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Rejected But Wanted: Book 2 True Identity
Rejected But Wanted: Book 2 True Identity
Rejected But Wanted: Book 2 True Identity
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Rejected But Wanted: Book 2 True Identity

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About this ebook

Aurora is an omega who wanted nothing but a peaceful life. She lived all her life suffering in the hands of the people she is supposed to call family.
But she had hope of being free and that's when she will clock 18 years,the day she would find her mate.
The day she has been waiting for finally approached.
Who is her mate?
Will she finally be free?
Will she finally be happy?
Read this book and find out about the life of this omega.

Release dateJun 13, 2024
Rejected But Wanted: Book 2 True Identity

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    Book preview

    Rejected But Wanted - Stephanie Benjamin

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 56

    Chapter 57

    Chapter 58

    Chapter 59

    Chapter 60

    Chapter 61

    Chapter 62

    Chapter 63

    Chapter 64

    Chapter 65

    Chapter 66

    Chapter 67

    Chapter 68

    Chapter 69

    Chapter 70

    Chapter 71

    Chapter 72

    Chapter 73

    Chapter 74

    Chapter 75

    Chapter 76

    Chapter 77

    Chapter 78

    Chapter 79

    Chapter 80

    Chapter 81

    Chapter 82

    Chapter 83

    Chapter 84

    Chapter 85

    Chapter 86

    Chapter 87

    Chapter 88

    Chapter 89

    Chapter 90

    Chapter 91

    Chapter 92

    Chapter 93

    Chapter 94

    Chapter 95

    Chapter 96

    Chapter 97

    Chapter 98

    Chapter 99

    Chapter 100

    Chapter 101

    Chapter 56

    IVY'S POV.

    Did you later do the job I told you to do?I asked Linda.

    Yes I am sure that she has been caught by nowLinda said to me.

    My heart was filled with so much joy as I thought of the predicament that Aurora was in right now.i am sure she has been caught.i can't wait to see her pitiable state.she wouldn't be able to graduate again.i am sure my mother would be so happy when she hears this news.

    The bell for break time rang and I left the class in a hurry with Linda.

    Where are you rushing to?Linda asked me.

    To see Aurora of courseI said to her.

    Am sure she is in the principal's office by now,you should see her laterLinda said to me.

    Gosh,I hate thisI muttered.

    A boy approached us.i have never seen his face before.i wondered what he wanted from us.

    I heard you are LindaThe boy said to Linda.i wondered what was going on.

    Yes,I am ,is there any problem?Linda asked him.

    You are needed in the principal's officeThe boy said to Linda and my heart skipped.i looked at Linda,as if she knew what was going on in my mind.she smiled at me.

    I am sure it's not about the matter,Linda said to me.

    What if it is?I asked her.

    Don't worry,I will never betray youshe said to me before leaving with the boy.

    I heaved a sigh of relief,I was heading to God knows where when I saw Nicklaus talking with his friends in the basketball court,I approached him immediately.I could see the frown on his face when he saw me.

    Can you excuse us?I will talk to you guys later,he said to his friends.

    What do you want?he asked me.

    Don't I have the right to talk to my boyfriend whenever I want to,you should learn to love me again if you want to be happy because we are going to be together for the rest of our livesI said to him but he didn't reply to me.

    I just wanted to tell you that your perfect mate has made a mockery of herself,her image has been tarnished, though you said Aurora was a good girl,you can't believe what she did today or haven't you heard about itI said to him.

    What do you mean by that?he asked me and I smiled to myself.

    She cheated in the examination and she would be expelledI said to him and he frowned.

    Aren't you surprised or worried?I asked him, confused about his reaction.

    If you don't have anything important to say to me next time, don't come here to talk rubbishhe said to me.i gritted my teeth in anger.does he think that I am joking?

    Do you think I am joking?I said to him.

    I don't think you are joking because I don't know why you would bring up a joke like this,he said to me.

    Then what do you think?I asked him.

    I think you are going crazy,he said to me.


    Yes,I think you are crazy because I don't know why you are trying so hard to pull Aurora down to the extent of making a complete fool out of can you say that Aurora is being expelled for cheating,the Aurora I saw this afternoon and she seems finehe said to me.

    You are joking,I said to him.

    Why should I waste my time in order to joke with you?he said to me.

    Look at Aurora over there with her friendshe said to me and I looked towards the direction he showed me.

    I was surprised to see Aurora talking with her friends like nothing happened.what could have gone wrong?I walked towards them immediately.


    I was talking with Aurora and Dave when I saw Ivy walking towards us.i glared at her remembering what she was planning against me.

