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Alien Magic
Alien Magic
Alien Magic
Ebook227 pages3 hours

Alien Magic

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Alien Magic by William Benjamin


Discover the future in Alien Magic, a thrilling cyberpunk adventure by William Benjamin.


In the neon-soaked metropolis of Neo-Veritas, where reality and virtuality collide, Ryan Striker is a seasoned Navigator—a daring explorer of the mysterious hyperspace. As the lines between human and machine blur, Ryan is thrust into a perilous mission that will challenge everything he knows about the world and himself.


When the discovery of hyperspace promises infinite possibilities, Ryan and his elite team must venture into this uncharted realm to establish a stable portal and uncover the secrets of the Nexus—a point where multiple dimensions intersect. But what they find is far more dangerous than they could have ever imagined. The Nexus is not just a gateway; it is a prison for an ancient and powerful entity that threatens to break free.


As Ryan navigates the volatile currents of hyperspace, battling digital phantoms and deciphering the vast data streams, he uncovers a dark conspiracy orchestrated by the enigmatic Council of Neo-Veritas. With the fate of the city hanging in the balance, Ryan must rally his allies, confront his deepest fears, and prevent a catastrophe that could alter the fabric of reality itself.


Alien Magic is a gripping tale of adventure, technology, and the enduring strength of the human spirit.


Join Ryan Striker as he navigates a world of neon lights, digital landscapes, and unimaginable dangers in a quest to save Neo-Veritas from impending doom.


Available now in print and ebook formats.

PublisherAm I Am
Release dateJun 13, 2024
Alien Magic

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    Book preview

    Alien Magic - William Benjamin



    AM I AM ©2024












    A symphony of neon lights flickered in the heart of Cybers, casting an iridescent glow over the labyrinthine city streets. Buildings of glass and steel reached skyward, their surfaces adorned with holographic advertisements that danced and shifted in mesmerizing patterns. The city pulsed with life, a cacophony of sound and color that epitomized the fusion of human ambition and technological prowess.

    Amidst the ceaseless hum of the metropolis, sleek autonomous vehicles zipped along the elevated highways, their streamlined designs reflecting the ever-changing light show above. Pedestrians navigated the bustling walkways, their movements fluid and purposeful. Many wore augmented reality glasses or had neural implants, accessing data streams that superimposed digital information onto their surroundings. The air was thick with the scent of ozone from the ever-present electrical currents and the faint aroma of synthetic food from the numerous street vendors.

    In the heart of Cybers, the Matrix Plaza stood as a testament to the city's advanced technological achievements. A colossal holo-display towered over the square, broadcasting news updates, entertainment, and advertisements to the throngs below. People gathered around, some participating in virtual reality games projected into the open air, while others engaged in animated conversations with distant friends through holographic interfaces.

    As the day progressed, the plaza became a hive of activity. Vendors peddled the latest in cybernetic enhancements, offering everything from retinal upgrades to neural boosters that promised enhanced cognitive abilities. A group of street performers, their bodies adorned with bioluminescent tattoos, captivated an audience with their acrobatic feats and rhythmic movements, their tattoos glowing in sync with the pulsating beats of an electronic soundtrack.

    Nearby, a sleek café with transparent walls provided a tranquil oasis amidst the chaos. Inside, patrons sipped on bioluminescent drinks that glowed softly in the dim light. Tables were equipped with interactive surfaces, allowing customers to browse the web, play games, or conduct business meetings with virtual partners. The café's AI assistant, a sophisticated holographic avatar named Iris, glided effortlessly between tables, attending to the patrons' every need with a charming, human-like demeanor.

    Across the plaza, a towering skyscraper dominated the skyline. The building, known as the Nexus Spire, housed some of the most influential corporations in Cybers. Its façade was a marvel of engineering, a seamless blend of glass and programmable matter that could change its appearance at will. Inside, the lobby buzzed with activity as employees and visitors moved through the space, their paths guided by an intricate network of drones that hovered silently above, providing directions and delivering messages.

