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Saved By My Mate's Twin Brother: My Brother's Mate
Saved By My Mate's Twin Brother: My Brother's Mate
Saved By My Mate's Twin Brother: My Brother's Mate
Ebook184 pages2 hours

Saved By My Mate's Twin Brother: My Brother's Mate

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Again, he is fucking another woman.
"Easy, Dawn," I sit on the edge of the bed, my hands clasped in my lap, trying to soothe my wolf.
Nathan, our mate, and our tormentor, has laid with another tonight. Not for the first time...
Ally endured the torment of the mate bond nearly every day- her mate kept fucking different women. She had to bear it for the sake of the entire pack's hope.

Her unborn child and the support of her best friend kept Ally going. However, when she discovered that her best friend was also one of the many women who had slept with her husband, it shattered her.

In a confrontation with her friend, Ally was pushed into the sea, causing her to lose her unborn child. With her last hope gone, she considered ending her life but was saved by her mate's twin brother...

Release dateJun 14, 2024
Saved By My Mate's Twin Brother: My Brother's Mate

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    Saved By My Mate's Twin Brother - Primrose Moon

    Chapter 1 Torment

    Ally's POV

    Again, he is fucking another woman.

    Easy, Dawn, I sit on the edge of the bed, my hands clasped in my lap, trying to soothe my wolf.

    Nathan, our mate, and our tormentor, has laid with another tonight. Not for the first time. It's a betrayal that slices through us.

    Ally, Dawn's voice falters in my thoughts, Why does his betrayal cut so deep?

    I press a hand against the glass, the chill seeping into my skin. I don't know, I whisper back, my voice barely audible even to myself. 

    And then, it's as if the floodgates open, and the despair we've been holding back crashes over us. For a moment, it feels as if I'm drowning. My knees buckle, and I slide down against the windowpane, the sobs tearing from my throat echoing Dawn's mournful cries within. One thing brings me calm though. 

    I trace the outline of my belly, the gentle swell a reminder of the life Nathan and I created. 

    Little one, I murmur, I'm here, I promise.

    Memories wash over me relentlessly. Two years ago, I stood by Nathan's side, a bride cloaked in white, my heart brimming with naive hope. That first night, though, he shattered all illusions of tenderness. His touch, meant to be loving, was a force that bruised my flesh and spirit alike. The pain, the humiliation- it imprinted on me, leaving me to face it every day. 

    Ally, Dawn growls softly, her voice a threadbare whisper of resilience. We have to keep going.

    I know, I reply, the words tasting bitter on my tongue. Keep going, keep going, it'd all I can focus on, it gets me through every insult I have to swallow, every tear I have to hide. With Nathan's true nature hidden behind a mask of regality, I'm left bearing the weight of his true self.

    Months have turned into years, and now, with our baby growing within me, Nathan has lost all interest and finds his pleasure in others. I've become accustomed to the scents of different she-wolves, the scents that linger long after he's returned to our bed. 

    We have to survive Ally. Our cub needs us strong, her voice barely a whisper.

    I sit in the darkness of our room, the silence punctuated only by my ragged breaths. The portraits on the walls stared down at me, mocking me. I rise slowly, the motion deliberate, borrowing all the strength I can from having to survive. Each step I take is a silent reminder of the resilience that has been forced upon me.

    I have to be strong, I whisper, For my child.

    The door creaks open, and a sliver of light pierces through the darkness, announcing his presence. Nathan's shadow looms over me as he stands on the threshold, the familiar scent of power and rage clinging to him like a second skin.

    Ally, his voice rumbles- a low command that chills my blood. I feel him before I see him, the weight of his desire pressing down on me. My name is not a term of endearment but a method of summoning, he wishes to be served.

    Yes, Nathan? My voice barely rises above a whisper, a shaky note betraying my nervousness. 

    Come here. The order allows for no argument, and I push myself off the bed, my limbs heavy with fear. Dawn whimpers inside my mind, her pain mingling with mine, a twisted harmony of suffering.