    What are you doing here?Janet said to her.

    I am not talking with you,bitchIvy replied Janet who wanted to react immediately but I held her back.i didn't want to involve my friends in my fight anymore.i wanted to fight my battle.

    You have the nerves to show your face in front of me after what happenedI said to her.

    I don't know what you are talking about,Ivy said to me.

    I know that you would be wondering what went wrong in your plans against me,you wanted to implicate me but the table was turned aroundI said to her.

    I don't know what you are talking aboutshe said trying to leave but I held her hand.

    You can deny all you want but I know that you are the mastermind behind all this, Don't worry,very soon,it won't be long before your friends rat you outI said to her.

    You are crazy,she said to me.

    You are so pathetic, though you were the powerful and fearless Ivy,why are you behaving like a coward now?Janet said to her.

    Yes I am the one that planned everything,so what, what are you going to do,you have no power,that's why you are called an omega,you can do nothing to meIvy said to me and I slapped her.

    I know that I cannot do anything to you but I know that I can slap you so that you wake up from your madnessI said to her.

    How dare you lay your filthy hands on me?she said to me trying to slap me but Janet held her back.She tried to free herself but she couldn't.She glared at me.

    Give me the phoneI said to Janet and she handed the phone over to me.

    I tapped the phone and every conversation that took place here started to play.i could see the shocked expression on her face.

    Nobody can save you from this,I will tell the principal what you did,I will make sure that you pay for every single crime you committed,I will bring justice to the people you wrongedI said to her.

    Aurora, come back hereshe said to me but I won't listen.


    I was really happy about how Aurora was handling the situation.i was still holding her to prevent her from chasing after Aurora.

    Guess what?I said to her.

    It's Time for someone to end your madness, that will start from you getting expelled from this schoolI said to her before releasing her.

    You and Aurora will pay for this,I promise you thatshe said to me before leaving.

    Chapter 57

    IVY'S POV.

    I chased after Aurora but she had already gone into the principal's office.she has finally succeeded in ruining me.i would make sure I make her pay for this.



    Aurora was already in the principal's office.the principal was surprised to see her in his office.he knew Aurora as an omega and he knew she never causes trouble in the school.

    What can I do for you?the principal asked her.

    Shirley's eyes were red and swollen from crying.Linda couldn't stop glaring at Aurora.

    I know the mastermind behind the stolen exam paper,she said to the principal.

    Who is it?the principal asked her.

    It's Ivy SmithAurora replied the principal who was speechless.he knew Ivy as the daughter of the Alpha of blue moon pack.he knew she was troublesome but he also knew her as an intelligent and smart girl.

    "Are you talking about Ivy Smith, the girl in the prophecy,the daughter of Oliver and Emily Smith?''the principal said to her, trying to be sure.

    There are two Ivy Smiths in this school,I am talking about her,Aurora said to the principal.

    I hope you know that defamation is a serious offense in this community,he said to Aurora.

    I won't get anything from defaming her,Aurora said to the principal.

    Ivy is smart and intelligent,I don't see the reason she would steal an exam paper,it doesn't make sensethe principal said to Aurora.

    You are right about that but she has another intention of doing that,she did it to frame me up,I know that everyone knows our history together but luckily enough the table was turned around against them,I think her minions didn't do their job wellAurora said to the principal.

    You can't just come and accuse someone without any evidence, your accusations are baselessthe principal said to her.

    That's why I came here with enough evidence that can be used to punish her for her actionsAurora said to the principal who was surprised because of her bravery.

    Aurora handed the phone over to the principal and every thing she discussed with Ivy started playing.

    Excuse us, your teachers will let you know when we are done with the investigationhe said to Shirley and Linda who left the office immediately.

    Listen to me carefully,I know you have strong evidence against Ivy Smith but I advise you to give up on this case because I cannot do anything about itthe principal said to Aurora.

    What do you mean nothing can be done about it?I have evidence against herAurora said to the principal.

    She is the daughter of the second most powerful pack in this community and she is also the girl in the prophecy, just let this go,Linda and Shirley will pay for what they did, leave Ivy out of thisthe principal said to Aurora.

    I can see that the rules of this school do not apply to everyoneshe said to the principal before leaving.

    Linda and Shirley were expelled from the school while nothing was done to Ivy.soon the school dismissed and everyone returned to their respective homes.


    Ivy and her mother were seated in the living room.Ivy was narrating everything that happened in the school to her mother.

    That girl is really something else,she has the nerves to do that to youEmily said to her.

