Especially around my face.

    It’s 2:27am.

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