    The scent hits me as I approach- the acrid sweetness of another woman's perfume, it's sweet almost like wildflowers, a reminder of his betrayal. It wraps around Nathan like a fog, and I fight back the bile rising in my throat.

    Kneel, he instructs, and I comply, the cold floor biting into my knees. He steps forward, and his scent engulfs me, the stench of infidelity suffocating me. I don't need to look up at him; I know the usual look of smug satisfaction is etched on his face.

    Open your mouth. His words are soft, but they carry a threat of violence, a promise that has been fulfilled many times before. Obediently, I part my lips, and he guides himself to my mouth, a grim ritual played out in silence.

    I close my eyes to fight against the revulsion that claws at my insides, trying to focus on anything but the taste of him- anything but the scent of that woman. I can almost see her, a pale image woven from the threads of fragrance and sin, her laughter echoing in my hollow heart. 

    Good girl, Nathan murmurs, the twisted praise a knife to my already defeated spirit. I keep going, my movements are mechanical, the act a mere transaction. 

    Who is she? Dawn's question is a silent howl within me, but I refuse to say it out loud. To acknowledge the other women would mean we would have to admit that we are less than nothing to the man who vowed to cherish us.

    Focus, Ally, I tell myself, my mantra to survive this moment and all the moments that will inevitably follow.

    Enough, Nathan finally says, pulling away with a satisfied grunt. He doesn't see the tears that I blink back. He doesn't care for the hollow ache he leaves behind. He turns and walks away, leaving me on my knees, a discarded plaything on the floor of the room that once signified our love.

    Chapter 2 Celebration

    Ally's POV 

    Today will be different, I murmur to the silence, more out of habit than anything else.

    I need to prepare for the evening's national celebration. It's not just any festival; it's a showcase of power, of unity under Nathan's rule. My role is clear- uphold the image of the devoted Luna. 

    My hands tremble as I select a gown- emerald green to complement my hair, lavish enough to honour the occasion yet modest enough for a queen.

    Ally Cardenas, I remind myself of the name I was born with, a name that holds the remnants of a life untouched by Nathan's cruelty.

    I am ready to take my place in the opulent hallways of the palace, to perform for an audience who are blind to the truth. My parents and brother will look upon me with pride and ignorance, unaware of the price their Luna daughter pays for the peace they cherish.

    The door creaks open, and a figure looms on the threshold- a guard dispatched by Nathan. Her Majesty will not be in attendance at the celebration tonight. The voice is detached, devoid of emotion, and as cold as the decree it delivers.

    Excuse me? I freeze, fingers knotted in the fabric of my dress. 

    King Nathan has decreed it so. You are to remain here, confined to your quarters. The guard's eyes, a dull steel grey, offer no sympathy. 

    Confined? But why? My voice cracked, the plea was barely audible. 

    These questions are not mine to answer, Luna Ally. The guard steps back.

    The door shuts with a resounding thud, sealing my fate. I sink to the floor, my mask crumbling instantly. 

    Tonight, the kingdom will celebrate, but above them, in the solitude of my luxurious prison, I will mourn the life I once knew and the freedom that slips further from my grasp with each passing hour.

    I press my palm against the cool glass where I seek refuge and a stolen glimpse of the world below. 

    The world swells with life, a vivid tapestry of colour and sound unfurling beneath the setting sun. The Luparian Kingdom celebrates another year of false unity and prosperity. My heart pangs with a longing so giant it feels like claws scraping inside my chest. There they are- my parents and my brother James, wrapped in finery befitting their status, their strides confident as they join the throng of guests arriving for the evening's festivities.

    My mother wears a gown of midnight blue that makes her silver-streaked hair seem luminescent. Father's broad shoulders are draped in a cloak that shows his power and pride. And James... James looks every inch the future Alpha he is meant to become, his expression one of barely concealed disdain for everything around him, including, I suspect, me.

    I draw back as Nathan makes his entrance, the crowd parting before him like a sea. His presence commands attention, his charisma a veneer that hides the brutality of his reign. Then I see Nathan's new mistress, clinging to his arm with possessive glee, her laughter a sharp noise that cuts through the rest of the crowd.