    You have seen it mum,I don't know what she is feeling ever since she left this packIvy said to her mother.

    She thinks leaving this pack would save herEmily said to her.

    The principal didn't expel me,I am surprisedIvy said to her mother.

    That's the kind of power you will get when you become the Luna of Silver moon pack including that you are the girl in the prophecyEmily said to her and Ivy smiled to herself.

    Mum, what if they find out one day that I lied about being the one in the prophecyshe said to her mother.

    They will only find out when you tell themEmily said to her.

    "But mum, what if the one in the prophecy comes?''Ivy asked her mother.

    The person would have shown herself that day,I am sure there is no girl in the prophecyEmily said to her.

    "But mum, what if …..

    Ivy tried to speak but Her mother cut her off.

    Enough,stop talking about that before you end exposing it yourself, Don't you know that wall have ears

    Okay mum,I have heard you,Ivy replied to her mother.



    In Janet's house,the family is all settled in the dining room for lunch.Janet narrated everything that happened in school to her parents.

    How can someone be so heartless,I don't understand some people,why can't they just leave Aurora aloneJanet's mother said.

    That principal is something else,why didn't he punish Ivy for what she did,I didn't know that the school rules didn't apply to some certain peopleJanet's father added.

    So dear, what are you going to do now?Janet's mother asked Aurora.

    I won't stop till Ivy pays for everything she did,she may have gotten away with this but she won't be so lucky next timeAurora replied.

    Dear why don't you leave all these things behind and start life anew with us as your familyJanet's mother said to her.

    No aunt,I can't because they would never leave me alone even if I wanted to start life anew and I will bring justice to the dead aunt Miashe replied Janet's mother.

    Okay,I hope you are careful around them,who knows what might happen next,no one can tellshe said to Aurora.

    Thanks for your advice,Aurora said to her.


    I was very annoyed when Janet told me everything about how Ivy wanted to frame Aurora so that she could be expelled.

    I left for her house immediately,Ivy was really annoying to the core.

    Oh, baby, I am surprised to see youshe said to me when she saw me trying to hug me but before she could hug me,I slapped her and her cheeks became red.she looked at me in shock.

    "When will you ever stop?I warned you to stay away from Aurora, didn't I?but you chose to continue to plan evil against her, what did Aurora ever do to you to deserve all this?she can't even be with me again because of the stunt you pulled but that is not enough for you,why are you so heartless? When will you stop this madness? Have pity on the poor girl,she is already an orphan,let her be.

    This is my last warning to you, Don't you ever try to harm Aurora in any way again or I would be forced to stay by her side and protect her from youI said to her before leaving.

    Ivy was transfixed to the spot.she couldn't believe that Nicklaus laid his hands on her and it was all because of Aurora.he had never laid his hands on her since she knew who he was.

    Nicklaus slapped me,he slapped me,he slapped meshe kept on muttering to herself.

    Chapter 58

    Emily came out of the living room and saw Ivy standing outside,she wondered where Nicklaus was because she remembered Ivy telling her that Nicklaus visited and she would go and see him.she called Ivy but she didn't respond her,her gaze was fixed on the ground.Emily wondered what might have gone wrong.

    Ivy, what is the problem?Emily asked her.Ivy was still in shock,she was still muttering to herself.Nicklaus slapped me

    What did you say?Emily, who couldn't hear her well, asked her.

    Nicklaus slapped meIvy kept on repeating the same word.thats when Emily understood what her daughter was saying.

    Dear,look at meshe said to her raising her head up to face her and she saw that Ivy's cheeks were red.she clenched her fists in anger.

    How dare he lay his hands on my daughtershe muttered to herself before hugging Ivy.

    Don't worry everything will be fineshe said to Ivy patting her back.

    After some minutes,she led Ivy to her room and after making sure that Ivy had slept.she took her car keys and left for Silver moon pack.


    Ozuna and Scarlett were discussing in the living room when Emily came in.she greeted them.Scarlett wondered why she had come to their house.

    Have a seatOzuna said to Emily who was boiling in anger.

    I don't want to sit downshe said to Ozuna who was surprised with her actions.

    Is there any problem?he asked in a curious tone.

    I want to talk to your sonshe said to Ozuna.

    Did Nicklaus do anything?Ozuna asked.

    I want to talk to himEmily repeated.

    Seeing that Emily wouldn't say anything to him,he sent a maid to call Nicklaus who was in his room.Scarlett and Ozuna exchanged glances.they Wondered what was going on.

    Soon Nicklaus came down,he greeted his parents,he was surprised to see Ivy's mother in their house.he made to greet her but before he could say anything,a slap landed on his cheeks making him to be shocked.he looked at Emily,shock written all over his face.