    At the top of the Nexus Spire, the executive suites offered a breathtaking view of the city. The offices were a blend of modern aesthetics and cutting-edge technology, with walls that could transform into screens displaying anything from stock market data to serene natural landscapes. In one of these offices, Ava Reyes, a high-ranking executive of a leading tech firm, reviewed the latest quarterly reports projected onto her desk's interactive surface. With a wave of her hand, she dismissed the data and summoned a virtual meeting with her team, their holographic avatars materializing around her.

    As the meeting commenced, Ava's attention was drawn to a disturbance outside. A drone swarm had begun to form intricate patterns in the sky, a coordinated display of lights and movements that heralded the arrival of an important figure. The plaza below erupted in excitement as people craned their necks to catch a glimpse of the spectacle. The drones converged to create a massive holographic image of a familiar face—Victor Kane, the enigmatic founder of Nexus Industries.

    Victor's image spoke to the crowd, his voice amplified by hidden speakers embedded throughout the plaza. He announced the launch of a revolutionary new product, a neural interface that promised to blur the lines between reality and the digital world. The announcement was met with a mixture of awe and skepticism, as the implications of such technology were profound.

    In the wake of Victor's announcement, the city buzzed with speculation. Conversations about the new neural interface dominated the airwaves, and people flocked to the nearest tech hubs to learn more. At the forefront of these discussions were the technomancers, a subculture of hackers and digital artists who thrived in the digital underworld of Cybers. Their skills in manipulating data and bending the rules of the Matrix made them both feared and revered.

    One such technomancer, known by the alias Synapse, watched the spectacle unfold from a hidden vantage point within the Matrix. Synapse's lair was a darkened room filled with an array of custom-built servers and modified hardware, the walls covered in holographic displays that flickered with streams of code and real-time data feeds. With a few deft keystrokes, Synapse accessed the encrypted network of Nexus Industries, seeking to uncover the secrets behind Victor Kane's latest invention.

    As Synapse delved deeper into the network, a series of firewalls and security protocols challenged every move. But Synapse was undeterred, navigating the digital labyrinth with a combination of skill and intuition. The thrill of the hack was intoxicating, a dance of intellect and strategy that required both finesse and raw power.

    Back in the physical world, the day in Cybers continued to unfold with its usual blend of chaos and order. Street vendors hawked their wares, children played in virtual playgrounds projected onto the sidewalks, and the city's infrastructure hummed with the energy of countless transactions and interactions. The sun began to set, casting a warm, golden hue over the skyline, but the neon lights of Cybers ensured that the city never truly slept.

    As night fell, the Matrix Plaza transformed into a vibrant tapestry of light and sound. The holo-displays shifted to showcase immersive advertisements and entertainment, while the drone swarms continued their mesmerizing aerial ballet. The cityscape below glittered like a sea of stars, each light a testament to the lives and dreams of the people who called Cybers home.

    In a quiet corner of the city, a solitary figure stood on a rooftop, gazing out at the urban expanse. It was Marissa, a young woman with a mind as sharp as any technomancer and a heart full of curiosity. She had spent the day navigating the intricacies of Cybers, collecting stories and uncovering secrets. Now, as the city settled into its nocturnal rhythm, she felt a sense of calm wash over her.

    Marissa's thoughts turned to the future and the endless possibilities that lay ahead. In a world where technology and humanity were intertwined inextricably, every day brought new challenges and opportunities. She knew that, just like the city, she would continue to evolve and adapt, driven by an insatiable desire to explore the unknown.

    As she stood there, the sounds of the city below melded into a harmonious symphony—the hum of machinery, the murmur of voices, and the distant echoes of music. In that moment, Marissa felt a profound connection to Cybers, a place where the boundaries of reality and imagination blurred and where the only limit was the horizon.

