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Strange Scriptures That Perplex the Western Mind: Clarified in the Light of Customs and Conditions in Bible Lands
Strange Scriptures That Perplex the Western Mind: Clarified in the Light of Customs and Conditions in Bible Lands
Strange Scriptures That Perplex the Western Mind: Clarified in the Light of Customs and Conditions in Bible Lands
Ebook196 pages1 hour

Strange Scriptures That Perplex the Western Mind: Clarified in the Light of Customs and Conditions in Bible Lands

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Delve into the intriguing world of biblical interpretation with Barbara M. Bowen's Strange Scriptures That Perplex the Western Mind. This enlightening book offers readers a comprehensive guide to understanding the cultural, historical, and linguistic contexts of various biblical passages that often confuse or perplex modern Western readers.

Barbara M. Bowen, an esteemed biblical scholar and educator, provides a detailed exploration of scriptures that seem mysterious or contradictory when viewed through a contemporary Western lens. By shedding light on the ancient customs, traditions, and idiomatic expressions of the times, Bowen reveals the true meanings and profound wisdom contained within these passages.

Strange Scriptures That Perplex the Western Mind covers a wide range of topics, including enigmatic sayings, puzzling parables, and complex metaphors found in both the Old and New Testaments. Bowen's accessible and engaging writing style makes these ancient texts come alive, offering readers new insights and a deeper appreciation for the richness of the biblical narrative.

The book is organized thematically, making it easy for readers to navigate and find explanations for specific passages that have long puzzled them. Bowen's thorough research and thoughtful analysis provide clear and concise interpretations that bridge the gap between ancient and modern understanding.

This book is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the Bible, whether they are students of theology, clergy, or lay readers. Strange Scriptures That Perplex the Western Mind not only clarifies confusing passages but also enriches the reader's overall comprehension of the Bible's message and its relevance to contemporary life.
Release dateJun 14, 2024
Strange Scriptures That Perplex the Western Mind: Clarified in the Light of Customs and Conditions in Bible Lands

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    Strange Scriptures That Perplex the Western Mind - Barbara M. Bowen


    © Porirua Publishing 2024, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electrical, mechanical or otherwise without the written permission of the copyright holder.

    Publisher’s Note

    Although in most cases we have retained the Author’s original spelling and grammar to authentically reproduce the work of the Author and the original intent of such material, some additional notes and clarifications have been added for the modern reader’s benefit.

    We have also made every effort to include all maps and illustrations of the original edition the limitations of formatting do not allow of including larger maps, we will upload as many of these maps as possible.






