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Rejected But Wanted: Book 1 The Prophecy
Rejected But Wanted: Book 1 The Prophecy
Rejected But Wanted: Book 1 The Prophecy
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Rejected But Wanted: Book 1 The Prophecy

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About this ebook

Aurora is an omega who wanted nothing but a peaceful life. She lived all her life suffering in the hands of the people she is supposed to call family.
But she had hope of being free and that's when she will clock 18 years,the day she would find her mate.
The day she has been waiting for finally approached.
Who is her mate?
Will she finally be free?
Will she finally be happy?
Read this book and find out about the life of this omega.

Release dateJun 13, 2024
Rejected But Wanted: Book 1 The Prophecy

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    Book preview

    Rejected But Wanted - Stephanie Benjamin

    Chapter 1


    It was nearly midnight,the night sky was picturesque ,the pale crescent moon shined like a silvery claw in the night sky.

    I stared at my parents with teary eyes.i didn't know what was going on.i was only twelve years old.

    You failed as an alpha of blue moon pack,You betrayed the pack and you shall be executedOliver my aunt's husband said to my dad and the werewolves in our pack howled in acceptance.

    Let the execution beginthe leader of the our community said.

    The mother of Janet my friend came to take me away but she was stopped by my aunt Emily.

    This is none of your business,she is not related to youI heard Emily say to her.

    She is just a child,how possibly do you want her to watch her parents get killedmy friend's mother said to Emily.

    Emily held my hands forcefully.I am now the Luna of this pack and you won't disobey my orders,she has to watch it so she will see how traitors are punished so she won't try to become oneMy aunt said and my friend's mother backed off.

    The executioner raised his silver sword to the moon and used it to cut of my dad's head and his head rolled on the small body was fidgeting,I was shocked and scared.i could see the triumphant smile on Emily's face.

    I love youwas the last word I heard from my mother to me before her head came rolling to the ground where I was standing.

    Everything was like a dream to me,my vision became blurry and I collapsed due to extreme shock.



    I woke up immediately,sweats covered my body,my hands reached for the jug and I poured myself water in the cup and gulped it down immediately, inhaling and exhaling.this has been a dream hunting me in my sleep every night.witnessing the death of my parents moulded me into a weak person.i was scared of everything around me.

    My aunt was not helping matters at all,she didn't fail to remind me that my parents were traitors and that I will be killed like them too if I become one but deep within me,I knew my parents were innocent,I knew my parents well and I looked up to them.

    Ever since my parents died,life had been hell for me in my aunt's house.

    The only day I held on to for my freedom was the day I will clock eighteen,the day I will find my mate.




    The day has finally come.It's was the mating ceremony, Time for the teenagers to find their respective mates.this day was a day of joy for every young girls.i was very happy that day preparing for the occasion.i cleaned the house earlier ,I did all my house chores so my aunt would not find a reason to hold me back from attending the ceremony.

    Why are you so happy today?Ivy my aunt's daughter who is of the same age as me asked me.i ignored her,I don't have her time today,she and my aunt always can't let me be for once,they are always looking for way to taunt me

    You think finding your mate today will finally save you from us,what if your mate is ugly and he is not an Alphashe said laughing.I bet her mate will be an omega like her too,low bloodher mother added coming down the stairs.

    I don't care about the identity or status of my mate,what matters is that I found him and he loves me tooI replied them.

    And what makes you so to be so sure that you will be loved, don't deceive yourself girl,you can never be loved,you are cursedIvy remarked and tears flowed down freely from my eyes.

    You can say whatever you want,am out of hereI said leaving their presence.Emiliana her aunt scoffed.look at her, acting all bold and might because she is leaving here todayEmiliana said to her daughter who didn't reply.she looked at her daughter and realized that she was crying.hey baby what's wrong with you,why are you crying?she asked Ivy.

    I am scared mummy,am scaredshe replied crying profusely.scared of what baby,today is supposed to be a happy occasion for youEmily asked drying her tears with her handkerchief.

    I don't want to lose Nicki,I love him,what if am not his mate,then he will be out of my life forever,I don't want to lose him,am scaredshe said with tears in her eyes.

    Come on baby,you won't lose him,if he loves you like he said,he would reject his mate for you,that's not a problem so stop cryingEmily said hugging her.Thanks mummyIvy said hugging her back.

    Good girl,that's my baby girl,now go and prepare for the occasion and make sure to look beautiful for your future Alpha, Niklaus.her mummy said breaking free from the hug.Ivy blushed at her words.okay, mummy,let me go and prepareshe said and ran upstairs to dress up.