    Synapse sat in the dimly lit room, surrounded by an array of custom-built servers and modified hardware. The air hummed with the low buzz of machinery, and the glow from multiple holographic displays cast eerie patterns on the walls. Each screen flickered with streams of code and real-time data feeds, creating a digital tapestry that only Synapse could fully comprehend. To most, this room would appear chaotic, but to Synapse, it was a symphony of order and possibility.

    The announcement from Victor Kane had set the city ablaze with curiosity and speculation. Nexus Industries' new neural interface promised to blur the lines between reality and the digital world, and Synapse knew that the implications were far-reaching. For some, it was a promise of unprecedented connectivity and enhancement. For others, it was a potential tool for control and surveillance. For Synapse, it was an irresistible challenge.

    With a few deft keystrokes, Synapse initiated the hack. Fingers danced over the keyboard, each movement precise and deliberate. Layers of security enveloped the Nexus Industries network, designed to thwart even the most determined intruders. But Synapse was no ordinary hacker. Years of experience, coupled with an intuitive understanding of digital systems, allowed Synapse to navigate the labyrinthine defenses with skill and finesse.

    Firewalls flared up, algorithms designed to detect and repel intruders. Synapse responded with countermeasures, deploying cloaking programs and decoy scripts to mislead the security systems. It was a game of cat and mouse, played out in the silent, invisible world of data. Every breach was a victory, every setback a lesson. The thrill of the hack was intoxicating, a blend of intellectual challenge and adrenaline-fueled excitement.

    As Synapse penetrated deeper into the network, the layers of secrecy began to peel away. The inner workings of the neural interface project were laid bare, revealing a complex web of data and code. Synapse's eyes flickered over the information, absorbing the intricate details of the technology. This was more than just an interface; it was a gateway, a bridge between the human mind and the vast expanse of the digital universe.

    In a hidden subroutine, Synapse discovered something unexpected—a fragment of code that seemed out of place. It was subtle, almost imperceptible, but it carried a signature that Synapse recognized immediately. It was the mark of another technomancer, one whose skills rivaled Synapse's own. A rival or an ally? The lines were often blurred in the world of digital espionage.

    Synapse paused, considering the implications. This code fragment suggested that someone else had already been here, someone with their own agenda. The thrill of competition added a new layer to the challenge. Synapse couldn't resist the lure of a worthy adversary. With renewed determination, Synapse set to work, tracing the fragment back to its source.

    Meanwhile, the city of Cybers continued its daily dance. In the Matrix Plaza, the drone swarm had dispersed, leaving behind an atmosphere charged with anticipation. Conversations buzzed with talk of the new neural interface, and speculation ran rampant. The technomancer community was particularly abuzz, each member eager to uncover the secrets of the latest technological marvel.

    In the midst of this, Synapse worked tirelessly, fingers a blur on the keyboard, eyes fixed on the ever-changing streams of data. The digital trail led through a maze of servers and encrypted pathways, each step requiring a blend of cunning and brute force. It was a race against time, a battle of wits played out in the silent, invisible corridors of cyberspace.

    As the hours passed, Synapse made progress. The digital breadcrumbs left by the rival technomancer formed a trail that wound through the depths of the Nexus network. Synapse followed with unwavering focus, navigating through traps and diversions designed to mislead any pursuers. It was a test of skill and patience, each step bringing Synapse closer to the truth.

    Finally, the trail led to a hidden node, buried deep within the Nexus network. Synapse paused, studying the defenses. This was the heart of the mystery, the place where the rival technomancer had left their mark. Synapse prepared for the final push, deploying the full arsenal of hacking tools and techniques. The defenses were formidable, but Synapse was undeterred.

    With a final surge of effort, Synapse breached the node. The digital walls fell away, revealing a cache of data that pulsed with hidden potential. Synapse's eyes widened as the full scope of the neural interface project came into view. It was more than just a bridge between mind and machine; it was a key to a new frontier, a realm where the boundaries of human experience could be redefined.

