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Bleeding Hearts: The Simpson Family, #1
Bleeding Hearts: The Simpson Family, #1
Bleeding Hearts: The Simpson Family, #1
Ebook189 pages2 hours

Bleeding Hearts: The Simpson Family, #1

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About this ebook

Amelia Watson wishes she could do something about her current predicament. However, nothing can be done to chnage the situation. She's back in her hometown, Hope Ville Island, after eleven years away in Australia. It was eleven years of loneliness and tugging emotions. She knows how much she isn't needed in Hope Ville. She hurt the people who loved her. Technically, they dislike her. 

Especially, Blake Simpson. 

Even though she knows she'll be working with Blake for the next couple of weeks, Blake has no idea he has a new editor. An editor he hates with every fiber of his being.

Amelia will keep her emotions at bay, work with Blake and then head back to New York. Where she belongs.


Blake Simpson is happy and content with his life. The Lord has blessed him abundantly and he'll forever be grateful. He has a successful career as an author of Christian fiction, a good comfortable life and a family that adores him dearly.

When his editor, Clare, informs him he'll have a new editor, he looks forward to meeting her. The last thing he expects is the editor turning out to be Amelia Watson. A woman who betrayed him. A woman who shattered his heart into pieces. A woman he had hoped to never cross paths with again.

And now she's back as his editor.


Two best friends reuniting after eleven years.

Two hearts bleeding incessantly.

Will Amelia let go the past and have a second chance at love? Will Blake open his heart for Amelia again? Will Blake's heart stop bleeding in fear and attach itself to Amelia's heart which is bleeding in agony and...hope?


Release dateJun 14, 2024
Bleeding Hearts: The Simpson Family, #1

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    Book preview

    Bleeding Hearts - J P Calloway


    All rights reserved . No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    As well, this work may not be used as training for any AI program. Any references to historical events, real people or real places are used fictitiously.

    Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination.

    Edited by E W Sanders

    Cover illustration and design by B J Courtney

    A Note from the Author

    Dear reader,

    Hi. I hope you’re doing well. You had the choice to pick any other book yet you decided to purchase this novel. Thank you so much. Welcome to Hope Ville Island, South Carolina, a small island town, full of lovely residents. Let’s dive into this haven of love, hope, faith, second chances, new beginnings and so much more.

    I hope you’ll enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. Have a pleasant time reading the book. God bless you.

    Enjoy the book.

    Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc. ™

    Mathew 6: 14-15- For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive you.

    (Man. God. Woman)


    Eleven Years Earlier

    Blake Simpson jotted down the last sentence of a novel he’d been writing for the past one month.

    Finally, he uttered, feeling the pleasant sensation in his heart. Crossing his arms against his chest, he leaned back in his chair.

    A novel that had been stuck in his mind for the past three years was finally complete.

    Not really. It was the first draft.  

    Lord. It’s what you gave me three years ago, what had been stuck in my head that long and I’ve finally written everything down.

    The words slid through his head. A smile crossed his face. It still felt surreal that he’d finally written his first ever novel.


    His heart stuttered against his chest.

    He saved the document in his google account before getting out of his seat. A thought of sending a text to his best friend, Amelia, who was also his girlfriend, crossed his mind. No. This was something he should share with her, face to face. Not on phone. He wouldn’t call her. He’d rush to her house, which was only five houses down the street, and Blake was sure she’d be so proud of him.

    In fact, Amelia was the one who had prompted him to write the novel. He’d abided by her words on one condition.

    She’d be the one to edit the novel.

    They’d both graduated from University of Iowa last year. Blake with a degree in creative writing and had already enrolled for the masters program, and Amelia with a degree in English. Blake had a dream to be a published author and was on the track toward achieving the dream. Amelia had already applied for a job in different publishing houses. Blake was positive she’d get a response soon.

    Whatever come may, he’d support her through her career. They would flow together, each of them treading a different path, but in the same industry. Even if it was leaving Hope Ville to either of the big cities; New York, Chicago, Boston, they’d move together and visit their home often. Wherever they went, Hope Ville Island would always be their home. Blake felt sure about that. They loved the town like their life depended on it.