    Niklaus is the son of the most powerful Alpha.he was next in line to be the alpha.his pack was the most powerful pack.many alphas wanted their child to be the lucky one to become Niklaus's mate.Ivy was Niklaus girlfriend,many girls envied her.she acted arrogant in the high school they attended because she knew nobody would mess with her since she is Niklaus girlfriend and she was the daughter of an alpha too.

    Many girls prayed earnestly to be Niklaus mate on the mating ceremony.

    Oh,my baby girl,you are looking so beautifulJanet my best friend told seriously,are you sure?I asked unsure of myself because the clothes I had on was my old clothes.yeah baby,you are always a natural beauty even if the clothes you wear are rags,I have told you countless times to put my clothes on for this ceremony but you keep on refusingshe said.

    I don't want to be a bother to you,I want my mate to love me for who I am and not the clothes I wear,I am contented with the little one I haveI said to her and she nodded at me.whatever you say,baby girlshe said to are looking good tooI told her and she blushed.I wonder who my mate is,I wonder who our mates areshe said to me and I smiled at her.

    Janet is my childhood friend and best friend.we were like sister's.she had always been with me since my night mare began.She was the daughter of a gamma of my father before they died.when my uncle became the alpha,he removed her father as the gamma because he was close to my dad.

    My name is Aurora Wilson but my friends call me Rora, when I say friends I mean my bestie Janet and my special friend Dave the son of a beta,they were the only friends I have,I am the only child of my late parents.i attend Polar high school the only highschool in our community where werewolves this community,it was divided into many packs.the most powerful pack was that of Niklaus King.

    Our pack was also the second most powerful pack in our community.

    My parents were the former Alpha and Luna of our pack,they were framed for Betrayal of the pack and the were killed in cold blood.this happened when I was 12 years old,after their death the husband of my aunt became the alpha of our pack.i was degraded to the status of an omega.i lived with them as a maid during all the house chores why Ivy their daughter did nothing other than eating , sleeping and making life miserable for me.

    I have always waited for the day the mating ceremony would reach so my mate would set me free and my dream has finally come true.after waiting for so many years,after enduring many hardships,the day has finally come for me to be set free.

    I smiled looking up to the dream has finally come through,the day for me to be set free from the hands of my auntI said and Janet hugged me.come on baby girl, don't make me cry,let's get going before we are lateshe said to me.I can't wait I said to her and we held hands and left for the mating ceremony

    Chapter 2

    The hall where the mating ceremony would take place has been decorated.the hall was already filled with people both teenagers and adults who would bear witness to the mating ceremony,music's was playing.the girls the same age as me were all dressed beautifully.when I saw them,I looked down on myself,I look out of place with my old dress.i should have accepted to wear Janet's clothes when she asked me to.

    What's wrongJanet asked me as she sensed that something was off about me.tears were threatening to escape from my eyes.Jane,I look horrible in this old dress,I shouldn't have worn it ,what if my mate doesn't like meI let out my insecurities to her.

    Janet shrugged her shouldersdon't look at people,be proud of your self,walk with your head held high,you can do this,you mate will love you,you are very beautiful,Rora,your mate will be so lucky to have youshe adviced me.okayI nodded.

    Fightingwe both chorused together and entered the soon as we entered ,all eyes were on us,I wished the ground will open and swallow me,my clothes looked horrible.i squeezed Janet's hands so tight.i saw Dave seated on his seat where all the teenage boys seat were kept.i glanced at him and he smiled at me.

    I saw all the boys of our highschool staring at me,the girls were also on the other side, they were whispering what I couldn't hear in each other's ear.

    Who would be so unlucky today to have her as his mateone boy said to his friend.I forbid,I sincerely pray that she won't be my mate,a lowly omega,she looks so horrendousanother boy said.

    I heard all their bad comments,tears escaping my one wanted me.Janet sat down making space for me to seat down too.

    I tried to seat but a girl by name Linda (one of Ivy's friends)pushed me away and I fell down with a thud,my fray gown raising up making my old underwear to be visible for everyone.

    Hahahahaeverybody in the hall laughed at me.i was so ashamed of myself.what if my fated mate saw me.i was so disgraced,I felt like strangling Linda to death.why did she have to disgrace me today.

    Janet helped me up throwing Linda an killer look.what's your problemshe asked angrily.stay out of this,Janet,it's none your businessLinda replied rolling her eyes at me.

