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Moments and thoughts
Moments and thoughts
Moments and thoughts
Ebook46 pages35 minutes

Moments and thoughts

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About this ebook

Short story collection with thoughts of everyday things, life, death, emotional growth, relationships, family, friends and relationships with others.

PublisherJenny Fikke
Release dateJun 13, 2024
Moments and thoughts

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    Moments and thoughts - Jenny Fikke


    To my future readers.


    You look so much better today      Pg 1

    The Cat       Pg 7

    The Bee       Pg 11

    The Grandmother’s Path      Pg 13

    The Fishing Trip       Pg 18

    Just Like My Mother       Pg 21

    Little Bird         Pg 23

    Pure Joy        Pg 25

    The Words of a Book        Pg 27

    I am Tired        Pg 29

    The Codependent        Pg 32

    Trust Your Intuition        Pg 35

    I Wish        Pg 39

    What The Hell Happened?       Pg 41

    The Fixer        Pg 45

    Having People Who Care       Pg 48

    Guard Your Inner Peace       Pg 51

    Me The Farmer        Pg 53

    Interpreting Your Dream   Pg 55

    The Raven      Pg 57



    Thanks to all the people and situations that have helped me grow spiritually.



    Reaching in, I dragged the bag out of my car and walked up to the truck that was left there loaded and waiting for me. I drove it to the ferry in the harbour where five semis' and a garbage truck were placed for me to drive onboard. I had started this job only a few weeks earlier. I will tell you a secret, I had never been on boats before. The ferry was doing a thirteen-hour circle back here. Two stops on islands outside the tip of the Lofoten mountain range in Northern Norway. It was summer and only a temporary job for me, the rides I had done so far had been in fantastic weather, with tons of tourists clicking their cameras at the wonders of the midnight sun and Norway's beautiful scenery. The sailor who sold tickets to the people who stood in line to embark without cars stopped by my truck window.

    It is supposed to be bad today. He told me.

    How bad? I asked.

    Storm, we have to tie down the trucks on the car deck after you drive them on.

    Alright... I said, but Inside I was thinking Oh my god!

    I drove all the semis and trucks onboard and watched them tie them down with huge flat straps. Stressed I had forgotten to eat, which is not what you should do in a storm on the sea. But I didn't know any better. An hour out I started getting nauseous but didn't know what to do about it. I walked around, and random people gave me advice.

    Go out on the deck, get some fresh air, it will help.

    I looked at the door to the deck... it swung open, and I saw the whole ferry float up and down. I thought that if I go out there, I will slide across the deck and fall in. Plopp

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