    Blake walked out of his room and headed downstairs. The house was empty. Glancing at the clock on one side of the living room, he realized his mother would be home soon. It was half past five. Six thirty always found her in the house preparing herself to make dinner for the family.

    Blake’s mother, Hailey Simpson, was a dentist at Simpsons Of Hope Hospital, here in Hope Ville, a hospital she started with his father, Gabriel Simpson, ten years ago.

    A light smile lifted at the corner of Blake’s lips. He’d never know how on earth he was the only Simpson sibling who trekked a different path. His siblings were in the medicine world. Liam, the eldest, was a neurosurgeon intern at a hospital in New York. Phoebe, his elder sister, studying in John Hopkins to be a general surgeon. She’d be done with her studies and ready to practice in two years’ time. Samantha, who had been adopted by Blake’s parents when she was eleven months old, a freshman pursuing a nursing degree in Stamford. And Gordon, the baby of the family, eight months younger than Samantha, a freshman in the University of South Carolina, studying to be a dentist. Just like their mother, Hailey. His father was a neurosurgeon and currently at a conference in New Delhi, India.

    A family of health practitioners. Except Blake.

    Blake smiled at an elderly couple as he strode on the sidewalk toward Amelia’s home.

    Blake. A woman called from the other side of the street.

    Oh. Hi, Kathy. He waved at the middle aged woman, one of his mother’s close friends.

    Is your mother back from the hospital? Tried to call her but her phone keeps going to voicemail.

    Sorry. Not yet. Maybe if you check the house in the next forty minutes.

    No worries, hun. I’m sure she’s busy saving lives.

    Yap. Could be.

    With a wave of her hand, the woman turned and entered her house.

    Blake reached Amelia’s house and was surprised to find the door locked. Amelia rarely left the house. And if she wasn’t at her home, then she was with him in his bedroom reading and studying the latest Christian novel by one of their favorite authors.

    He knocked twice but no response came. Blake held his phone out of his pocket and called her mother, Rose Watson.

    Blake. Hi. Her voice seemed heavy like she was bothered about something.

    Hi, Rose. I’m at your house but the door is locked. Silence. Rose.

    A heavy breath sounded on the line, raising his heartbeats high a notch. Come to the library. I have something for you.

    On my way.

    Blake climbed down the porch steps and began running toward the library. His heartbeats increased in pace with the speed of his legs carrying him toward the library, and the apprehension that had conquered his whole body. It’s like his heart already knew what was awaiting him at the library.

    Lord. I hope it’s something I can take care of.

    Blake took eight minutes to reach the library, a twenty minutes’ walk distance from Rose’s house. He stormed into the library, the bell jiggling furiously at the sudden forceful intrusion. Luckily, Rose was at the counter, alone.

    Rose. He leaned his arms against the counter, his breath coming out in short gasps. Where is Amelia?

    This had to do with her. Her message for him had everything to do with her. And his heart couldn’t stop shaking in trepidation. He just hoped by the time he left the library, his heart would be at ease and at peace.

    With a faint smile, Rose reached into the drawer and held out an envelope. It was neat and closed.

    From Amelia. Rose said, placing the envelope on the counter.

    Blake stared at the envelope before glancing up at Rose. Where’s Amelia?

    He was losing his patience.

    On a flight to Brisbane.

    Brisbane? His eyes narrowed in disbelief. It’s like this was a prank. But knowing Rose clearly, she couldn’t come up with something like that.

    Brisbane? That was a city in Australia. On the other side of the world.

    I don’t understand what you are trying to say, Rose. He uttered, grasping the envelope from the counter.

    A customer appeared and Blake had to step aside. Gripping the envelope with a shaking hand, he walked to one of the couches and sat down. He looked at Rose who was busy attending to the elderly woman. Blake retrieved a piece of white paper from the envelope. The handwriting was clear. It hadn’t been written in a hurry. Amelia’s handwriting.