    Where is Luna Ally? A voice rises above the noise, curious and tinged with concern.

    My gaze locks on Nathan as he pauses, his face a mask of concern he sculpted with lies. My beloved Ally is unwell, he announces, and the crowd murmurs with sympathy. She sends her deepest regrets for not being able to attend tonight's celebration.

    She presses closer to him, her hand boldly sliding up his chest. The audacity of her touch sends a ripple of shock through the onlookers, but it's the smirk she aims at a space- an invisible target- that stirs the whispers. They speak about me without speaking, their gossip a noose tightening around my neck.

    Such a shame, the Luna missing out on such an occasion. The words, dripping with insincere pity, reach me even here, in my place of exile.

    Nathan's arm encircles his mistress's waist, pulling her flush against him in a display that borders on indecent. They laugh together, revelling in the attention, to the scandal they are causing with every brazen gesture. As I watch, transfixed, the last remnants of my dignity bleed away, leaving behind a raw and hollow ache.

    A tear escapes my eye, tracing a hot path down my cheek, and Dawn whimpers within me, her distress a mirror of my own.

    The floorboards creak, a symphony of old wood lamenting the weight they have to bear. I curl tighter into myself, a ball of misery tucked away in the dust and shadow of the attic. My breaths come out in shuddering gasps, each one fighting through the tightness wrapping around my chest.

    Ally? The voice is soft, a whisper, so soft I can barely hear it over the sounds of celebration. 

    Elliot. Why is he here? 

    Elliot, I choke out his name in confusion. He steps forward from the dimness, his presence a stark contrast to the cold surrounding me. His eyes, a stormy grey mirroring Nathan's, hold none of the cruelty of his brother's; instead, there's an ocean of compassion within them.

    Shh, no more tears, he coaxes, kneeling before me. Elliot Chambers, the forgotten twin, the quiet shadow to Nathan's blinding light.

    Ever- my voice breaks, Why are you here?

    I... I worried about you, he murmurs.

    I flinch at the reminder of the party I was barred from, the humiliation Nathan has put me through. Elliot reaches out, hesitating mere inches from my skin as if afraid contact might break the fragile state that I'm struggling to hold onto. 

    Please, I beg, Don't...

    His hand retreats, and he nods, understanding- or at least pretending to. I thought you might need a friend, he murmurs. 

    I don't exactly have friends. I choke out in reply. 

    Ally, not everyone in the Luparian Kingdom is blind to your suffering. His voice is a balm.

    Your kindness will get you killed, I tell him, the warning raw in my throat. Nathan's wrath knows no bounds, and Elliot isn't exempt from his twin's brutality. Go, I whisper, turning away. Enjoy the celebration.

    Heat rises to my cheeks, I can't bear the weight of his gaze.

    Please, I plead again, my voice trembling with the effort of holding back fresh tears.

    Be safe, Ally, he says, his voice as soft as it was when he arrived. 

    Chapter 3 Betrayal

    Ally's POV

    After Elliot left, I went back to the window. 

    Nathan is clinging to his mistress. His hand rests on her lower back a touch too intimate.

    Can you believe her audacity? Not attending this party, a voice hisses.

    Shameless, but the she-wolf Nathan is holding is even more so, another replies.

    A breath hitches in my throat, and just as I'm about to drown in this sea of murmured cruelties, Poppy materializes amongst the crowd.

    Enough! Her voice slices through the chatter. 

    The mistress recoils, her eyes wide with shock, unused to being challenged. The crowd parts for her like the Red Sea, respect and fear mingling in their hurried steps. How dare you stand where the Luna should be standing. Poppy shouts, she turns to Nathan, her eyes blazing Where is she?

    Nathan hesitates then replies, In our bed chambers.

    She runs from there and I lose sight of her until she materializes behind me.

    Ally, Poppy whispers, her emerald eyes soft and kind. You need a break from this suffocating place.

    I nod, still reeling from listening to her defend me. She throws her arms around me and I sink into them, craving the comfort she offers. 

    Come with me to the seaside tomorrow, she urges, her tone

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