    But amidst the triumph, there was a note of caution. The rival technomancer's presence was a reminder that in the world of Cybers, there were always others with their own agendas. Synapse knew that the discovery was just the beginning. The true challenge lay ahead, in navigating the intricate web of alliances and rivalries that defined the digital landscape.

    In the heart of Cybers, the day was drawing to a close. The neon lights continued to flicker, casting their glow over the city. For Synapse, the hack had been a success, but the journey was far from over. The discovery of the neural interface project and the presence of a rival technomancer marked the beginning of a new chapter. The city of Cybers was a place of endless possibility, where the boundaries of reality and imagination were constantly being tested.

    As Synapse sat back, a sense of satisfaction mingled with anticipation. The digital world was a vast, uncharted territory, and Synapse was one of its most skilled navigators. The game was far from over, and the next move would be even more critical. In the shadows of the neon-lit city, Synapse prepared for the challenges to come, ready to push the limits of what was possible in the ever-evolving landscape of Cybers.

    The holographic display flickered to life, casting an iridescent glow that illuminated the darkened room. Synapse, now fully immersed in the digital realm, manipulated the streams of data that danced before their eyes. The room was a labyrinth of technology, where every surface seemed alive with holographic projections, each one a portal to a different facet of the Matrix.

    Outside, Cybers thrummed with its usual energy. Neon lights painted the skyline with vivid hues, and the air was filled with the hum of machinery and the murmur of countless conversations. Autonomous vehicles glided effortlessly along elevated highways, their sleek forms reflecting the city’s kaleidoscopic light show. Pedestrians moved along bustling walkways, many engaged with augmented reality glasses or neural implants, their senses enhanced by streams of digital information that overlaid their physical world.

    In the heart of the city, the Matrix Plaza was a hub of activity. A colossal holographic display towered over the square, its surface alive with shifting images and advertisements. The plaza was a meeting place, a digital agora where people gathered to socialize, play, and work. Holographic kiosks offered everything from instant medical diagnoses to gourmet food recommendations, while vendors hawked the latest in cybernetic enhancements and digital wares.

    At the center of the plaza, a group of street performers captivated onlookers with their bioluminescent tattoos and acrobatic feats. Their bodies moved in sync with a pulsating electronic soundtrack, the tattoos glowing and shifting in mesmerizing patterns. Nearby, a café with transparent walls provided a tranquil oasis amidst the chaos. Patrons sipped on bioluminescent drinks that glowed softly in the dim light, their tables equipped with interactive surfaces that allowed them to browse the web, play games, or conduct business meetings with virtual partners. The café’s AI assistant, Iris, a sophisticated holographic avatar, glided between tables, attending to the patrons’ every need with a charming, human-like demeanor.

    Across the plaza, the Nexus Spire loomed, a symbol of the city's technological prowess. The skyscraper's façade was a marvel of engineering, composed of programmable matter that could change its appearance at will. Inside, the lobby buzzed with activity as employees and visitors moved through the space, guided by an intricate network of drones that hovered silently above, providing directions and delivering messages. The building housed some of the most influential corporations in Cybers, and its executive suites offered breathtaking views of the city. Walls in these suites could transform into screens displaying anything from stock market data to serene natural landscapes, providing a dynamic and adaptable workspace.

    High above the city, in one of these suites, Ava Reyes, a high-ranking executive of Nexus Industries, reviewed the latest quarterly reports projected onto her desk's interactive surface. With a wave of her hand, she dismissed the data and summoned a virtual meeting with her team. Holographic avatars materialized around her, each one a lifelike representation of a distant colleague. As the meeting commenced, Ava's attention was drawn to a disturbance outside. A drone swarm had begun to form intricate patterns in the sky, a coordinated display of lights and movements that heralded the arrival of an important figure. The plaza below erupted in excitement as people craned their necks to catch a glimpse of the spectacle. The drones converged

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