    Amelia. His voice was low as he read through the letter, his hands shaking, his heart thudding against his chest. Blake didn’t know everyone’s eyes were on him. Why? His voice rose lightly, attracting the attention of those who hadn’t noticed his uneasiness. Rose quickly moved out of the counter and rushed to the couch. Why? Two drops of tears escaped his eyes. Slowly trekking down his cheeks. Soon after, a cascade of tears followed suit, as his fingers continued shaking, his eyes rereading the words. Words that crashed his heart into endless smithereens. Why? Amelia, why? Why?

    The paper dropped on the floor. Rose held the paper and quickly read through the words. She was unable to hold back a tear from slipping out of her eyes.  

    Why Amelia? Why? A loud rumble coming from within Blake’s heart. A loud voice that reverberated beyond the walls of the library.

    Blake. Rose pulled him into her arms and he sagged against her chest, whimpering, the witnesses contemplating what could be the contents of the paper that had caused a twenty one years old man to wail. It was like a poisoned arrow had been pierced through his heart.

    Why? Blake asked in a low voice, looking at Rose teary-eyed, his heart burning in pain.

    Rose wished she could answer him. She wished she could give him the response he needed. The response he wanted. But she had none. She too didn’t know why her daughter had left without a word to anyone.

    Blake pulled away from Rose and slid to the floor. The letter moved from one hand to another, one pair of eyes to another, until it was back on the coffee table.

    It’s going to be okay, Blake. A female voice.

    Everything’s going to be okay. Another voice.

    You’ll be fine without her, lad. He wished he could believe the older voice.

    Pain. Betrayal. Anger. Hate. A series of emotions he could feel spreading through his veins to his broken heart.

    Life would never be the same again. Without Amelia. His best friend. His girlfriend. The love of his life. The woman the Lord...Blake closed his eyes tightly. Hate fueled the burn in his heart.

    Blake’s heart was burning to ashes.

    Chapter One

    Present Day

    Her heartbeat sped up with each passing second. She gripped the steering wheel, pleading with her heart to calm down.

    ‘WELCOME TO HOPE VILLE ISLAND. A haven of peace and love.’

    Amelia Watson read the words on the hoarding, a myriad of emotions filling her heart.

    Then if that’s the case. I believe you have unfinished business in Hope Ville.

    It’s what her boss had said to her when she’d explained why she couldn’t be given the assignment. She’d hoped Clare would rethink her decision and hand the task to another editor.

    It’s going to be okay, Amelia. Only two weeks and we’re back in New York. She said to herself, looking on the rearview mirror at the bridge that connected Hope Ville Island to mainland Charleston.

    Amelia could feel the sensations in her heart. Even though she’d been in the country for only five days since she’d received the letter in Melbourne, Australia, from Skyward Publishers headquarters, requiring her presence in New York immediately, she hadn’t thought this was the task the company wanted her to do. Clare would retire next week and that meant her authors had to be handed to another editor. And one more thing, Amelia. Before you step on a plane back to New York, make sure you’ve made things right with those you left behind. Her heart had stuttered in her chest.

    How would she make things right yet she was certain those she'd hurt hated her with every fiber of their beings? And to make matters worse, the person she’d hurt the most, breaking his heart into irreplaceable pieces, was her client. He was the man she’d be working with for the next two weeks. 

    Blake Simpson. Her ex-boyfriend. Ex-best friend. A man who despised her.

    Her heart shrunk inside her chest. There’s no way on earth Blake would be happy to see her. Impossible.

    A light smile spread on Amelia’s face. She was happy for him because he’d achieved his dream. Blake was a successful author. She had read all his books. They were interesting and inspiring, and she was proud of him.

    Would he be proud of her when he found out she too had achieved her dreams?

    Nope. One of her dreams.

    She had a couple more she hadn’t achieved yet because of the actions she took eleven years ago.

    Eleven years.

    It had been long since she’d left Hope Ville. Maybe he’d already moved on. Maybe he was married with a child or children. She didn’t know, but would soon find out. And even if he was married with a beautiful wife who loved him so much, it didn’t matter. She’d still be happy for him. He deserved to be happy. She just hoped when he saw her he wouldn’t look at her like she was his enemy.

    Amelia slowed down Main

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