    And what if I say that I don't want to stay out of it because it is my business,Janet said staring into Linda's eyes.

    What do you want ,huh,I just don't understand why you decided to be friends with a loserLinda said standing up to face Janet.

    Seeing them,I knew a fight would break out if I don't stop them.i had to stop Janet.i tugged on Janet's arm but she pushed me away.

    Take back what you saidshe said to Linda who didn't want to back down either.why should I,I said the truth,she is a loserLinda replied staring into Janet's eyes too.Janet stop,am okayI said to her but she won't listen.

    You will really get what you are asking for, bitchJanet said to Linda who got provoked because Janet called her a bitch.The attention of everyone in the hall were now on us.i hated this type of attention.Janet,stop!I yelled shifting Janet's attention towards me.i was now crying profusely.

    Why won't you ever listen to me,I said am fine but you won't listen,I hate this type of attention,now I have been noticed by everyone,thanks to you,why won't you stop when I told you to

    But I .....Janet tried to defend herself but I cut her off.I don't want to hear anything,I just want to be alone, don't talk to me right nowI said to her and went to another chair.

    Just take a look at the kind of friend you are keeping,see,she doesn't even appreciate your efforts to defend her,she is selfish,a lowly omega,betrayal runs in her blood,she doesn't deserve to be friends with youLinda said to Janet who rolled her eyes at her.just shut upJanet yelled at her.

    WhateverLinda replied her sitting down.she looked at Ivy and smiled and Ivy smiled back at her.

    Janet was the daughter of a powerful beta,the former beta of Alpha Terrick, Aurora's late father.their family still had their respect so nobody tried to mess with Janet.

    I sat down on another chair,tears escaping from my eyes,I looked at the boys direction.i saw Niklaus the guy I was crushing on,he was very handsome heart ached at the thought of him seeing me being disgraced.

    Take thisa beautiful woman said lending me her handkerchief.stop crying she said to me.I took the handkerchief and wiped my tears.

    You have grown into a beautiful woman,Aurora,your mate would be so lucky to have youshe said to me,I was shocked,who was this woman? and how did she know my name?.

    Who are you?I finally asked her.

    Someone specialshe said to me and stood up and left.i was confused about how this woman knew my name,I have never seen her before but that's not my main worries main worries now was finding my mate.soon the ceremony began.after the dancing took place.

    The chairman of the werewolf council took the microphone.Today we have all gathered for the mating ceremony,the time our offspring will find their destined mate,the time when our offspring will have the right to succeed us in our different positions.let the ceremony beginhe announced.

    My heart started beating faster,it was night already and the full moon would appear soon, everyone had to find their mates before the full moon appears.

    Janet found her mate already,she was so happy,her mate was Fredrick one of Niklaus's friend.they looked good together.she was so lucky that her mate accepted her.Dave found his mate but he was not happy either was his mate happy.his mate was My cousin Ivy.

    I was left alonewhere is my mate?

    It was time for people to show their mates, when it was my turn,I broke out into cold sweats,I was scared, wasn't I gifted a mate by the moon goddess?was I really cursed?"This were the questions running in my head.

    Don't you have a mate?,Are you mateless?the chairman asked.I .I ...I stammered.i was so scared ,I didn't want to pass through the punishments mateless werewolves passes this occasion,the mateless people were taken to the dungeon where they will suffer for the rest of their lives.i was so scared,I didn't want to go there,am I really cursed?is this how my life will end?I kept on asking myself.

    I looked at Janet,She was staring at me with tears in her eyes,her mate was consoling her.i looked at Dave,he was staring at me with pity.i saw my aunt,she was smirking.This is it,my life has finally ended.I thought to myself smiling sadly.

    I reminisced on the good times I spent with my two friends, the only people who really loves me for who I am,I smiled sadly.i remembered how I was maltreated in the hands of my aunt and her daughter and all those that bullied me in my school.finally I am leaving all of you to go and be with my parentsI thought in my head.what hurts me the most was that I couldn't do anything to bring justice to my parents.i was weak and useless.tears rolled down my cheeks.

    I have made up my mind to take my life after today instead of going to that dungeon where mateless people stayed to serve punishment for the rest of their lives.

    The chairman cleared his throat.'since you aren't speaking young lady,I will mark you as mateless,sign here so you will be taken to the dungeon."he said to me and I took the pen to sign,I was signing to be taken to the dungeon but in my mind.i was signing my death certificate.i was saying goodbye.

