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Myth and Lies Exposed: Satan's Attack on Bible Prophecy news
Myth and Lies Exposed: Satan's Attack on Bible Prophecy news
Myth and Lies Exposed: Satan's Attack on Bible Prophecy news
Ebook40 pages31 minutes

Myth and Lies Exposed: Satan's Attack on Bible Prophecy news

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Shockingly a staggering amount of myths and lies circulate Bible Prophecy news than in any other area of Biblical teachings. Satan has launched a serious attack on the reading of the fig tree. So successful is his campaign that Cults have formed within the Evangelical end time watching community. Bible Prophecy is unfolding, that is an undeniable fact. The fig tree that Jesus talked about is beginning to bloom. Yet many Christians are missing the blessing of prophecy's unfolding. They are entrenched in the myths, lies, and cult teachings. All the while they think they are acting as true watchmen. The problem is that there exists no standard in end time prophecy news. This book exposes the myths, lies and cults and where they began, while providing God's standard in the Bible for those in Scripture who dealt with end time prophecies. This book exposes the myths and lies, and sets a standard to help guide the student of prophecy in what to look for in their teachers and to protect them from falling prey to Satan's lies.

PublisherErika Grey
Release dateJun 12, 2024
Myth and Lies Exposed: Satan's Attack on Bible Prophecy news

Erika Grey

Erika Grey is an Evangelical Christian author, prophecy expert, teacher and commentator. features Erika's books, blogs, articles and radio broadcasts. Erika Grey focuses on current affairs, the EU and its relation to Bible Prophecy and issues that effect individuals living in these end times. Within Evangelical circles, Erika Grey is the leading authority on the EU and Bible Prophecy which is evidenced by her exposes and books on the European Union, for which Erika speaks on radio shows across the U.S. Erika Grey hosts "Prophecy Talk" her own weekly radio show on blogtalkradio. Erika is also a member of the Society of Professional Journalists.

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    Copyright © 2020 Erika Grey

    All rights reserved.


    To my father who made this work possible.

    For Bible Prophecy news and analysis and more books visit my website.  For Bible Prophecy Updates on video subscribe to my YouTube channel Prophecy Talk with Erika Grey.


    One third of the Bible's message is prophetic. There are 66 books of the Bible. Thirty-nine are in the Old Testament.  These books are divided into the Pentateuch, twelve historical books, five poetic, and seventeen are prophetic. The books of the prophets divide into Major and Minor Prophets. The New Testament has twenty-seven texts. These include historical books. In addition, there are the Pauline epistles, non-Pauline epistles and one prophetic book.  The Revelation, the last book of the Bible predicts the end of the world events.

    All Prophecy has been fulfilled except those pertaining to the earth's final years recorded in the Revelation.  The signs, which Jesus predicted would lead up to those final days, Evangelicals refer to as end times prophecy.

    The Biblical Books With End Time Forecasts

    The chief books for end time prophecy are the Revelation and the book of Daniel. In addition, Jesus's predictions of the last days found in the Gospels add more details. Prophetic passages also lie within the Major and Minor Prophets. Biblical books such as Genesis, the Psalms, Thessalonians and 2 Timothy have various verses that provide more specifics to the end times prophecies recorded in the major prophetic books.

    What is The Study of End Time Prophecy?

    During Jesus's ministry people questioned him about the end of time on earth. Jesus foretold the signs that will lead to His second coming. He described life just before and during the Tribulation.  In summary, the study of end times prophecy is the study of the earth's final seven years of Tribulation and the decades leading up to the fulfillment of what Jesus predicted for those years.

    How Does One Study End Times Prophecy?

    It is important to understand the books of the Bible before you begin to study end times prophecy and or Bible Prophecy. Familiarize yourself with the books of the Bible as a whole.  From there become knowledgeable with the various teachings of end times prophecy. Consult theologians, a Bible dictionary, and a good online concordance. Be prepared to spend a good deal of time doing your research and study.

    Furthermore, if you will relate the forecasts to

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