    Salute No Man by the Way 12

    Go Not From House to House 14

    Suffer Me First to Bury My Father 15

    The Lord Hath Made Bare His Arm 16

    He Shall Dwell Between His Shoulders 17

    Thy Youth Renewed Like the Eagle’s 18

    The Eagle Stirreth Up Her Nest 19

    And David Danced Before the Lord 20

    Bathed His Feet With Tears 21

    Water on the Hands of Elijah 22

    Cursing the Fig Tree 23

    Lying at the Feet 24

    Bring the Veil Which Thou Hast Upon Thee 25

    The Wringing of Milk Bringeth Forth Butter 26

    Quails 27

    Bosom 28

    Anointing 30

    Ashes 31

    Whited Sepulchres 32

    Coals of Fire 33

    Selah 34

    A Covenant of Salt 35

    CHAPTER 2 — WOMEN 36

    Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman? 36

    A Contentious Woman 37

    The Ointment of the Right Hand 38

    Two Women at the Mill 39

    Graven on the Palms of My Hands 40

    Thou Wast Not Swaddled at All 41

    Weaning of a Child 42

    Lost Coin 43

    And She Painted Her Face Making Her Eyes With Paint (Hebrew) 44


    Seamless Coat 46

    Garment Not to Be Taken in Pledge 47

    Sackcloth 48

    They Enlarge the Borders of Their Garments 49

    Coat of Many Colours 50

    Now We See Through a Glass Darkly 51

    A Good Name is Better Than Precious Ointment 53

    Veil 54

    Saul Lay Sleeping 55


    Her Clothing Is Silk and Purple 56

    She Took a Veil and Covered Herself 57

    Mine Horn Is Exalted in the Lord 58

    With Their Loins Girded 59

    Round Tires Like the Moon 60

    A Gold Chain About Joseph’s Neck 61

    I Put a Jewel on Thy Nose 62

    Thy Signet, and Thy Bracelets, and Thy Staff 63

    Ornaments of the Feet and Legs 64

    Beds and Bedchambers 65

    My Children Are With Me in Bed 66

    Israel Bowed Himself Upon the Bed’s Head 67

    A Cottage in a Vineyard, a Lodge in a Garden of Cucumbers 68

    A Lamp in Jerusalem 69

    I Will Pour Water on Him That is Thirsty 70

    Broken Sherd 71

    Rings 72

    I Will Make Thee As a Signet 73


    Take It for Nothing 74

    Go to the Ant, Thou Sluggard 75

    They Make Broad Their Phylacteries 76

    The Sabbath Was Made for Man 77

    A Writer’s Inkhorn by His Side 78

    He Wrote on the Ground 79

    A White Stone 80

    Little Children 81

    Hands of the Masters 82

    Kicking Against the Pricks 83

    "Iniquities Like a Heavy Burden 84

    I Cast Out My Shoe 85

    As Trees Walking 86

    Redemption of the Purchased Possession 87

    They Comfort Me 88

    A Bruised Reed 89

    White Asses 90


    Sit Down in the Lowest Seat 91

    Oh That I Had a Lodging Place 92

    The Key Will I Lay Upon His Shoulder 93

    The House Top 94

    They Uncovered the Roof 95

    A Strong Tower 97

    Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet 98

    Rachel Took the Images 99

    Bed 100

    Bottles 101

    Cruse of Oil 102

    CHAPTER 7 — FEASTS 103

    Use Hospitality One to Another 103

    Dipping the Sop 104

    Calling to a Feast 105

    Table or Scamba 106

    If His Son Asked Bread, Will He Give Him a Stone? 107

    Go Ye Into the City, and There Shall Meet You a Man With a Pitcher 108

    So Shall He Sprinkle Many Nations 109

    Arab Hospitality 110

    Eaters of Barley Bread 111

    And They Sighed for the Cucumbers 112

    His Birthright for a Mess of Pottage 113

    CHAPTER 8 — FIELDS 114

    The Grass of the Field 114

    While Men Slept, the Enemy Sowed Tares 115

    Bread in Bible Lands 116

    Parched Pulse 117

    Ruth Gleaning 118

    Thou Shalt Not Remove Thy Neighbor’s Landmark 121

    They Shall Still Bring Forth Fruit in Old Age; They Shall Be Fat and Flourishing 123

    Hyssop—Zufa 124

    The Snare of the Fowler 125

    Elisha Plowing With Twelve Yoke of Oxen 126

    Weights and Scales 127

    He Drinketh Up Scorning Like Water 128

    A Bag With Holes 128


    She Covered Him With a Mantle 129

    The Needle’s Eye 131

    Maniacs in the Tomb 132

    Christ Three Days and Three Nights in the Heart of the Earth? 133

    Superscriptions on the Cross 134

    Impure Bible Stories 135

    David’s Sin 136


    In the Gate of Samaria 137

    The Seat of Justice 138

    An Artificer in Brass and Iron 139

    And They Fetched the Carved Image 140

    And Hiram Sent Masons 141

    The Carpenter Encouraged the Goldsmith 142

    Took Bread and a Bottle of Water 143

    Go Down to the Potter’s House 144

    Vessel of Mercy 146

    Vessel of Wrath 147

    A Clean Vessel 148

    A Chosen Vessel 149

    Holy Vessel 150


    That Perplex the Western Mind




    STRANGE SCRIPTURES—That Perplex the Western Mind


    How often have you thought, Just what does this or that passage mean? You are sure there is a wealth of meaning hidden in it, and yet it is veiled from your complete understanding.

    The Bowens traveled in the Holy Land and became familiar with the customs, way of life and thought concepts of these people of Bible Lands. By so doing they found that various passages took on poignant meaning not clear to the Western mind. The light they received they are sharing with us in a series of books to which this one belongs.

    Palestine has changed very little since Bible times. The people reason thus, What was good enough for father Abraham is good enough for us.

    She washed his feet with tears. What an exceedingly precious expression of love—tears from her tear bottle! Yet we ourselves would never sense the full significance of this act without help such as this book affords.

    Did you know that the children who mocked Elisha were really grown men?

    What is a broken sherd? What image does the snare of the fowler conjure up in your mind? Vessels of honor, and dishonor?

    Unless you know what kind of mirrors they used in Bible days, you will never get the full significance of now we see through a glass darkly.

    First-hand knowledge of archaeology and Bible lands and times gives you this informative handbook.

    Strange Scriptures that Perplex the Western Mind




    Bob Jones University, Greenville, S. C.


    to the companion of all my journeys,

    my partner in work and study,

    my husband,

    Frank Henry Bowen


    Frequently after our lectures on the land and the people of the country of our Lord, people have requested us to bring together in a book some of the customs and thoughts and ways of these people that appear strange to us.

    Palestine has changed very little since Bible days, the people are chiefly Ishmaelites and dress, eat, live and think as their ancestors did. They live this very primitive life because their parents and grandparents for a hundred generations have lived so.

    They say, Our father Abraham lived as we do, what was good for him is good for us; what was good enough for yesterday is good enough for tomorrow.

    A better understanding of their lives, their homes, their dress, their work and their ways of thinking will help us to comprehend many Scriptures that now appear strange.

    This small book contains nothing new, but brings together information on many customs differing so widely from those of our part of the world that we hope it will help Sunday School teachers and young people to a little better understanding of some parts of THE BOOK.


    Strange Scriptures That Perplex the Modern Mind



    Salute No Man by the Way

    (Luke 10:4)

    JESUS is sending out the seventy, two by two, into every city and place where He himself would come. He tells them that the harvest is very great but there are few

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