    Good byeI muttered in my head.

    Chapter 3

    After signing,I was about to be given the mark of the mateless when I heard a loud but intoxicating voice.

    Stop!the person said in a loud voice.

    Everywhere was filled with murmurs,I looked up to see my savior,the person who wanted to stop me being marked mateless.

    It was Nicklaus King, my childhood crush and my cousin's boyfriend.

    He has finally noticed me, maybe he loved me head was filled with stupid imaginations.I was so overwhelmed with happiness.

    He walked up to us, looking me in the eyes, his face was expressionless.This was the first time I stood so close to him ever since I was born.

    I was so happy,I was smiling like a fool.I arranged my hair perfectly and straightened my dress so I would look attractive to him.

    Wait a minute,why am I so happy right now,I must be stupid,I should be wondering why he was here.

    So Nicklaus King,what brought you here?why did you stop me?the chairman asked.

    I stopped you because she is not mateless, she is my matehe announced and stared into my eyes.

    If this was a dream,I don't want to wake up,what did I just hear right now?I couldn't believe my ears,did he just say that I was his mate.I pinched myself to know whether I was dreaming but I was not heart was about to burst into know the feeling when the person you love turns out to love you too.that is exactly how I felt.

    Everybody was murmuring, some people were making harsh comments.some were staring daggers at me.I didn't care,the only thing I cared about now was that I found my mate and he turns out to be the person I have been crushing on since I was little.

    I saw Ivy staring at me with hatred,I saw my aunt too staring at me like she would kill me.

    I saw Janet smiling at me, she was so happy.fightingshe whispered.from where she was standing,I knew what she said through her mouth movement.

    FightingI whispered back smiling.I saw Dave,he was smiling too but there was a hint of pain in his eyes and I knew why.

    Dave always loved me since we were kids,he even asked me out but I refused saying he was like a brother to me and that was true,Dave was like a brother to me and that didn't stop us from being friends though.he still had feelings for me till this day.

    I saw that unfamiliar woman who gave me her handkerchief. She was smiling at me too.Who is this woman?

    I decided to stop thinking about any other thing and focus my attention on my mate.



    "What are you saying, Nicklaus King,are you sure about this?You know the consequences of your actions.

    The chairman asked him as he couldn't believe his ears.

    How could a powerful person like Nicklaus be mated to such a lowly girl,he couldn't believe that this lowly omega standing before him would become the future Luna of the most powerful pack in the community.the chairman stared at Aurora with disdain.

    Why would I lie about her being my mate,I can feel the connection now,she is my mateNicklaus declared as he touched Aurora and the spark erupted from their skin.matehis wolf whispered.

    Aurora felt like fainting,was this really happening?Am I dreaming?


    Aurora'S POV.

    Everywhere was now noisy when he confirmed about me being his mate for the second time.

    I could see Ivy crying profusely and her mother was hugging her.seeing them,tears threatened to fall from my eyes.I wish my mother was still alive so I could shed tears of joy In her arms.

    So you are mated to Aurora Wilson,the chairman asked again.

    Yes,but I have something to sayNicklaus heart skipped at his words.why do I feel that something was off about him,why do I feel that this is not going to be good news.

    He came closer to me,his beautiful sea blue eyes staring into my hazel eyes."I

    Nicklausander King, the future Lycan King of the Silver moon pack, rejects Aurora Wilson as my mate."he declared and my world came crumbling down.

    My worst fear has come to pass,tears trickled down my cheeks,I couldn't speak,no word could come out from my mouth,I was speechless,I tried to speak but I found myself staring at him like a fool.

    I could see the chairman smiling,I could see Ivy's face beaming with happiness, everyone in the hall were happy except for two people,Dave and Janet .

    Dave was clenching his fists in anger.I couldn't see that strange woman again, maybe she left. The chairman was smiling wickedly.

    Why were people so wicked?What would he gain from my despair?It's not like his daughter will become Nicklaus's mate,what would he gain ?

    Why did you reject Aurora as your mate?the chairman asked Nicklaus with smiles written all over his face.

    My heart ached at the question.just why should he ask him that question.Today was not a mating ceremony for me but my disgracing heart was aching into pieces,my soul was tearing apart,my whole being was restless.I was heartbroken.

    Today was the day I really felt what heartbreak was.

    Nicklaus stared into my eyes to answer the question.the worst part of it all was that he didn't even bother about my feelings,he rejected me in the face like I was just a piece of trash to him.

    What do I expect from a bad

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