    How dare you do this to my son?Scarlett asked her in anger standing up from her seat.

    Do you know what he did?he slapped my daughter,I wouldn't tolerating anyone treating my daughter like trashEmily said to Scarlett.

    Is that why you slapped my son,you should have let them to settle their issues,why do you keep interfering in the children's livesScarlett said to her.

    Is what he did to my daughter not enough reason for me to slap him,this is an example of what I have in store for anyone who disrespects my daughter,the next Time you lay your hands on my daughter again,I would not only slap you but cut off your handsshe said to Nicklaus.

    Shut up womanOzuna who had kept quiet controlling his anger growled and their was silence.he was very annoyed with what Emily did.

    How dare you lay your hands on the future Alpha of this pack,this is a disrespect to our pack and you won't go Scott free,I promise you thatOzuna said to her.Emily became scared at the kind of look Ozuna was giving her.she had forgotten that she was talking to the most powerful Alpha in the community of werewolves.the only way she could save herself was putting the blame on Nicklaus.

    Didn't you hear what I told you, Nicklaus slapped my daughtershe replied him.

    That doesn't justify what you did to my son, Nicklaus can do whatever he wants to his future Luna,it's none of our business,how dare you come to my pack and disrespect my sonhe said to her.

    I ….I …….

    Before she could say anything,four hefty men surrounded her.

    Take her awayOzuna said to them.

    Hey, don't come near me,I am the Luna of blue moon pack,if you touch me,I will make sure you pay for disrespecting meshe said to them.even the men were confused on what to do.they looked at their Alpha for his opinion.

    Take her away and lock her up like I saidhe said to them and they dragged Emily away who would not stop shouting.

    Don't let a woman disrespect you like this no matter who she is, women are inferior to us,you should know this as the future Alpha of this pack, being ruthless will keep you at the top, Don't look at age because age is just a numberOzuna said to Nicklaus before leaving.

    Son,are you okay?Scarlett asking him examining his face.

    Mum, don't worry about me,I am okayhe said to his mother.

    The nerves of that woman to come here to cause troubleScarlett said to Nicklaus who didn't reply her.

    Tell me son,is it true that you slapped Ivy?she asked him.

    Yes mumhe replied.

    What did she do?Scarlett asked and Nicklaus narrated everything that happened to him.

    That girl is really sick,why wouldn't she leave Aurora aloneScarlett said to Nicklaus.

    Mum,I don't know what to do anymore,she keeps on trying to harm Aurora and whenever she does that,my wolf is always restless,I don't understand why she won't let Aurora to have peace of mind.

    But son,no matter what happens, don't lay your hands on a woman,I don't support thatScarlett said to him.

    Mum,this is my first time doing that,I was really angry when I found out that she wanted to frame AuroraNicklaus replied his mother.

    I hope this becomes the last time you lay your hands on a womanScarlett as to him.

    Mum,I am sorry but I can assure you that, some women are not to be treated like women anymore,I won't hesitate to hit any woman who messses with Aurora,thats a promisehe said to her mother before leaving.Scarlett inhaled and exhaled.she was really tired with everything that has been happening.




    Soon night approached,it was time for dinner and Ivy came down to eat.her father was the only one seated at the table.she wondered where her mother might have gone to.

    Did you know where your mother went to?Oliver asked her.

    No,I was wondering where she is too,she might be somewhere in the houseshe replied her father.

    I haven't seen her since I came back and the maids said she left in a hurry with her car but she hasn't come backOliver said to her.

    Ivy was surprised,her mother was not the type to stay out late without informing her.

    Have you tried calling her phoneshe asked her father.

    I did but it was not going throughhe said to her.

    This is weirdIvy said to her father recalling everything that happened earlier.she remembered her mother hugging her when Nicklaus slapped her.she remembered being put to sleep by her.thats when it occurred to her where she might have gone to.Nicklaus's house.

    I think i know where she might have gone toIvy said to her father.

    Where is that?he asked.

    Nicklaus's houseIvy replied her father.

    What could she have gone there to do?her father asked her.

    It's a long story but I will cut it short, I happened that Nicklaus slapped me earlier today,mum would have gone to their house to confront himIvy replied.

    But why isn't she coming back?Oliver asked.

    Call Nicklaus's dad on the phone so we would find out to be sure that she came to their house,then we will know from where to begin from searching for herIvy said to him and Oliver picked up his phone and dialed Ozuna's number.After the third ring the call went through.

    "I am sorry

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